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There was a lot of waffle they're that made no sense.
He says earlier that William was being fed rubbish by people in his office about Meghan - obviously that was the bullying allegations. I don't want to lay all the blame at her for but she's clearly a massive part of the problem. She did behave badly and he can't accept it.
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A 40 year old man is telling the world about his life to date. And it's all he said she said, broken necklaces, dog bowl, flower girl dresses, lipgloss, ripped jeans, conspiracy theories and frozen penis ... What a pathetic waste of space.
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House of Tea

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The book is so bizarre, the level of detail so unnecessary, it’s like his enemy wrote it for him.

Feel so sorry for William and Charles. They now have to stop all contact with Harry because they don’t know what he will reveal from any future interactions. But they love him. You can tell William is worried for him and that comes over in the frustrated way he talks to Harry. Harry is an unpleasant and unlikeable brat, but he veers into madness for me. Taking revenge is one thing, but actually blowing yourself up in the process are not the actions of a sane man. If Meghan did know the contents of this book she is either less intelligent than she appears, is fucked up herself or she I knows that this gives her an excuse to bail at some point. Look judge, look what I am dealing with, read the book.
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Bride of Lupine

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It doesn’t _matter_ how popular he was/could have been/could yet be though. It wouldn’t have made the slightest bit of difference if he and Meghan came out higher than W&K in public polls of favourite members of the RF. It wasn’t ever a contest – William had already won by simply being born first. Popularity means nothing – it isn’t a presidential system. The heir takes it all. There really isn’t any point in him ever coming back. He’d end his life being a very bitter No. 10 or lower in a country where his hated William reigned as monarch. Tough shit. Build your own life with what is available to you; don’t covet someone else’s destiny
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WTH Harry saying he used all the laughing gaz at the maternity ward and Meghan couldn't have any as he used it all. What a mockery of a husband. How did he think it was a good idea at that time and then while writing his memoir how did he think that was a funny story to tell? I can imagine the stunned faces of the healthcare staff seing this manchild.

It's like he has no filter and his ghostwriter took advantage of it. What does it bring to his narrative to inform the reader that he wetted his pants the day he met Meghan (if that is true, it looks like a parody)? We all have shameful moments but you don't share them to not gross out people and because of something called "privacy"? Do you imagine Obama or Mandela giving those kind of details in their memoir? But that's maybe because they have valid topics of interest to share. Harry thought he was on this kind of league but his book shows the opposite. It's like Meghan thinking it was smart to say in that interview that a south african man told her that in South Africa they danced in the streets like they did when Mandela was freed. Maybe that guy said that, mabye he didn't, who knows, but how did she thinks that was sth to say in an interview?
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What difference would giving up your titles make?

Well Harry, how about proving that you can go it alone and don't need the institution and family that you rant against and supposedly hate and are so evil. Why if they're so bad would you want the titles? Surely you want to be free of that world? Have the courage of your convictions like your cousins have, and other worldwide RF

I'd say the question actually is, why DO you WANT those titles still?!
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I don’t see it myself, I see him as a jealous, spoilt brat that didn’t get what he wanted so he’s going to try and ruin it for others. Even if he were suffering PTSD it doesn’t give him the right to destroy others MH, which no doubt he has done and is doing with his constant vitriol. To wrap him in bubble wrap is allowing him to continue to hurt and destroy others which should never be acceptable.
I feel really sorry for William after reading the latest articles. He just sounds desperately worried about Harry. And Harry is writing about these events as an example of William being wrong or unable to understand him but all he's doing is making William sound better and himself sound like a blind fool.

And what is this about?

But he does recall happy memories of growing up with William and them blasting partridges on a shoot in Spain.
Harry added: “But now I saw that even our finest moments, and my best memories, somehow involved death.Our lives were built on death, our brightest days shadowed by it. Looking back, I didn't see spots of time, but dances with death.” He described Windsor Castle as a “tomb, the walls filled with ancestors” and Tower of London “held together with the blood of animals” adding, “maybe we were a death cult”.
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Chatty Member
Family members served with him and he had a ‘bodyguard’ when he went on patrol. A solider who sadly took his own life talked about it in an interview too. He was really protected out there. More so than anyone else.
I know someone who served with him. He spent a lot of time on his trail bike, wasn’t allowed bullets and they were told if there was an incident they had to protect harry so 10 years of expensive baby sitting risking others lives so he could play at being a soldier. Then a few years later write a book which included his time as one thus endangering his country and family.
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Someone on Reddit has done a summary of a few recent royal books, of note on Andrew:

  • He insisted on more support, more acreage in hotels than any other member of the royal family. When he went to Davos he had a bigger chalet than everyone else, and everyone went, ‘Why?’ His sense of entitlement was off kilter.”
  • He had always received much more of her attention than his siblings... his classmates found him big-headed, arrogant, and deluded about his own intelligence. He experienced more coddling than Charles.
  • His decreasing relevance to the Crown drained his vitality and self-esteem.
And on Harry:

  • Harry seems to be QE and Charles' favorite due to his spare status.
  • Harry became a commissioned officer at Sandhurst just months after William graduated from St. Andrews. It pleased Harry no end that his older brother would have to salute him.
  • QM left 14million to H & W, with more going to H as he was the spare and wouldn't have money like W.
Same mistakes in both of the spares.
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Jesus Christ 5 minutes in and saying he’s fleeing for his families life. They had one of the best security services in the world watching over them.
To the country where 6 year olds have access to a gun to shoot their teacher 🙄
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He's lifting the veil on the RF which takes away the mystique. He's only shown them scrapping and falling out with himself though and that's understandable in my eyes!

I don't believe that she'd have a given up a chance to wear a tiara that was associated with Diana on her wedding day. There's something missing with that story.
I agree. When Meghan wore her second “wedding” dress for the reception she made sure we all saw that she was wearing Diana’s aquamarine ring. If she could have worn the tiara Diana wore on her wedding day then she would 100% have worn it.
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Carry on here folks ... can't be doing a recap because that would take up the next 52 pages :ROFLMAO:

The biro was a nice touch though.
so, you got a ropey, thoughtless Christmas present, Harry.
Join the club.
I got a dishcloth once from my gran. It was from a pack of 2. My cousin got the other one.
it is now family lore … we got more fun from that than anything else.
Don’t the Royals give joke gifts at Christmas anyway? So a biro would be in keeping with that?
I always thought the Royals gave each other crap presents at Christmas. Maybe it's a bit much to give a kid a biro but Harry needs to let go of some things. Any wonder he's the way he is when he can't let go of anything.
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How can William and Charles ever have a relationship with Harry going forward after he has revealed so many conversations, including their secret code? There can be no trust there at all now.
For all Harry’s moaning about leaks and briefing against him and Meghan by the various other palaces it has never veered into this personal stuff.
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You would have to be an absolute idiot to announce you’ve killed x amount of Taliban members, or have a death wish. It has to be the most stupidest thing Harold has said to date and if I were one of his security team I would quit my job. He clearly knows little about how the Taliban works if he thinks bragging about his kills was no big deal.
I’m also shocked at how little, if any legal involvement there’s been to scrutinise this unprofessional/immature book before it was released, especially considering the comments made about other members of the royal family without any proof (just like the Oprah circus). Until KC takes serious action against Harold he will continue, spoiling him as child created the monster he is today.
Harold is an utter prick and along with his wife and children he will be a target for the Taliban for the rest of his days, I also feel very sorry for the families that have to live near them, or have children that go to school with their children who will also now be at risk.
I can’t imagine he‘ll be welcome at the coronation now it would be too much of a security risk.
Harold has really done it this time, I can’t see him ever repairing all the damage he’s done to a family that clearly had his back, as they managed to hide what a truly vile human being he is from the public up until fairly recently.
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Re the baby brain comment, it's just a bit insensitive and loaded isn't it? It's like, if you really mean no malice then saying something along the lines of "oh don't worry about it, you've just had a baby/you've got a lot going on, it's fine" is a lot nicer than "oh it must be your hormones, you've got baby brain".

As many have said, they clearly weren't close and it sounds like there had already been some issues so it certainly sounds like it was said with meaning, and not a flippant comment.

Also it's a full circle thing, if you're saying someone's hormones are affecting them, then chances are their hormones are going to impact how they take that comment!

Unless you're close or know each other well, comments like that are best avoided imo.
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“I’m not going to share what I would say to him”… you literally say at the start of this book that you’ve written it to explain to them.

He wants his cake and to eat it too. I hope William never goes into the same room as him ever again. Harry is toxic.
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When he says "they don't want me to be happy, they're angry that I'm happy". Who exactly is he referring to? British public? Press? His family? He seems such a bitter person.
He will never be happy. Claiming he is now is a total lie, otherwise why would he have done this?

Happy people don’t do this.
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House of Tea

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Re the hug thing. Narcs lovebomb. It’s how they reel people in. Kate has a reserve about her, plus she is used to people treating her with a certain amount of respect. The fact that a stranger hugged her and she wasn’t altogether gushy back isn’t someone who is cold, just not used to being treated with such informality at the first moment of meeting. Meghan is a narc. She didn’t like her “warmth” being rejected because it meant she couldn’t love bomb.
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Chatty Member
He always gets so close to being self aware, and then chucks in ‘it’s THE MEDIAAA’ at the last minute. Harry! His therapist surely can’t be encouraging this scapegoating to this degree.

example - acknowledges that Charles and Camilla went through hell, acknowledges that Will and Kate went through hell, BUT refuses to see that him having the same experience isn’t some unique attack in him, but rather a symptom of the bizarre system.
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