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Chatty Member
I didn't like the way Sue and Noel put guilt on Chloe while she was at uni. She should have been free to have her own life and have fun as a student but because Noel and Sue are so selfish, she felt she had to give up her studies and come home. She shouldn't have had to look after the kids Noel and Sue chose to have.

I get the feeling Sue doesn't like Nicole.
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Tilly Kister

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He knocked up Sue when he was 18 and she was 13/14, which is creepy enough. He has a terrible temper when the cameras are off from what we can see. He makes my skin crawl, I wouldn't let my kids play over at that house with creepy Noel around.
Equally terrifying is that Noel knocked up his mate's sister when she was 13 and he was 18. There are what - 3-4 boys in that house who are nearly 18 or over 18 and they have all been raised to believe that their parents' origin story is a romance of the century type situation, not a gross abuse of trust and an actual crime. I wouldn't be inviting any of those lads to my house if I had daughters. I know that.
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Have they have bought a fire pit now?! That whole garden is becoming a hazard for the kids, with so many small children why do they think it's a good idea to have fire at their height level, even when put out it can stay warm for ages. They need to stop cluttering the same area of the garden with everything.
Sue needs a hobby that isn't shopping or having kids.
Unrelated but what happened with their extention, you wouldnt buy loads of new garden items if building was going to happen?
I thought exactly the same thing. Mine are all around the teen ages now but up until fairly recently I would risk assess everything for possible hazards and a fire pit would have been a definite no no. With babies and toddlers and even under 10s I wouldn’t feel happy at all having something that could cause such a serious accident 😳
That said, these are the people that bought a marble (or marble effect concrete 😂) table that lines up directly with little ones heads so I expect as long as it looks nice they don’t give a shit.
Vlogs, dogs and making sprogs. That’s the priority in that house!
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You would think after 22 kids they would have enough stair gates to last, and push chairs!
Greed! Pure greed!

I love my gifted pram. It will go so well with all the gifted clothes of the kids sitting in it. I bloody hope she’s donating all her old prams to a charity that can regift them to parents in need. She’s a fucking disgrace taking stuff with all the wealth they’ve got. At the very least, pop it up on your socials and say thank you publicly but that you’re in the position to buy for yourselves and your kids (I mean this is what they are forever preaching to their fans) and donate the stuff you’re given. Or auction it and donate the money.
Im actually quite angry.
Exactly! Gift it to someone IN NEED!!!!!!
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I have a conspiracy theory that Sue is going to get IVF and try to conceive twins so she can go out with a bang. I know it's far fetched but nothing surprises me anymore. Imagine how much they'd milk having twins?

Oh god, I hope I haven't given them any ideas. Sue I know you're reading here, 22 is plenty! Get a hobby, do some self discovery, get a reborn doll if you have to, but don't let Noel knock you up again.
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Myself and my Partner earn well over £30k combined, yet we live in a smaller house, have 1 car between us and 2 dependant children yet we couldn't afford to live the lifestyle they do. They spout so much crap it's unbelievable. What are they going to do when the interest in them stops along with the big payouts? Go back to rationing fish fingers? That last vlog, well I don't know what to say. I could not stand that level of noise in my house constantly, it would drive me nuts. Why every birthday, do they have to have McDonalds? Every birthday is the same. Hallie, Phoebe, Archie and Bonnie constantly snatching presents. They claim each child has their one special day, if that's so, stop the little ones grabbing the presents and make them sit down and watch. I've lost count the number of birthday vlogs, where Hallie especially is grabbing presents and just opening them when they aren't even hers. Why did Sue buy Josh call of duty? It was his 14th birthday and it's an 18 game which my Son plays and is pretty violent. It's rated 18 for a reason.
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Do they have anyone who isn't related to them working in the pie shop? They should spend some of their precious money and hire someone who can work in the shop as well as answer emails and such. It's ridiculous that they're so behind on orders and are so rude and unprofessional to paying customers. At the very least their adult kids who live at home and don't appear to be working or studying could help out
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Chatty Member
They've made a tiktok and posted an old gender reveal, what's with the old pregnancy content lately? I think they're trying to make new followers assume she's currently pregnant to increase views
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Noticed how on the recent blacl pool vlog sue made a big point of saying millie and ophelia stayed at home like we need to congratulate her at almost 20 years of age fir staying at home to care fir her own daughter.for a few hours ...mind you if ellie was home maybe she helped with childcare hopefully she won't become the new's one thing a teenager helping out lending a hand learning responsibility etc but totally different to expect them to step up 24/7to be mini mum roles etc as we've seen with Katie often caring for archie at night as if he were her own child nit her brother

Guess millie missing out on the blackpool trip got her a consulation prize of a trip to the new bakery. ....wonder if when ophelia turns one will millie return to work. ....maybe they could make her a new role at the new bakery she could sort out a new music sound system and design a new uniform personalised of course with bow's and frills in scratchy materials same as baby ophelia has to constantly suffer no moRe manky baseball caps ....
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People are waiting 3 weeks for pies because Noel goes to work for an hour, then comes home for 7 to do school run and get kids up, goes back then finishes for the day at 2pm so he can go do the school run again then that's it. He actually works in the shop 5 to 5 and a half hours a day, if you were that far behind with orders, you would be working all hours to catch up. Why can't millie or Sue go help out, it only takes one of them to watch Heidie and Ophelia because everyone else is at school.or nursery.
Why can’t Sue and Millie get the kids ready for school between them?
Why does Noel have to come home & help out?
Also Sue drives so if the kids school is further than walking distance from their home she can drop them off.
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Little me.

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So now Hairdie is back in the bloody sling again. On a hot day like today she looks all hot and bothered. Poor little mite. Don’t anybody tell me she is a brilliant mother. She is a bloody idiot.
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Chatty Member
They're disgraceful. And so are the brands that keep sending them crap. I'd respect a company more if they gave free things to people who NEED them and children who will appreciate them. What's the point in gifting a pram to a rich family who already have a million prams?
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Tilly Kister

VIP Member
If I was Noel and Sue I would be investing somewhere for the future rather than the short term gain of buying tat.

With all the stuff blowing up with the inghams I really feel that there is going to be boundries put in place for family vloggers, there is plenty of rules and regs for people filming for TV but not for youtube and sooner or later this will change.
Also with they kids growing up and Sue drying up, the content becomes limited, no one will be tuning in to see the latest sprog.

The home renovations are a bit weird, shes not much of a hincher, the place looks grotty and the mould on the windows is disgusting. As for her taste its like Lawrence Lewelyn Bowen but from wish.

As for the pie shop, the trust pilot reviews are worrying.
Look at the arrogance.
We get hundreds of emails and can’t reply to them all? 🤦🏻‍♀️ it’s called customer service noel.
Don’t take peoples money and not provide a service.
OMFG. They've taken money under false pretences from that person (and lord knows how many others) and then have the gall to be rude to him on the review he sent? "It's not fair to say our pies are bad because you never got to taste them so how would you know!" Really Noel? I knew you were gormless but that's priceless.

A one star review for a company that basically stole your money seems utterly appropriate to me. I'm sure the fella would have preferred the option of a no star review but it's not offered. That they can't even be arsed to set up an automated email response to all the unfilled orders demonstrates perfectly how incompetent they are. I don't think they have any intention of filling those orders. They probably really do believe in their addled, entitled minds that they are allowed to take the money, not deliver the pies and everyone should just understand that they have holidays to go on and vlogs to film which must take priority over whatever their gullible public have paid for.


I wouldn’t want my children sleeping in a see through tent in that garden!
That was my first thought. Every creep on the internet can easily find out where they live and now those creeps also know what day they can wander by to perv on a load of adolescent girls in their nighties.
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Titis is such a good point. It really disgusts me the way they go on with spending money and having expensive things. It doesn’t make you a good parent.
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I may be wrong, but when we got our hot tub, we were told children shouldn't go in it.
What the heck has Mouthy Millie put that poor baby in now? That poor child looks so uncomfortable. Give her some shorts and a t shirt. Sue probably didn't cook that foods, Noel probably did, but Sue served it up to make out she does things other than chill. For someone who has 22 kids and a big house, you would think she would constantly be on the go, yet I've never seen her do anything apart from sitting with a coffee or shopping. Considering "they" own a pie business and the kids are either at school or nursery during the day, why doesn't Sue ever help out in the business? They are always weeks behind with orders so wouldn't you think it would be all hands on deck to get orders out as fast as possible? Sophie worked in the pie shop when she was pregnant with Daisy, so why has Millie got away with lazing about all day? Shouldn't she be in the shop earning a wage?
It’s obvious from what they show on their vlogs and photos that Sue has taken over and paired Heidi and Ophelia in the same way as she has with Hallie and Phoebe.
Millie has done her job of delivering Ophelia and is now surplus. Unless she’s got some hidden illness or disability that they’re keeping a secret, there is no reason that Millie now shouldn’t be out working, either with Noel or elsewhere. Or even going to college to learn a trade like hair or beauty and she could then go and work with Chloe.
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Chatty Member
What can those 10 episodes possibly be about? They don't do anything interesting. I'm guessing more ugly renovations, a holiday or 2, Sue spending "quality time" with a few kids, Ellie's birthday... unless they are hiding a pregnancy that will be revealed on the show. I'll never understand why people want to watch the most unrelatable family in the world brag and be obnoxious.

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Sue getting excited over a pram 22 kids later

Get. A. Fucking. Grip 🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱
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Chatty Member
So I lurk on the Duggarsnark subreddit and someone posted about income, which I thought applied to the Radfords as well. According to this persons thorough calculations, for a family of 22 people to live just above the poverty line they'd need to be making 217k in America, which is about 156k in british pounds. To live a middle class life (decent cars, occasional holidays) they'd need 350k, about 251k in gbp. The radfords live in a pretty cheap area but they clearly live a rich persons lifestyle, so they'd need to be making far far more than 250 thousand pounds a year for the 18 children at home (19 until recently) plus Ophelia and the two parents.

I know it's been said over and over and it's nothing new now, but 30k a year is utter rubbish.
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