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It’s not sympathy for the Taliban, it’s recognising the majority of them aren’t soulless monsters that we should take pleasure in taking out. They’re young men that have maybe watched their whole family be raped and murdered and now need to find a means for survival, or boys that became the family provider and need to find a way to feed their mum and sisters. If they had any other option they wouldn’t be part of it.
Like any war, the people that started it aren't the ones who end up suffering and most of the casualties are victims of circumstance rather then evil monsters.

Have the papers published all the juicy bits now? They've definitely had time to get the whole book translated by now but we've heard nothing about the Sandringham summit or Canada or America or Oprah or Prince Philip's death.
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I liked Diana but she was no saint.
I think a lot of Harry’s problem is that he still views Diana as a 12 year old does. He sees Williams flaws. He sees Charles flaws. Because he sees them through an adults eyes. He views Diana through a child’s eyes, as this glamorous woman who waltzes in and out of his life.
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Since when has baby brain been offensive? It isnt! I'm neither a Meghan or Kate fan but if it's true Kate had a bitch fit over "baby brain" she's as much of a silly little girl as Meghan.
It can be hugely offensive if it's not said by someone your close with and in a rude belittling way.
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This was my thinking too.
These yachting stories are nonsense. If they were true the RF would know all about it AnD have vetoed their relationship. I say this, having first hand knowledge that Pippa’s previous boyfriend (whom I worked with) was investigated and security checks run on him before they were officially an item.
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Bride of Lupine

Chatty Member
The Queen is very much to blame for all this playing favourites. Good parents/grandparents don’t do that.

I’m not one who believes she was all that as a monarch either, but even so, she was a much better Head of State than she was head of family. A lot of the mess over the decades could have been avoided if she and Phillip had been emotionally wiser.
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I think the reason Harold has now come out defending Susan Hussey was William got a lot of backlash from the public for not having her back but after the racist accusations from H&M on Oprah‘s circus, William was stuck between a rock and a hard place on how to handle it and no doubt like a rabbit caught in headlights.
As I’ve said before anyone who’s had the misfortune of a narcissist in their life will see H&M for the narcissists they are, it’s their children I feel so sad and sorry for.
Also if Harold can make such heartless/cruel comments about others appearances, including his own brother in public, imagine how vile and low he will stoop behind closed doors, he’s quite the nasty, bully boy.
His not exactly an oil painting himself, William is not as good looking as he was in his 20's but he beats Harry.
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Bride of Lupine

Chatty Member
Tbh, I DO realize (male) primogeniture is shitty. I was the firstborn in a farming family but of the ‘wrong’ sex. My youngest brother would have made a great farmer but no, another boy was born in between us. It all went to him – our beloved home, our grandfather’s main focus of attention, everything to do with family history (although he couldn’t care less and I’m the historian. The documents have to stay in situ though, for future generations of the main line – his). You can either be bitter about it or accept it as the way of the world and be on your way.
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He never said there was racism in the RF and neither did Meghan?? Is that what he said? My TV flickered.
But he maintains there was concern about Archie's skin colour.
Yet, a few weeks ago they accepted an award for fighting racism within the RF.
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VIP Member
Exactly! Could you imagine if Trevor Engelson wrote a book and divulged that Meghan’s growler was hairer than Lorraine Kelly’s 😜 and that even David Bellamy would struggle to find it in the undergrowth? 😱 There would be uproar, and rightly so. Yet it is acceptable for Harry to reference William’s genitals?
Their hypocrisy is off the scale.
Book 2 we're going to find out that Willy's foreskin insulted Harry which is why Deity Diana had it chopped.
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I can't believe they're rowing back on the racist royal. It was the biggest take away from Oprah. Why didn't he say at the time that that wasn't what he meant when the whole world was calling the RF racist and speculating on who it could be.
Because Meghan twisted it into something it never was to suit her narcissistic needs and it backfired and now they’re trying to play it down without losing face.
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What's he hoping to achieve with all the constant admissions of drug taken. To look cool? Admitting to taking drugs two years ago with a young child upstairs is perfect amo should meghan ever want a divorce. Legal or not.

A good lawyer wouldn't need to work hard to spin a case for her.

Assuming he still takes them it could help explain his decline and paranoia. They aren't harmless in people who have mental health issues
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I find it hard to believe in their love story. I know that opposites attract, but intellectually, she is so far above him. I honestly don't know how she puts up with him. It's her best acting performance yet.
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Boring Monday

VIP Member
He and the publishing house probably made sure not to quote too much directly and keep it to relevant parts that are discussed. That’s what went wrong with the letter and is the biggest reason they won the lawsuit.
But who is he to say Kate didn’t cry? Charlotte cried. And I can absolutely see a women being 4 weeks postpartum crying as well simply because of the stress and frustration of the situation. Same for M. She had a lot of stress and pressure. At least one has the realisation it was an unnecessary argument. My guess, she expected not just a don’t worry about it but also an I am sorry too. By the way, are you ok? How are you holding up after baby? Is everything going smoothly?

I also don’t get his story about W&K and M. They religiously watched Suits and he humble bragged they might want an autograph of M. But they also didn’t like her because of Hollywood? What is it? That’s the couple that has been more than once criticised for loving to rub shoulders with Hollywood. I won’t forget how smug he mentioned that he thinks no one would have thought him capable of bagging someone like her. Those two feed of each other in very unhealthy ways sometimes. Not saying their love isn’t genuine. But there are always more underlying things at work in choosing a partner. He obviously wanted someone similar to his mother or at least on the same humanitarian path. How is that any different (read better) than W wanting someone to fit into his predetermined life? Both couples clearly love each other in their own ways. But it seems the Stallion is incapable of rationality when it regards himself.
I think he keeps flogging the bridesmaid dress dead horse because he can’t understand how everyone isn’t saying ‘oh poor Meghan’ rather than the ‘is that it … sounds about par for the wedding stress course’
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VIP Member
Genuine question, and not in a snarky way - how comes people thing Meghan wants a divorce? It seems like she’s on easy street right now, I wouldn’t have guessed she wants out just yet
If Meg was worried about their safety before because H&M believed Diana was murdered, when had she have worn a seatbelt she’d most likely still be alive today, it’s nothing compared to Harold announcing his Taliban killings. Before his security team would be protecting them from maybe the odd nut job knife, or a gunman. Harold has just upped it to suicide bombers, it doesn’t get much worse for him or Meg and family than that.
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Does anybody else, rather than just hating on him, just feel it’s so unbelievably sad and tragic that a young boy experienced SO much trauma that, even with access to the very best medical care, this utter self-destruction could not be prevented? I just don’t know where he goes from here, where he CAN go. He’s had so much therapy yet here we are. It must be heartbreaking for Charles Spencer who publically vowed over Diana’s coffin to take care of her boys. I’m not blaming him; sometimes even everything isn’t enough. It’s all such a tragedy and will be awful for Archie & Lili whichever limited number of routes is taken next.
I do feel a certain amount of pity for him too, but less so than I used to. He has definitely been enabled by various sources, and it appears anyone who dares question him gets shut out. People have to take responsibility for their own actions too, plus he wasn't the only one who went through it. In fact William had it slightly harder due to the age he was when all the books etc were released and being his mother's emotional crutch at a young age. William had to mature and fast.

Charles Spencer is all talk, he did his grandstanding at the funeral and then did very little the rest of their lives.
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Chatty Member
I'm not sure about a recap, but I'm still waiting for:

What exactly was the dog bowl? Must have been made of fine bone china to break when Harold sat on it.

Why are there no photos of willy in the leopard print leotard? Maybe you could wipe the internet of things back then, but they must still be floating around?

Was it a pearl necklace that snapped?
The dog bowl was from IKEA. Apparently, according to Harry in this very book, that’s all he and Meghan could afford.

I think the necklace was Harry’s balls in a Suits branded vice. A wedding gift from Meghan.
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VIP Member
I don't think you can call Kate 'uptight with no sense of humour' because she was offended by Meghan saying she had baby brain. :rolleyes:
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