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Patchwork cat

Active member
I think the general public sending them gifts is odd, I feel patreon is odd, too. YouTube is lucrative.Why do you need patreon and those kids don’t need gifts, not like some children. Yes goodness only knows where all the toys are, but the parents can afford them. If I was the radfords I would ask for no more gifts, but please donate to a local children’s charity for kids who won’t get gifts.
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I think they'd be in a house now with a lot more outdoor space if they'd saved all their money instead of wasting it. The kids would benefit from outdoor space/ woodland much more than plastic toys
I honestly don’t understand why they don’t do this! The kids would benefit so much more from lots of outdoor space and fresh air instead of being cooped up in small rooms with tons of plastic and electronic toys. They could really upscale their business too to include all the older kids (who wanted to be involved obviously).
They just appear to be living very much for the now with little regard for the future, especially where their younger kids are concerned.
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Sue who complained about not feeling safe, her privacy and lied that someone doxxed her!

lights her house up, like Blackpool and vlogs it!

she’s not the brightest!
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So true, they are going to grow out of it so fast! It would be fine if she was going to have more but she said she isn’t- i hardly believe that lol

View attachment 350200

See all of their little minions defending sue 😂
If it was said in a vlog or to the newspaper, you still said it was going to be a struggle.

Someone gift her a notepad to keep up with the lies.
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I think they'd be in a house now with a lot more outdoor space if they'd saved all their money instead of wasting it. The kids would benefit from outdoor space/ woodland much more than plastic toys
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My kids do secret Santa at school. Obviously the presents were quarantined for a few days before being handed out at their party. Why do you keep going back to referring to her x friends? No one has mentioned that for absolutely ages! It’s pointless on your behalf. Just makes you look like you are taking digs at certain Tattlers!! Not cool!!!
That person literally wrote a post about her talking to Sue last year about secret santa. There are multiple posts in this thread by her mentioning friendship, ex friendship, the stalking, calling the cops on each other, etc. It's not been"absolutely ages". I'm certainly taking digs at it. It's not cool to be a psycho ex friend stalker. It's deeply concerning. I don't know any sane person who spends huge amounts of their free time keeping up with and talking about an ex friend.

We’re talking about 18yr old kids here. Even if he did want to be involved he probably doesn’t want the whole media spotlight and who can blame him? If he and Millie could arrange something privately that was “off camera” maybe he’d be more inclined. None of us know the story so maybe we should just cut him some slack? 🤷‍♀️
I don't think he's required to be in the media spotlight if he doesn't want it. Still, it's his child. Decent people will do whatever they can for their child. He's obviously a POS. I don't cut him any slack. He chose to have unprotected sex. He knows he has a child. He chooses to have nothing to do with that child.
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Chatty Member
Erm I know I still managed to do things and climb for things to mess around with as a kid but isn't a bit concerning about the hairdryer story at the start of today's vlog? The younger kids had access to it and burnt holes in the carpet, luckily none of them had held down another sibling and burnt them! :eek:
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Little me.

VIP Member
Another shit vlog of a load of crap as usual. Why the hell do they allow them kids to stand on the table, one of these days one will fall off and crack their head open. They will only have themselves to blame.
The usual Sue inane conversation, everything is lovely..even the absoloutely disgusting nails that Chloe has. They are FOUL...did they come from the £1 shop?
The food won’t last until Christmas because the kids will eat it, take more control over it then.
It’s probably a free for all, my kids never took anything from the cupboard unless they asked first but the kids have no discipline whatsoever.
I get sick of seeing the disgusting jumper Queen scratching round her neck all the time. Has she got fleas?
Poor creepie Noel can’t celebrate his 50th birthday properly. Hard cheddar there have been millions that can’t this year.
I really could write a book about The Radford Crap she spouts.
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Bare in mine we saw a few toys piled on a trolley, they were positioned to make the trolley look full. The rest of the trolley could have been filled with normal household stuff(like the shower gel) or empty. There is no proof they were donated or even actually purchased and not put back on the shelf.

Either way that trolley was deliberately staged to make it look like they were donating a huge trolley full of stuff to a good cause after we called them out again.

Not buying any of it for a second.

Hi Sue!
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Chatty Member
To be honest I've often thought this. Maybe she wants to grow it out but keeps seeing the comments on here and feels forced to dye it again each time? We all know how much Sue worries about public opinion (when it comes to certain things at least).

I criticise her for many things, mainly her parenting and the way she conducts herself on social media, but I don't see the point in pulling a middle aged woman apart for the fact she has noticable roots.
Maybe you’re right, if she does come on here she’ll also see the title ‘Sue’s womb is like a deflated balloon’ will she feel forced to have another baby? But strange that no one has a problem with the jokes about her womb. Also I don’t really feel that I’m ‘pulling her apart’ for her roots, I made a joke & expressed my opinion and have apologised now, but I would like someone to point out to me what is and isn’t allowed on these threads? (Not trying to cause an argument just genuinely curious 😊)
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And the problem is lots of the stuff are useless as they cant really choose well for each other(Aimees shoe..I mean she never wore that style and she disliked the to the skip 🤨?)
How they just move on from gift to gift with a poker face is beyond words. Even little ones..and between 22 kids not a single thank you!!
This will repeat in 4 days again just with an overboard budget which I dont want to know! What for??? They should gift experience now instead of constant material stuff noone is happy about.
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I'm really new here but I've noticed how grabby the kids are when Sue's opening parcels etc, also the tablet and breakfast table, we'd never allow that.
Sue is abit..... How can I put this......
Slow! You can see that.
She's been raising kids from 13, I doubt much effort went into education really, it's just not the greatest example to children though is it.
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Well I’ve never done polar breakfasts or elf on the shelf. Never done Christmas Eve boxes either!
Well boring me!! 😂😂😂
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have the privilege

Well-known member
Pages like this insta keep popping up on my suggested follows. I’d be seriously concerned about things like this in their position, yet there’s some of the “fan pages” that they interact with and thank. It must be very unnerving to have random strangers posting images of your children and commenting on how cute/beautiful/clever/insert descriptor here they are. I don’t understand why they humour it by interacting with some of them?


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Little me.

VIP Member
I’ve just watched that latest vlog. All that fucking woman does is brag brag brag brag brag.
She’s got where she is today by lying on her back and shagging. Hardly a badge of honour.
More bloody clothes for the kids from Zara. Im convinced she doesn’t wash half of them these days and just bins them.
The bakery is closed so no income from that is going to hit hard. It hasn’t stopped her spending on more crap. She should have thought about “What If” before she wasted money on more Christmas bedding and bloody Christmas trees in every room. She so acts like a child. What was wrong with last years duvet sets...grrrr. She loves everything she sees and touches and things are always cute.
Those young children are so feral, climbing on eating and work surfaces. They seem to have no boundaries at all.
Doing Phoebes school work with her and telling her the answers. She hasn’t a clue but of course she was more interested in bloody filming.
I would love to be a fly on the wall when there’s no cameras, she will be one mixed up crazy neurotic woman!!!!
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Those advent calendars are so worthless. Nothing but a bunch of junk that will get tossed in rubbish soon. It's sickening. Xmas is such a good time to build imagination and art skills for kids. They could be creating their own calendars right now. But I guess that would be too much work for the Radfords. The trees in every room is disgusting as well They don't do anything to build community in their own home. Just send everyone off to enjoy their own little christmases.

Still no mask in sight in the house. Aimee might be negative now but she was literally standing in a room with maskless Noel so likely she could be positive now. So completely irresponsible in that house. None of them care about each other in the slightest.

I don't know why but I continue to be shocked at how very terrible they are at vlogging. They just have no organization or planning when going into it. The editing sucks. They do the same thing over and over. If I didn't despise them so much I would give them a detailed list of how to be better vloggers. They need only check out some of the more popular family vloggers to get a better idea of what to do. It's not just about spending a few hours a day recording what they are doing. They need a plan, they need different topics, it needs better camera and editing work. It just drives me crazy how unbearably lazy they are with it
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