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Did Harry forget he'd done so many interviews/what he said in each one? I've just watched the GMA interview and he's now talking about how much compassion he has for Camilla and any deal she may have made with the press she only did because was "led to believe" it was the only option. He also reiterated his "I would support the commonwealth in the future" line... is he going on TV to beg his Dad for a job?! This is the problem with lining up so much exposure in one go, it's very easy for people to track your lies and you have to be 100% sure to keep your story straight...something Harry seems incapable of
Harry has no proof of what he’s saying, just as in the Oprah interview. He’s using it as an excuse for his despicable, bullying behaviour to his family, who he knows can’t answer back. He’s like those cowardly bullies at school who pick on someone weak because they haven’t the balls to pick on someone who will give them as good as they give back, I detest people like that.
And as for Harold saying something along the lines of…..if he has a conversation with his brother and father in the future to mend bridges he hopes it will stay private, he’s got some nerve! I’m not a violent person but I’d make an exception for him if he ever came near me again, I’d see him as a chess piece and knock him off the board. I’d never give him another chance if I was William to hurt him or his family again. If that’s what Harry calls loving his family it’s a love they can do without.
I hope William gets help to cope with all his brother has done to him and so publicly, as it must have broken his heart and even from Harry’s own mouth most of us can see that William loves Harry and must be at his wits end with all this, on top of recently losing his grandparents, I would be broken if I were in William‘s position. Harry is beyond despicable.
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He really is a nasty piece of work
I can’t believe he has the audacity to say that he loves his brother deeply after AC read out that specific sentence (a sentence that HE wrote) about William’s looks.
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I think he came across better in the first half. The second half was a bit jumbled, throwing blame at everyone else and his answers weren’t clear, he struggled to take on any push back from Tom, even laughed in his face a few times.
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I think it’s just the traumatic way in which she died but as the secretary took out the gory photos I can see what you mean. I think maybe it’s the shock of him being so open about it, normally these things aren’t discussed in British society (and maybe that should change).
I’m so sorry to hear about your brother ❤
Thank you ❤
I agree Diana‘s death was tragic and could have been prevented and as you say death is not something that‘s often talked about especially so openly. I’m not sure it would help if we did, as it’s not something you can really prepare a child for without frightening them and hopefully most children won’t have to face losing a parent, or a sibling at a young age. Had I not been in a similar position I‘m sure I’d be shocked to read, or hear Harry say that. Death is such a difficult subject and having lost my brother when I was a child it made me want to protect my children from death as much as possible, for as long as possible as daft as that might sound, as it changes your life forever. I think it makes what Harry is doing, especially to William even more uncomfortable to witness.
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Chatty Member
She's hardly going to want Harry around for his sparkling company and intellectual conversation.

She's raised her profile, she doesn't need him anymore. He must be a nightmare to be around. Anyone that actually cared for him wouldn't allow him to continue on such a destructive path. She doesn't have the iq of a gnat like harry does.

I'd be surprised if they're still together by the end of next year. "I saw the red mist descending in his eyes and had to protect myself and the children.."
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Still on Anderson Cooper. He briefly touches on Meghan's suicidal thoughts and Harry being afraid of history repeating itself. AC asks about giving up the titles and said that people are going to say why are you sharing private conversations you had with your father and brother? He said he's tried to do this (not sure what this is referring to) privately but there's briefings etc every single time. Harry would never leak against his family but now he's trying to speak a language they understand by speaking for himself and not using an unnamed source that would feed into a tabloid media that would radicalise it's readers and potentially cause harm to his family, wife and kids.

This argument is very weak! Did he think the tabloids weren't going to report on his book even if it hadn't been leaked before launch? This is a very poor justification for exposing private conversations and personal information about Charles and William.

Jeremy Clarkson is next up. That idiot played right into Harry's hands - what he wrote is shocking. Harry even says thank you for proving our point! I'm with Harry on this one. No response from the palace and silence is betrayal.

He's manipulating the truth with his account of the Queen's death. If you weren't aware of what happened you would think that Kate went up to Balmoral and that Harry missed out on saying goodbye because he wasn't invited on the plane.

Onto his relationship with Charles and William - haven't spoken in quite a while but he can be fixed with a private conversation that won't be leaked. AS says they'll probably say that Harry could leak it in an interview somewhere. Harry's reply is that this all started with them briefing daily about his wife with lies to the point where he and Meghan had to run away from his country. Says that they would still be a family if it weren't for the British press. He looks forward to having the relationship with his family back. It's all he's ever asked for. Ends here on Harry look v sincere!

I'm not buying this part. Even if they were briefing, they weren't doing it daily. They'd want to have very fertile imaginations to brief a story every day. And the running away talk is completely over the top.

The interview I watched was only 26 minutes long. Am I missing a bit or does 60 mins have 34 minutes worth of ads?
I thought when Harry said William and Charles called him delusional it could have been about his theory they were leaking so much. I don’t doubt they leaked and briefed against him, but I also don’t doubt he did the same back, him and Meghan quite literally helped to write Scobie’s book and that’s been proven in a court of law, but I don’t believe they were constantly briefing. I think a lot of leaks are more likely from staff. You pay staff £40-£50k in London, treat them like shit whilst dressing in outfits that would pay their rent for the year, you don’t think a few of them are gonna take a few thousand cheeky pounds from the tabloids for a story or 2?
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What’s this Tower of London and animals’ blood business? Make it make sense.
Poor Harry grew up surrounded by death don't you know. He looks back now and even though he was having fun at the time he realises he was surrounded by death in the very walls of the castles he lived in. Not that he lived in the tower of London but why let that ruin his tale of woe.
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The other thing I wanted Tom to ask was did Harry and William ever say they didn’t want to walk behind the coffin. He says they were told that was the decision
Harry didn't have to walk. Prince Philip said he would walk with him if Harry walks. Worried Harry may regret it later in life if he didn't walk.
If they told Harry he couldn't walk, he would have complained bitterly that they allowed William, the heir and not Harry, only the spare
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If I knew Harry and was his friend, I would be extremely worried that he was going through a mental health crisis. I’m not saying this is a dramatic, ‘he’s mental!!’ way but I’m a genuine way. I really think he is unwell. The therapy he’s been getting someone mentioned it’s from a person or team who thinks they can cure cancer. I’m wondering if he’s been sucked in to having non conventional therapy that is actually more damaging than helpful. If he wrote these stories as a teen or in his early 20s you’d understand the anger, but he’s meant to have gone through therapy but I see no evidence of it? He’s obsessed with his mother to a worrying extent and his attitudes to William and Charles verge on paranoia and conspiracy theory.
At the start I thought it was quite amusing but the more he talks, the more uncomfortable I am finding myself.
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As much as some parts of Harry's book are cringeworthy , so is sudden sympathy for talibans.;):cool:

Harry admitted he once yelled at Meghan, and she told him; i won't put up with such tone or something similar. If he wrote that he hit William first, Morgan and Clarkson would probably call for him to be extradited to UK.
There is no way of proving they were purely Taliban Harold killed, some could have been innocent civilians. I don’t know of any decent soldier with morals that would brag/make public his/her killings. Harold is clearly not trustworthy and should never have had the power he did within the military, nor should he have any involvement with Invictus Games going forward, his presence would be putting too many innocent lives at risk.
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I do believe that there is truth to what he's saying, but that's the issue isn't it. It's one side of the story. The other side we probably won't hear because the royals tend to stay quiet. I like that he's reiterating that it's the British press.
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So further down the pecking order but top for entitlement
It makes sense, really. Both Andrew and Harry have been reported as the Queen's favourites, which in itself can lead to some messiness of entitlement.

I think the concept has always been that the heir to the throne should learn to be responsible, learn proper decorum, and generally be prepared to be the ceremonial head of state.
The next down the chain has the benefit of freedom - they have all the privilege, money, and opportunities, but are held to a lower standard of behaviour, and their excesses are excused. Instead of keeping their worst behaviours hidden (as the heir is expected to generally manage) they can be a little wilder in the public eye.

Unfortunately, that freedom is hard to see as yet another privilege when your intellect is set by generations of inbreeding, and when you've got neither the empathy nor the experience to recognise how much better you have it than almost everyone else.
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The whole timing of his epic time is misplaced. We are all suffering the effects of huge price hikes and we have had sucker punch after sucker punch over the last few years. We are facing a General Strike, food banks are commonplace. And yet this pampered manchild thinks including stuff about sleeping in small bedrooms or growing up in draughty stately homes are appropriate gripes for these times.

Incidentally, one of the Times article says that the racism and royal family issue which has not been revealed is possibly being held back to be revealed in Meghan’s book. Yes, we have that litany of woes to look forward to as well.
Yesterday I watched a tvprogram about people that fled Belarus, Iran and Russia because of their respective repressive regimes. How Harry can compare his experience of leaving the UK to those who have to go to safety to not end in jail or being assasinated?
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I don't think you can call Kate 'uptight with no sense of humour' because she was offended by Meghan saying she had baby brain. :rolleyes:
I think Kate has turned herself inside out to become what the Royal Family want (which means she probably is uptight and quite controlled) and couldn't quite understand someone who turned up and refused to accept any of the conventions and rules of the family. But if you want to marry into an institution like the Royal Family, you do have to do what Kate does, otherwise you need to leave, not try and change them, because the whole thing needs to be overhauled in such a fundamental way that it will never happen. Any change will happen only at the will of the one at the top, and even then, at a snails pace. Not someone who isnt anywhere near the line of succession and his new wife.
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Jesus Christ 5 minutes in and saying he’s fleeing for his families life. They had one of the best security services in the world watching over them.
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House of Tea

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Also, saying someone has baby brain is a bit gaslighty. It’s a calm down, you don’t know what you remember or said. It’s to change the situation to your advantage type of statement. Kate’s white knuckles on a chair shows how frustrated she was with the pair of them. She probably thinks, the audacity!
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