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I don’t think it’s been reported that there was a scream. She heard crying, which we are assuming was the sound picked up on the neighbours camera. Surely that would have picked up a scream too?
I suspect she was probably half asleep/drunk/stoned and really didn’t realise something bad had happened. Honestly who would hear sounds in the night and see someone leaving, in a party house with a big foot fall, and think that someone had come in and slaughtered 4 people in such a short space of time?
If she had a clue she would hardly have lounged about in bed all morning. I think we’re all looking at this with the benefit of hindsight.
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But even though I’d love to know more at this stage, i don’t think we should be knowing more until the hearing and trial. Here in the UK, the evidence and things about the arrest details are kept schtum until (at best) daily reporting in the court case. Even then, it is snippets of info, the full story doesn’t come out until the end of the trial. I’m genuinely fascinated by the US system where I’ve read these probable cause affidavits come out. No such information happens here. We’re currently knee deep in the Lucy Letby case, a nurse accused of killing and attempting to murder babies 2015-16 and there was not a peep since the first arrest in 2018.
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Please re read your post for a second, have a little think, have a little self awareness, do you think you sound anything but moronic here?

“I saw comments by random people with no credibility saying Moscow PD is super sus!!!😱”,
“i was like omg! that’s not good! because i’m unable to apply critical thinking and sus= big bad 🥺😩”,
“I watched two yt videos by internet sleuths who are negatively contributing to the case by giving their own negative opinions and encouraging suspicion and strange theories instead of sticking to the available facts, they didn’t like the vibe of Moscow PD so i don’t like the vibe of Moscow PD!🤪

Dylan has NEVER spoken out about the case, she did not “change her story”, anybody who has the ability to use their brain understands that it’s likely that Dylan was said to be sleeping on the ground floor to PROTECT her. Would you have liked them to say “One of the surviving housemates saw the suspect, she locked her door and remained in her room” when the suspect was still at large? Letting this fact slip would have not only put her life in danger, but also had all the weirdos blaming Dylan immediately after he friends got murdered (not that it stopped all the armchair detectives speculating her and her boyfriend because they thought she was “sus” lmao)- at least this way she had a few short weeks to start to process what has happened before people started tearing down her story and accusing her behaviour of being “weird”. What exactly is the “normal” response you people wanted?

This case “doesn’t make sense” to YOU because YOU are not law enforcement, YOU have about 5% of the information regarding this case which has been released to the public by LE, YOU are not entitled to sensitive information.
This is a discussion forum, people are here discussing the case and related theories they've read. Jumping on posters and describing them as 'moronic' for doing just that, really?
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I can't believe people are vomit reacting this. I also voted unsure. Because as good as the evidence in the PCA is, what's the point of a trial if we're going to decide based on that alone? You've got to test the evidence. That's why it's called a trial.
Yeah would like to hear from the vomit reactors, it’s hardly sickening to believe in a fair trial for everyone.
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but before the PCA came out the Moscow PD said that Dylan slept thorough the murders.

View attachment 1895773

the article linked above is where the screenshot came from.

okay now Inside Edition is now talking about this
Bryan Kohberger Case: Eyewitness at Scene Is Same Student Police Previously Claimed Slept Through Murders
The police claimed not Dylan herself, she didn’t change her story. The way it was reported changed.
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VIP Member
Please re read your post for a second, have a little think, have a little self awareness, do you think you sound anything but moronic here?
Please go and sit on the naughty step - we don’t talk to each other like that around here. If you don't agree with someone then use the kind of language you would to someone in real life to agree to respectfully disagree.

@lethscsmofdero this is a gossip site -your opinions are welcome 🫶
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Chatty Member
Kids should be allowed to have instagram without it being a reason to be killed. I don’t believe from what I hear they led a particularly risky lifestyle I think it’s offensive to say they did and that they should’ve lived their lives differently.
They shouldn’t, they did nothing wrong.
Also don’t forget locking doors or not locking doors etc there were 6 adults in the house. 6!!! 7 if you include the food delivery guy temporarily and a dog. You’re always taught about safety in numbers, be in a group. Loads of cars were outside making it clear there were multiple people there. If some maniac is willing to risk taking on that many people by themselves, in a house with multiple floors with just a knife as a weapon you’re pretty much doomed anyway! This is a huge deal for me in the case how outnumbered BK would have been (even if he was surprised by Ethan and Kaylee at a push being there) and decided to continue anyway. There could have been even more people in the house than he expected. He had no idea what room people would have been in or awake/asleep. To me that is clear he was absolutely determined and fixated on doing it so would have found a way in to someone no matter what
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Nobody can get their heads around what happened in such a short time scale so why do they think that a 19 year old girl, who had just been woken up in the middle of the night, who was possibly intoxicated, would have got what had happened. From what we know the first sign she might have known there was a problem was when she thought she heard Xana crying. As it appears like she was the last one to be attacked even if she had called for help the outcome wouldn’t have changed. Instead of all this scrutiny on a young survivor who must be massively traumatised by what happened they should focus on the alleged perpetrator. This is going to haunt this poor girl for the rest of her life. She’s suffering enough.
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I have a feeling its only going to get worse from now until June too. The amount of people iv seen that are saying they are going to be bored now! Like wtf.. 4 innocent people have been brutally murdered, its not a game. Makes me sick
i truly cannot believe the amount of genuinely bored and disappointed “sleuths” i’ve seen on tiktok. people are genuinely treating this like a tv show where they’re waiting for the next plot twist. four young people died in an incredibly brutal way - it isn’t a fun puzzle to see who can beat who to “solve” it.
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I’ve just seen trailer for this dateline special tonight, it has got the families talking on it which will be interesting to hear I’m not sure why it has been done before trial
I really don’t understand why they’re doing specials on it. I mean for one the guy hasn’t been declared guilty yet and I just feel it could potentially damage the case? He’s not going to get an impartial jury with everyone watching these and already making their minds up about it.
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Idk how to say this without it sounding horrible and I get that I will never understand what they are going through, but it's like the Goncalves' literally cannot stop talking to press, tv, etc. A lot of stuff they've said in the past wasn't even true either and was proved wrong with each official press conference/affidavit.. so I hope the gag order isn't lifted. I really think they need to just leave things now... media coverage definitely has not died down about this case - and I don't think it will - you only have to open tiktok, news coverage online etc to see new videos about this every day - it doesn't need any more misinformation out there. I feel sorry for the other families who are just being ignored and forgotten about because the Goncalves' keep making the whole thing about Kaylee when the police have not officially stated that Kaylee was the intended target. It really seems more likely it was Maddie who was the target. Sorry if that sounded harsh; no one jump down my throat.
I completely agree. It makes me really sad that they hardly mention xana and ethan ☹ i get that they might not have personally known those two but they still should be included and they are just as important as kaylee and maddie.
In my opinion, the people who agree with lifting the gag order just want more tea and gossip. For it to be a fair trial and real justice given, it needs to stay put! Things will be public eventually, they will get a chance to do interviews etc and bring attention to them AFTER the trial. Theres no rush 🤷‍♀️.
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I think one of the girls dads said it perfectly about Dylan ‘she did her job, she survived’
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the evidence against him is strong. He was driving around the house at the right time. His phone shows the same and was switched off while he got rid of the weapon. The knife sheath with his dna on it is on the bed. That’s just some of what they have on him, more will come out at trial.

Whatever his defence lawyer is saying is par for the course. Defence lawyers always play that game- it’s their job. Don’t get sucked in to thinking that he is innocent.
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I can’t really remember the layout of the house; is there a door on the floor Bethany slept on to enter/leave the house? Tbh I find it more strange that Bethany seems to have slept not only through the whole thing but also until like 11am - that’s literally such a long sleep 😂😂 that’s basically a coma. The only logic I can see is Dylan texting Bethany what she saw so that’s why Bethany didn’t leave her room either, but like you say it’s weird people are only starting to question Bethany’s whereabouts during the whole thing 😂
At her age, at weekends at uni, I could easily sleep until 11am!
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I think a gagging order is the best/most sensible thing tbh. I totally get that Kaylee’s family want to talk about their daughter, but there are risks of it all turning into a media circus.

The details will all come out at the trial.
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VIP Member
I can't believe people are vomit reacting this. I also voted unsure. Because as good as the evidence in the PCA is, what's the point of a trial if we're going to decide based on that alone? You've got to test the evidence. That's why it's called a trial.
i can’t work out the vomit reactions either?

ultimately we haven’t seen every single piece of possible evidence OR heard his defence, the only answer should be unsure or at least “guilty based only on what we know” because we don’t know everything. exactly like you say, that’s what a trial is for!
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When I was 20, or 19 whatever Dylan is, I could quite easily sleep until (and well past) midday after a night out after being up that late. With or without alcohol. I think a lot of people who are questioning that have short memories maybe?!!
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Was this the Chronicles of Olivia interview? I’ve just watched that and I feel like this advocacy is a massive part of their grieving process. Her Mum spent most of the interview trying to hold tears back and her Dad just looked awful. He was very pale and when he wasn’t talking he just looked exhausted and broken. There was one stage where her sister Alivea was talking and her Mum looked at her Dad and they appeared to reach out and hold hands behind Alivea. It was such a brief moment but the pain they are dealing with was so evident.

They found out Kaylee had died from a family member who was local who contacted them saying that Kaylee had been shot. Her Mum was trying to call Maddie as she was sure that Maddie would have contacted them if anything had happened. It was a number of hours before the police informed them. I can see why they didn’t have trust in them at first.

They also spoke a lot about Jack DuCoeur. Apparently Kaylee had been on a date with someone else a few weeks before and he called her a bitch. She was so horrified that she walked out and she said that Jack had never spoken to her like that. She said to her family that she might not find another Jack and what Maddie had told Adam was that Kaylee wanted to get back with Jack. Jack went to their house and stayed on their sofa for the first 3 days. That poor lad has had such a huge traumatic loss and has been torn apart by the public treating this like a tv programme or entertainment rather than an awful incident that resulted in 4 young people losing their lives in a horrific way leaving so many people bereaved.
I also found the part where they were talking about maddie so sad. They said that when the girls first met, maddies parents were abit full on in regards to making sure Maddie was safe at Kaylees house(which they remembered fondly) They said they were like that because in the Mogens words 'maddie is our only one' God, it made me well up 🥺🥺🥺 It easy to just focus on Kaylee and forget the other three. The whole thing is just beyond horrific. Another thing, like others have mentioned- the girls did everything right that night. They were aware. And I think this is part of what's making this crime so awful to take in. Its playing on people's minds and giving them sleepless nights because they did things right and still got killed. The house was full of vehicles on the drive, most probably lights on in thehouse, you would think safety in numbers, there was a male in the house and a dog. Maybe the only thing that let them down was the door (but we don't know that for sure, and even if it wasn't locked it shouldn't have meant some mad man come in and take their lives).
It's just like the bogeyman you fear about when you are little. Your bedroom is supposed to be your safe haven and it's everyone's worst nightmare.
I felt for kaylees mum when she started to break down when she said how she suffered, you could tell she couldn't even go there.
If Bryan is guilty I hope he suffers in jail, he deserves too. I want him to feel scared like they did that night. I feel for the teenage Bryan who was bullied, but I have no sympathy for him as the adult Bryan. I don't know why he thought he had the right to take away those 4 beautiful souls from this earth and ruin their families lives and his own family. Some people are evil through and through. I hope he rots in prison and has a miserable time in there.
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I wonder if the police ‘know’ the smell of blood because they come across it frequently whilst a regular person would smell a strange smell but not know it’s blood
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