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Chapter 1. Making your Guinea Pig feel at home.

Introducing your pet into a new environment can be tricky, however I've found in my time as a professional guinea pig whisperer that showing them around their new house while having them wear an item of your clothing really helps them adapt quickly and form a lifetime bond with their new owner.


Chapter 2. Food for thought.

In my vast and lengthy experience communicating with guinea pigs (on a level most could only dream to achieve) its become apparent that the usual foods of straw and vegetables aren't actually what they crave, in fact they've indicated to me during my thousands of hours of mind reading sessions that "Cheese Slop" is essentially the caviar of the pig world. Feed it to your pigs at every opportunity and they'll thank you for it when it comes time to clean out their cage. It's a wondrous experience.

Chapter 3. Grooming
Guinea pigs love spending time bonding with their owners. Why not make the most of your own personal grooming time and involve your pet, I've shared several hair colouring sessions with my own pigs and it really gives them a confidence boost when you cover up those greys in favour of a glossy "Just For Men" (and guinea pigs) black.

Chapter 4. Piggy holidays

I've planned many a holiday with my guinea pigs in mind, one place they seem to enjoy the most is Disney Land. They're more than capable to going on most rides, and rollercoasters make them squeal with joy! Here's a cheeky little snap of us just before leaving for our last Disney adventure.

Chapter 5. Bonding time with your best friend.

A well kept secret about guinea pigs is they love nothing more than listening to music turned up full blast. Noise, noise and more noise (especially children screaming and shouting) really helps them relax. In my many years of in depth research, hours of communicating telepathically, and scientific observation, I've discovered that the ultimate way to keep your pig happy is to play Roxette, turned up as high as your music player will allow, on loop, whilst feeding them cheese and onion Pringles. The little rascals can devour entire tubes in a matter of seconds.

I hope you have enjoyed my blog on caring for guinea pigs, the Rosabelle Manor way. It has been a culmination of many years of research and hard work. If you have any questions feel free to hit me up (especially if you like dropping towels) at GroomingPig @, thanks 😉
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Diversity Dugong

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That's exactly what I thought
Tonight’s Vlog on the 12 min mark they say that the girls wanted to watch their favourite film Taken with Grannh and Grandad .

Kimmie is the name of Liam Neeson daughter in the film who gets taken.
Add on Izzy comments about hunting down Kimmie and you have the plot of Taken.

These people are deranged
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Just happens to be the ‘friends/neighbours’ two doors down who have a daughter that was going to have a play date with Isla but they’ve gone away last minute 🤥 Chris had to tell Sarah they’d gone away though - surely you’d not plan for a play date if you knew you were planning on getting away 🤣

If true, which is doubtful, I’d be pissed with the Inghams if they declared the neighbours were currently on their holidays meaning their home has been publicly declared as empty when it’s very easy to find out where they live.
They must be mistaken as there isn't a girl islas age two doors up or down from them 🤔and two doors down aren't on holiday !
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AS and A Level results day today!

Just went to college to pick up my 17 year old daughter’s AS level results and she got three A’s in politics, English and Media! So thrilled and completely over the moon.
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As funny as I find them being caught out in lies, it makes me sad for isla that it sounds like there's no kids close by to play with.
There are some children in the village( not many young ones) ,however most of the village know all about Chris and wouldn't in a million years let their daughters near mingham manor. They are hated in the street ,and the kids are never let out the front gate alone so will never get to mix with locals .very sad ☹
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Izzy going ‘what the teenage terminology teenage high school lingo’ has me cackling because how would you know love? You were only in high school for a hot minute before yer dad was found out as a ponce and you were carted off around Europe in a tin can on wheels 😂😂
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Lazy and Granny Groomer got the girls Guinea pigs. They’ve put them in the tiny inappropriately sized cages Pets and Home sell too 😡

I’ve just skimmed through quickly as I’m sorting some paperwork but will do the rundown soon. I’m absolutely raging. The guineas look very young and will not survive long in that house. They are incredibly nervous prey animals and need a calm household. The food they bought is rubbish too and they’ve clearly done 0 research as usual.
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How is a film centred around sex trafficking young girls suitable for Isla and Esme and why would you want to sit and watch it with your grandparents?
these people are full blown weirdos
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Omg that spiteful Heifer letting little Mila sit with her eyes closed and her hands out while she hands Jace a present for being good and sleeping in his own bed. He’s four years old and has been in his own bed for a while. Mila is two and has only just started sleeping in her own bed but gets fuck all off the sisterwife for being a good girl. Have you noticed she’d never give Mila a present without Jace? He’s even served breakfast first while Mila has to wait for hers. Treats for his eye appointments but Mila has to watch everyone else eat and wait for scraps. He played with all Milas birthday presents first while she was opening the others and they were passing them to Jace but Mila was put in a high chair so she didn’t go near Jaces presents. Jace is so spoilt it‘s unbelievable. Why reward him with a toy in front of your other child for doing something he’s been doing for over two years? I’ve never known a mother act like Sarah and pick out a favourite child. Instead of worrying about her disgusting new curtains she wants to take a few parenting classes and learn how to mother her children. She’s an absolute disgrace. She’s raising her male child to be a mini version of that useless piece of shit she married. She’s basically turned into granny groomer. Spoiling that creepy pervert that she married worked out well didn’t it Hi Steve and Jane. I’ve visions of 16 year old Jace following Sarah around B&M dragging a three year old along by the ear and saying “Look Mamma. Pink ear!” Learn the boy some boundaries. Get him in school and for the love of god start raising your daughters instead of letting them raise themselves. 🙄🙄🙄🙄 Although credit where it’s due. Little Mila is doing a better Job at raising herself than she would have with more input from the Sisterwife! At this point I’m pretty sure Mila would do a better job at home schooling Jace than his mother has been doing.

Look at the smelly cow sat in little lord fauntleroys room sorting out his clothes because he’s grown out of everything and will need a shopping trip to buy more clothes. 🙃 Meanwhile Isla is walking around squeezed into outfits shes had since she was 8 but yeah you focus on the male child Sarah. 🙄 Back on the old vlogs when Izzy was Islas age and older Sarah actually used to do Izzy’s hair. She always had nice clothes and looked clean. Since the babies came along Sarah actually stopped parenting Isla and it’s horrible to see. To give up on parenting an eleven year old and leaving her to raise herself is one of the worst things I’ve seen from Sarah. (Well apart from standing by that perv of a husband.) Do better Sarah. If you can’t look after all your children then stop having more. You only get one mother and I feel so bad for these girls that the mother they got doesn’t give a shit about them. Scummy bitch! 🤬
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Big frank

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#298 I want to embarrass her, I want to find her - Isabelle Ingham 2023

Let those words haunt the nasty little bully
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What bright spark thought to themselves "We are expecting a new baby in a few weeks, so let's get three new pets", they are genuinely not mentally right this family. The education authority should hang their heads in shame for failing the children too. Disgraceful all round what has been allowed happen to the kids.
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Malcolm Conkers

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Hold on a sec! Just back from walking the dog, and had the notion to see how many people had listened to Malcolm Conkers & The Adventure in the last month, just out of interest.

Turns out, with over 2300 listens, we’re three times more popular than Su Pollard, and SIXTEEN TIMES bigger than My Forever!
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What I think is laughable is, people are saying Jace "looks" like a girl, then lazy is twisting it to people saying because he has long hair he must identify as a girl. Two separate issues. No one is saying he thinks he's a girl, people are saying he looks like a girl due to the way he looks, long hair, the way his mother dresses him. Personally I just see, a poor unkept, dirty child in need of a good wash and a good meal. Oh the kid knows he's a boy, it's drummed into him, his the man, better than the girls, can do as he pleases, we've seen that from some of the comments he's made. At this point, his hair is a mess, bald patches, girly hair styles, head bands. Long hair on boys is a trend, I see a lot of little boys on tic toc with long hair, the difference is their hair is cared for, brushed, washed, styled and yes the one little boy has his hair in a french plait, but guess what lazy, he's younger than Jace, but because he's dressed like a boy, no-one asks his mother if her little girl is okay.

As for Izzy, neglect comes in many forms, take a long hard look at Isla, how she was, how in the old house YOU, left her sitting on the stairs for hours, waiting for her parents to come home, because they'd go out for hours with out any of you, and you and Esme couldn't be bothered with her, fair enough, she wasn't your responsibility, (well she was, as you were left in charge) but you just left her there crying for hours, that's neglect, oh what about the time, you all left Jace on the beach at 4 months old to go swimming, that's neglect. All the times we've seen the kids filmed for views in distress in hospital, it's all a form of abuse. No one can forget the time a 3-4 year old Isla was told off for eating her mothers maltesers and was belittled for 5, minutes for content, while she stood there crying and begging, yet when Jace did the same thing, she laughed about it. Sorry, but your mother and your stepfather are both abusive, may not be physical, but emotional abuse is just as harmful.
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Am I tripping or was Chris sat in the background saying to Isla “Aw is this your dream.” Whilest she’s crying, the poor girl was so obviously overflowing with fear, my first thought was ‘that’s not the look of a child who just got their dream pet.’
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They’ve taken it too far. Guinea pigs require hours of love and attention! They aren’t disposable! Those poor piggies in that tiny cage
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Inghams are back from their latest super duper Europe road trip. First thing Izzy did was see her imaginary boyfriend tidy her room.

Chris transformed the master bedroom - looks like a budget hotel chain. Maybe that's so he can reminisce about cheating on Lazy.

Sarah had a tag team midwife and health visitor home visit. Lots of theories as to why.

Prinny has not returned. Not sure she has been mentioned.

They are going away again soon, likely for Izzy's 18th birthday which is less than a month away. Personally I'm looking forward to her recieving her money that's been saved since she first started working at ?11yo. That will be so exciting scary for her. See Sarah talking about this fund - under spoiler.
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Imagine being such an unpopular fat tramp that you have to run to your 17 year old daughter to back you because someone wasn’t very nice to you on the internet🤣
Pathetic 🤣
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Well I for one would find it hilarious if Kimmie turned up at Mingham Manor to see Issy. She’d shit her pants and hide under her bed provided her stepfather didn’t beat her to it first 🤣
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