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I understand that but no party was happening only five people in the house
nine hours is a long time to not call for help . It will divide peoples opinions and it already has ive seen so many question why on earth it took her nine hours to get help .

I just think a lot doesn’t make sense . Especially her not calling for help for nine hours .
he killed more than one person I’m sure she would have heard screams .
Dylan and Bethany were home before the other roommates, it doesn’t mean it wasn’t normal for the other roommates to bring friends back from a night out to continue drinking/hanging out. And for some roommates to stay in their rooms/not want to hangout/go to sleep - I assume that’s what OP meant by them being used to people being in the house “partying” and having a good time.

eta - also as far I’ve heard and read there were no screams. Only cries/a thud and the dog barking

it doesn't have to make sense to anyone what dylan did or did not do at the time. Regardless of when she called the police - everything happened in 20 minutes or less she could not have saved anyone and he was already leaving the house when she saw him.
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Chatty Member
All the internet sleuthing and ring doorbell footage etc makes it so apparent how easy it is to build a convincing but totally circumstantial case. That’s why it’s absolutely essential that there is indisputable proof he was the killer.

so far we have: DNA on knife sheaf, BK matching the description based on his eyebrows and approximate height. BK’s car being out and about during the time of the murders. BK’s phone pinging in the area on 12 occasions beforehand and the next morning. Possible BK sighting at memorial. BK putting bins out with gloves on in neighbours bin.

If I’m BK- I don’t know how my DNA is on the sheaf but I did look at some knives in x shop as part of my research into x cases as part of my PhD studies. Perhaps it’s transfer? I have a fairly indiscriminate look - perhaps the witness was mistaken or under the influence (I think they will assassinate DM’s character) or perhaps the true killer looks similar to me? I went for a drive in the early hours to clear my head as I couldn’t sleep. I confess to having a bit of a crush on one of the girls who lived in the house (Maddie) after meeting her at X (vegan restaurant). I would sometimes give her a lift home. I didn’t kill anyone. I attended the memorial as I knew X and it’s a heinous crime ;I simply wanted to show my respects. I use gloves when taking out the trash for hygiene reasons- I must have mistakenly put the trash in another bin. I’m of good character, have no history of violence or abuse, I have been compliant with the legal process to clear my name, my DNA isn’t at the crime scene - aside from the sheaf which I have explained I may have come into contact with outside of the crime scene.

At the moment I would say his car is the most damning evidence we know about. Everything else could be torn apart with the right defence team- they need DNA at the crime scene IMO for this to be a secure conviction.
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I thought that! But then to be fair, it's hard to say what any of us would do in that situation. Her phone could have been dead and the charger upstairs in the living room. She may have just locked herself in her room and just waited until he left. She may not have even thought it was anything like a murderer. If she was drunk she could have assumed it was all kinds of random incidents.

I bet the survivors guilt is awful for her. The fear must have been horrendous.
Very true, no blame towards her whatsoever .. who knows what any of us would do in that situation. Poor girl
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Imagine how scared she’s been his whole time wondering if he did see her and coming back for her 🥹

Also she was on her own, maybe she thought that the guys would be ok as they were each with someone, I can’t even begin to imagine how scared she must of been. I do understand people are questioning why she didn’t call 911 earlier also.
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Ok I get it now thanks, but my question still stands. Why have we heard nothing about Bethany and what she witnessed / heard / what statement she gave / what time she woke up the next day etc
Because the trial hasn't started yet. The details we've heard are just what was needed for the PCA to arrest BK.

There will be a lot more to come out, and a lot more the police have on BK.
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I am also sure he did it but I hope the police have more evidence we haven’t heard yet.
If the crime scene is a bloody as you would think why wasn’t there more DNA of him in house apart from the sheath.
Also would he not been covered in blood too, there was no mention of any blood found outside house on his escape route.
I guess any evidence found in the car won’t be processed yet.
Also the drive he went after the killings, I seen elsewhere it was near a dam, presume that’s where the knife went and will not e found.
He really must be an evil psychopath to kill all 4 kids and then move on like nothing happened, he went back to classes the next day and by his phone records was shopping The same day.
As for Dylan, I am sure we will hear more from her statement but that poor kid has to live with this rest of her life and also how close she was to being killed too.
I would expect the police have lots of evidence. They are under no obligation to put it out in the public sphere. You don’t stab four people to death in a nice and tidy way.
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None of us here know what happened, so you cannot exert authority on this. You're not 'explaining' anything, that's patronising.

It's not a criticism of Dylan to say you can't comprehend not checking whilst at the same time hoping she has good support since and would be traumatised.

It's a different slant to think she may have taken drugs and so be a bit unsure of what was happening. It does make me think my undergrad days were quite innocent because we would have realised something was amiss very quickly.
You can't comprehend not checking even after reading the previous posts? Until you have been in Dylan's shoes you DO NOT KNOW what you would do.

As for spurious drug allegations, really? And if so, so what? I think you've possibly had quite a sheltered youth so maybe are struggling to grasp what living in a party house is like.
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VIP Member
All the internet sleuthing and ring doorbell footage etc makes it so apparent how easy it is to build a convincing but totally circumstantial case. That’s why it’s absolutely essential that there is indisputable proof he was the killer.

so far we have: DNA on knife sheaf, BK matching the description based on his eyebrows and approximate height. BK’s car being out and about during the time of the murders. BK’s phone pinging in the area on 12 occasions beforehand and the next morning. Possible BK sighting at memorial. BK putting bins out with gloves on in neighbours bin.

If I’m BK- I don’t know how my DNA is on the sheaf but I did look at some knives in x shop as part of my research into x cases as part of my PhD studies. Perhaps it’s transfer? I have a fairly indiscriminate look - perhaps the witness was mistaken or under the influence (I think they will assassinate DM’s character) or perhaps the true killer looks similar to me? I went for a drive in the early hours to clear my head as I couldn’t sleep. I confess to having a bit of a crush on one of the girls who lived in the house (Maddie) after meeting her at X (vegan restaurant). I would sometimes give her a lift home. I didn’t kill anyone. I attended the memorial as I knew X and it’s a heinous crime ;I simply wanted to show my respects. I use gloves when taking out the trash for hygiene reasons- I must have mistakenly put the trash in another bin. I’m of good character, have no history of violence or abuse, I have been compliant with the legal process to clear my name, my DNA isn’t at the crime scene - aside from the sheaf which I have explained I may have come into contact with outside of the crime scene.

At the moment I would say his car is the most damning evidence we know about. Everything else could be torn apart with the right defence team- they need DNA at the crime scene IMO for this to be a secure conviction.
Don’t forget though that they may have a lot more evidence and DNA evidence that they didn’t include in the PCA and won’t release until the trial

I am really interested to see how his defends lawyer is going to play this
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I’m not sure I can get on board with the suggestion that he didn’t know or expect other people to be in the house. From phone records, we can assume that he has staked out that house previously, so based on that will know that multiple people lived there and probably knows they come / go at all times of the day / night. So for him to think he could get in there and target one occupant without encountering or disturbing anyone else? It doesn’t add up.

I think the police have more DNA / forensics that link him to the scene but they don’t want to show their hand yet and will save the details for the trial.

Whatever the details end up being, it’s such a bizarre and sad case. Those poor people must have been so scared, it’s awful to think about.
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VIP Member
He went back to the scene after 9am wtf. I wonder if he realised he'd left the sheath? or was maybe just seeing if police were there yet?
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View attachment 1865445
View attachment 1865428

It very well could be - but if you look at hairline (although where top pic it seems to be receding, his hair is longer in court pic so may be covering it with the longer curls). Nose and chin are similar shape, cheekbone, brown bone, jawline. All very similar.

It’s too grainy for us to be certain but there is no way you could rule it out.
It’s been confirmed that isn’t him at the memorial, there is different footage that shows it’s a completely different person. Poor guy getting accused of being him, this is why TikTok detectives need to stop.
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VIP Member

Someone made a nice summary

I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned but the order of the charges read out is likely the order in which they were murdered too and that seems to be reflected in the timeline
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Lord knows I love me some speculation! Truly. I just draw the line at where it gets nasty to survivors or starts maligning people without evidence. Like the ex boyfriends, neighbors, roommates, and I think a professor who were all accused, and not quietly either. Publicly, with names and sometimes pictures and videos. Not only is it awful, it can pass into illegal territory and potentially puts more lives in danger (eg vigilantes).
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With the door dash. My thought is. If it was a genuine door dash delivery for Xana, if he was watching the house… wouldn’t that put you off? Your victim or people in your victims house are still up and awake, eating. The door dash delivery guy is a potential witness and may have seen you/your car. The delivery may have disturbed others in the house or even the neighbours who may have seen you/your car. And you choose to go in minutes later? That makes me think he HAD to do it that night which makes me think his main target was more likely Kaylee as she was only there that night.
I think there is chance that he didn’t see it. He entered the area again at 4.04. If the door dash was delivered at approx. 4am he could have been and gone with him maybe passing the car as it was driving away but not necessarily knowing it had been to the house. Also I agree that if he was parked at the back he wouldn’t have seen traffic to the front door from his position.

I think he had psyched himself up to do it that night and very little would have stopped him carrying out his plan. He’d been watching that house since 21/08. That’s lots of weeks of planning what he wanted to do.
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Excuse me if I’m being stupid, but what do you mean by this?
K’s father implied several times that K was likely the target based on the injuries. I understand why he made the conclusion but I always felt like it was because that’s something he wanted to see (not a bad thing, I think it’s easier to believe than her just being there at the wrong time)

I think it was also slightly disrespectful to all the other victims and their families as he clearly didn’t know anything
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To be fair to her the “shock” could have been a dark figure barrelling down the corridor at 4am. She doesn’t necessarily have to think a murder took place. She could have just been thinking “oh shit they’ve brought someone back or someone has followed them back, I better lock my door”. Idk I’m just speculating. The only thing I do find a bit strange is that it would have been silent afterwards but she was woken by noise? Surely if it had been a random dude your mates would still be awake chatting? Or maybe she stuck her headphones in and decided to go back to sleep. I don’t think it’s that unrealistic really
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I kinda feel like the reason the police haven’t told the families a lot is because Kaylee’s dad won’t stop talking to the media. I understand the families are frustrated and angry but at the same time the police have to do their best build a tight case to put the person who did this behind bars. Even now they have a suspect in custody it means they can’t risk jeopardising that.
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The Google reviews for Mad Greek are so sad. Majority of reviews pre November are praising maddie as a great server, then after it’s all condolences :(
The restaurant have responded to reviews of slow/bad service recently saying how broken and in mourning the town is. So sad. Also fuck anyone to leave a bad review there atm?
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Brian entin on twitter has posted the link.

According to the affidavit, phone signal of BKs phone was picked up on the morning after the murders at the Moscow residence at around 9am and also in Moscow around the residence 12 time before the murders.
So he was stalking them before and he returned to the crime scene afterwards 😲 makes me feel sick
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If it’s true, the wouldn’t have used her evidence in the PCA. I feel so sorry for the poor girl. She’s been through so much and at every turn on the internet people are ripping her apart
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