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Boring Monday

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I don’t think they should invent a job for him, imagine the poor people who would have to work for him and his overblown sense of self importance. He would be a terrible boss, thinking he is all powerful and everyone should be bowing down to him. He has lost his HRH so shouldn’t be anymore important and anyone else working for the RF but will always think he is because he is the queens son and she is ready to indulge him.
I know he’s in his 60’s but it does show how singularly unprepared they are for anything approaching real life for the most part. When the fancy uniforms are locked away, there’s really nothing left except horseriding round the grounds.
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I mean, they're black and white striped cushions on a black lawn chair. That's as ubiquitous as it comes and it really doesn't say or prove much of anything. 🤷‍♀️

But all that aside, is it that the implication is that Lili's photos are staged because she's not real? How does that work? Is it that Meghan and Harry got everyone else to go along with their scheming rent-a-baby plan? To what end?
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i think the pure fact that most of those alleged situations are retold with “I heard” and have no further evidence says it all. The RF has power but some people really over estimate things. If there are pictures they find a way to the surface. Harry and the costume and his balls in Vegas, Virginia and Andrew (and the original is nowhere to be found, still you find it if you search it), William and the girls on his skiing trip, Charles and Camilla’s phone leaks….. there is also really no evidence that the heirs get away with more. If that were the case we wouldn’t have seen the witch hunt and articles about Charles regarding Camilla and Wiliams alleged affair and so on. Not once did we get a complaint or statement.
The tabloids write what they like and they have their own logic as to what will sell. Is there pressure for certain angles or to crush certain stories? For sure. But those stories always find a way.
Maybe Wiliam and Charles are just a bit more careful around who they go crazy with and make sure no photos exist?
I can also believe that the royal institution tries a tad more to keep the heir out of trouble. I mean that’s only logic? In most companies if shit goes down it’s never the really important board and other big players that go - it’s only the expendables. The company would never get rid of the people it needs to survive no matter how shitty they are. Of course a family should work differently, but the Firm doesn’t.
H seems to have a massive problem with distinguishing the private and the professional realm and his position in both. I can see that it’s complicated for all as both are pretty interwoven and that the professional realm impacts the private one in a very unhealthy way. To step back would probably have been a good idea to untangle it a bit. Sadly he didn’t realise that certain perks are the goodie package for taking the bad stuff.
And I will say this- no one forced him to act as if his family was the bestest ever. The family she never had? Charles walking her down the isle? If things were already uncomfortable (as they alluded in the interview) he wasn’t forced to go along with the lie and certainly not to sell
it even further. H exposed himself the most. No one could have come up with certain things if he would have been more careful and thought twice (or asked actually smart people). They are all their own worst enemies.
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Im assuming this is a rhetorical question. 😉
Educating yourself about something requires work, commitment and dedication. It’s soo much easier to turn up in a designer frock, spout a couple of platitudes written by your PR team then fuck off back to the Palace. Especially when your own children are being looked after by nannies and the servants are cooking the tea. She should really stfu and stick to what she’s good at - if we ever find out what that actually is.
She is good at sport. She could have stuck to something she's good at and enjoys instead of blindly doing something she's been told to do. If she promoted girls sports or sport in schools etc, she would be far more credible than turning up with a pie chart that says ' Most people are aware of the importance of early years.
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Someone mentioned how Catherine is a player on the world stage. Excuse me, is she negotiating peace between Russia and Ukraine? If wearing nice dresses and blazers and uttering platitudes is all it takes to be a leader, than frankly...:unsure::rolleyes:

Why didn't she enroll at courses that offer education in mental health and child development? She would be even more relatable to thousands of women who juggle university, Phd and family life.
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I think that Harry was mollycoddled as well- Meghan basically stoked the fires of discontent, but Harry as an adult is also 100% responsible for his own actions and the awful things that he has done as well. I think that William and Catherine will be so very aware of the perils of being the second son for Louis (things will be a bit different for Charlotte as the second child, but a different gender), so they will absolutely want Louis to have his own individual (and meaningful) path in life - they will be desperate for him not to go down the road of the two Windsor second sons before him - Andrew and Harry.
You say about things being different for Charlotte but don't forget what a mess Princess Margaret was.

If they want a role model they should look to Anne.
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Kate definitely lacks a certain air of professionalism. She might be enthusiastic about Early Years, but to say she is doing anything more than bringing public interest is crazy. I mean, supporting it is enough. She doesn’t need the professional background to support but if they want to write her up as knowledgeable than she should most definitely show more or do some university courses undercover to look serious and offer more than platitudes.

I don’t see how H&M are using the picture with the Tindall children? It’s not as if they publicised it? If they want to sue anyone it would be the tabloids printing it. I don’t think they could proof that H&M made the tabloids use it- and if you follow the money than so guess the tabloids paid for it.
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One of the aspects of the Royal Family I really dislike over the years is how so many of them plead poverty. Well they don't use those terms but it comes across that way.Whether it's Sarah Ferguson and her profligate spending and then crying that she didn't get a good divorce settlement, or Princess Michael of Kent saying she could have married a rich man but she didn't and therefore is not doing well. Harry and his disbelief that his father wouldn't be paying his bills in his 30s. Its like they have to mention there lack of money. I often wondered why they do this and whether its some attempt at cos play on their part.
I think it's because they basically don't understand the value of money, because there is no connection between what they do and their lifestyle. It was probably a huge shock to Harry when he saw the bill for his security, or even his electricity bill, because for the while of his life, he'd just done what he wanted without thinking about how much it cost. Even other aristos, if they wanted to fix up their house would have to sell a painting or budget to pay for things, but he Royals just don't have to think about any of that at all.
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Boring Monday

VIP Member
I think the last few days will have highlighted to Harry what a mistake he’s made. His kids are growing up in a $14m prison- they clearly don’t go out to play dates/parks/shops etc as they would have been papped by now. So the ‘normal life’ he craved for them doesn’t really exist.

Meanwhile, the Cambridge kids demonstrated this week that they have a close relationship with their cousins and other family - there was a natural familiarity that can’t be faked by children. We know that W&C trade photos at key events for relative privacy the rest of the time- their life isn’t normal and never will be but at least they get to spend their pocket money at Smiggle.
Or, they go out fine but have restraining orders preventing pictures being published.
I know David Tennant has 5 children but I don’t assume he is keeping them in a cellar because they are never seen in the Sidebar of Shame.
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I’m not surprised about this. I try hard not to be sycophantic about anyone - especially royalty - but I help out with Caritas Westminster sometimes at their night shelters and feeding points for the local homeless community.

They work closely with The Passage, the homeless charity located in the shadow of Westminster Cathedral.

Two of the times I’ve been on duty Prince William has been there too, being comfortably ordered around by a matriarch like goddess of a West Indian lady who has apparently known Prince William since he was a teenager and gave him lots of kisses and pinched his cheeks.

I was too chicken/busy to say anything to him, however, he seemed to work hard and was lovely to the clients, most of whom seemed oblivious to who he was.

I’m sure lots of people do ‘a lot of great work for charidee and don’t like to talk about it,’ but one of the nights I was on I saw him asked to mop up an unfortunate and smelly ‘incident’ and he just got on with it. He also got ticked off by a clueless member of the public for ‘encouraging vagrancy’ by helping out and he gave them a right look. A sound person, I think.

People who are really charitable don't brag about it e.g. Jeremy Beadle, George Michael and now William from what you're saying. 👍
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Oh ❤👑 She’s amazing! Whatever the royal family may or may not be, you can’t deny that the woman has given her life to duty and service with grace and dignity. We’ll never see this again.
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Boring Monday

VIP Member
I‘m ancient so can remember when she suffered her miscarriage (as it was reported at the time) and her subsequent fragility. I also remember reading several reports that she was known as ‘mad Kate’ by certain members of the royal family. F.....g charmers.
Yes … because having to have a termination that you didn’t want to have in the first place (hadn’t she had German Measles) followed not 2 years later by a stillbirth won’t affect a person at all. Back on the bike and open that supermarket, woman.
The milk of human kindness has certainly curdled in some quarters hasn’t it
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Boring Monday

VIP Member
It was pre recorded. I imagine had she been in attendance she would have appeared after they'd run that clip, bit like when she parachuted into the Olympic ceremony and then took her seat.
I see what people mean about the CGI but I think that may have been to do with the Paddington character.
It was lovely and tapping her teacup was the best thing I've seen in a while. 💓 I love when they do this shit.
To be fair, she does have excellent comic timing 😃
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think Mr Tindall seems to be enjoying the limelight a touch too much as well. I don’t think an interview with the Mail will pay for a school term, Mike.
I agree. He loves flapping his gums about ' private' family engagements. If Meghan did the same she would be slated.
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When are the Royals and their PR going to realise that the biggest selling point of them is the mystique. Take that away and they are just a load of entitled, warring, backbiting reality TV contestants with better jewels. If I want to hear someone call a relative by marriage names, I’ll go to my own cousin who has a great line in sweary rants and more than one target … at least I’ll get a drink out of it.
Yes quite. Mike Tindall is really bigging up his part as 'The People's Prince' isn't he? If he's not cashing in on his Royal connections, then I don't know who is! He'd better not do the dirty on Zara ( or hope Zara doesn't bin him)or he'll be out in the cold with the rest of them.
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