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VIP Member
Can someone please explain where the stories of William’s affair started. I’ve not read about it anywhere else other than here and am interested to read what’s known
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VIP Member
To be fair, Giles move in ‘those’ circles - even if only the fringes - on a personal level, even if the dude does wind me up terribly and whenever his name comes up I wonder how on earth he can be Victoria’s brother.
And Alexander Armstrong's brother in law.
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Miss Havisham

VIP Member
Like you have no idea - but it honestly wouldn’t surprise me.
Charles and Camilla were mainly known about because of Diana and the random ‘sources’ and the playing off of one side against the other. Not the most edifying period.
What usually happens is that an omertà comes into play. People know, but no one says, things are facilitated quietly and without fuss and everyone plays dumb.
It’s amazing what they can keep out of the press with a bit of feel good exclusive PR.
not a clue, but I wouldn’t discount it out of hand on the basis ‘we’ don’t know.
I am afraid I have to dismiss it on the basis that I don’t know. I love a bit of gossip, but I need a bit of evidence - or at least a hint of it.
If there is nothing to base any gossip on, I have to throw it in the corner, with the various celebrity myths that do the rounds.
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VIP Member
I am bit behind as I recorded it and started late but why are the likes of Holly Willoughby and Rylan on one of the buses? Whatever about musicians and sports stars on then but inane, talentess tv presenters? No thanks!
Who was the woman Holly was next to taking a selfie with?
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Chatty Member
H&M are such shitty people that people overlook the Cambridges who are now saints, instead of just as spoilt with better PR because William is the heir. How many houses do they need? How much money will it cost when others cannot pay the bills? 'Private funds' still means taxpayer money, doesn't it? And why stay at Anmer when in 10 years he will most likely be king? They have no foresight. The only hard-working family members are Charles, Anne and Sophie.
No private funds do not mean taxpayers money. Even the Crown Estate which funds the Sovereign Grant is technically not taxpayers money. They also aren't staying at Anmer but moving to Windsor where they will stay when Charles becomes King and moves to Buckingham Palace with Camilla
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VIP Member
I'm watching the concert on fast forward because my mother in law said the last hour was brilliant. I'm enjoying it so far, and we haven't even got to the bit we wanted to!
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Boring Monday

VIP Member
None were renovated at any cost to us. The properties belonging to the Crown Estate are refurbished by the Crown Estate not taxpayers
I thought Anmer House was on the Sandringham Estate, which is private property of the Queen and not the Crown?
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VIP Member
In the Royals defence, if you had a family member with mental disabilities they were often sent away regardless of what class you were. On one side of my family they were working class and there was a child who became mentally disabled after they were deprived of oxygen during a routine operation. Lots of people were surprised that the family didn’t send the child far away and forgot about him as was the norm, instead they all looked after him until the parents were unable to and even then they still kept in regular contact. This was very rare behaviour, I was speaking to a family friend about this several years ago and they couldn’t understand why my family kept the boy because he wouldn’t be able to get married, hold down a job, look after the parents, etc. It was very much ‘what is the use?’ At first I was aghast but it was the common belief of the day. Anything like that was shameful. The way the British treated people with mental disabilities has been very cruel and even today you hear horror stories.
I caused a bit of trouble in the family doing the family tree which triggered a relative's memory about my dad's aunt in a dinner table conversation in the 1930s/40s. She demanded to know why my dad's dad was being fed cos he wasn't bringing any money into the house at the time as he was ill.
My dad was devastated at this news but she died before he could have it out with her.

But would she ( or James) have married millionnaires if their sister wasn't married to William? Kates marriage put the whole family into a much higher social circle.
Is James aristocracy as I heard the Middleton's were looked down on by them?
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VIP Member
They were still the queens first cousins. Yes people were put into facilities out of no choice but the royal family had no excuse and could have given them a very happy comfortable life quite easily or at least paid for tombstone for their graves! Disgusting way to treat them when it could have easily had a much happier ending.
So you think that the royals should override their relatives' decisions on their own children? Frankly, I've no idea what goes on in a lot of my cousins' lives as we live miles apart (and countries for some) and I haven't seen them for years. I've no intention of nor any legal ability to override their decisions regarding their families.
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VIP Member
I wonder how her son feels about the termination because I’ve read he’s very anti abortion but surely knowing what his mother went through he would be ok for it in some instances? I find it interesting that two of her grandchildren are Catholic but their parents and sister aren’t. I wonder if that is the influence of their grandmother.
Also why did she need a termination with German Measles, would it be fatal to the mother or cause the baby to not develop properly?
Apparently can be quite severe
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Tangent Tiger

VIP Member
Yeah, get what you mean. The media love to tear people down and H and M have walked into their traps. I expect the media will continue the clickbait until the public lose interest.
Media get so many clixks it's unreal! I think it's mainly people thinking "oh what's going on now?"
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VIP Member
I don’t think any of them could decide to drop BP. It’s the UK’s official residence for the HoS. They can very well limit the time they stay there. So it will probably become an office with apartment for most. All fair and well.

They do own lots of homes. They wouldn’t be the first nor the last rich family that does. I will say the Crown properties and estates are very interesting. Obviously if the monarchy gets abolished they would keep their private wealth and the money from the government would go to the new HoS. Those two things are easy. But the Crown estates? What would they be able to keep? Because they are massive money generators. A president can hardly claim the tax return of a duchy… that just doesn’t fit together. Would they be able to keep Lancaster? Or Cornwall? I wouldn’t put it past the law to be a real possibility. In any way - there will be no money going back to the people. Ever. Not if they keep the Windsors. Not if the UK becomes a republic.
So if they don’t use the tax money to live in 20 different homes for two weeks at a time every year I couldn’t care less.
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VIP Member
Of course but it opens up retaliatory remarks from H&M supporters because William’s have said something and it ends up being a never ending cycle.
Oh I know, it shouldn’t be in the media. And I guess it comes from them, through these “friends” that the papers quote. But I guess one brother doesn’t want the other to have the last word. And it must be hard for William - he could never do an interview like that Oprah one and tell his side of the story! It sells papers and gets clicks on websites I guess because we’re all nosey so it’ll go on and on forever!
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VIP Member
It would be good if he had talent though. The photographs technically were poor and even from a purely having a quick glance and knowing nothing about photography didn't look good. Performative is the word yes.
How were they technically poor?
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Chatty Member
Why the testiness? I was simply responding to the (inaccurate) comment you made by providing clarification.

And since you asked 'so what?'...I agree it's a private residence in the Queen's remit to grant (where was that ever contested?) but 3 *large* homes for a family of 5 is excessive, which is the point I was trying to make. And it certainly isn't modest or humble as the press is painting it.
Firstly, it wasn't inaccurate as their main residence will be in Windsor with an apartment in Kensington Palace even if they still use Anmer Hall as a holiday home.

Given Anmer Hall was a personal wedding gift from the Queen to the Cambridges on her private estate it would also be rude to give it up.

Charles and Camilla have four for the two of them, five if you count her own property of Ray Mill House, bought after her divorce and where she spends time with her children and grandchildren. There's Clarence House, Birkhall, Highgrove, and Llwynywermod in Llandovery. All except Clarence House are privately owned, Birkhall being on the Balmoral Estate and Llwynywermod is owned by the Duchy of Cornwall, though as a three-bedroom former coach house and farmhouse it's not a grand mansion and one could argue that the Prince of Wales should have a Welsh residence!
Indeed but what they do with their private residences and however many private residences they own is entirely their own affair
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