New thread.
Thanks to erm…. me, for the title 😂
If someone would like to do a recap
Last thread here
Thanks to @bagpuss17278 for the title!
Previous thread here
Thanks to @GryffindorOfTheYear for thread title!
I've never created a thread before but thought I'd give it a go as we desperately needed a new one 😅
- Sue and Noel proved what loving parents they were when they enjoyed a camping trip while their eldest child was on a bridge...
Thread title credit to @TabbyTraybake
Can someone post a recap? thanks :)
Previous thread:
Thread title credit to @babybelle
Previous thread:
Can someone post a recap, thanks :)
Thanks to @AliceInWanderLost for the title!
My memory isn’t good enough for a proper recap, all I can remember is the argument at the end of the last thread 🙈😆
Edited the original suggestion of
A swanky trip to visit the Empire State, but they’ll still be eating Christmas dinner off of paper plates to make it fit.
Thanks to MayVis for the winning suggestion.
Could someone recap please?
Thread title credit to @Mummyto3girlsandaboy
Previous thread:
Can someone post a recap? Thanks :)
Thread title credit to @Kayaking12
Previous thread:
Thread title credit to @emmawhu which they edited to fit :) The original title was "Filthy dirty pies, the shop is full of flies, Sue can't cover this one up no matter how hard she tries"
Previous thread...
Thread title credit to @guineapig71
Can someone post a recap? Thank you :)
previous thread:
Thread title credit to @Finallyarrivedatlast. It had to be shortened to fit. The original title was "he's a perve, she's on our last nerve, they're off to Disney (again) for the holiday they so deserve.
Can someone post a recap? thanks :)
Previous thread...
Thread title credit to @guineapig71 - the title was a bit too long so I had to tweak it - "The Radfords have more money than sense; feel for the neighbours who have to share a fence"
Can someone post a recap? thanks :)
Previous thread...
Thread title credit: @Finallyarrivedatlast
Can someone post a recap? thanks :)
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