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VIP Member
Well, we spend a lot of time talking about how they don't donate and they've donated twice now and the response rips them to shreds. Sounds like a no-win situation for them.
You've said this before. For me, it's how they choose to publicise their donations , it's crass. Purely done for social media likes.

As with everything in their lives, it's all about quantity. Before, with the food bank, they weren't just content to donate and share a link telling other people that they've donated and here's how you can do the same. No, they had to reveal how much they'd donated, as if that makes them better than someone who could only give a few quid.

Again, this time, it's not just sharing a link for anyone wanting to donate a gift for underprivileged kiddies, like they've done. It was "look at this whole trolley full of toys we can afford to gift, aren't we good?".

The way they do things is so tacky and cringeworthy. I applaud the fact they donate (in fact I've never personally criticised them for not, as I know they always do do their bit, even if it is just for social media likes) but I can't stand the way they always have to make it about them, in exchange for minion adoration.

It was the same with Easter Eggs last year too. "Look at this whole van full of Easter Eggs we're donating, because we're such amazing people!". Most people can only afford to donate one gift/egg at a time, and that's still absolutely fine, but they're not content with people potentially thinking they only gave one, they have to make sure everyone knows just how much they've donated each time.

Quantity is everything in the eyes of the Radfords. It's very sad.
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VIP Member
do you mean nothing on their feet...whilst indoors?!
Isn’t that normal?!
I have to have bare feet inside 🤣 everyone always laughs at me but I swear my feet get claustrophobic. I can criticise the radfords for a lot (wellies in door being very questionable) but bare feet indoors is very normal to me... unless of course I’m the weird one 😅
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Chatty Member
Is pronouncing ‘poorly’ as ‘poo-ly’ a northern thing, or has Sue just made up a new word?

Also...just looked up the omega watch, assuming it is brand new and not refurbished, that’s £4-5k on a watch for someone who does manual work in a kitchen. It’s surely just going to sit the box and make them a target for burglary. If they got that sort of money to spare, why not put it aside to help their children in later life with university or house deposits?

It seems to me that they originally were financially as we saw them on tv when Noel was budgeting and they lived comfortably with the basics but not much wriggle room so had to manage it carefully. Since then the attitude to money has changed completely, they now don’t seem to see the value in anything, they are obviously getting significant sums, via YouTube or Channel 5, but instead of taking a considered approach and continuing to live within a budget so that they can make that money last then to help their children or allow an earlier retirement for Noel...they just spend it as quickly as they are able.

To a extent it may not be a change in attitude as such, if they have no debts and they have always just spent as they earned and not saved significantly. But for most people, if income drastically increases, they find better things to spend it on that showering their kids with gifts constantly, especially when it’s obvious that they are throwing stuff out as quickly as it’s arriving as they clearly don’t have the storage space to keep bringing more crap into the house over and over again.
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Well-known member
We all knew this would happen. And it's a fact that they've probably spread it around their community with all their non-essential activities. The older kids have probably taken it to their jobs. They will certainly need more than two weeks of isolation because they will be spreading it around to each other. They would need to lock the kids in their rooms for two weeks in order to completely stop spread. It's just impossible.
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In that vlog Sue pulls a cracker with one of her sons, which he wins, but she immediately turns away from him and moves onto something else, doesn’t engage with him asking him what he got in the cracker or well done for winning. It was just really cold and displayed such disinterest, then he was struggling to open his advent calendar, she filmed it so saw he was struggling but again moved on and didn’t help him. Later when she does eventually help him he says he has hurt his finger trying to open it, which he wouldn’t have done had she helped him instead of trying to film everything and she seemed annoyed that it was a bit ripped because he struggled.
Sue gets really excited about the ‘stuff’ the actual contents of the calendars not about her children’s excitement, that vlog that presumably was meant to show happiness and excitement for Christmas just came across as very sad to me.
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Little me.

VIP Member
I just saw on Instagram that she claims it was filmed before lockdown. Not that that makes it right, just maybe not as wrong as if it had been this week
She was always going to say that. Lockdown or no lockdown they were already in a high risk area. Idiots.
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Good Egg

VIP Member
I think it was distasteful especially after the year EVERYBODY has had with furlough, job losses, redundancies, deaths and uncertainty and YET the Radfrauds are still splashing the cash...
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This is what I don’t get. They have 21 kids, 2 of whom have moved out, who they could help with deposits to buy or even to get into a shared ownership scheme. There are a few of the older ones (age 20+) who might really benefit from living away from home and with prices up there relatively affordable (compared to large parts of the country) they could help their kids get a first step on the ladder while they can still afford it.
Also unrelated but there is another “media” family (Ladbaby)who have just raised a huge amount of money for the Trussell Trust food banks by using their following for the good of others. Instead of token efforts by Sue throwing a few quid in when she feels they need the positive PR, how about they use their platform for some good that actually makes a real difference to people.
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Little me.

VIP Member
Another absoloutely crap vlog. 18 year old Katie doing crafts with the kids as per whilst Queen Sue prances about bragging. She’s a unpaid Nanny.Why the hell are those kids never disciplined, climbing all over the table and work surfaces like animals. They seem to have no perception of danger in that house. No wonder they have burnt the carpet with the hairdryer, they are all too young to be left alone upstairs unsupervised.They make me so angry.
Creepy Noelis getting as bad as her for repeating himself. Everything is cool even when it’s crap, which it usually is.
It is an absoloute bloody mad house. Far too many children with incompetent bloody parents.
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Yes they just change their narrative to suit public criticism. Everyone who has ever watched the shows knows that the older girls are expected to help, Sue said it before, but now it's all "no, the children don't look after the younger ones at all" :unsure:
In every single video they post the older girls have the younger kids on their hips or on their laps. Or they’re in the kitchen making cakes with them or the little ones are in the bigger ones’ rooms. What are you very rarely see is Sue taking any time out with her young kids. Sue must be delusional if she can’t see this. Maybe she needs to watch back some of her vlogs 🤷‍♀️
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Little me.

VIP Member
They all seem to be liars. Mouthy Millie couldn’t breastfeed because Awfeelia was tongue tied. She knew damn well she had no intention of feeding her herself. It would never have gone with the glam image she tries to portray. Tries being the operative word.
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Chatty Member
I found myself re watching their birthday vlogs today (very bored) 😂 I can’t believe how horrible phoebe and Hallie can be especially when it was bonnies birthday (sure it’s been mentioned but Iv only looked on this thread today) but it was awful to watch.. even the older ones were calmly trying to tell them to stop snatching her presents of her also noticed the comments were full of people saying the same.. I know sue likes to baby them but come on get them told to sit back they are old enough to learn that no means no now..
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Am i the only person that hopes the giant snowman and father Christmas blows away in the night
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Little me.

VIP Member
I keep repeating myself I know but this family really boil my piss. The kids can’t go to school because they are not sure they haven’t got the virus. They can let fiilm crew in the house though....idiots!!!! Home schooling my backside.
I will probably get slated for this but I think the grave looks really trashy and cheap but typical Radford style. Everybody grieves differently I know. I lost a baby, but to me all that with the kids is not normal. it’s over exaggerated.
Bed time is supposed to be a quiet time, it’s like a circus with the bloody dogs in there as well. They make me so very ANGRY.
Why the hell are they filming the kids going to bed. Then they wonder why they don’t sleep.
Also did anybody else notice peevish Bonnie slap Heidi hi on the face?
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VIP Member
Everything in that house seems to be handed out on a plate. Not exactly responsible parenting is it? Yes we all like to spoil our kids but it seems a daily occurrence with them. Before anyone pipes up accusing me of rotten jealousy 🥴🥴 Id rather raise my kids not to be loud grabby little buggers! and expect give, give, give all the time!
Hi Sue 🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱
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Well-known member
I could not watch the last vlog just scrolled through but that part around the christmas tree was disturbing. Sue angry at kids and dogs for pushing the train off tracks can really tell she's had enough. I have only two kids and no pets and can feel the same especially in lockdowns. But this clearly shows how she is not coping with endless amounts of kids and dogs,despite minions say how perfect, patient, lovely parents they are..haha when not even on camera, imagine when they aren't vlogging.
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Active member
I'm wondering if Sue and Noel will have some negative repercussions later on from having this many children. It is simply not possible to meet that many childrens needs. Unless they are all superhuman and don't suffer from some of the things our children often encounter, sometimes we have obstacles in our lives. I only have four and with my husband fully involved we struggled to deal with all that life throws at our youth these days. And we were lucky, nothing major happened, however there was a broken heart, some bullying, some loneliness, autism, and we had to be there and it was exhausting. We were fully tuned in and available however it was still a very trying time. My point is, if I only had 4 and was worn out and they have 22 and look like they are breezing through, how is it doable unless you are not doing it properly, or placing too much on siblings shoulders or not acknowledging the harder times?
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