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Little me.

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Oh do fuck off with your passports! It's just brag brag brag with these cretins! At a time when the majority of families are struggling. We can't even afford a bloody passport and I work fulltime! Arseholes! The money is going to run out, all their kids will have turned against them and they will be left with fuck all.
IYou have taken the words out of my mouth! Bragging that they did the one week service. They have the money to do it but most people don’t.
Hey Sue you absoloute fucking moron, we can remember when the kids didn’t have sheets on their grotty filthy wee stained mattresses. You have no need to be bragging, you’ve got a very short memory 😡😡

What baffles me is why these bloody idiot minions have to hang onto their every word. They must all be fucking idiots. Who with half a brain cell would want their life to be modelled on the Rank Revolting Radfords.
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This is why for years they hid that Chris had moved out and was a bit estranged.

Look at some of the group family photos and you can see where is head is photoshopped into pics
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Still to come:
Kids carving pumpkins 🎃
Shopping haul of Halloween themed food
Kids dressed in brand new costumes - including Heidi and Ophelia in matching pumpkin outfits with stripey tights (you just know it)
House decked out with orange lanterns
Noel utilising his Dracula fangs for the occasion
Montage of kids eating buckets of sweets
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Bloody hell, I'm away for a few days and miss the best drama 😩 I never could have foreseen that Millie the favourite could be the one to turn on the Radfords, but I'm keen to see what happens here. Unfortunately I don't think we'll get any juicy drama. Millie will quietly announce her pregnancy, Sue will fake happiness and soak up all the attention she'll get from it, they'll be very neutral on social media except for a few cynical instagram stories, and eventually the drama will die down. Sue will use her grandchild for attention while secretly being a nasty bitch to her own kids and not caring about anyone but herself.

Millie if you're reading this- write a tell all book, expose your parents for the assholes they are, take them down. It will be the best decision of your life.
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The youngest kids may live a life of tacky luxury but I still feel bad for them, no amount of plastic and gifted trips will make up for the parents they've been stuck with. Chris may have only gone on a few family trips, but they will stand out in his mind as special memories, even just camping or a day trip out somewhere fun. His siblings go on expensive holidays all the time but they aren't special. Going on holidays isn't as exciting when you went to disney every year and stayed in the best hotel, buying yourself a gift isn't as exciting when you didn't have to save up for it and you get heaps of fancy gifts. When you've got everything you have nothing to look forward to. The older kids know how to work for what they want and appreciate it.

Kids don't need 17 trips to alton towers a month and a pile of elaborate presents, they'd sooner have a one-on-one lunch date, a few meaningful gifts and a hug
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That message says it all!!
The kids didn't want her to have all those kids!!
Why did she not listen?
God forbid if something was to happen to Noel and Sue, who would be expected to care for the little ones? Sophie, Millie, Chloe?
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In that case, context is everything. Someone simply mentioning she's put up a post saying DV is not ok means nothing! Adding that there's also a photo of her clearly injured puts a different perspective on it.

Poor girl. I hope she's ok and receiving the support she needs. We have no firm evidence that Daniel is involved though, so I don't think speculation is helpful in cases like this.
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It’s massively pathetic that a woman of Sue’s age would ‘unfollow’ and ‘re-follow’ her own kids in social media every time they have an argument. Even if temporarily not on speaking terms, there’s no need to actually look or comment on each other’s social media, ‘following’ doesn’t equate to interaction.

Incredibly childish behaviour from Sue, and the fact that she is doing something so visible outside of the family is signalling publicly when there are arguments…but they then don’t acknowledge any problems in their videos or commentary. Either keep it private or be open about these problems. Instead an argument from a family discussion about something that could actually be important (such as whether it is safe and reasonable to try to have more babies, or something like whether it is better for Millie’s personal life and reputation to step back from being on the channel (if she is indeed pregnant again and without a long term partner or employment), or maybe whether Daniel did actually abuse his girlfriend, and how his parents are going to deal with that behaviour to ensure he doesn’t get into that situation again, considering he still lives under their roof they surely must take some responsibility for guiding him through this and making sure he gets a better understanding of what is appropriate in relationships and how to control his temper, when to walk away etc).

But despite all the potentially serious and important discussions that may be needed to make progress and resolutions…the girls in particular will all be texting each other and bitching about who has unfollowed who. Absolute nonsense. Sue should be ashamed of acting like a moody teenager, and learn some parenting skills for how to deal with problems with her children (even if they happen to be over 18) in a more appropriate manner.

There’s clearly something not right with Noel, with him bedding Sue underage, but looking past that historic issue, I think he is a much more sensible person and parent than Sue. In the early tv series and to an extent now, he was up very early and at work every morning, then back home to help with school runs, cooking the evening meals, budgeting for all of them. Even with the vlogging, it’s Noel who needs to do the difficult bit…the editing, which to begin with would have been a completely new skill set to learn. I think Noel is calm natured enough to go to work with one of the kids who Sue is in the middle of a massive row with and keep his relationship with them separate as much as is possible.

I can see a real nasty streak in Sue, it’s in her whole demeanour, a hardness, the way she doesn’t seem to hug her young kids, or they don’t climb on her or put an around her know, when they spend most of their time with her while Noel is at work is weird. Sue likes holding a baby and being pregnant, once she gets bored she has the siblings look after each other to the extent that they don’t really need her for emotional support any more. She doesn’t take on board genuine (not trolling) criticism and reply with dignity, she fights back with insults and ganging up using her kids and followers to help her attack.

I can also see another angle on the underage sex issue. It leaves Noel permanently at risk of public and detailed accusations from Sue over his conduct at age 18, should he decide to split up with her. She holds the upper hand at all times. I’m not doubting that his behaviour was inappropriate and illegal, but without knowing the 2 families at the time, and how they interacted, I reserve judgement as Sue has not stating any suffering and gives the impression of being happy with her past. Did their parents for example know about the relationship, was it made clear to Noel at the time how inappropriate it was, how much effort did either parents make to stop them being in contact? If their parents knew and didn’t react much to the age gap issue or try to stop them, at the time Noel may not have understood how wrong it was. The was before the internet and before teenagers could easily check on legal issues such as when it goes form underage sex to statutory rape, where teenagers mostly just had their parents and friends for reference. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if the first pregnancy was intentional on Sue’s part, the desperation for babies could have started that young. Noel was the legal adult and should have been the one to make the decision not to have sex based on the age gap, but as for who was applying m the pressure to do so…it would not surprise me at all if Sue was already obsessed with pregnancy babies at that time and was seeing Noel as her route to making it happen. However it started, if they were to split up, and Sue were to tell tales, whether the full truth, held truths or exaggeration, or outright lies….because she was a child at the time,the public perception would automatically to be to believe what she says and vilify Noel. She could go from dedicated wife to sexual abuse claimant overnight and the media and public would not question it because the age gap would be taken as the evidence that ‘proves’ all associated claims.

I read somewhere before, possibly here, that Sue was posting a few years ago that Noel would be out a lot at the pub and it sounded like he might be cheating or wanting to leave her. I’m wondering if he wanted to, but couldn’t, because of how she reacts when feeling spiteful and knows how much she could damage him. If she wanted she could even go to the police about the statutory rape, and Noel would probably have the fear of prison even if no charges were brought, the fear of it would be enough to keep him in line. Sue holds all the power, and she knows it.
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Not a hope in hells chance that they'd be able to foster, foster children have to have their own rooms for a start!
You beat me to it. There's no chance they'd be approved to foster. There are so many elements of their life that make them unsuitable. I also imagine they think fostering is all cute little newborns, where as the reality is very different, and even the little babies come with a lot of baggage. :cry:
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Can you imagine the grabby radfords turning up at your door trick or treating?

You would be wiped out of treats with 1 visit.
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OK can I just address something because I have seen it in another vlog and I know the Radfords do it.

But big families dont all use paper plates for Christmas dinner (or any other time), even if you have so many kids you can still use a proper plate.

The thought of Christmas dinner on a paper plate is an absolute joke, firstly paper plates are tiny and secondly how do you put gravy on a paper plate?

I despair at some of these family vloggers with a few kids who aspire to be radfords. (I wish there was still a thread)
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For the children birthday do sue and noel ever take out that child for quality one on one time to a restaurant or some kind of a attraction,they interested in. In a big family like that having some alone time with your parents would be the best gift you could get.
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If Millie is pregnant the fact sue is being jealous and spiteful is disgusting! Here’s hoping some good can come out of it and Millie finds her feet and gets settled… if I’m completely honest it’s not more babies sue’s needing it’s counselling after having a baby at what 13? She’s stuck with the mindset of a child because of Noel he was an Adult she was a child and it was brushed under the carpet and the obsession with having kids isn’t normal and neither is being jealous of your daughter! Sues a gran why is still trying to have more kids I’ll never know
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It had to close because nobody was going in. I assume that as a food shop, they’d have had the right to remain open though?

In any event, Chloe came up with an idea to sell pies online which seemed to be successful.

i do find it highly unlikely that the bakery funds them. We all know how much people earn from social media I guess. Yeah I don’t know a huge amount about them but was aware of nannygate.
Yet another Radfraud lie for the TV show. Apparently they were struggling due to Covid so Chloe came up with online orders. They'd been doing online orders for at least a couple of years before Covid! But pretending it was new on TV gave them the plug they wanted.

Lesson 1 about the Radfords - never believe a word they say. It's all lies!
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Her whole life since age 13 has been about raising kids. She’s missed out on all the usual rites of passage - college, nights out, girls holidays, even going to work. In fairness she’s probably travelled more than lots of people notching up places like Australia and America which aren’t allowable within many family budgets.
But she’s missed out on living a ‘normal’ life. I doubt at the moment she has regrets because she’s living a very easy comfortable lifestyle but it wouldn’t surprise me if there’s growing resentment with her older kids, especially Chloe who looks to be having a blast at the moment.
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“Don’t you just love buying Christmas clothes”
The fuck no, I don’t see the sense in clothes that are only going to get worn at Christmas!
And surely the Radfrauds should have amassed a fair bundle of them from past Christmas’s.
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If this new development is in fact true, not only does it take another cash cow out of the mix, but it damages their credibility as a wholesome-church-going big happy family.
church going, my arse. They never set foot inside the place unless it's for christenings (it's the church we go to), and even then they have a Saturday service rather than a christening on Sunday after Holy Communion. I've never even see them at special services like Easter or Christingle.
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Only present that was clearly shown for Bonnie’s birthday was a book. Didn’t we mention how the kids don’t ever get books as gifts? Hi Sue👋🏻
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