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Chatty Member
I know it’s been said before, but why the hell do they share a bank card? It’s so odd! Surely there are times, admittedly rare, that they are both shopping, but not together. Surely they should have one each? I mean, yes, I know Creepy likes to be in control of the finances, but it’s so weird!
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I used to feel sorry for Isabelle but she’s just like her mother dosent want to work a day in her life just wants to jump on camera for 5mins a day and go 20 holidays a year 🙄

She has no life but that’s because shes not doing anything to change it she’s an adult she can tell them to do one and go find a job a hobby some friends etc but she’s quite happy living rent free not a care in the world free holidays and free gifts all while trying to make herself look like a little kid so new viewers thinks she about 14 and don’t question why an unemployed adult is sponging about with nowhere to go 24/7

Why isnt she demanding her trust fund money and starting driving lessons for some independence away from the cult or meet a friend by joining a club and go travelling with them or do something enroll in college or get a part time job …honestly ppl need to stop defending her she backs her mums delusions and lies and is very condesending to people online.

Also Isla has lost 3 adult teeth it’s disgusting pure neglect from the parents

She can't demand her trust fund because deep down she knows they're broke. She seems the type who wouldn't want to kick off anyway for fear of upsetting the younger ones, that she's basically a mother to.

And at the end of the day she's in an abusive relationship with her parents. Asking why she doesn't get driving lessons and go travelling is like asking why an emotionally abused wife doesn't leave her husband. Chris has seen to it that she has no education, no friends, no outside influences, no access to cash or even public transport.

Its classic text book domestic abuse.
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Chatty Member
Did I really just watch Isla tell her tooth fairy story

poor kid should be away to start secondary school
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All going down on lazys Instagram and Isabelle has put a rant up saying she doesn’t body check as she pushes her hair back to show the bones in her neck 😕
Blaming everyone else because they isolated and de-educated their child leaving her depressed and struggling for control. Top mumming
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I'm all for Esme getting branded clothes and branded make up and skincare but I don't get why she gets excited to try it on etc when she dosent go anywhere.
Girls her age get all that but they wear it to school, party's, out with friends etc meanwhile Esme ordering it all to dance about her house
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Here if you cancel an appointment twice you get referred back to your GP. The system is so overworked that if you cba to turn up at your appointment and keep rearranging you should be moved to the back of the line or start from scratch. I actually have a gynae appointment on Thursday because my gp thinks I might have cervical ectropion and it needs to be looked at asap. No way would I ring up to keep rearranging because I had different plans, anything that involves gynae is 100% more important than swanning off to the artic. If they really bodged her insides she would fit her plans around the appointment otherwise it’s not important or serious like she so claims it is.
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Exposing what exactly?

You're a bad parent? You're not homeschooling? Isabelle is ill? Your middle daughter is an online bully? Or your finally exposing Chris for what he is?
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It can't be a successful business seeing as no one knows what it is, wheres the promo? It'll be one of those passive income thing Chris tries to sell.
I'm by no means an expert but if she had any type of business, sucessful or otherwise, the first thing she would do is promote it to her followers on social media. There's nothing else going on in her life, so the opportunity to post content that might also result in sales / money being made, would be an easy decision.

We're not stupid, it's obvious the poor girl isn't doing a psychology course, nor does she have a business. She's stuck playing baby sitter and the only thing she has control over is her weight. 😔
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I’ll probably be taking time off this thread for a while, I went to the gynaecologist yesterday and was diagnosed with cervical cancer as he found a large mass in my cervix which will likely require radiation and chemo. I’m in a state of shock tbh and asking myself why me? Because of Easter I won’t hear from the doctor till my case is discussed next Friday and I have the agonising 2 week wait for a mri to stage the cancer and a ct scan to see if it’s spread. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone not even Sarah, but if she is that concerned with her butchered insides she needs to stop rearranging her appointments for holidays (I have to cancel mine now now). I was stupid to not have a smear due to health anxiety and a traumatic experience and now I’m worried I might die.
Please don’t blame yourself for this. You were NOT stupid. Health anxiety and issues surrounding a traumatic experience are NOT your fault. You did your best, I’m sure. There needs to be more done to support people with this procedure who have had a traumatic experience not just dismissing it then if something happens blaming them. I’m sure some random telling you that online will help 🙄 BUT it is true. You need to concentrate on your health and getting better. The two week wait can feel like two years. If you can, do some nice things for YOU during that time, spend a day as a tourist where you live, looking at those things you miss because you live there, even if you live somewhere tourists don’t go, hunt down a museum and lose yourself in the past.... But please no more beating yourself up.

I understand wanting to stay away, but remember we are all here. Mean evil old haterz and trollz that we are hiding out in our parents dusty basements on a dusty website (here’s an activity for you - how does a website become dusty?! 😉 ). I’m aware I just told you to get out of yours, scary stuff... 😉

Good luck and sorry if I sound like your mum!

- x x -

Sarah, this is what happens when you have medical issues. This is what should be happening with your children’s medical issues. You do not prioritise your husbands or your selfish needs. You prioritise them, you cancel holidays, you move birthdays... You’re all extremely unhealthy oth your lifestyle choice of disappearing on ‘holidays’ and need to sort yourselves out before life happens and forces that on you because there’s no excuse at all for you not sorting it all out. None.
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A quuck reminder ~ don't judge his income by those screen shots of bank deposits. The likelihood that they are real screen shots that he has taken from his own phone is a big fat zero. They are taken from templates created by others to use as promotional posts for the ⭐Boss Babe⭐ mlm business. Anything about income that he posts on an account where he is trying to get people to join his scheme is going to be bullshit.

If you want to make a verdict on how much money they are making, take a look at their lifestyle and what he DOESN'T provide for his family.
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And what job with a sense of purpose do ypu think Izzy could do? Thanks to mum & dad, the girl can barely string a legible sentence togeter or add up so bang goes being a clerk or a shop assistant. She's painfully shy so waitressing is probably beyond her. I suppose she could get on an an untrained nursery assistant, she certainly has the experience for that. Quite how someone taking in from the looks of her fewer than 300 calories a day & most of that probably comes back up after the vlog spot is supposed to garner the energy to chase 20 toddlers around all day I do not know.

The girl needs counselling & a suportice family with a stable lifestyle which would allow her to get that. She probably needs a residential programme. Which these idiots ought to have the money to pay for but they've squandered it on tat & terrib;e transport ideas.

Not one appointment with someone they found on TikTok and then another jolly tour of truck laybys & Maccie D carparks with the dysfunctional chavs that call themselves her parents using her as an unpaid au pair & perv bait for sadcunts & the sort of freak who get off on anorexic girls.

If ever a young woman was more to be pitied than blamed., it's Izzabelle Ingham. I don't have to like or admire the girl to feel empathy for her lost little soul. How the hell would Izzy know what to do with her life? She doesn't even know what options are out there.
Sarah /Christopher Malcolm /Jane and Steve Ingham
We know you read here .take notice of what has been written about Isabelle before it’s to late
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When Lazy says HE is changing the baby, I cringe:censored:
Creepy sounds very down and whinging about how much money she has spent.
She has no idea what financial shit they are in,has she?
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If you’re going to scold people can you at least spell correctly? *Personal business….

and the comment saying they thought Esme was Sarah - book an appointment with the eye doctors!
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Jace in all fairness said to get a present for Mila to open and what does Sarah say no you don't need to do that Jace they are your presents, he wanted to share ( makes a change) she could have let him, obvious he did not mind and wanted too
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Chatty Member
It wasn't her mom, it was her dad...but keep on lying 🤥.
Isabelle, while your ranting... maybe take it up with your womb holder. "Isabelle is losing weight in an unhealthy manor" "Isabelle doesn't eat but once a day" "Isabelle curbs her appetite with gum" "Isabelle only will eat a noodle and be done for the day" "Isabelle doesn't eat sweets(anymore)" "Isabelle DIES eat, not sure where you lot got those comments"🤣🤣🤣😡


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Chatty Member
😂 can’t wait for her next appointment to be cancelled cus the doctors on strike 😂 can’t wait for that rant
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Not your money is it though babes 😘 it's your kids that are paying for their own birthday presents and your shopping addiction.
"Not your money is it though babes 😘 it's your kids"

THIS ^^^ 1000 times this!!! It's not Chris and Sarah's money. It's the childrens, they have earned it!! Not work shy fat Saz and her equally work shy pedalo husband.

I cannot get over the fact that their are still not protections for children who are made work on social media by their parents. There are protections for child actors alright but none for these children. Is massive societal failure.
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