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Oh I’ve just nearly wet myself at Saz’s Instagram reel regarding Jace’s birthday haul!! What the heck is that soft spoken voice she’s putting on all about??? She doesn’t speak like that!! We all know she doesn’t, we’ve heard her !! Especially when she shouts at Isla to tell her she’s ’ruining my clip’ 🤣. Who is she trying to kid that she’s some softly spoken gentle woman 🤣 Also why is she constantly referring to Jace as her ‘little boy’ ?? His name is ‘Jace’ Sarah, just call him by his name 🤦‍♀️
I watched about 2 seconds and had to mute it because it hurt my ears why is she whisper posh talking she sounds like a twat everyone knows how she speaks 😂😂😂
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You cannot get better in the same environment that made you sick.
Very well said.

The damage is done. There are people who are responsible for the years of neglect, abuse, isolation, manipulation and God knows what else that has brought Isabelle to her current condition. We are not those people. IMO I don't agree that we need to stop speaking about it. If she does happen to read here and sees some harsh truths, yes, they could be very hurtful to her. As harmful as being told constantly that she is beautiful and perfect and her life is amazing? Doubtful. Her mother and stepfather opened these children up for criticism the moment they put them online for money. Every single thing that comes to each of their children is on their shoulders.

Our discussion here should not be mistaken for anything other than great concern for six children who are slipping through the cracks 21k views at a time.
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The grand reveal of the playroom transformation. So tacky. Wouldn’t expect anything less.

They’ve ruined the room. I bet it’s because of the complaints about the screeching kids in the garden.
View attachment 2846245

Nooo Way! Only the Inghams could turn it into a cheap plastic monstrosity. It's like religious fundamentalists were let loose in B&M to furnish the compound and stop the kids from seeing daylight or other human beings

Great place for the kids to sit and learn in, I'm sure the kids will want to sit and read books when there's a humongous slide in the middle of the room. Inghams always exceed expectations for how shit it will be, it's incredible. Gobsmacked.

Couldn't choose something like this for outdoors on 10k a day? How much would they all love that?

Screenshot 2024-03-30 17.52.41.png
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My child is not even 4 yet and has known their colours and shapes for ages and can count to 50. There's no need for further endless colour matching activities. They also dress far older than Jace who seems to always be wearing baby and toddler clothes, and they have neat hair.

Jace is being held back in so many ways, and yet he behaves so entitled. His behaviour tonight, expecting a gift and snatching and being silly when he didn't get one shows that. Again, my 3 year old wouldn't even behave like that.
The way he behaved should have made her hang her head in shame - he’s spoilt and entitled and he’s only 5. It’s only going to get worse. I don’t know why she allowed him to sit there for as long as she did especially as he was ready to receive a gift. All very well saying to him there wasn’t anything for him but you could see he wasn’t listening to anybody because he was so excited at the thought of yet another gift! To then allow him to have a tantrum off camera but film everything as if it wasn’t happening?! Put the camera down and parent - where was Chris when this was happening?

I expect he was dreadful on his birthday morning, I wonder if anyone was locked out of the room this year so as not to steal his limelight.

I don’t understand why they continue to make this such a big thing of filming a reaction for gifts? They are teenagers/pre-teen age. My kids would be so embarrassed - it’s a couple of items of clothes and granny wasn’t even on the other end of the camera! Does Sarah think people are going to be impressed at the girls getting branded clothes? Moments like that make it a relief they aren’t actually in school. Kids have branded bits all the time, they’ve jumped onto the White Fox thing late as usual as well.
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Sorry if already posted but the amount of things she purchased for a 5 year old is disgusting. The ones that she purchased a few years prior could have been sufficient for him.
She has a shopping addiction.

There were 4 sets of clothing/dressing up, 1 pair of trainers, 1 shelf and then at least 28 toys.

View attachment 2842426
My youngest had an identical trolley to that when he was 2. We sold it by the time he was 5, he’s on the lower centiles and was already outgrowing it.

I expect the Tonie’s box is a gifted item - no way she’d spend out on what they cost with the books. Why would she buy one of those when she already has the Yoto which is very similar? She was called out on that and had to declare was an ad.
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Chatty Member
Honest to god

if she was that concerned about her appointment she would attend the first one given asap whether or not it’s Jaces birthday

but course it’s not her fault never is eh
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Commitments? What commitments do they have? Absolutely none at all, we see them dossing about, day in day out, with nothing to do, nowhere to be and no purpose or routine.
'Commitments' will be the same as when they say they have a 'busy' day and they clearly don't.
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Anyone else notice lazy tripped herself up when talking to Isla about the size of shirts Isla said they were extra small - Lazy said I’m glad I ……. Then corrected herself to say granny -fucking lies??
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Big frank

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Congratulations! I hope her pregnancy goes well for her 😊
Thank you... she heard the heartbeat first the first time yesterday. I have one very emotional daughter at the moment. She was told she'd need help to get pregnant when she was 15 so it's all the more sweet.
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He supposedly earned £12.000+ this week according to his fake screenshots and he complained about Sarah buying a cheap storage box to put the bird seed in! 🤣 He even tried to get Sarah to put back a launcher to throw a ball for prinny because he said they’ve already got one. It’s probably hidden knee deep in shit in the Garage of doom but anything to save a pound! Sit the fuck down creepy! Your Brokie is showing. 🙄🤣

Remember that time they said they were going to get a water fountain for the front garden?…….

The water fountain InstaCreepy thinks he can afford.

View attachment 2838684

The water fountain Creepy Chris can actually afford.

View attachment 2838686
I seem to recall his water fountain looking like this…
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LOl someone asked where were esmes bow earings from on vlog other day they reply in comments Viviene Westwood. on Esmes tiktok she bought stuff from Edikted and lol bow earings were in the bag so not westwoods as they claimed lol busted on another lie
Its making me wonder though are they saying designer brands so they can link when people ask so they make money, as the bow earings actually cost £9 just a fashion jewellery
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Pretty sure those kinds of toy will have a disclaimer of being for outdoor use only and surely they need to be anchored to something like they would be anchored to the ground outside. Looks like an accident waiting to happen to me.
I remember my dad cementing our swing in the ground, do people still do that? Definitely can see the climbing frame falling over if the big kids are using it as well
Mila was going down the slide and jace grabbed her legs and yanked her down the rest of the slide
Was she saying she was scared just before he grabbed her? He should have been told off birthday or not.
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Sarah too stupid to realise the letter from the hospital was off the back of her cancelling yet another appointment. And is automated. It's not often anyone cancels 3 appointments on the bounce, most people only cancel because something urgent has came up. So of course the letter states she will be seen as soon as possible. Lazy 👋 the receptionist who you called a liar was telling you what is on the system. And on the system you have failed to turn up for 2 appointments, and rejected a third. Therefore discharged following protocol. Fucksake how dozy can one woman be
Esmemememe has a video up of her trying on her new clothes that she ordered when they were away. I know she’s a kid but she’s the most annoying, unlikable person. Anyhow, she tried on a pair of pyjamas, that has shorts smaller than most knickers, saying the shorts are too small, but they’re absolutely adorable. I know I’m a bit of prude, I won’t lie about that, but when I was 15 I wouldn’t have even walked in front of my dad or brother in these particular shorts yet here she is on the bloody internet for the whole world to see. I seriously don’t understand how her own mother (well I do because she backs up her sexual predator husband) doesn’t mind that there will be men doing unthinkable things over her daughters. It makes me sick.
The fat enabler thinks if you see anything wrong with her daughters acting provocatively, or wearing clothes that show too much. Then it's YOU with the problem, unfortunately. Esme blowing kisses to the camera isn't her trying to be sexy to attract the weirdos. She's blowing them to Hi Steve and Jayne incase they are watching. Purely innocent. She just happens to be stood looking over her shoulder with her top half down whilst doing so
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A video came up on my TikTok FYP of mia and sienna from fizz fam , in the comments that vile mare esmemememe and her pudgey mate of the month were critiquing the caption of the video - which is rich coming from esmememe who thought Chicago was a country 🫠🫠🫠

They might want to teach Mr Ingram this too considering he tried to pass his children off as teenagers when out on the middle of loch lomond with no life jackets on.
While they are at it they might want to remind him 16 is still a teenager too therefore to not "send messages of a sexual nature" to them
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I do think this has a lot to do with how she is atm. Chris was taking snips at viewers in the vlog last night & both him and Sarah have been doing the same recently. Last night he was saying the comments will be full of comments about how she’s not removed the tags, in actual fact comments didn’t point that out at all but at the knife sat behind her on the sofa with small children running around. Of course the iFam army jumped on to say there was no knife to be seen 🙄 Atmosphere must be hell in that house, Chris won’t like that they’ve not had any noticeable increase since starting to film home vlogs like they thought they might (I think the damage has been done there now). He will let her spend but moan about it but he won’t admit that the money is fast dwindling away. Sarah will carry on like she is but I bet he’s not being very pleasant and in turn she’s turning more nastier than normal. Trying to pull in the sympathy vote now to get people back watching again no doubt.
Sorry but Sarah cannot be that worried about her health issues if she has cancelled two NHS appointments. She knew she had been referred and she could have attended either appointment but she chose not to. She has now been offered an appointment for May which is good - I'm waiting six months between mine, but she's moaning about being told she MUST go to this appointment. Entitled!
Wild how they earn so much money but don’t have private health insurance…. Then there’s me a fully paid up member of the rat race with health, dental and a pension and I didn’t have to sell my family's souls to earn it
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Rather than attempt to help Isabelle, Sarah would much rather use it as an opportunity to have a rant and wants Isabelle to follow in her footsteps and do the same.
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Well I am impressed, Chris has managed to get an MOT carried out on time and before it expires tomorrow 🤣 That said, something I find very strange is the MOT shows the car has done 89,254miles since this time last year. That’s an excessive amount of mileage when they are away for weeks/months on end and the car is supposedly sat on the drive unused. That’s roughly 7400 miles a month/247ish miles a day average. Even living in the countryside that seems unrealistic? Unless Chris is doing a side hustle of some sort as a delivery driver when they are home OR he’s renting it out when they aren’t home?! I have a sneaking suspicion something dodgy has gone on there. Sarah has said they’ve gone out for the day so why would you plan that if you knew an MOT was booked in unless they’ve gone in the van. I also don’t believe they’ve got 3 car seats/car seat bases out of the car before it was MOT’d.

We drive my car which is the main family car throughout the day including a 60mile round trip every term time weekday, lots of long weekends away long distance etc, day trips throughout the school holidays and almost every weekend we are out and about over the spring and summer & have only racked up 23,000 miles in a year.Time will tell I suppose but something isn’t adding up there.

Uses her whispery voice on Insta but sounds like Les Dawson in real life 😂😂
She’s desperately trying to brand her profile for some potential unsuspecting businesses to collaborate with her
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