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Big frank

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I don't have TikTok so I've only just looked at that account but that is definitely 100% not the same woman. In at least one of her TikToks you can hear her talking and her voice is completely different to Suzie's. IMHO she doesn't look like her either. (Check out her Insta and you'll see what I mean.)

The TikTokker is married to a guy who does look very similar to our Raj, but his name is Steven Johal. The funny thing is though, he is a property broker in Dubai. The two guys could be related, I suppose, but I'm not too sure about that. It might just be a red herring.
Oh I really hope Raj and suzi are dodgy as fuck. It certainly looks like they might be. I'm hoping they've been intrinsic in their decision to move to Dubai so they can fuck them over without consequences. It would be the ultimate and fitting end to their youtube blag. You know, getting groomed and exploited like they've done to so many! This could be the most karmic thing ever. If we are right, do your magic Suze and raj!
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Big frank

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I've been watching the vlogs for the past week and finding it increasingly amusing. They moved to Dubai to live a more luxurious lifestyle, or at least give the appearance they are. All they've done is make the same videos, but in Asia. Going to the UAE's equivalent cheapo stores, eating the same shit and whinging. Creepy seems to have centered he content around real estate he will never be able to afford. The same sort of real estate that the fizz fam lived in during their time in Dubai. They are living in a house that's far too small to accommodate them. Even when they move they'll have downgraded in terms of space compared to shitabelle Manor and its too hot to leave the house. Everything is rented so that illusion of wealth is very obviously an illusion. Slagging off the UK is so pathetic because they are comparing apples with oranges. To be honest the criticism of the UK and bigging up of Dubai sounds like they are massively over compensating and trying to convince themselves that they've not made a huge mistake... which we all know they have!
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Sarah needs to stop with the cutesy hair bows. She looks like a fat 40 year old cosplaying as a school girl. Not even Creepy would be into that 😂
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Isabelles dad was paying rent on her house while they were separated until he found of she was with Chris, then they panicked and had to support themselves.
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Another day when they are complaining that Aurora isn’t in a good mood. Are they stupid to realise that poor baby probably can’t cope in that heat 😡 Look how red her underarms are where her armpit is as well, she must be so uncomfortable View attachment 2958435
Again, everyone around them is dressed modestly and appropriately in line with the covering of shoulders/knees whilst shopping in that vlog then you have these two in tiny skirts/shorts and Esme in a vest top. The disrespect for a country they now call home is incredible. I hope they get pulled up on it again and again but this lot are too thick to take it in.View attachment 2958447
The baby is sweating and so sore under her arms, they aren’t bathing or cleaning her properly at all are they 😢
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Lazy keeps saying it feels like they are on holiday but they are not. It feels like a holiday because that's what it is, no matter how hard they claim to work their arses off, they literally do nothing. That's why this 'move' makes no sense, there's only so much pool, beach, mall they can do before it gets dull. At least at home they could go off in a van, have days at home/'renovate', see Nannarr etc.

Often when people move abroad, there would be at least one person in work so they'd get settled in their new job, children in school/nursery and they'd find places where they could do their hobbies and interests in the new location. As the Inghams literally have no lives, there is nothing for them to do in Dubai except their usual dossing about and shopping so no settling in somewhere with things to occupy them and help them make actual friends.
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Isabelle asks Mila if she's ok in the water. Sarah doesn't even turn her head. No maternal instincts whatsoever.
I'm telling you, it is Issy who is raising those younger children. For all the grief she gets her I really do think she is the one trying to mind them, hard to do when you have never been shown how to. I swear Sarah just concerns herself with the baby a uses breastfeeding as an excuse not to do anything else.

There is a reason why Issy is a shell of young woman.
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Do you think Sarah realises the call to prayer is coming from the mosque and not someone listening to music on their phone 😂
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Rosie Tatler

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I think she is extremely conscious of her body. Looking at Isla I would say she is Hyper mobile by the way she walks. Out of all the kids I feel for Isla the most. She seems exceptionally isolated and introverted. I can imagine she misses life in the UK, she is not gobby like Izzy and Esme. I do wonder how things will turn out for her. I am not a fan of Jane and Steve but I bet they must despair the fact those kids have been taken to Dubai.
I actually think she would love living with Jane and attending a normal school and doing normal things with her grandma a bit of baking , gardening etc . She probably wouldn't miss the others either , they hardly include her as it is !
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Those wrinkled eyes🤢, just about caught his huge bald patch on the back of his head. Turning 40 is hitting him hard!! 🤣🤣View attachment 2957152View attachment 2957153

Surprise Surprise nothing has changed in DooBuy, Lazy is still without a bank card even buy lunch for her kids when Creepy goes out to his appointment. - still no visas yet if they are just getting the biometrics done.
View attachment 2957166

Oh look 2 year old Mila is now the forgotten child just left to fed for herself in the pool while creepy flirts with Izzy!! View attachment 2957158View attachment 2957161View attachment 2957165
If you think about it, the move here is so he can be coercive and more controlling of them. They're all backed into a corner, unable to do anything - stuck in a foreign country with a groomer and abuser
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Sarah Lies Vlog Rundown Special


Lazy didn’t upload last week. She's never missed an upload before but always forgets to film until the Sunday or Monday. They’ve left the UK as residents and moved to Dubai. They have all the feels and are trying to get into a routine. It’s not a holiday. Lazy’s favourite topic is herself but not in a big headed way. She wants to tell us where she came from and why she is the way she is today.

Lazy was born in 1985 to her parents Neil and Joanne, on Seacroft Council Estate. Her whole family lives on or around Seacroft as she never had a big family. It was her and her immediate family, Nannar and Grandad, Nannar Eileen, Auntie Diane, Uncle and cousins. On her Dad’s side she had Grandma and Grandad, an Aunt and Uncle, cousins and that was it. She apologises if she forgot anyone. She was born in a flat and moved into a house aged two, the house that Katrina still lives in. She has one sister and two brothers. 10 months between Lazy and Katrina, 14 months between Katrina and brother Damien the nonce. Such a waste of sperm. Lazy’s parents split when she was six. Her stepdad moved in quite quickly after her Dad left. She remembers watching from an upstairs window crying with her siblings as her parents said goodbye to each other. She doesn’t think it was a nasty split. They both went on to remarry and have other chuldren. There are 13 years between Lazy and her half brother through her mum, James.

Lazy’s parents had separate happy marriages for 16 years. Bizarrely in the same year they both divorced from their spouses. They got back together not long after Lazy had Esmé and stayed together until Joanne passed away. Lazy left home at 16 as she was so close to her Nannar and Grandad. The second she left school on a Friday from the age of three she went to her grandparents’ house with her weekend bag and stayed there until Sunday at 8pm. She loves it at Nannar’s as she had all the attention. She was spoilt but never wanted for anything. She didn’t have much growing up but won’t go into personal details. She received a big pile of presents at Christmas but doesn’t remember receiving anything on birthdays. The birthday child was allowed to choose what they had for dinner. Lazy always chose salad. She loved beef burgers with cheese inside from Jack Fultons. They also got to stay up an hour later. Camera cuts because Creepstopher has been looking after Aurora and she’s been crying for a long while.

Aurora can still be heard crying. Lazy and Joanne would watch EastEnders together. She would colour in her birthday cards. At 16 she moved in with Nannar and Grandad and decided to do A Levels at sixth form (music, dance and BTEC drama). Lazy never had the drive and her parents never cared much about academics. Joanne never checked to see if she’d done homework. Exams and revision were never taken seriously whereas Lazy herself is always on the girls’ backs if they have a test coming up or an assignment like Isabelle did. Joanne told the school Lazy wasn’t doing detentions as she lived an hour and a half from school by bus as an 11/12/13 year old. Lazy was never naughty and detentions were for forgetting her PE kit or not doing homework. She was ignorant. She loved dancing like Esmé and writing her own songs and music. She loved drama, doing plays, improvising and being in a lost world.

Halfway through sixth form, Lazy met her first ever boyfriend aged 17, Isabelle’s dad. She was shown a different way of life she didn’t know existed. This 17/18 year old drove and BMW and lived in rich Shadwell. It was a very unhealthy relationship and she put up with a lot as she didn’t want to go back to her old way of life. She isn’t dissing people who lived on council estates but it isn’t for her basically. She wanted to move forward. Don’t pick apart every word she’s saying. Lazy wants to scream at her former self. The relationship was 3 1/2 years old and she had Isabelle when she was 19, almost 20. She lived with Isabelle’s dad’s parents in a back bedroom until Isabelle was one. Then an incident happened that she isn’t going to go into but it was nothing severe. Lazy realised she couldn’t be in that relationship anymore.

Lazy got a job at a pub named The Dexter and found herself. She realised who she was after being a shell. She saved every cent she made to get herself and Isabelle a home. When Lazy was 8 her stepdad’s parents took her to Turkiye with her step cousin Natalie, who is a lovely person. Whilst pregnant and living with Isabelle’s dad, Lazy received a phone call from her stepdad Peter with him screaming and crying. She worked at the prison in Weatherby but was in bed as she suffered horrendous morning sickness. She was in the house alone and ran downstairs and outside because Peter’s mum had been murdered by her partner in a horrific way. What is a non horrific way of being murdered? No one will know Lazy had an Aunt who was murdered. I’ve definitely read that on one of the threads here or on the other place. Lazy your secrets are not secret. Lazy was three months pregnant and it was either March or May. The Aunt had started knitting baby cardigans for Isabelle and Leah. The murderer got 15 years but was released a few years ago. The Aunt bought Lazy a doll that cried and smelt of cherries.

Lazy got herself and Isabelle a house in Shadwell just before she turned 21. They moved in just after Isabelle turned one but she started the pub job when she was 9 months old. Isabelle’s dad’s parents let Lazy live at the house and fed her so she could save all of her wages. When Isabelle was six month the maternity pay stopped and Lazy didn’t earn anything for a couple of months. She moved into the house in October. Lazy remembers buying their £30 Christmas tree, which they still have today. She had to work a lot at the pub. The first few months Isabelle’s dad paid half of the £375 a month rent. Lazy worked all through the night and over Christmas. For her 21st birthday she had a party in the pub and another not nice incident happened that night at the house that Isabelle knows all about. This man has never been able to defend himself to Lazy or tell Isabelle his side of the story. Lazy doesn’t want to share everything. The police got involved. It felt like Lazy’s bubble had been burst. She was so upset when she got home and wondered how she’d move forward.

The first week of January Lazy was dreading going back to the house as Isabelle’s dad had people (women) around at her house whilst she was out. She was in the pub dreading her shift ending. She’d had no friends since she was 17 and didn’t feel like she could talk to her family as they’d be angry at her living in that situation. She was worried how her dad would react. There was one person she’d met online but she doesn’t speak to her anymore. Lazy would never slag someone off online. Because Sarah Ingham has never slagged anyone off online. Lazy's ex had tried to cheat on her with the girl. Lazy begged her to let them be friends because Lazy was desperate for one. A friendship group used to come into the pub and Lazy was jealous. She struck up a friendship with a couple of the girls. One of the girls had some trouble one night so Lazy invited her to stay in her spare room. They became inseparable. Creepstopher was part of the friendship group and stared at her Frenchies. They got together in the March. She remembers it clearly because she threw parties and invited her entire friendship group to the house. Nothing aside from her family now could come close to the happiness he felt at that time in her life. She was constantly working. On her days off and Isabelle was at her dad’s she’d go the cinema and Nando’s. The relationship with Creepstopher was new and exciting. She felt like she had to stay with Isabelle’s dad as she’d never have better. Now she had another guy who was the same age as her and lived in a nice area with a family who was wonderful, loving and welcoming. He had found his new victim. Lazy has only had two boyfriends. She was on cloud nine and the rest is history.

Creepstopher moved in with Lazy straight away. He’d spent a lot of time with Lazy and Isabelle since January. He stayed over in April and never left. The second Isabelle’s dad knew he stopped all payment as it wasn’t his responsibility to pay the rent. Creepstopher had to financially support them all. It was rocky to begin with due to stress. His parents helped them pay for a flat in Horsforth for a year. Lazy got knocked up and the landlord decided the flat wasn’t big enough so offered them a house. Creepstopher wasn’t happy so found a detached house on the Leeds/Bradford border between Apperley Bridge and Rawdon. Lazy got pregnant with Isla in that house and she was born in that house. After Isla was born Creepstopher got bored. He always wants more and initiates moves and Lazy is happy wherever because she came from nothing. They have a good balance between them. They found the three bedroom house around the corner and that’s where their vlogging journey began.

We know the rest. Creepstopher is going to kill Lazy as this will be long. I thought he always wants more... The saying ‘you can take the girl out of Seacroft but you can’t take the Seacroft out of the girl’ has been said to her many times. Why would she want to remove Seacroft from herself? Her past made her who she is today. There is no shame in trying to better yourself. She’ll always remember where she came from and how she came from a deprived family. She’s in the exact same situation she was growing up but with a little more cash. Lazy didn’t want her chuldren growing up on a council estate so turned it around and gave them an amazing life. Amazing uneducated life with few prospects other than parenthood and benefits. Lazy is trying to learn from her mistakes. Not breaking that cycle though is it? There are boss council estate parents. People twist things online. Lazy is so grateful with what she has and could’ve never dreamed of being where she is today. She worked hard for it and is happy. Has Creepstopher got a gun to her head?

End of vlog
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I’m sorry but Isla is triggering me, I mentioned here before what my granddaughter did, she had the same ways about her that Isla does except my granddaughter has parents that love her
The over eating, hiding food, lack of self confidence
Not confiding in anyone just trying to fit in or hiding away
I guarantee this little girl is heading for a mental breakdown and not one of them can see it
I seriously hope she doesn’t try to I can’t even say it
It has taken years of medication, love, and therapy to get my granddaughter back and we can never be sure she is truly okay because she is really smart at hiding things
I pray for Isla
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If they’re hoping this Dubai move will bring in more money then they ought to really start thinking about how and what they film. I went from wanting to visit Dubai to really not wanting to ever visit the place, because they’ve made it look like a Barron concrete jungle.
You can tell they’re not excited about their new place, that it’s just a bit of an upgrade on what they’ve got and they even seem a little disappointed. I don’t think Dubai is living up to what they had hoped or at least it hasn’t bought them the joy they wanted.
I watched a q&a they did 5 months ago, and Sarah mentioned how after 6 or 7 weeks she gets homesick. They’ll be off hiring a van somewhere soon and the vlog title will be “Why we’re leaving Dubai”
I don’t think they’ll be living there this time next year.
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In any body of water a toddler or child that can’t swim should be within arms reach at all times. They are so irresponsible leaving Mila on her own. The lifeguard at the beach is probably standing so close to her because of her stupid parents just leaving her there whilst they film themselves in deeper water. Morons.

Rocking up to a pool at 10 in the morning and staying all day in that weather is seriously stupid with kids. All of them should be wearing rash vests, wide brimmed hats and sunglasses. All the little ones should be wearing full bodysuits covering their legs and arms. The amount of people I know who have had skin cancers removed due to sun damage from childhood is ridiculous.

We go to the beach all the time but never in 40 degree heat. It’s unbearable and the water is too warm anyway. You can’t stop burning fair skin in that weather unless you’re covered by UV protective clothing and swimwear.

What the hell. An English bloke just “made a fat deal with your daughter”. Wonder what that was all about?

They have eaten so much pizza. My body would be screaming for protein and salad.

That ‘beach’ is horrible. I know I am spoilt for choice where I live, but still.

Sarah was so sunburnt.
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Creepy will probably convince Sarah the whole bad air quality thing is just a government conspiracy. It only effects the foos stuck in the matrix 💪👽🤙
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Imagine saving up to go on your dream holiday with 5* hotel etc, get yourself a nice spot by the pool ready to chill with your book and then this skanky lot turn up.
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