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Chatty Member
We have 12 but I wouldn’t say that the kids get embarrassed, they don’t. Teens naturally come away from doing things with their parents as they get older as they want to do their own thing.
I wasnt embarrassed of my family as such, it was the attention from strangers and their comments that would embarrass me, and in turn, that would make me feel uncomfortable about going out in public with my family. People were extremely rude, I’ve lost count of the amount of times people would ask if we all had the same father amongst other personal questions that are quite frankly, not the business of total strangers.
It’s hard to take these things in and understand as a child. The point I was making is that sue and Noel have thrust their children into the spotlight and it doesn’t appear they have taken their thoughts and feelings into consideration, that’s how I see it from the outside looking in. It’s just all about the fame and freebies.
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millie has probably been counting down the days for sue to be on a plane without wifi so she can finally put a story up with her baby bump and boyfriend without being hounded 🤣🤣
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I know paper plates are quite common in the US, even average size families seem to use them regularly over there. I couldn't imagine it for Xmas dinner though. Unless you had the expensive higher quality ones I imagine they'd just bend and spill?!
Also re allergies, it's not something they've mentioned. Since they were happy to exploit Tillie for her medical issues I'm pretty sure they would have if there was any. They have a history of being stingy with meals/portions for the kids and I guess old habits die hard!
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I honestly am disgusted that they took the TV crew!
I don’t think they expected the outcome to be as bad as it was but it doesn’t matter! Why would you plaster your daughters medical info around for the world to see like that :( you could tell Tillie was devastated and trying her hardest to be so brave
If that was my daughter I’d be consoling her and having a Convo about it in the car or trying my best to distract and cheer her up... instead she lets her sit in silence with her headphones in and the first thing she does is make a vlog of it and plaster it on YouTube and Facebook! That would of been the last thing on my mind.
I do agree with the comment about getting private shoes done- especially since they can afford all these holidays... I’m not saying don’t go to the NHS they deserve it as much as us I suppose BUT if I had the money that they did I know where my priorities would lie.
i was glad to hear there going to let Tillie decide if she wants the operations though- I hope that’s true.

Also every time Sue was trying to speak Noel was speaking over her and interrupting or correcting her over petty crap. Let the woman speak
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And when you can go and spend silly money on gucci shoes you could easily purchases suitable built up shoes for a child who obviously needs them, my concern would be that in the wait more damage could be done to joints.
The NHS is fab but we all know they are strained and it may take time. So yes if I could afford to I would be getting them done private from my own pocket.

Maybe they are hoping for some gifted ones or Noel to nip to B&Q to build his own.
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Chatty Member
What I’ve always wondered is when the kids get to that age they know about sex and consent have any of them thought of noel and sue’s age and looked at age of Chris and put 2 & 2 together because that must creep them out surely
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i had to go and skim through that vlog and I am shocked and disgusted.

Sue said Tilly was in a bad way after the last operation.
To then use it for further vlog content, you say people asked. All that she needed to say was we had a checkup and they will be monitoring her, no need for details.
It also could have been done later, not in the car when the child looks upset in the back.

As for the thought of a film crew being there, what is wrong with these people?
Noel stop spending so much time out of the shop,keep up with your pie orders and make an honest wage rather than exploiting vulnerable kids for views.

I really hope that whatever happens it works out well for Tilly.
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Noel was what 17/18. I doubt sue was the first girl he had sex with. plus Sue looked very young for her age, iHe’d knew her for years
Sue looked just like Tillie does now at that age. Definitely still a little girl. She wasn't much older than Hallie when he first met her. The whole thing is sick.
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It would be incredibly unethical not to mention unfair on the other children if they had IVF for another baby, shame on any clinic that would agree to it! I know it would be private so not on the NHS dollar thankfully but its still a huge risk to have any more at her age and after so many previous pregnancies. It's also money that could be used to help secure the future of the children they already have.
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It was mostly a vlog of sue talking. Her leg is 3 - 3.5cm difference again as she’s has a growth spurt but Tillie doesn’t want the operation yet so they said they are going to leave it until she finishes growing and use a shoe with levels in or something so that she’s not walking funny or Lobsided. When she fell and broke something with the frame last time that’s also damaged and not growing but not too sure what they doing with that.
Noel mentioned they had the film crew with them so no doubt it will feature in the tv show.
Poor Tillie. they did say when she broke her femur that it may have caused permanent damage to the growth plate in that too.

I really hope the insoles do the job for now and no more major surgery is in the pipeline, at least until she has finished growing.

Not exactly what I'd call 'ok' Sue, but I suppose it is ok for you as, although your daughter is going through yet more shit, at least you have some fresh vlog/TV show content and more sympathy (and likely freebies) from the minions again 😡

I will be absolutely disgusted if this appears in the tv show. They tried to milk it last time, but Tillie was practically on the mend from the last op by then, she was free of the cage and it was just about her recovery, using the piss tub for physio exercises etc (yes because we totally believe that's what it was bought for 🙄). This will be ten times worse though if they feature her receiving bad news and thrive on the drama of it all 😥
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I find it really shocking, but not surprising, if Millie’s leaked text about Sue being moody about not being pregnant..and taking that out on the kids, is true.

You’ve only got to look at her to see that really she is too old to keep trying. I do understand when older women keep trying, particularly when they haven’t yet got any children, so do so to feel fulfilled…but when someone has had so many already, and will know that with each pregnancy, and at her age, the risks each time to both herself and the baby will be getting higher.

I don’t see how Sue would manage the practical aspects of caring for a child with complex needs, and the risks of being in that situation is increasing for her with each birth. There’s also the risk to herself, and seeing as how many young children she is already responsible for, serious complications or death, would shift full legal responsibility for the kids solely onto Noel, who is over 50 himself.

She’s got grandchildren, and will likely continues to have many more over the next few years. She has plenty of opportunity to dote on babies, she has no need to keep creating her own just because she enjoys the newness of a baby. I think for Sue, a new baby to her is like having a new toy. She seems to get a buzz from things like binge shopping, so the buying of goods, rather than the goods themselves. I think she is also like that with babies, she just likes the buzz of having a new one. It’s quite sad that by this stage in her life she hasn’t learnt how to seek pleasure in other things or control her impulsively. A good therapist is needed, not a YouTube channel.

Also I think if Sue had got a job a few years ago, working with babies for example at a day nursery, maybe she could have satisfied herself with working with babies, and then not needed to keep producing them just to enjoy the baby stage.

Sue if you are reading, can we please see more in the vlogs of normal family life, not gifted holidays, shopping sprees or staged cooking that clearly isn’t feeding the household. Things like how your evenings operate to ensure that the kids, younger and older, get through their homework. How you check who needs new clothes, how you manage the older kids in their early teens with agreeing and keeping track of their safety with them online gaming or being out with their friends. The kind of stuff that takes up a lot of time and thinking for parents of small families, that’s the kind of stuff I’d like to see done in a large family as there must be work involved in keeping track and being efficient.
I'm not even sure she keeps churning them out because she particularly likes having babies. I think she adores the attention from people she gets when she's pregnant, the freebies that land on her doorstep every day, new things to buy, all to fill a gap inside her that will never be filled. She needs psychiatric help not another baby. She needs to get to the bottom.of why she has this constant need to be a new mum.
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This was accidentally posted, looks like a message from millie
I think that, rather than one of the kids grassing Millie up, this is one of the kids phones that they've left lying sound, Sue has been sticking her nose where she shouldn't and has taken a pic of the message she found. If it was the recipient of the message blabbing to Sue, surely they would have forwarded her the mag rather than showing them on the phone?

Has Millie moved out now? That message makes it sound as though she has when she talks about you lot at home getting the backlash?
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Chatty Member
Heidie isn't even a baby anymore, she's 19 months old, shes a toddler. She shouldn't be eating jars either.
I have a 14 month old and she has exactly what we have. If we're eating out, I don't buy her, her own meal because she wouldn't eat a whole kids meal. I take her suction plate and she has bits off everyone elses plates, that way she gets a decent amount of food and gets to try lots of different things. She would be fuming if I just gave her a chip :p
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Love this ❤ I’m doing the same with my kids hand crafted ones. One day I want to decorate the tree with all the little things they have made can’t wait 🥺
We have a tree that is only for my kids’ handmade ornaments. It always looks … unique. 🤣 But it’s my favorite. My kids hate it, but I insist.
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Love the vtech tree comment, so true! Especially since they've seen to it that their garden is devoid of anything alive and green.
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I don’t know why she bothers unpacking, the number of jaunts away they take.
Who’s paying this time I wonder?
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Chatty Member
I fucking called it! Millie would be up the duff again and looks like I'm right. Sooo predictable.
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Exactly. If she's not already in the menopause she very soon will be and good job too. I do wonder how she will cope mentally especially as the little ones grow and go off to school. The film company will be less and less interested and so will everyone else. A 6, 7, 8 year old doesn't have the same appeal as a cute baby. And her selling point is Britain's biggest family , but that won't last long time.
I think part of the whole plan was keep Sue in the production line as long as possible and by the time she’s retired, they’ll be enough children having children.
Sophie being pregnant whilst living at home was a storyline.
Millie being pregnant whilst living at home was a storyline.
It seems the new series is going to feature an episode with Millie experimenting with moving out.
It also appears that Chris wasn’t having much to do with the family… until he was due to be filmed introducing his newest son.
If all 21 kids, have 21 kids; that gives Noel and Sue 441 grandchildren.
They already have 12 grandchildren and 18 kids haven’t even started yet!
The problem is Noel and Sue seem to struggle maintaining a positive relationship with their adult children.
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