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I always thought they lied to protect her in case the killer came back to finish her off or something
yep. or, as said above, to protect her from public reaction. she got enough flack for apparently being asleep on a different floor, i dread to think the comments if they’d said outright that she saw him and locked herself in her room. people are being awful about that now so it was probably the right call not to say it until they really needed to.
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xoxo GG

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People are fucking weird about this case. Someone on tiktok is lapping up the sympathy pretending to be a relative of Ethan’s, when the pictures she’s using are actually of a friend. Absolute grief tourists.
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I've thought more than 1 did it. And if more than 1 did I hope the other/s are brought to justice, and not just left because they have 1 person in custody. Its just so senseless and 4 young lives gone and for what? There's been no reason given just speculation. I don't even watch any tiktoks about it any more. Some people are just crazy in their theories.
I just think Law Enforcement would say they are looking for 2 suspects, so people remain vigilant.
Imagine there is a 2nd accomplice and they commit again and it had never been released by police. It just doesn’t add up.
I feel BK wants to try and outsmart the system. Maybe he was rejected from the police application he made and got a big bee in his bonnet. Not sure on dates of the application though.
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At first I heard that Steve said that there was a connection between Kaylee and BK but he wasn't ready to talk about it yet. Then Steve's lawyer said that there was no connection between Kaylee and BK. But Court TV went to Idaho to cover the case and they talked about Kaylee's IG post from a bar next to Washington State University called The Coug and it was for Kaylee's birthday back in June 2022. Kaylee also wrote on the bar's wall and Kaylee's mom commented on Kaylee's IG post too. I heard that Kaylee's and the people from that house went to Pullman to party often. So maybe Bryan went to that bar, I don't know.

I saw on people that some people think that article by People isn't creditable. I agree.

I agree there is something weird going on with this case. It doesn't make sense. Even before the arrest,I saw comments on some YouTube videos was that the Moscow PD is sus. I don't know how true that is but I was like omg, that's not good. Then those body cam videos came out of the noise complaints. There was about two you tubers that I watched that didn't like the behavior of the police when they were at the house. But there are also people have pointed how the people were answered the door didn't skip a beat when they lied to the police. That's a valid point. People are like but they were young and they were underage drinking and they just didn't want to get caught. It sounds like from PCA that Dylan said she was sleep the whole and then later on changed her story and now we know that she wasn't sleep the whole night but that she opened her door on the second floor three times. before seeing the suspect and locking her door. That's weird.

It doesn't sound crazy to me. But I've noticed that some people are having problems with the Door Dash delivery coming so close to when the suspect got to the house. But what's weird to me is that most people think that Xana got Jack in the Box Door Dashed to her, it could have came from somewhere else, I just don't know where and the PCA didn't state where it came from. I heard that LE had tried to get an arrest warrant three times before they were able to get it approved. I'm not sure who those three arrest warrants, it could have been for someone else other than BK. There is one person on twitter that stated after they read the PCA, they don't understand how they got the approved by the judge. 🤨 Because they think that there isn't enough there for it to be approved. The other statement that I've heard is look at who is the DA for the state of Idaho is.When I did that google search I was a little surprised by that. I thought that DA was friends or related to Jack D or Jack S but that doesn't seem to be the case.
I don’t think Dylan changed her story, we didn’t know the fact she was asleep the whole time came from her. Unless she has made a statement as such we can’t say she changed it. All we know for sure is what’s in the PCA and we know that’s probably not everything and the rest is speculation.
We have to remember that.
I think Occam’s razor applies here, the most likely is probably what happened i.e it was a solo attack for some reason we aren’t aware of yet.
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I voted guilty because I think he is based on what we know. Might change my mind during the trial and happy to be proved wrong! But really don’t want to think he’s innocent and the real the killer is still walking free.
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I really hope they have got a strong case. Those poor kids and their loved ones need justice.
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I've seen that some people are wondering how did the LE get to BK being their suspect and there are a lot of saying that there is a lot of people with bushy eyebrows and about 5 feet 10 inches tall. There are some people who feel like BK doesn't really have bushy eyebrows.
I think those people probably didn't read the PCA because the police were quite clear about how he came under suspicion. It is from the car being on the CCTV, they then traced white Alantra owners, and out of them, he had connections to the campus and more importantly no front number plate. All of which led to him being under surveillance and his DNA being found at scene. There was a bit more to it than eyebrows.
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I read today about a woman who has been sending love letters/pictures to Brian and calls him ‘the perfect man’ 🤢🤢🤢 she has a child as well! So fucked up
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Idk how to say this without it sounding horrible and I get that I will never understand what they are going through, but it's like the Goncalves' literally cannot stop talking to press, tv, etc. A lot of stuff they've said in the past wasn't even true either and was proved wrong with each official press conference/affidavit.. so I hope the gag order isn't lifted. I really think they need to just leave things now... media coverage definitely has not died down about this case - and I don't think it will - you only have to open tiktok, news coverage online etc to see new videos about this every day - it doesn't need any more misinformation out there. I feel sorry for the other families who are just being ignored and forgotten about because the Goncalves' keep making the whole thing about Kaylee when the police have not officially stated that Kaylee was the intended target. It really seems more likely it was Maddie who was the target. Sorry if that sounded harsh; no one jump down my throat.
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Was this the Chronicles of Olivia interview? I’ve just watched that and I feel like this advocacy is a massive part of their grieving process. Her Mum spent most of the interview trying to hold tears back and her Dad just looked awful. He was very pale and when he wasn’t talking he just looked exhausted and broken. There was one stage where her sister Alivea was talking and her Mum looked at her Dad and they appeared to reach out and hold hands behind Alivea. It was such a brief moment but the pain they are dealing with was so evident.

They found out Kaylee had died from a family member who was local who contacted them saying that Kaylee had been shot. Her Mum was trying to call Maddie as she was sure that Maddie would have contacted them if anything had happened. It was a number of hours before the police informed them. I can see why they didn’t have trust in them at first.

They also spoke a lot about Jack DuCoeur. Apparently Kaylee had been on a date with someone else a few weeks before and he called her a bitch. She was so horrified that she walked out and she said that Jack had never spoken to her like that. She said to her family that she might not find another Jack and what Maddie had told Adam was that Kaylee wanted to get back with Jack. Jack went to their house and stayed on their sofa for the first 3 days. That poor lad has had such a huge traumatic loss and has been torn apart by the public treating this like a tv programme or entertainment rather than an awful incident that resulted in 4 young people losing their lives in a horrific way leaving so many people bereaved.
This case has ruined so many people’s lives it’s been very tragic and shows how’s scary the effect social media can have on people’s lives. Not just the victims and their families, but there’s been so many innocent people’s lives put online the last few weeks just for being friends with the 4 victims. Such as hoody guy when all he was doing was on a night out with his friends. I hope if anything this case might bring about some kind of laws and regulations about these crazy internet sleuths putting people’s personal info online.
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Remember someone said before that picture of the food could’ve been an old one, the actual order could be in her bedroom.
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Tangent Tiger

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I just heard about this article that DailyMail wrote about Cara, Xana's mom. Cara that she regrets the interview with Newsnation.

Poor lady. I can't imagine having to struggle with drug withdrawal on top of something so heinous happen to her daughter.
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Not entering a plea at all just feels so bloody disrespectful. I’ll be amazed if that trial happens in October.
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Did it annoy anyone else that the judge pronounced all of the victims names wrong 🙄 probably a small thing to nit pick at, but seriously? Their names have been everywhere for months
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I think we have to remember that we are looking at the situation with the roommates with hindsight bias. We know what horrific things happened. They didn’t.

It was the middle of the night and they were probably all under the influence of something and half asleep. I don’t think any of the victims would have necessarily cried out. If they were asleep they wouldn’t have seen him coming and all he had to do was hit an artery and they would have bled out very quickly. As for the defensive wounds, if you’re fighting for your life and you go into fight mode you might not shout out as your body is conserving its energy for the fight. We all think we will scream, shout and fight in situations like this but in reality women are more likely to freeze or fawn to try and survive trigger,rapidly from a perceived danger.
The only sounds mentioned on the PCA were when D thought they were playing with the dog, hearing crying and the dog barking, whimpering and thud caught on the neighbours camera. This doesn’t suggest that there were any screams.

D doesn’t say she was scared when she saw the guy, she said she was in a frozen shock state. This could simply mean that she saw someone she wasn’t expecting to which shocked her. As for him wearing a mask. We don’t know what kind of mask it was, the weather was cold and we’d recently come out of a pandemic where masks became the norm (in fact I still see some people wearing masks in shops now). The house has been described as a party house, for all we know some of the housemates could have regularly brought people back home with them to continue the party and strangers being in the house very late was not that unusual.

I’m sure lots of us have been in risky situations that we have convinced ourselves are fine at the time. I think we often dismiss concerns as being paranoid and it’s only later we can look back and see the reality. I sometimes look back to when I was their age and wonder how I am still alive as you don’t see danger in the same way when you mature and have more life experience. They were asleep in their beds after a night out, who would have heard noise and thought it was someone murdering their friends. Even if they were a bit freaked out they would have probably convinced themselves they were being paranoid. I would imagine the alleged texts between D and B were probably having a bitch about the noise or if one was worried the other probably convinced the other they were being paranoid.

I’m pretty sure the coroner said that nothing could have saved any of them. I’m sure D and B will live the rest of their lives feeling survivors guilt and jumping at every slight noise. I can’t imagine how those young girls are going to be able to deal with the massive trauma they both must have.
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Maybe that’s why he said when first arrested has somebody else been arrested . Maybe two people, did the killings .
something ain’t right with the whole thing
i think honestly (as said above) he wanted to try and outsmart the system. if we do believe it was him posting on reddit and 4chan etc he may have been trying to deliberately muddy the waters. saying “has anyone else been arrested?” could also be him trying to throw doubt in the police’s minds that they have the “right” person. i don’t really hold much weight to those words as they could equally be said in desperation by someone who knew he’d been caught.
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I have a feeling its only going to get worse from now until June too. The amount of people iv seen that are saying they are going to be bored now! Like wtf.. 4 innocent people have been brutally murdered, its not a game. Makes me sick
I don’t think it will get much worse you know. They are all grief tourists on TikTok it’s sickening. The next tragedy will unfortunately occur and they will abandon this and move on without a second thought, until the next day in court, when they will jump back to this to get more attention. It’s not an interesting discussion like on here, it’s all for likes and comments.

I’ll go back to lurking and finding all your opinions interesting now I’ve had my rant 😂
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