I’m getting confused now and didn’t keep up with their threads for a while but when you first came on the threads I asked if you knew her and you said no? Presumably you were under cover?! So does she read here and then accused you of gossiping about her? Is that why she blocked you?
We were friends on facebook and were on a group together, that group was split and Sue was in the middle of that, this was 2013 ish.
At the time of the split I had sat on the fence and there were 2 groups I know of made, one was a small private group that ran for years and Sue was involved and confided in us (kingbin was also a member) The other group were not complimentary of Sue or Kirsty Freer.
Things were fine until early this year when Sue had messaged me over a comment made by someone else, not waning to be in the middle or involved I told her I had no idea what was going on. I had told her before to deal with things direct with people. That night she deactivated facebook again and all was fine.
A week later she had defriended me and put up a post calling people fake, which I took exception to. She had also lied and said I was gossipping about her also untrue, in the years nothing was ever spoken of outside her group and when someone did on mumsnet it was us who had found out the culprit for her and defended her all the way and lied to cover up her pregnancy only for a few days later her to sell her story to the Sun.
The post above was an exert of the conversation I had with Sue a week later when I called her out on her lies, much of which she back tracks on or lies, ie the part about being a fat cow and trying to make out i had said this about her, when it was just not true at all.