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Bloody hell, Lazy Susan, if you have paid for that hair, sack the stylist!!!! Her hair looks as dry as straw and needs a flipping deep conditioning mask.
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Seriously though what is she going to do when Heidi starts primary school. All of the kids will either have left home, have jobs (hopefully) or be in some form of education. It will be a HUGE reality check when she realises she has all this time and nothing to do with it because from the age or 13 her life has consisted of looking after babies and children. She’s literally done nothing worthwhile with her life.

I think she will have a midlife crisis, because suddenly she’s all alone, she doesn’t have an hobbies, or a job to keep her occupied. She doesn’t seem to have any friends either, so in reality how will she cope.

A lot of people in this world when there around 50 let’s say can look back on their life and say “I climbed Mount Everest” or “I’ve travelled to all the countries I wanted to”, they can say they’ve ticked things off their bucket list. But all she has to offer is “I had 22 children” that isn’t really admirable imo. Especially when you had your first at 13. I have nothing wrong with big families at all, if all children are loved and cared for equally, and their are no favourite as there clearly is with the radfords.
To be fair she will always have kids around her , just think of the amount of grandkids they will have over the next 5/10/15 plus years... the younger ones will have children and they will be younger than their nieces and nephews kids (if that makes sense !) Sue will never not have children and babies in her life , so in a way she will never have to find a hobby , ! They will probably end up with dozens and dozens of grandkids and great grandkids... and I'm pretty sure she will be on standby to babysit !
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I just think of the environmental impact down the line say all 22 children have 3 children each on average, that's 66 grandchildren, then all of them average 3 between them that's 198 GG children. It's irresponsible and honestly with the current climate crisis shouldn't be condoned.
Could argue that about all large families though 🤷‍♀️
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I know someone who is there this weekend and they are overjoyed at the thought of the company. 😂
I wonder if they will be filming?

the sausage roll mum is nothing to do with lad baby:

Defo no Millie at breakfast on sues instastories although I’m not sure who’s next to Katie doesn’t look like a radford.
its Aimee, she’s always had a slightly different look
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Chatty Member
Christ - remember when the kids all slept in an oversized chicken coop?
oversized chicken coop 🤣🤣 at least their fame/notoriety has meant that they can buy fun things for them to do in the garden etc.

I think they are definitely struggling for content?

Even their fans can't justify watching another alton towers vlog? As I presume they will do?

Sue just looks so tired? Why don't they just take a break for a bit?

There is no content. It's literally nothing.
I should imagine they rely on it for money at this point because the bakery had to close for quite a time due to lockdown didn’t it?
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Not trying to say Noel is the victim, not initially anyway, he was 100% in the wrong at aged 18. But that was about 32 years ago, a lot has happened in their relationship since that initial illegal act. I just think that what he did when he was 18 could have forced him to be tied to Sue for life, because if he chooses to leave, she can then report his crime, which has never appeared to have concerned her before, to the police. I think she is hard nosed and what may have started as him doing an illegal act could be used by her to control him later on. I actually think both sets of parents were responsible as when they found out about the relationship it appears they did nothing to stop it. I can understand the logic in allowing Noel contact with baby Chris, and part of that would be to encourage him to financially contribute…but both sets of parents should have been firm on Noel and Sue not having any contact directly with each other. Sue’s parents especially should have seen it as abuse and not just a young relationship. Noel’s parents should have been firm with him to protect him from ending up in jail. Same as with Noel and Sue, if the inferred allegations about Daniel turn out to be true, should be putting massive effort right now into supporting him so he is rehabilitated and reducing the risk in future to himself and his future partners. I fear Noel and Sue will just do as their parents did and express mild disappointment and then get distracted and forget about it without dealing with it effectively. If no one makes a big fuss about the wrongdoing with serious consequences meted out by the family, the wrong-doer will play down the seriousness of the offence in their own mind because nobody else is particularly bothered so why should they be? I think that is what happened, Noel probably understood the age gap was wrong, but there was nobody there reinforcing to him how severely wrong his actions were…his actions were just accepted and his relationship with Sue was allowed to continue.

We will probably never know how Noel feels in retrospect, does he not care and think his behaviour was normal, does he feel disgusted with himself, or does he look back and it not feel real and not quite understand why he felt it was acceptable at the time. It’s when he sees his own daughters at 13 that it surely must hit him how young Sue was and wrong it must have been viewing it in retrospect. Maybe he cannot bring himself to think about it and analyse it in hindsight.

What’s also weird is that the tv shows and sponsors can find the information so easily that Noel committed statutory rape, yet are still willing to work with him. That is the what I find most bizarre, these companies have no morals.

As for the row with Chris where the tv came off the wall, that could literally have been about anything at all, no reason to assume it had anything to do with the statuary rape issue. They don’t seem very keen on adults moving out and starting their own lives, Chloe
and Millie appear to have left amongst rows, so same with Chris it could just have been a combination of things that led to that incident…I think living in that house could try anyone’s patience.

I wonder if any of the kids have been bullied at school specifically due to Noel’s statutory rape, or parents, especially of female school friends, have banned them from visiting the house due to concerns about whether Noel could be a risk to children. I can image a lot of questions from the kids that Noel and Sue will want to avoid answering.

Noel was very lucky that Sue’s parents didn’t react differently, instead of a publicly praised dad of 22, he could have ended up in prison and with a criminal records for sex offences and labelled as a danger to minors for the rest of his life, if it wasn’t for them being so mild about it all.

Sue showed her true colours for me in her handling of the sausage roll woman. Instead of making a statement putting right any untruths or admitting to which parts were true..she resorted to bullying and encouraging others to help her do so. There is a nastiness in Sue that I don’t see in Noel, which is not to say that it did not start the other way round. To me he just seems a bit wet, it is Sue who is the hard nosed one. But like with all YouTube families…we don’t know if he can turn on and off behaviour at the same rate he turns on and off a camera.

If I met Noel, for example as a customer if I worked in a shop…I wouldn’t feel apprehensive about dealing with him, but I would with Sue, because I think she can get very nasty right in people’s faces without thinking through the consequences and could escalate to that in seconds, if she isn’t getting her own way, whereas Noel would probably go home and write a polite whinge letter.

I wouldn’t trust either of them alone with my
kids, I don’t think Noel is a danger to random children, but as he has form you could never be 100% certain, and Sue I would not trust to actually bother herself to watch a child, keep them safe, or not to have a temper flare ups for barely any reason. I’d honestly trust some of the older girls with childcare more than I’d trust Sue and Noel, which must say something bad considering they are in theory the most experienced parents in Britain.
can someone fill me in on the gossip with Daniel? Haven’t been here for a couple weeks
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Anyone see Milles picture quote " I may be the black sheep of the family but some of the white sheep aren't as white as they seem"
Hmm 🤔
Wonder if the spoiled entitled one has fallen out of favour?
Perhaps she didn’t like the fuss Sue was making of Chris’s little baby, Ophelia has to be the favourite grandchild according to Millie.
Or perhaps she was made to actually get up with her own child that morning, Sue being too busy getting her own little ones ready for the big day 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Has anyone seen the video posted today on their Facebook. Called bedtime routine , about half way through? The camera shows one child slap another round the face? The child looks really shocked .. is that what actually happened or have my eyes deceived me ?! It was horrible to see 😩
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Little me.

VIP Member
I thought it was the Walkers at the Christening and the other woman looked like that Sarah that makes them the Chocolate crap. Probably the only “ friends “ they have. More to be pitied than laughed at 🤣🤣🤣
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Tilly Kister

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The fact that they also a day after the disaster claimed that supporters robbed injured, abused females and urinated on bodies, none of which was true.
And thats just what they did about Hillsborough.

I dont know any Liverpool supporters who would touch that paper.

But good old Radford, claims to be a Liverpool supporter when it suits her and has sold them numerous exclusives.
And for all her followers, if she hadnt have worked with the scum in the fist place they wouldnt be able to lift the stories from insta and their blogs using pictures that were taken by sun photographers.
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Chatty Member
I guess you can forgive Sue's mum for not knowing all of their names, there are far too many of them!

Joking aside, I'm not convinced she is quite saying Samson. It's definitely something similar, but I can't quite work out what it is. Her accent is quite strong though, so it could very well be Samson! It doesn't sound like any of the other kid's names, that's for sure. What dogs did they have back then? Could it have been a pet?! I know the one they had with Lola, before the Frenchies, was Amber who passed away a few years ago now but I'm sure there were different dogs too when KAC was first filmed.

Expect the tell all book to be released as soon as he hits 18. How I escaped from the Mad House! 😂
Why would she be telling a dog that Mummy is home though? :p I'm baffled! I shall have to watch this episode tomorrow now to see if I can solve the mystery! :p
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Chatty Member
If they go to Australia, surely they'd have to take the kids out of school? You can't really go to Australia for a fortnight can you :p

Just had a look and doubt it will be Australia, all international arrivals have to do mandatory 14 days quarantine in a hotel. Can you imagine being in that hotel with them?! :p

However they will probably need negative covid tests before they travel to anywhere, how much will that cost for all of them?! can you imagine doing tests on all the little ones?
Wonder if they're jabbed
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Chatty Member
Can someone post the link to the assumptions vlog I’ve looked and fast forwarded to 21mins and don’t see anything about Millie moving out pls
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Chatty Member
They must be dab hands at christenings now? They should set a events company up
To specialise each one including a stomping noel to nearly take your guests out charging about ( I assume its him )
He was fully stomping about 😂😂😂
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