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House of Tea

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How on earth could they have got this so wrong. They could have had a fantastic life if they dropped their aspirations to be global leaders and get their revenge on the RF. They are a couple of swell heads, they really think a lot of themselves. Meghan has hitched herself to a dud. She had something about her. Now she just looks silly. She married a prince and has ended up with a frog.
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Mmm I’ll ok I ll
2 were recorded last week I think and the other 2 are going to be live or at least recorded after the book leaked so I hope the questions will be tougher. It's getting harder for interviewers to just ask him the questions he wants to be asked surely?

They weren't written by Harry anyway!

I doubt the questions will be tough or live. I’ll absolutely come here and apologise if I’m wrong. The whole problem with Harold is he has never heard the word no. He’s spent his whole life surrounded by bowing sycophants - the minute he doesn’t get his own way, he turns into a petulant toddler. Bonnie Langford style - give me what I want or I’ll squeam and I’ll squeam and I’ll squeam. (Showing my age). Boy he is screaming at the mo!

I never thought I’d say this but I feel sorry for Meghan. She’s tied herself to a pathetic man child. They could have done so much good. Raised awareness for causes, travelled the world charming everyone in their path. They could have been the modern anti stuffy royals they supposedly wanted. Turns out their only currency now is moaning and surely with ever diminishing returns.
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Can't believe we're talking about baby brain and bridesmaid dresses and frostbitten penises. Barring his army days, which ended 10 years ago, it just shows how little of note these people actually do on a daily basis.

However if it's a choice between hearing about baby brain or his exciting role as a CHIMPO, I'll take the baby brain, thanks.

Lets be honest at this point if Harry said its raining and someone said 'yes but it's going to be sunny later' He'd take offence to that!
And then he'd take offence to your reaction to his reaction.
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Was just thinking of Charlotte and George. Will they be asked when they will come back to school if that's true that their dad fought with their uncle? Grown-ups might be hurt by the content of the book but at least they are adults. The kids didn't ask anything. Plus, this kind of physical altercation would be something that you would prefer to not talk about to your young kids as parents - maybe when they will be grown-up but not now.

But I guess Harry's pain is more important than the feelings of anyone else.
H and W always said they were teased due to Diana's interviews. H has now just brought this into the new generation. His kids and William's kids will be teased for years. They don't need to know about their dad/uncle's tender penis or mounting a women in a field
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I think the reason Harold has now come out defending Susan Hussey was William got a lot of backlash from the public for not having her back but after the racist accusations from H&M on Oprah‘s circus, William was stuck between a rock and a hard place on how to handle it and no doubt like a rabbit caught in headlights.
As I’ve said before anyone who’s had the misfortune of a narcissist in their life will see H&M for the narcissists they are, it’s their children I feel so sad and sorry for.
Also if Harold can make such heartless/cruel comments about others appearances, including his own brother in public, imagine how vile and low he will stoop behind closed doors, he’s quite the nasty, bully boy.
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Let's be honest nothing is gonna come from this Taliban stuff. It's just another angle for the Mail to get people frothing.
Pen Fathing has had to flee his home and the donkey sanctory and Anjem Choudary is spreading more hate using it. Stuff has already come from this and it being repeated in news across the world is endangering peoples lives right now. Lets not minimise what this has stoked up by bringing it to the headlines again!
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I think I only saw half the cooper interview. I just came across this clip on twitter where he explains further about how he didn't say the RF are racist.

Cooper misquotes completely what was said on Oprah to make it sound a lot more innocuous then they did at the time.
how can he possibly blame that on the press? His wife said it, not the press. I re-watched the clip today. She 100 per cent suggests the family were racist for 1) wondering how dark Archie would be and then 2) they suggest Archie wasn't given a title because he's black (never mind that he's 75% white)

And , god, that upward inflection when he speaks is annoying. has he always done that?
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After a somewhat purple-prosed confession of how he used to fancy some of the younger matrons at the prep school, he recounts how he used to take great satisfaction out of tormenting another, Pat.

He explains how Pat did not ‘make us horny’ on account of being short and unattractive, ‘not much of a thing, always with a tired face and greasy hair’.

She had a deviated spine and her knees were so stiff she had to descend the stairs backwards.

You might have thought, given Harry’s self-declared sensitivity, that this difficulty would elicit some sympathy from him.

Far from it. Instead, he stands at the bottom of the stairs and does ‘mocking little dances’ and ‘makes faces’ at her discomfort.

It was bad enough to do it at the time without describing it in his book now. I bet he's used her real name and all.
So much for preaching kindness. Endorsing bullying, who'd have thought it? 🤔

How many people have seen this book and decided that stories like this were a good idea?
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Harry would have known both his grandparents were terminally ill, yet he hardly bothered to visit them when they were still alive, apart from seeing the Queen at the Jubilee and he didn’t exactly make their last years/months easy with his endless attacks and the Oprah circus, so it’s a bit late for him to try and play the victim where either of his grandparents are concerned.
It’s really no wonder William‘s at his wits end with him. William has had to watch both his grandparents health decline and no doubt been there for them as much as possible and carry on his duties. Whilst Harry has been busy plotting and stirring his cauldron of hate to profit from.
How do you ever forgive your sibling for doing that, especially when their grandparents were there for them when they lost their mother, especially PP. I would struggle to live with myself and hurt like hell if I’d behaved like that, yet Harry seems happy to continue playing the victim.
My Uncle and his wife were a shit to my Grandma when she was alive but even more so when she was dying. It absolutely broke her heart and she was already going through enough. I’ve never forgiven him and won’t ever tbh. Personally on that alone I think William is in his right to never speak to Harry again. To put his supposedly “much loved” grandmother through this in her final days. Nah man. Tells you everything.
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Chatty Member
I found it genuinely sad when he not only revealed the family's sacred, never to be abused code regarding Diana, BUT ALSO that he didn't even believe his brother in evoking this code to tell him 'I just want you to be happy'.

That is a profoundly broken relationship, when one brother is promising to the other that he wants him to be happy, and he isn't even believed. Harry can't hope for reconciliation while sharing something that depressing to the public. That would take years to heal, and this must have set it back even more.
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On the H&M thread they are saying the ghostwriter quit the book halfway through and Meghan finished it which is why the writing style changes. No idea of the source or if it is true though.
Bollocks, there’s no evidence of that.

Some people sound like they can’t wait for Meghan to leave him and it’s a bit uncomfortable verging on creepy.
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Has someone told him, tell your 'truth' (hate that phrase) and it will clear everything up?

He seems very naive, deluded, ignorant on human behaviour. No emotional intelligence there.
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I’m sick to the back teeth of this crying story. Meghan and Kate both got upset and shed a few tears. OK cool.

The beard thing is weird to me. Why does it matter?

The baby brain comment is likely a simple misunderstanding. A comment that is seen as completely fine in America. Catherine is a bit posh and didn’t like it. Meghan should’ve just said sorry and that be the end of it. There’s no need for any of this shit. It’s a family row that has been blown into the public view because it makes money.
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Boring Monday

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Well, if his intention was to make people feel sorry for William and send people over to Camilla’s side … he’s done a grand job. If it wasn’t, then he’s scored a bit of an own goal.

I admit, I do feel sorry for him for the fact he is obviously so unhappy and troubled … but it is possible to feel that and also feel that he is a grade a plank.

How they come back from this is anybodies guess - if they even can. It’s going to need a lot of diplomacy and forgiveness and from what we know of the RF anyway they’re not qualities they have in abundance.
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If this isn’t a lesson for the future LoS, first thing after the birth of the heir to sort out a vasectomy, I don’t know what is. Every Spare is bound to be fucked up in some way (although in Harry other elements combined to make it the perfect storm).
It is the system thst fucks them up,. Anyone who has children knows that they fight over who has what and what is fair and undaunted. The system of Monarchy means thst one child will always be more important. We have that playing out now, with the ' heir' pictures of The Queen, Charles, William and George, standing together, cooking together etc. It doesn't really matter what the non Royals do with the inheritance children. The palace and the press are already playing ' The Heir' the feisty string sister and the cheeky naughty one' with the Wales kids.I would hope Charles will tone that down, but they don't seem a family who learn from history. More one that fucks up their children then blames everyone else ( including Harry who is a product of that, with a dead motherthrown in.). They are surrounded by yes men, so that's hardly surprising.
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Chatty Member
The Queen is very much to blame for all this playing favourites. Good parents/grandparents don’t do that.

I’m not one who believes she was all that as a monarch either, but even so, she was a much better Head of State than she was head of family. A lot of the mess over the decades could have been avoided if she and Phillip had been emotionally wiser.
This is the best comment on here. People hold her in such high regard. It’s another one of those scenarios where because they’re rich their parenting isn’t allowed to be criticised. By all accounts they were barely involved with their children. Charles has made it very clear he was an unhappy child. That is why I don’t get why he didn’t do something to change it for his kids. All this embarrassment on KC and Williams behalf when KC has been behind some of the most cringey headlines over the years. There’s too much “Harry is to blame” going on. Regardless of anyone’s own personal opinion on him he is no different to the others. William is not some Mr Perfect either. They’re both very spoilt individuals whose parents marriage broke down in such a public way. William should not be running around with other women and Harry should know from his Moms example these kind of interviews never play out how they want them to. There’s 5 more children there that will be going through the same stuff they did.

The Royal Family just never learn!
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That's a big u turn from them. Apparently you can't find the Oprah interview online now though so maybe they think they can rewrite history. I always thought it was bs but their followers are going to be shocked!
I think many of H&M’s followers are going to be fuming that they’ve backtracked on the Archie story and also come out defending Susan Hussey.
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