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Cockleshell Bay

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Let’s not forget Hi Steve playing the splat game, getting cream on his face, and replying ‘now I know how all those women feel’ while the kids are sitting next to him and the adults find it hilarious, watching the film Taken is only the start of what those children are exposed too..
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What on earth are those voice notes all about. Usually in our house if we have anything to speak to each other about, we conversate like any normal family. Not send voice messages. All Lazy is achieving is showing her daughter up for the nasty piece of work she is
I think the pair of them cooked up the voice notes between them to look hard 🤣
What they actually look like is the worst family on the estate 🤣
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Re Esme and her bedroom passes. I’d be buying Isla a more grown up bed, removing that sofa and having her move in with her permanently. I’d have taken those crumpets off her the other day telling her if she can’t share then she’s not having any as well
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The stupid, irresponsible fucking cunts. I am absolutely livid.

This, here, is exactly why you should not be able to walk into a shop and walk out with a live animal. You could tell by their eyes that they were scared witless. Not one of them knew how to handle them. The cage is far too small and they don‘t know what they eat, which is strange considering Isla has done multiple power points on them. What’s the bet they put them in that run and don’t cover the top so they’re at risk from cats, birds of prey and Prinny?
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No no this is the Inghams everythinh stays Dinky dot tiny.
Oh to be a fly on the wall when Sarah realises that Guinea pigs grow. 🤣

She’ll be editing them to look smaller than they are before long.

“The vet said they’d never seen Guinea pigs so tiny! She sat them in a thimble and took pictures to show to all her colleagues!”

Isla doesn't like her bedroom because she can't see through the window, they showed when they did the house tour that her window is frosted glass because it overlooks next door.
Didn’t they say Isla‘s bedroom had “Disneyesque” windows?

The window in creepy’s head.


The actual windows.


I think theres many reasons why Isla won’t sleep in her own room. I just saw somebody mention that they let her watch horror movies and that’s defiantly adding to it. Isla seems to be stuck at about seven years old. Horror movies and shows like stranger things and then a bed like this. I can imagine she’s lay there in the dark imagining what monsters could be lurking under there. The sleeping in her own room issues seemed to get worst when creepy terrified her with that video of the bad elf on the shelf wondering around the house a couple of years ago. She still mentioned it last year but got told he wouldn’t go upstairs.

This also doesn’t seem like a bed an eleven year old should be sleeping in. She’s in high school now and I’m not sure she needs steps to get into bed and a play house area under the bed. A nice double bed with no space underneath to imagine monsters. Some good lighting for night time and a change of decor would probably do her the world of good. Isla is a nervous child and shelves full of kindi kid dolls looking at her in the dark can’t be helping with sleep issues. Sarah and Chris have caused whatever issues Isla has yet they don’t seem to be doing anything to help her overcome it. When they first started vlogging, Isla was the only child with her own room. Esme and Izzy shared and Isla was happy and sleeping well in her own room at 4 or 5 years old. This fear of sleeping alone came later. Isla really could do with seeing a therapist to help her deal with her feelings. I don’t get why they don’t see this. Izzy used to see a therapist in earlier vlogs when she was around Islas age so why not Isla. Although I’m assuming that was something social services insisted on during the custody issues they had with Izzy’s dad.
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I think they got the guineas for Isla to encourage her into her own bedroom personally, which is an incredibly stupid thing to do. Not least because she clearly is absolutely terrified of them!
I think Lazy thought if they were kept in Isla's bedroom (which I personally find disgusting 🤢) then she would be more likely to stay in there overnight.
She's made a big thing of Jason and MeWaa staying in their bedrooms since they got back. Funny how nothing is mentioned about Isla who spends her nights in her siblings bedrooms!
But look at the layout of the kids rooms, when they moved in they should've put Izzy downstairs opposite her step dad and mums, room, the little 2 at the front and Isla upstairs with Golden Girl. As it currently stands she is stuck down on the middle level and obviously is lonely and scared.
Her reactions to holding the guinea pigs wasn't normal at all, it was actually uncomfortable to watch, so how her mother could sit there and film it and then her father edit it and publicly post it, I dont know, they have no heart.
As we often say on here, Isla needs help and soon, it's evident she struggles with her mental health and that will only get worse if she isn't given the correct support!
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Can't believe they got guinea pigs, and 3 of them, cage too small , wrong bedding, cheap quality hay,
Do your research before buying pets,

Feel so sorry for the little piggies :(

They need to get Isla in therapy, she was shaking with fear (and it wasn't because she was scared of dropping them, she thought they would nibble her)
And for the love of god, learn how to hold and pick up a guinea pig before man handling them.
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Did they finally realise they don't live in a manor house with real marble floors and 9 bedrooms... 🤣🤣

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They live around half an hour away from the pet shop they bought them from and the others are further away too (I live local to the pet shop) and she went home, back to the pet shop and home again while they were still in the boxes! im shocked they lived through it!
Out of interest, does the pet shop have a generally good reputation?

I feel like two manic, cackling women buying two guinea pigs and no kit for them and then turning up a couple of hours later going 'actually, we want three' should've rung some alarm bells for the people who flogged them the poor animals.
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Isla had displayed behaviour like that on vlogs since they were in the old house. One that springs to mind was when creepy and lazy left the girls to go out and got a call from Izzy to say Isla was still sitting on the stairs where she left her, waiting for them to return. 🚩🚩🚩🚩
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What’s the sudden turnaround with being nice to Isla? Chris showing her some affection in the vlog with the petting of her head 🙈
Authorities being involved. It’s that simple and this time they shouldn’t be fobbed off anymore. They need to talk to all those children about what’s going on and Isabelle. They’ve had plenty of time to sort their lazy butts out and provide a proper education and look after those children properly and have refused to. Yes refused. It’s not only Sarah’s unborn baby at risk it’s all of those children. Not only from loneliness, mental health issues, lack of work but from abusive relationships. Those children will grow up never trusting anyone OR trusting everyone and being hurt.

I’m sat here crying because I can’t have children or pets yet these can and refuse to look after them.

Please please let the authorities sort them out. If you can’t look after a pet properly then you can't keep them. End of.
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Malcolm Conkers

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Isabelle has fallen into the role of Sarah's bestie, because neither of them have anyone else. They have shown for a while now that Isabelle is quick to join in the background of Sarah's rants, she's just now well established in the role and becoming braver on social media. In real life she would be as awkward as Chris when confronted with a person.

Lots of people when becoming an adult can enjoy more of a friend relationship with their parents, I know I did with my mum and we still love a good gossip about things. But it's usually as a result of the child gaining more independence and having a life that doesn't really involve the parents, where they develop their own ideas from their own experiences, people they meet, what they learn. Isabelle has had none of that so her only role is to parrot what Sarah says and cackle along with her, which is exactly what Sarah wants and why she can't hold on to a real friend.
Meanwhile, infamous ‘kiddy fiddler’ DeLonge, who caused all of this in the first place by attempting to get off with a child younger than Isabelle, can sit back and enjoy his tuna sandwich and bitty, with the spotlight off him and the nightmare predicament he has put them in. This is how he does it.
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Oh Isabelle.. Sarah's not a slag but your stepdad is!

Sarah's just embarrassed Isabelle by sharing that imo, what does she even sound like...
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What sort of pet shop says “buy this cage and in 2 weeks you’ll then need a new one”. Why can’t this family ever admit they made a mistake? Always someone else’s fault 🤷🏼‍♀️


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Mila plays with her Fisher Price house. She carried the box across the landing and told Mama it was heavy for her. She hasn’t stopped playing with it all morning.

Lazy is in the car. They didn’t vlog yesterday as Hi Steve and Grammy Groomer came over to return Prinny. They were waiting for the new camera arrived. It arrived at 5pm. She can’t believe she’s about to say this and it’s all Granny Groomer’s fault. She said no to Esme's Pomeranian. She told Isla she'd get her a guinea pig tomorrow. The fact she said "a" says all you need to know. Lazy has only agreed to go and look. Granny Groomer has had Guinea pigs before and will look after them when the Inghams go on holiday. Hi Steve wasn’t thrilled. They’re off to Pets at Home for Jace and Mila to look at the live pets. Isabelle didn’t want to come.

Looking at pets. Lazy says they’ve seen one adoption Guinea pig but it’s massive. They’ve seen a tiny one. Does she realise animals grow from small when born to big when adults like us humans? Bloody hell, she needs to go back to reception. Do you not remember Isabelle being a teeny tiny baby, Lazy? Mila points at a rabbit and Lazy screeches at her not to bang on the glass. Mila did not bang on the glass.

Esme and Isla stand at the Guinea pig enclosure and try to make themselves cry. Isla’s face gets redder and redder. Esme squeals that they’re both girls. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHAT IS THE OBSESSION WITH CHULDREN AND ANIMALS OF THE FEMALE GENDER? Esme begs Lazy to let her get them. She screeches that she didn’t want one last week. The shop assistant feebly tries to see if the Guinea pigs like each other. She seems inexperienced but then again Pets at Home rarely hire staff qualifications in animal care because they know how poor the living conditions for their breeding mill rodents are.

The Inghams are now at a different pet shop. They couldn’t get any at P@H and Lazy will explain why later. The kids are bouncing around.

Granny is dealing with something. There is something amiss. The P@H Guinea Pigs were males, aggressive and fighting so they couldn't get them. Sounds like the Ingham/Dixon cousin reunions. They only sell males to experienced owners. They could buy one but the girls didn’t like it because it had bright red eyes. Esme shows Lazy a Guinea Pig. They were advised not to put the P@H Guinea Pigs together as they didn’t know each other. The lady did try but they were nervous. They thought they’d try a different store and it’s very loud. The noise of birds tweeting fills the air.

Granny Groomer has a Guinea Pig on her chest. It’s black and brown but Lazy is more interesting in the white one. Esme holds one and tells Mummy it’s so sweet and calm. The ignorant child doesn’t understand that fear can do that to an animal. Lazy says hello to the Guinea Pigs in her baby voice.

Isla is holding the box with the Guinea Pigs inside and can feel them running around inside. Esme and Lazy couldn’t be screeching any louder. Isla is practically shouting in the ears of the poor little animals she’s holding. She wanted a sandy one as she thought they were the cutest and most common, but couldn’t wait anymore and needed the ones they have. Esme interrupts and says it was so nice and wasn’t trying to bite or scratch. Lazy correctly (for once) says they might be scared. Isla was too scared to hold it and will do so when they get home. Lazy tells her she needs to be calm.

The Inghams need to go back to a different pet store as this store’s cages are quite small. P@H told Lazy that they need a certain size cage. Because they want you to buy one of their cages you thick shit. Jace and Mila look at fish. He asks if they’re real.

The Inghams are home. It was difficult to vlog whilst they got everything they needed and they were caught in a massive rainstorm. The girls sit on the living room carpet in front of the camera.

Esme is holding a Guinea pig. Lazy says it’s like Cruella. Creepstopher bangs on about how cute it is. Lazy says they’re really tame. She doesn’t know how old they are and just has an estimate. 🚩The Guinea pig is clearly terrified. The Christmas garland is still up.

The next unfortunate Guinea Pig is Isla’s. Esme manhandles it whilst giving it to her. It’s heart must be going like the clappers. Isla tells Creepstopher to open his eyes and he says “aaaaaw”. Jace is eating a burger. The girls stroke the Guinea Pig. Esme puts it on Isla’s chest. She is clearly terrified and her face crumbles. Creepstopher strokes her hair and reminds her it’s her dream. Jace says “Iwaaaaa you don’t need to cwwwwy”. Cackle. Creepstopher kisses Isla’s greasy hair. She hasn’t named the Guinea Pig yet. Tears fall down her face. More animal manhandling from Esme. Creepstopher says this never would’ve happened if he was a child. The tiny Guinea pig prison is behind Isla.

Prinny is back and being ignored. Isla likes the name Buttons. She and Esme carry in all the tat for the animals. Time for a haul and then anyone who owns Guinea Pigs can tell them if they need anything else. Wood shavings aka a good way to bring on a chest infection due to dust, tiny bag of hay, gingerbread chew, dyed nibble sticks that aren’t really recommended due to the dyes used, food bowls, the shit version of corn on the cob from P@H that’s probably been sat on a shelf for weeks because they couldn’t pop into a shop and get the fresh stuff, basket and a couple of tunnels. They also got pet friendly cage cleaner because it smells of lavender. Cleaning time lapse. Wood shavings.

Lazy is back in the car. Granny Groomer runs into a shop. Cackle. She feels bad for Isabelle because she’s besotted. There was a black one with the two they’ve taken so they’ve come back to get it and crowd the prison even more. It was Granny Groomer’s idea to come back. Lazy doesn’t seem sure whether they’ve got males or females.

Granny Groomer has gone to find an assistant so they can get the black one. Next clip Granny Groomer holds it. Returning to the car with the Guinea Pig and a playpen to go on the grass. The novelty will soon wear off.

Fake shocked face from Isabelle as Granny Groomer hands her the next inmate of HMP Ingham. Lazy didn’t realise how much she’d love them but blames Granny Jane. She speaks to Isabelle in the same creepy way Creepstopher does. He asks if they’re sisters. Granny Groomer asks Lazy if she wants one. There'll be enough for everyone to have two each in a couple of months at this rate. Isabelle suggests names. When she says Midnight Esme starts singing Taylor Swift. Isabelle is scared so she reaches over her and introduces the Guinea Pig to family life by manhandling it. Lazy tells her to be gentle and let Isabelle do it. Creepstopher wants to see it. Isabelle is scared so Lazy tells her it will move when picked up but stay still on her chest.

Shots of the plastic prison. They haven’t bothered with the bowl as the grey thing is good enough. Now there are three they will need a bigger cell but for now they’ll have to make do. It will do for now according to Guinea Pig expert Lazy. She asks the ifam if the “water thing” is meant to drip. She concludes it’s normal. Creepstopher asks where they will sleep. Esmé’s Guinea Pig is called Treacle. She runs into the cage and clearly wants to hide from all the noise. The cage is on the kitchen island and it would’ve been more ideal to find a permanent location for it before putting the animals in. The layer of sawdust is too shallow.

Isabelle’s Guinea Pig is next. Lazy asks if it’s scared and screams at it when it runs into the tunnel. She reminds me of Fred the butcher off Corrie where he used to shout at the budgie. Isla wants Esme to give her her Guinea Pig. Lazy the thick cow tells Isla she can’t break it. She cries as she puts the Guinea Pig in the prison. P@H told them they can have cabbage and carrots but not yet as they’re just babies. Isla is calling her Guinea Pig Squeaks. She has her first (and possibly last) meal of hay.

Creepstopher is thrilled to have a DSLR again. He walks into Esmé’s room and says “awwww” when he sees the Guinea pigs. Esme says Prinny obsessed with them. She is in the room licking her lips. Isabelle has a list of names for her Guinea Pig; Staaaaaaaar, Twilight (Esmé’s favourite), Angel, Midnight, Ghost and Shadow. Comment below but Creepstopher says it can’t be airy fairy. It's black with a white racing stripe. Isla reminds us of her Guinea Pig’s name as she can’t remember that she already told us. She/he squeaks a lot. She scared Isabelle’s when she walked in Esmé’s room. She isn’t sure whether they’re male or female. Squeak is shy, Treacle runs around a lot and PowNameRevealComingSoon likes to lay down. They’re tuned to their personalities. Treacle and PowNameRevealComingSoon have been hiding all night. Esme is paranoid they don’t know the water is there sp Isabelle suggests they make it drip.

Hi Steve said Granny Groomer was on one all night last night about getting the Guinea Pigs. Creepstopher thanks her and is so grateful. It wouldn’t have happened without her. It's for Isla as she’s researched it to death. Obviously not enough as she’s clueless about the basics i.e. the accommodation and dietary needs. She knows everything there is to know about Guinea pigs and made five powerpoint presentations. They got three so not to leave anyone out and give them mates. Granny Jane has researched it to death. In one night? Isla has researched how often you need to wash them, what to do for them to live happy and healthy, how many times to change their water and how many times to do their wood shavings. They’ll put them in the pen in the garden tomorrow. Prinny won’t move from beneath the desk and I predict things may end badly. DEVASTATING NEWS. MURDER IN THE NIGHT BRINGS TEARS… vlog coming soon. Creepstopher watched “Isles” reaction and it was beautiful. He had a lump in his throat. Probably some of the cheese slop dinner coming back up.

End of vlog

Lazy please watch this and teach your chuldren how to handle the guinea pigs properly.

A introduction to the Ingham diet for Treacle
View attachment 2378497

Tattlers; meet Treacle, PowNameRevealComingSoon, Treacle and Squeak the temporary new members of Ingham family.
View attachment 2378545View attachment 2378525View attachment 2378547

Short and chunky; you can see where his genes come from.
View attachment 2378503View attachment 2378509View attachment 2378510View attachment 2378513View attachment 2378520View attachment 2378522
Granny looks like a terrahawk the irresponsible old bat you can see where Chris gets his
“ I want I get”
attitude from 🙄


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Isla had displayed behaviour like that on vlogs since they were in the old house. One that springs to mind was when creepy and lazy left the girls to go out and got a call from Izzy to say Isla was still sitting on the stairs where she left her, waiting for them to return. 🚩🚩🚩🚩
I was just about to come on and say this, it happened when they were going out to the 'office' to post wankets, they'd take baby Jason with them and leave Isla at home with the big 2.
Jason is 4 now, so Isla would've been 7 when they were doing this to her. Lazy made a big thing of it, saying Isla feels like she has to touch light switches so many times to feel safe. After a week or two nothing more was ever said.
I have a 7 year old, turning 8 later this year and I would never leave him at home, what the hell were they thinking?
They also involved all the girls in talks about 'stalkers' around the house and Lazy said a few times that the gUrls didnt feel safe. She is such a shitty mother.
They've just continued to push Isla further and further into her own head. She has nothing but her sisters to occupy her time and they clearly dont want her around them all time.
She needs to go back to school or join some home ed groups where she can meet children around her age and form some bonds. It's so important for her brain development that she has the opportunity to socialise with people outside the home on a regular basis.
Time for Lazy to stop being so damn selfish and do something to help one of her kids for a change.
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Even that would be buttons compared to what she’s earned and they’ve spent on themselves, and what she’s been denied in order to earn it for them. Who here would give up their privacy and childhood for driving lessons, or a couple of grand in a savings account?
Their entire future consists of a mountain of lies and selfishness coming back to bite them on the arse.
In their hay day before Creepy messaged a sixteen year old girl inappropriately and the views went shit I’d bet the inghams must have been earning maybe ten to fifteen thousand a month if not more. I can’t imagine they put much aside if any for the children. I’ll be surprised if Izzy gets any money when she turns 18. They’ll probably tell her that her share went on private school.

Creepy spent everything those girls earned on himself and things he likes. Sarah thinks she’s living the life if he allows her to spend £60 in B&M or a couple of hundred on nappies. The girls whole life was shaped around following Creepies dream. They lost the chance to stay normal and anonymous. They were removed from school, friends and a social life because Sarah and Chris said they wanted to give the children a better future but all I see is that creepy has pissed all their money away on pylon houses, Caravans, drones and boring trips so he can film another drone shot. They hardly buy the girls anything these days unless it’s a birthday or Christmas. The girls won’t thank them in the future. Who knows what they would have become if they had the chance to a normal childhood without a camera shoved in their face so that creepy got to live out his dreams and make himself happy.

Without the girls Creepy would still be working as a cleaner at the airport and Sarah would be……. Well, still sat on her arse on a sofa somewhere but doing the school run with her next door neighbour ‘Trina. They seem skint these days. Set for lifers aren’t crying about the price of £1 bin bags and only eating in Cafes when the children aren’t with them. All the big money they had is gone and the girls wont ever see a penny of it.
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