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Chatty Member
Correct me if I'm wrong but the first time you leave your kids to go away alone aren't you normally pretty nervous and trial one night away! (My eldest is 18 and I've only ever had 1 night away in the uk child free last year) I certainly don't think I could go somewhere that was two connecting flights away, can you imagine if you needed to get back in a emergency! Which isn't unheard of with the radfords cos they had to rush back with Ophelia was poorly and Millie couldn't step up and be a parent
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Have we ever seen the rabbits again. I mean the fluffy ones not Noel and sue…
They haven't been mentioned or seen in ages. My guess is they are long gone.

Ophelia calling Noel 'dad.' Oh, Ophelia is going to be so confused growing up, poor thing. Does Millie still live in her parent's house? If so, she really needs to try hard to get her own place. Sue & Noel can easily afford to help her out. The money would be put to much better use than buying a new sofa and a new dog, neither of which they need.

Why is Sue obsessed with reporting what everybody is eating? And that whole middle section where Sue is prattling on and is drowned out by surrounding noise. Sue loves to hear herself speak.

The comments are slowly turning against them. One was lamenting how they have changed and they are not the relatable family they used to be. Something had been lost within them. That's becoming a very common reaction.
Sad, but very true.
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I think if they do show this and brag people will really turn on them. 2x holidays to Florida, motorhome, swim spa, all the shopping, porche and so on and now the Maldives and leaving all the kids at home with the older ones looking after the little ones. The cost of living crisis is really hitting most people, I heard an older couple having a little argument today as one wanted to put the heating on when they got back home and the other was saying it’s too early and they couldn’t afford it 😢. People do not need this constant bragging all the time and it’s obvious that the magic pie shop does not sustain this lifestyle. I hope it all comes crashing down then those kids can have a normal life without cameras in their faces all the time and the Bragfords can shut up 🤐
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They’re utter cunts. Sorry for the language but that’s what they are.

If I wanted to go to the Maldives and drink a bottle of £2k wine tomorrow I could, so I’m absolutely not jealous, however if i did I’d read the room and not brag about it all over social media. I won’t be going, though, because with the state of the country as it is that money is far better off in my bank account then in some travel agent’s. None of us know what’s going to happen with energy costs, food costs, fuel costs etc so frivolous spending for bragging sakes is completely stupid right now.

Their days are numbered imo. More and more people are starting to see through them. Just give it a couple of months, when people are cold and hungry, they won’t want to see Braggy Sue on Insta with trolleys full of plastic tat for her over indulged children at Christmas. They won’t be spending £££ on a Radford pie, Aldi will be the choice of the day.

Their fall will come and a lot of us can‘t wait, it’s just unfortunate that so many children will be dragged down too.
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I don’t believe she’s a victim of Nowell, well to start when she was a kid obviously, but not now. If she wanted to get away she wouldn’t have kept having the babies, she would’ve secretly gone on the pill without him knowing. No she’s addicted to the feeling of having babies, having dogs, holidays, shopping etc. she gets a kick when she has anything new and she can’t stop herself.
I agree she became addicted to the attention which came with having baby after baby, but I couldn't disagree more that that means she's not a victim. Noel made her that way. He created a person so dependent on him and his money that she feels totally unable to make any decision herself. She also couldn't risk ever saying no and him leaving her, as she would be well and truly stuck. I do believe they have both been the driving force in all the babies over the years, but for different reasons. Him because each baby brings in more fame, money and freebies, her because it's the only life she knows and it's how she feels useful.

She is completely unfulfilled as soon as each pregnancy is over, she's already mentally moving on to the next (she's the same now with the dogs). That's a mental illness. Noel has made her this way, by impersonating her at 13 and keeping her in that dependent state for the next 30+ years. He's an absolute monster.

She is no angel, she's turned into a braggy cow with a vile tongue in her head, but she's definitely a victim.
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It’s actually really nice to see Katie out with her friends! Instead of having the kids glued to her
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The photographer who took Milas photographs says she's excited to be on TV. Chloe took the channel 5 cameras with her apparently. Gosh they must be desperate for content.
I watch a lady on tik tok who has 10 kids. She showd you her meal prep. She has a massive pan and gets up at 5am to prep breakfast and pack school lunches. She makes a massive pan on scrambled eggs and bacon She puts sausages in the oven and a huge pot of beans on the cooker and by the time her kids get up, they have a hot cooked breakfast ready laid out. She cuts up small bags of fruit for her kids lunches and makes fresh sandwiches. You never see her kids at all, it's literally all about how she feeds her family. After breakfast she bakes cakes for after school snacks and the table is laid for the kids coming in from school with fruit, homemade cake and milk or juice. She is so organised she puts even me with 3 kids to shame. Sue is home all day, why can't she do this?
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On Katie stories. Heidie is asking can she sleep in Katie’s room. Katie says will you sleep in your cot and heidie says no. Connor says Aimee’s room then. Does that mean the cot is now in Katie’s room 😮 I know sue said they moved it out of their room but I assumed they moved heidie in with bonnie, Hallie and phoebe.
If the cot is now in Katie’s room that’s shocking!! Katie is not her mother, Sue and Noel are taking the piss big time
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The kids are so indoctrinated by their mum’s lifestyle that they don’t even realise they’re being taken for mugs. It’s not unusual in families for older ones to take a little bit of responsibility for their younger siblings but to expect them to be full time carers for the younger ones us just abysmal. Those poor kids won’t even realise it until they’re much older. Maybe Sophie and Chloe have an inkling now they’ve got out of that house and are mums themselves but it would be great to see the older girls all go and have a proper girls holiday (without Sue and kids) so they can see life from a young fun perspective for a change.
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Chatty Member
It should have said Maldives.
Maldives, Mauritius, who cares - they don't deserve a weekend in Britain's dirtiest Pontins if it's been gifted to them - they certainly don't deserve anything they're given. What a terrible role model this family is 😡😡😡
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Chatty Member
Sue is like someone raised in a cult cut off from the world. I was thinking about how I would leave if I was in her shoes and I realised that none of my options would apply to her. She has no education or work experience, no CV, no knowledge of basic grammar and spelling, no no car that can fit all her children together, and most significantly she has a million young kids in tow. She doesn't seem to have any real friends and the ones she does are all fellow big families who are friends with Noel too, her mum doesn't seem like she could help her out.
Her only hope would be selling her story to a media outlet but I'm guessing they've got contracts with ch5. And that wouldn't pay immediately so where would she and her kids and dogs go in the meantime? There's probably a way but it all overwhelms me just thinking about it, it must seem impossible to her when she's basically a 13 year old in a worn down granny body. What a nightmare. God she's such an asshole but I do pity her, the young girl, not the braggy nasty Sue.

This is all assuming she still wants to leave. She must feel so dependent on him. I wonder if she knows how to do basic adult things because it seems like he does a lot and has a lot of control. Explains a lot about her personality and actions. In a few decades they'll be the subject of a documentary- not a happy family one but a dark one- and used as an example by psych professionals everywhere.
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I started watching their vlogs in lockdown, and I found it a nice distraction at the time. I also used to watch the earlier KAC series, and like a lot of people agree, they were so much more relatable then…
Sadly I was still calling myself a ‘fan’ until I started reading these threads a few months ago, and my perspective of them has completely changed!.
They are basically new money chavs, with poor-mannered children and are simply not equipped to be looking after all of those poor dogs.
They completely lack the mentality on how to be humble or dignified with their ‘wealth’, and are completely tone deaf to the struggles that most of us are experiencing right now.
Myself and my partner have 4 kids between us, and I’m pregnant, our baby is due in 4 weeks time time.
We are both in ‘professional’ jobs (I’m a registered nurse and still not finished for maternity leave yet) yet we’re literally living on the breadline and worrying about money constantly.
All of our baby’s stuff (clothes, equipment, etc) has been kindly gifted or preloved. I make sure that all of my money goes on my kids first before me, even when it comes to food (I have gone hungry on more than one occasion). Our only holiday this year was 3 days in a caravan.
Aside from all of this, at least I can sleep soundly knowing that we may be poor but at least I don’t pimp my kids out for fame and fortune, I haven’t sold my soul, my kids are well-mannered and groomed, I care for my pets, I’m not with a p0nce, and I’m not an illiterate chav!!. Things could be much worse…..
This! I felt guilty because the only day trip I could afford this summer was a trip to the sealife centre which I used Clubcard points to pay for. My best friend gave me a giftcard for Nandos for my birthday so we did eat out then. But my daughter said thank you for it and still plays daily with the very small toys I could afford to buy from there.
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Chatty Member
I just don't get it! To me it is clear they are living waaayyyyy beyond there means! They don't show anything that could be useful as a large family! It all about brands, holidays, sofa, dogs!!! They are soooo disconnected from the real world(like all parents that sell there private family life for money) I really feel for the kids when this all drys up, it will always be the kids that suffer in the end!
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Hope she's got a plate saying 'eat at your own risk' when Noel brings pie home... 😉

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ive been to the Maldives ( honestly not bragging) and I felt embarrassed by the almost bowing and scraping of the amazing staff I know they earn a pittance in wages to satisfy the whims of the guests I saw staff being treated appallingly ie fingers being clicked to get their attention,no thank yous or please, total ignorance of the staff I made sure I tipped everyone who I came into contact with generously but it actually made it worse because they went overboard with doing everything I was totally capable of doing myself and I said never again. But honestly if I went back and these two wallys were there I’d turn round a swim home I can imagine this pair of chavs taking full advantage of doing fuc all especially her and the weasel would be encouraging her !!!!! Ugh honestly the Maldives are now tainted by their presence but as I said I hate this entitlement of wealthy people ( or in their case Tax Fiddlers ) thinking they are above the maid who made their beds, or the food servers who brought the food I’m an east London girl who got lucky through hard work and can now afford a bit of luxury but have never forgotten living in our two up two down council house with my mum dad and sister and guess what we have looked after my parents sister and her family and my husbands mum and done so before going on ridiculously expensive holidays 😉
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VIP Member
Correct me if I'm wrong but the first time you leave your kids to go away alone aren't you normally pretty nervous and trial one night away! (My eldest is 18 and I've only ever had 1 night away in the uk child free last year) I certainly don't think I could go somewhere that was two connecting flights away, can you imagine if you needed to get back in a emergency! Which isn't unheard of with the radfords cos they had to rush back with Ophelia was poorly and Millie couldn't step up and be a parent
When my kids were small I wouldn’t have entertained the idea of being in a different country to them for a week.
It just wouldn’t feel right to have thousands of miles and a plane journey between me and them.
FFS I even miss my cat terribly now if I go away.
Sue hasn’t a maternal bone in her body.
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Prince fan 1999

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Just because you have 22 kids,it doesn't make you interesting. When will channel 5 realise this? 😩😫😪Zzzzz If you have to throw ridiculous amounts of money at a show to get any content then more fool you.
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