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Might not be a popular opinion but never mind.
I think Sue is reliant on Noel because she's lazy.
Shes always chilling with a nice cup of coffee. She has no job, although she has had pockets of opportunity to work. She does very little around the house and now there are no kids at home during the day, it's more noticeable just how lazy she is. Maybe Noel is snappy because he's tired. On a kids and counting, it showed him up at 5am to go to work, then home at 7am to get the kids to school. In that clip, Sue was sat in her dressing gown drinking a coffee, when asked why the kids weren't up, she told him she was waiting for him to get them up. Noel got kids up, fed them breakfast then made packed lunches. Why couldn't Sue do that? Why couldn't Noel go home at 8am and literally put kids in car and go? Why does Noel have to come home from work and cook dinner? Why can't Sue prep it during the day and cook it in the evening? Why is it always shown that Sue laughs at the kids whilst Noel does all the discipline? I just think Sue is bone idle I'm afraid. I think she has never had a job because she's never wanted one. Look at the pie shop. Always behind with orders yet she never offers to help out. You never see her packing orders, answering the phone or helping in any way. Every single child is now out of the house for a minimum of 4 hours per day. Sue could do something but chooses to do nothing.
The impression I always go from the situation was that she was financially reliant on Noel, especially before the money poured in and she was reliant because she just don’t have the life skills to take care of herself never mind anyone else.

She’s lazy but I think that’s a form of depression/mental health. She posts the pics ect and is always looking for gratification from others. She can’t cope and hasn’t been able to for years but with each baby came that attention from people that she wasn’t getting anywhere else.

now it’s not babies, it’s holidays and puppies ect, spending.
She needs to work on self love before wanting the world to love her.
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Probably because they know the backlash they will get, I used to love them but they are so unrelatable I was in tears to my other half the other week other finances as we have just had a baby and I am on goverment MAT pay. Its just so unfair.
Sending love, maternity pay is just the shittest and worse when you have braggy twats like these wasters and the constant scaremongering news. I hope you are able to enjoy your baby and always seek out some help if you need it, the new baby threads on here are a fab way for advice and a rant if needed ❤
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Haven’t looked at the radfords page or this thread for ages but saw they were in the Maldives so I watched the first little video where they arrive etc. you can tell she has the emotional intelligence of a 12 year old because she’s walking into the villa going oh so nice, oh look our cases etc etc.. not wow look at the view, wow how amazing and beautiful. She just has no idea and no concept of the magical place she is lucky enough to be in, taking pics of food and her cocktail with her legs, really? Isn’t she almost 50? I honestly think Sue must be intellectually challenged because her behaviour is odd. Like fuck would I be spending close to 100k on holidays in a year whilst all my adult children either live at home or in social housing. My priority is setting my kids up for life and I’d rather put aside money for their futures than spend it on holidays for myself.
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Sue must be absolutely miserable with her real life if she has to escape all the time. It's actually sad and embarrassing to watch, she's clearly unhappy and is trying to fill the void or drown out her own emotions. When was the last time they had a nice weekend at home? Those poor kids must show up to school every week totally overstimulated and worn out.

Noel, go back to work you lazy bastard, or refund your customers for their late orders. By the looks of that vomit in the slow cooker Sue should stay well away from any food preparation :sick:
She’s living her best fake life .. she’s never had a pot to piss in! Then boom some cheap TV station buys you …. YouTube endorse you and before you know it you have 6 figures paid into your bank account on the regular - Radfords are a disgusting family with disgusting morals - but seriously who can blame them for grabbing the dollar from their five minutes of fame ?🤷🏻‍♀️… she’s a knobhead he’s a nonce and in any other world other than this fake clown 🤡 world - they’d have SS , LEA and others involved , but seems as though the powers that rule endorse them , then us folk have to put up with the neglect , ignorance and utter insolence of this dreadful shameful family , I say family but what I mean is dis-functional morons ✌🌏 the children they have had will all experience life limiting opportunity- and their parents couldn’t give a shite as long as they keep lining their own pockets … rant over & breathe 🧘‍♀️ ✌✌✌
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Chatty Member
I see Chloe is babysitting heidie already. I mean c’mon Susan, give her a deposit to be an adult so she doesn’t have to host you in her bedroom/bedsit in laws place. Could’ve bought her a flat with what they spent in Florida.

and hair bows are a no from me. Dangerous for a start and secondly, those ones are the size you’d wear for cleaning. Chavie too.
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Do they want people to be jealous?
It's not money or expensive things I'm jealous's those who still have grandparents and get to spend time with them.
I agree, my kids are 19,19 and 27 and they still cherish the time they spend with their grans, both granddad's are gone but they have amazing memories of the time they spent with them, it may not have been Disney holidays but that doesn't matter, Grampa spending 4 hours at the level crossing with the one who loved trains, or grandad teaching them gardening all means more than any material things
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Oh what joy!!!! We have bragging vlogs coming up. Thought lazy Susan wanted to keep this getaway quiet? Oh I forgot, too much bragging to do so she can't. She obviously suffers with a condition that slowly spreads through the body, first it was her legs she couldn't keep shut, now its her fat bragging gob always wide open.
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Sorry if I'm wrong, but didn't Sue ask for suggestions on insta for somewhere to go for their anniversary? Who goes to the frickin Maldives when they've just got back from Florida?! So relatable 🙄🙄🙄 really hope their "fans" wake up.
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Chatty Member
Did they lose their suitcase on the way there? It looks like Sue fashioned an outfit for both of them out of the hotel curtains.

That is not even a genuine smile on Sue's face. It rarely is. I don't think I've ever seen her smile properly with her eyes.
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On Katie stories. Heidie is asking can she sleep in Katie’s room. Katie says will you sleep in your cot and heidie says no. Connor says Aimee’s room then. Does that mean the cot is now in Katie’s room 😮 I know sue said they moved it out of their room but I assumed they moved heidie in with bonnie, Hallie and phoebe.
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Christ, they're getting to me. I dreamt last night I saw them in real life and one of the boys was actually reading a book so I reported back to tattle. Tattlers told me to get more info so I went in their house and Sue was livid at first but then started whispering to me that she was trapped with Noel and she needed help to escape. I told her to post messages on here and readers would plan her escape 😆😆😆
Hmmm I’m having flashbacks moments but there was no book involved. Heard it first hand.
She’s trapped, she has too many small kids, no life skills to take care of herself, financially she is tied and she’s been groomed most of her life.
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Next thing will be Millie the Morecambe Madam training in aesthetics and setting up her own filers and Botox business. Throw in a nail and eyelash course and she’ll be calling herself a consultant. All cash though so she can still pocket the benefits obvs.
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Little me.

VIP Member
I see all the decorations are new again this year. They have no regard for the planet, they are so wasteful. People are struggling to survive and they are bragging “Look what we’ve got “yet again.
They could have saved a shed load of money, Scratty could just sit on her broomstick and Crusty could dress up as the Child Catcher or Dracula. He’s definitely got the fangs for it.
Between them they could scare the whole of Morecambe.
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A local bakery to us (5* on their inspection) that's quite big on Instagram, similar set up with a production unit and a (clean) shop has been told this week their utilities bill for the production unit will be going up from about £6000 to £24000 - they work incredibly hard, if you order they send it out the next day, and the cakes and pies are delicious. Yet they may be ruined by this and these chancers aren't affected? Something is wrong in the world...
Friend of mine whose daughter goes to the same brownie pack as my daughter runs a cake making business, she gets charged commercial rates on utilities even though she does it from home because she's running a business (makes sense to me) she said she doesn't know if she'll still be in business this time next year. It's a shambles that honest people like her who try their hardest to make it work can go out of business and these lazy scrotes won't :mad:
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Chatty Member
The caravan site they go to is 20 minutes up the road. Why would anyone bother with all that faff! 🤣
weather forecast is miserable. 6deg at night, 12 during the day, storm boards are up on the promenade. Can't imagine anything worse than being cooped up inside a caravan all weekend with those kids, no matter how posh it is
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Maybe they only go 20 minutes away so they can nip back and swap kids so it looks like they’ve taken more than they have
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Having a nosy in flight radar at flights en route to Florida (as you do on a boring Saturday night) and I’ve found the perfect location for Nowull’s next vacay….
(obv just for the name - I’m sure it’s a lovely place full of lovely people and not folks who impregnate 13 year olds.


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