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Millie is Jeff, its a nickname.
If you look at that pic it was probably sent to a sibling and a photo has been taken of the phone by Sue, the flooring looks like the same flooring as in her house, the grey stuff.

Maybe they borrowed clothing for Nicoles baby?

And for a long while I believe Sue has been desperate for another Boy, she was off with me when I was pregnant with a boy.
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Personally I think the older ones should move out there’s no reason for them to be at home and in massive bedrooms then move the younger ones around so they all have their own space which they need! They should just stop this shit show get off social media and go back to being normal before cameras etc got involved before it destroys their family! As far Millie if she is indeed pregnant and we all know sue reads here so sue just to let you know your daughter needs you but you’re too stupid and selfish to put any of your kids needs before yourself and if sue isn’t prepared to be there for Millie and is just using her to claw in more money then Millie is better off on her own away from the house but it’ll all end up in tears and the family unit will be in bits but as long as they’re cashing in they don’t care about anything else
Thing is, it would make for some different vlog content. A whole vlog series about finding all the over 18s a place to live, Sue can go mad buying stuff for all these new places so she'll satisfy her need to spend money. Older kids will somewhat become independent and the younger kids will get some much needed space.

Sue, if you're reading you may even get more viewers as it's something different for a change!
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Are you honestly trying to portray Noel as the real victim in all of this? He was lured into having sex with a child he had known since she was 7? That she was a plotty little hag who took advantage of him and now he's trapped? Because the poor lamb couldn't possibly, way back in the dark ages of the 1980s when it happened, have been reasonably expected to understand that a 13 year old wasn't a suitable sexual partner?


Noel was and still is a sexual predator. He abused a child. He impregnated her so many times he might as well have installed a revolving door in her uterus. He stole her childhood, her adolescence and her entire life from her.

If you want to know what made Sue the narrow, ignorant, nasty bltch we all love to hate, you have no further to look that that animal you call "the more responsible parent" and seem to pity because one day she might feel compelled to tell the whole ugly truth of how he abused and groomed her and trapped her in a baby making cult of his own design.

I am 2 years older than Sue. I remember what we knew and didn't know very well and believe me, we knew that 18 year olds having sex with 13 year olds was not just illegal but amoral and unforgivable. If one of them had knocked me up at 13 my father and brothers would have cut his nonceydlck off and shoved it up his arse.

Sue was failed and betrayed by every adult in her life and now she's a train wreck with no idea how to express or receive real love. She sees herself as a uterus with no other purpose than to reproduce continually because that is what Noel showed her she should be. That's what he taught her made her worthy of being loved by him. And being loved by him was all she ever had to call her own.
That's what happened.

Sue's a shit mother and a nasty bitch but Noel is vermin.
I 100% agree. It pisses me off when I read comments that say things like…oh in those days they weren’t really aware. Yes we were!!
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So we are still in the middle of a pandemic, we still have to hand sanitise as we go into shops, so stupid Sue thinks is hilarious to let Bonnie press all the buttons on fabric toys that people then have to buy. This woman is another level of thick.
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I just think of the environmental impact down the line say all 22 children have 3 children each on average, that's 66 grandchildren, then all of them average 3 between them that's 198 GG children. It's irresponsible and honestly with the current climate crisis shouldn't be condoned.
Exactly, and it's not like they make any attempt to be sustainable or reduce their carbon footprint. Their shopping habits are bloody disgusting, and it's always fast fashion and mass produced, all their food is wrapped in single use plastic, they buy new cars and prams and furniture just for the heck of it, not because they need them. Not to mention the amount of disposable nappies and wipes they've used over the years, the disposable plates at mealtimes, and so much more. Even a family their size shouldn't produce so much waste that they frequently need skips. They could afford to be more sustainable and it would make things cheaper too. But they're too lazy and they have to show off all the crap they can afford
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Comments about Millie just wanting to 'lie on her back' etc are uncalled for at this point, we don't even know what's happened and if she is pregnant good for her! Hope she can get out of the cult like Chloe
Comments about Millie just wanting to 'lie on her back' etc are uncalled for at this point, we don't even know what's happened and if she is pregnant good for her! Hope she can get out of the cult like Chloe
Oh come off it. She's just turned 20 and is seemingly already pregnant with her second child and has ZERO means or intention to support these children (and no, the new baby daddy doesn't count as she probably barely knows him and he could fuck off at any point). The girl likely has no intention of ever doing anything other than popping out kids just like her mother (just not 22 of them) and being an 'influencer'. There is no work or ambition in her or her mother. Chloe is the only one with an sense and brains in that family. As for your comment 'good for her', as if being knocked up for the second time at 20 with a different guy is some sort of accomplishment - I fucking despair. Set the bar a bit higher ffs.
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My logic of why Sue takes toddlers and whoever else will go to the shops is that when they are at nursery… she is wants to ‘chill’, not do chores such as shopping or ‘work’ such as filming.

When the toddlers are at home and running riot she doesn’t want to have to do too much to look after them, she doesn’t want to read to them or play games with them, she is too lazy and selfish for that…so it occurs to her that if she takes them out in the car they will probably relax, if she takes them in a shop they will be entertained by a new place or being grabby at new things. If she takes a couple of the older kids as well she can have them get the pram out of the car, and do any lifting and carrying, plus be company for her if she stops for coffee because she has no friends to meet up with. Added to these benefits, if must also really be satisfying to know that by randomly swinging the camera around and jabbing her bent up witch’s finger at all the standard crap in any chain store, with the declaration of “that’s really nice, I like that”, or of course, giving the audience some variety with “that’s really cool, I like that”… that she is funding her shopping sprees as she carries them out. It’s a net zero £ shopping trip, quite an achievement really.
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I hope Millie sells out and runs all the way to the bank for those babies. Sue has used her enough including the birth of millies baby for her own greedy gain shoving the camera in her face in delivery suite ffs.
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I have no time for Sue, she's a nasty cold-hearted twat, but I wouldn't say she plotted a pregnancy with Noel when she was 13. As a 17 or 18 year old you know not to have sex with such a young girl, no matter how much she begs, you as the adult know to say no. ESPECIALLY when you've known her since she was what, 7? 5 years isn't a huge difference as adults but there is a HUGE difference between a 13 year old and a 17 year old. One is barely a teenager, still very naive and innocent, the other is nearly an adult who knows damn well right from wrong. People don't have to be taught not to have sex with children or beat their partners. Whether or not they know the laws, everybody knows very basic right from wrong by the time they're a teenager. Sue might have possibly had baby fever like a lot of young girls but I don't think Noel is a poor innocent soul who was baby trapped by an evil teenage girl.

Sue to me still seems like a 13 year old girl. When children go through trauma they often revert back to that age even as they physically grow, and becoming a mum at 13 seems to have done that to Sue. Look at how ridiculously shockingly immature she is, how naive and selfish and uneducated and stunted she is. Noel has been allowed to grow up beyond the age he was when he had children. He had already been through his teen years like a normal teenager, he went out to work and met people and gained life experiences. Sue on the other hand has been stuck at home constantly pregnant or with a newborn for most of her life, doesn't seem to have friends or hobbies or any life experience. Noel does a lot of the "adulting" in that house because he for all his faults is a real adult, Sue is a little girl.

I think she's stayed with him because she had no other choice in her eyes. At 13 she thought she loved him and didn't want to take legal action, she needed him to help support her and the baby, she married him the moment she was legal, she had more children with him. She's never had time to consider whether or not she loves him or should be with him. She couldn't leave him when she had half a dozen little ones at home and no work experience or knowledge of the real world. She probably feels trapped. She doesn't know how to live without a man, she has too much baggage to get remarried, she's too dependent on him.

Frankly if Sue spoke out against Noel and what he did, I wouldn't blame her. I've personally experienced a relative coming to terms with the fact that she was groomed as a young girl and leaving her husband. She's now thriving, but unlike Sue she doesn't have a million minor children to think about. I don't think there's much hope for her. There's nothing but elevator music behind her eyes.

I just can't see Noel as a poor trapped soul who is scared of Sue. He may be scared of being held accountable for his actions, as he should, but he seems like a smug controlling bastard to me. He's shown his aggressive angry side a few times. We've seen him snap over something small. He got away with his past actions and knows it.

Of course Sue seems happy- she doesn't know any better.

I can't believe I just half defended Sue Radford :sick: but I was sexually abused as a child and if there's anything I hate more than Sue it's a child groomer who pretends he didn't know he was doing anything wrong, as though you have to be specifically told NOT to be a creep!
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If I were Millie I would announce it before spiteful Sue gets in there, time to control your own narative Millie.
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To be fair, I’ve seen books in their house. They read to the kids at night don’t they? How can we know they don’t do their reading books? I agree it’s not fair to expect the older children to do the parenting though.
Oh dear... 🙈

This is why they do the odd staged book read every now and again for the cameras, because they know how easily their minions are taken in.

Does that really look like a regular bedtime routine to you? Do the kids really look engaged? Do they really look familiar with handling books?

Most of us on here can see straight through it. That's how transparent it is. Just because they own some books, strategically place them in vlogs whenever it's mentioned they don't read and occasionally attempt to wrestle one of their children still in front of the camera so they can read to them to 'prove' they do, does not mean regular reading takes place in that house. Far from it.

The bedtime routine clip on their FB page is a classic example of staged reading. Noel is apparently 'reading' Hide and Seek Pig to Archie. Anyone who knows that book knows that it's the pig who is seeking the other animals. So why is Noel asking Archie to lift the flap to see where the pig is? Archie had never seen the book before, as he didn't have a clue either what would be under the flap, or that pig was actually seeking. Then Noel said no that's the chicken. If he actually bothered to read the text, it's referred to as a hen, not chicken, on every single page (and that's an important differentiation, as it's a rhyming text. Chicken doesn't work with the rhymes). So Noel wasn't 'reading' at all, he was just posing with a book for 30 seconds waffling some rubbish to Archie for the sake of the TV show, to stage it to look like the children get bedtime stories. They'd clearly flicked to that random page, for him to not realise that a) pig was seeking and not hiding and b) they'd spent the whole story looking for 'hen' (not chicken).

They really really don't have a bedtime story regularly. It's only once in a blue moon for the camera, and even then it's debatable whether the story is actually being read to them properly. It's so obvious in the kid's body language that it's not an experience they are use to.

There's lots of pro Radfords popping up on here!
I think this is the wrong thread for you all 🙃

Aimee looks different to all of the kids I think 🤔
I use to think Aimee and Tillie looked really similar when they were younger (old pics of Aimee as a kid look very similar to Tillie at a similar age, to me). I think they both look a bit like Sophie and Bonnie is a much younger version of them all.
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Sorry but really? You know you have been somewhere too often when the kids look as bored as those kids did. Usual taking the piss because Bonnie was crying on the ride, just like Sue laughed when Tillie fainted on the ride the first time they went. They seem really pleased and proud that they go places and take over the whole venue. At dinner, half the kids never had a meal, Noel was nicking chips off the kids meals to give to the other kids. This lot are a bunch of weirdos.
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How old is Sophie's eldest? 9? If she follows in her mum and nans footsteps Sue could be a great grandmother in 10 or so years, Heidie could be a great auntie before she's a teenager 😲 In 20 years Sue will have countless grandkids and great grandkids. Imagine having Sue and Noel as grandparents or great grandparents. You wouldn't get spoiled or doted on because they're busy with your baby uncles and aunties. Your "older" uncles and aunties might as well be your cousins.
Imagine being Chris and looking at Heidie knowing she is his full blooded sister, raised by the same parents, yet their lives couldn't be more different. I come from a family with weird age differences, with an aunty younger than me, but nothing like the radfords. They're going to have a bloody hard time drawing their family tree at school.
I just think of the environmental impact down the line say all 22 children have 3 children each on average, that's 66 grandchildren, then all of them average 3 between them that's 198 GG children. It's irresponsible and honestly with the current climate crisis shouldn't be condoned.
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Raising children is worthwhile. Far more so, in my opinion, than climbing Mount Everest or traveling incessantly. Just not the way Sue Radford's done it.
I agree. It is certainly the best thing I ever did. The problem is when it's your whole life, like Radford, and that's all you ever done and how you made your money, and it's so obvious that, as parents go, you are pretty shit at it, when it all comes crashing to an end, as it inevitably will, she has nothing. No friends, no qualifications, no work experience, no life outside the home, little to offer society. I am very proud of all my 5 children who are all fabulous, contributory members of society, but I'm also proud of training and qualifying as a nurse, my volunteer work with the foodbank,and all the other things I've achieved.
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Chatty Member
Raising children is a fine goal and achievement if that's what you aspire to do and enjoy doing it and put effort into it, but Sue does the bare minimum and doesn't even seem to enjoy it. If someone could look back and say they achieved raising well-fed, well-educated, well-rounded, kind, confident, happy children who will contribute something to society in some way, that would be impressive, whether it was 2 or 22. Sue has not done that despite having all the resources to do so. She acts like a teenage babysitter- no, worse, because you wouldn't hire a babysitter who would ignore the children and sit on the couch reading Tattle and feed them rubbish.
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No Sue there really aren’t that many are there?
Cos we all know where you shop and even if we didn’t a quick google or a walk up most high streets would be sufficient. More likely that people are messaging asking why you’re buying a ton more of Christmas shite when you must have crates full given the amount of Christmases you’ve had with kids.
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