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Would he have done it if he wasn't resentful of his family anyway? If he had come from a loving and supportive family who made him feel he was as important as his brother, as a human being, even if he wasnt Heir to the Throne, would he have thrown it all away in an instant? He was only going to lose status and influence from being the second in line to the Throne. William was only going to gain. Yet the entire family uses the rest of the family as cannon fodder to make sure the Principals can cling onto the Throne. I still believe Meghan is Harry's enabler. She has lapped up his tale of woe in a California Therapy way.
Is this the family he said in his engagement interview would be the family Meghan never had???

Didn't sound very resentful then.
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Active member's perfectly ok for a royal to dabble in politics and get cozy with Tory politicians. If Kate raised the questions of cutting welfare programms and rasing cost of living , would she get praises by the media or would they throw her to the lions?
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It is infuriating that people actually fall for this nonsense. Anyone who cannot see the obvious sycophancy is being deliberately obtuse.

Poor Will and Kate with their humble 4-bedroom home and no live-in staff who only want to be close to Granny. See guys? They're just like the rest of us. Of course we will obfuscate the fact that the humble home is a Grade II listed mansion on a royal estate and that there are very likely nearby buildings holding the entire retinue of cooks, maids and nannies. Granny is of course the Queen and the nearby private schools cost upwards of £40k+ per annum.

Let's also make no mention of the fact they have their 20-room, £12 million-renovated Kensington Palace apartment with THREE kitchens or the £4 million supposedly spent on renovating Anmer Hall including a brand new kitchen and relocating an entire tennis court a few feet.

The unearned luxury and privileges is one thing but to pretend that they can even fathom what the average person lives like is downright insulting. They are not humble, modest, self-sacrificing or frugal by any measure.
While I agree in general, we shouldn’t forget that it’s not W&K saying those things but the tabloids. It’s not even completely clear if those are actually quotes by a „source“ or just completely made up. Of course the royal PR machine wants them to look good, but the tabloids have their own way of spinning stories. They could easily make it a second Anmer debacle (W&K got so much flack then). So who really knows what W&K think about their privileged living situation. I am sure they are absolutely aware that it’s not in the slightest comparable to an ordinary one. But compared to other royals, UK and beyond, this approach might be actually “humble”. Or they know humblebragging will not help them but the tabloids wrote it anyway. The tabloids have their own agenda. This article makes them look like aloof idiots for all the reasons you mentioned. But it’s also another chance to rub it into H&M.
At the moment W&K can do no wrong. The tabloids need them as the heroes against their villains H&M (oh how the tables have turned) but they will turn on them again eventually. The way they write them up, it will be a deep fall.
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Honestly, it would have put me off - if she wanted to marry wealth there were far, far easier options than William. And after the press coverage over the last 30 years or so, who would choose to be in the royal family? I think she married him in spite of him being a prince, because she knew she was essentially marrying the entire country when she did so and she'd never be private again.
Being a Royal isn't too shabby. The perks in return for a tiny bit of a loss of privacy is astronomical. Never wanting for anything ever again financially not only for you but your children, never having to worry about their education or job prospects afterwards, not having to do anything particularly taxing for the rest of your life, people fawning over you, only cooking and cleaning if you felt like it. They get tons of privacy. Most of the time they have the press at their beck and call. They go on numerous holidays every year where they have completed privacy. They are in no way on show at all times. Diana was in those circles and still went there. They are not hard done by in any way shape or form no matter what they want us to think
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They were damned if they did and damned if they didn’t.
If they hadn’t come, the very same people who are afronted they did would be ragging on them for snubbing The Queen.
They came, seemingly at her request, did what they were asked, then went home.
The one’s making a mountain out of it are the likes of the Daily Mail and the sad saps making YouTube videos over analysing every eye twitch.
I think this is true - they'd have been criticised for not coming too but I also agree that it takes a lot of nerve to turn up to a huge public family occasion after you've bashed that family on tv. I really believe that they came because they need to maintain that royal connection for their commercial interests. I think the RF will be happy with how their visit went. It got headlines but it didn't dominate the coverage and it sets the tone for future visits/functions. They were going to have to come back at some stage for a funeral or coronation or whatever. Now that first event with both Harry and Meghan back in the UK is out of the way and there'll be less interest every time they're back.
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I love this! No royals before had a social media platform like this but even if they had, I can’t see anyone except Diana taking the mick out of themselves like this! Her influence is clear in William, and the fact that Kate grew up out of the public eye!
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Fair enough I didn't realise get been refused.
I think they've made a mistake with Early years with Kate. It is so tied up with lack of funding, and she hadn't come up with anything substantial, apart from that survey, which keeps being repeated over and over again, as if its something groundbreaking. She us just out of her depth talking to professionals in the field. They should have got her into some kind of school sports scheme similar to the DoE or something.
She could of done a sports DOE type thing but for girls since girls are most likely to drop sports as they age.
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Boring Monday

VIP Member
Why can't he release some of his property as a hostel for the homeless?
I genuinely don’t think that even if the RF were to be abolished that the listed buildings that house the National Treasures the RF call one of their homes would ever be converted to a YMCA.
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I think that's it. Doubt we'll ever see another balcony appearance. Hope I'm wrong obviously but that's my feeling.
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Boring Monday

VIP Member
While I agree in general, we shouldn’t forget that it’s not W&K saying those things but the tabloids. It’s not even completely clear if those are actually quotes by a „source“ or just completely made up. Of course the royal PR machine wants them to look good, but the tabloids have their own way of spinning stories. They could easily make it a second Anmer debacle (W&K got so much flack then). So who really knows what W&K think about their privileged living situation. I am sure they are absolutely aware that it’s not in the slightest comparable to an ordinary one. But compared to other royals, UK and beyond, this approach might be actually “humble”. Or they know humblebragging will not help them but the tabloids wrote it anyway. The tabloids have their own agenda. This article makes them look like aloof idiots for all the reasons you mentioned. But it’s also another chance to rub it into H&M.
At the moment W&K can do no wrong. The tabloids need them as the heroes against their villains H&M (oh how the tables have turned) but they will turn on them again eventually. The way they write them up, it will be a deep fall.
As we’ve said before the whole PR section of the family is a nest of vipers. They will merrily chuck each other under the bus to get a few personal brownie points and have their staff and sources brief against one another willynilly.

At the minute, they are “lucky” they have Harry and Andrew as perennial whipping boys so whatever happens the response always starts with, well, at least they’re not as bad as Harry/Meghan/Andrew but there will come a point … and I don’t think its actually that far off … when that particular whataboutery doesn’t cut it anymore and it will be interesting to see what happens then and who it will be open season on.
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Boring Monday

VIP Member
It does. They really are unsuited to anything else but smiling and waving ( see also Harry) I keep saying this, but sadly I think it will not come to pass, but Charlotte and Louis need to be made to do something else. The narrative at the moment is that they are being trotted out to prepare for a life in the RF but that means the monarchy won't be slimmed down at all. It will still be all children of the Monarch employed ( by us) in the family business.
I really hope that Charlotte and Louis are allowed to follow whatever career they want … even if it doesn’t involve a stint in one of the Armed Forces, but I don’t think they will. The furore about Edward is forgotten now, as will Harry’s pseudo abdication be in 20 years time

The Line of Succession is cruel, really, particularly if someone has touched life at the top end - David Linley was 5th in line at birth and now is 25th and could walk past most people in Asda without them blinking, Princess Anne started life at second and is now 17th. One person above him has a child and Andrew drops out the top 10. The only people moving up in any significant way will be Charles, William and George. Everyone else will just continue a steady descent with the occasional hitch up a place.

When the BBC in years to come do the umpteenth series of Who Do You Think You Are, the boyband heart throb of the day who grew up in Nowhereton will be amazed to learn that his great great great grandad was a direct descendent of Queen Elizabeth II and he is currently 1500 in the line of succession.
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VIP Member's perfectly ok for a royal to dabble in politics and get cozy with Tory politicians. If Kate raised the questions of cutting welfare programms and rasing cost of living , would she get praises by the media or would they throw her to the lions?
I wonder how much she said about the closure of SureStart Centres and slashing of early years funding?
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Hate to say it but I just shed a little tear when she came to have a little word with myself
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No they couldn't they are historic palaces which belong to the nation, even President Macron lives in the Elysee Palace with the French state owning most of the other French Palaces in Paris.

As for food banks go to republics like Brazil or India or even parts of the USA if you really want to see poverty. The average constitutional monarchy like ours or Sweden's has far less poverty than the average Republic
Western monarchies are monarchies because they have been lucky enough not to have the type of upheaval in their past that cause their monarchies to he overthrown. They have absolutely no effect on our wealth as a nation, or on poverty or food bank usage. India in part is poor partly because of the caste system ( which was taken advantage of by the British) but also because millions of pounds of wealth was siphoned out of the country to ' gift' to the British Monarchy. Most of it they still have. It is easy to average out Monarchy v republic because there are hardly any Monarchies compared to Republics, so obviously there will get on average more poor ones. Especially when the ME ones ( The Queens bosom buddies) are absolute and sitting on tons of oil money.
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VIP Member
Hi, I hope I’m not asking a stupid question, and I ask respectfully, if this is the Royal Family Thread, why does no one here seem to like the Royal Family? This reads like such a big fu to them, why not call it the anti-RF thread? I’m thinking perhaps a lot more of us RF Fans are lurking here, hesitant to stand up for them for fear of being shouted down. And by more of us, I mean those who respect the Queen for all she’s given for the past 70 years, Revered the world over.
Oh, and about the concert I get people being tired of Elton, and Paul, but tbh, they’re Music Royalty, loved the world over. We give GB huge respect for them. It’s like if you had the Mona Lisa hanging in the British Museum, and you;re complaining it’s so old. So, maybe most posters just don’t like much that happened before video games And everybody started getting a trophy for being there.
BTW, I’m a NYer, but my Mom’s family were Cheshires, and my Nana was Nutty for HMTQ. Taught me to curtsy at age 3, in case I ever met the Queen’. Rats ass chance I’d ever be in the company of royals, but I know how to curtsy! Happy Jubilee :) Here’s to the next one!
View attachment 1319067 Namaste
View attachment 1319059

As has already been said, There are plenty of us that really enjoy TRF but generally not to the point of being sycophants. We are neither a rave or hate thread.

I wonder why Harry and Meghan didn't attend last night? Bit odd considering everyone was there.

I do wonder if the Jubilee plans were kept slightly muted in case the Queen had passed away before we got to the celebrations? Leaving things that could be cancelled without any major dramas? It all feels like everyone is acutely conscious that a 96 year old could slip away at any time.
Probably more cost wise. I think they are aware it's getting a load of criticism of the amount spent when 'people are starving'.

I mean, it was hardly stingy and I'm not sure what else could have been put on. Any more and it would have been criticised for being OTT.
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No private funds do not mean taxpayers money. Even the Crown Estate which funds the Sovereign Grant is technically not taxpayers money. They also aren't staying at Anmer but moving to Windsor where they will stay when Charles becomes King and moves to Buckingham Palace with Camilla
They are keeping Anmer, KP Apt 1A, Adelaide, and they have a space in Scotland too. It is a giant waste of money. I get they are seen as saints and perfect people who can do no wrong comparatively to the Sussexes but they really should think about the optics here and how spoilt they are.

They booted out the previous tenant of Anmer because they wanted it and wanted it now - they did the same with HRP and Apt 1A.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
Of course I know that :D.
the Pope refused a divorce because the there had been a Papal dispensation annulling her marriage to Arthur to allow her to marry his brother, Henry … and as Henry wanted the divorce on the grounds that she had been married to his brother it a got a bit sticky all going on amist a whole host of religion upheaval and reformation going on across Europe (in fact Henry’s whole contention was that he hadn‘t committed adultery because they weren’t legally married in the first place, due to the whole widow of brother situation)

but anyway, that’s all irrelevant. What goes on in other countries is by the by and however profligate our PM is he isn’t going to inherit the title of Defender of the Faith and be the supreme ruler of the Church of England. With that, rightly or wrongly comes - to some people - a degree of responsibility and a requirement to stick to the ’rules’. Charles has barely got away with it by the skin of his teeth. A traditional family unit with traditional family values is needed to calm the horses.
Im not entirely sure what a traditional family with traditional family values actually is. But looking at the current royal family, which has gone through adultery, divorce, allegations of racism, a member of the family accused of having sexual relations with a trafficked woman, the head of the family paying off the trafficked woman, this family seem to be the very antithesis of morality and “family values”.
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He was happy with his family until Meghan (who is completely estranged from her entire family and doesn't appear to have any friends who aren't hired per event) came along. My understanding is that on the contrary Harry was mollycoddled by Charles and Diana precisely because of William's "importance", to make sure he didn't feel left out, as a human being. The spoiled ungrateful self-important brat was waiting for the right trigger to emerge. It disgusts me when people who have endless opportunities in life still choose to be lazy, fucking stupid, entitled and uneducated loafers.
I think that Harry was mollycoddled as well- Meghan basically stoked the fires of discontent, but Harry as an adult is also 100% responsible for his own actions and the awful things that he has done as well. I think that William and Catherine will be so very aware of the perils of being the second son for Louis (things will be a bit different for Charlotte as the second child, but a different gender), so they will absolutely want Louis to have his own individual (and meaningful) path in life - they will be desperate for him not to go down the road of the two Windsor second sons before him - Andrew and Harry.
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