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Malcolm Conkers

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Ooop cheeky little rant about jace's hair in tonights vlog... 😅
Apparently looking out for Jace and his receding hairline is 'BULLYING' - 'THERES NO OTHER TERM FOR IT'.
Always nice to hear about bullying from Sarah. What a hydrogeologist.
I’ll tell you what’s ‘sickening’, you big poisonous lump, and that’s people who n🤥nce children, and those who support them are just as bad. You’ve had kids with one. People mentioning your bald son’s ridiculous hair doesn’t come close.


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Lazy and Granny Groomer got the girls Guinea pigs. They’ve put them in the tiny inappropriately sized cages Pets and Home sell too 😡

I’ve just skimmed through quickly as I’m sorting some paperwork but will do the rundown soon. I’m absolutely raging. The guineas look very young and will not survive long in that house. They are incredibly nervous prey animals and need a calm household. The food they bought is rubbish too and they’ve clearly done 0 research as usual.
Imagine the mauling those poor creatures will get from Jace. He'll be at them constantly, mostly unsupervised . They'll be lucky to survive a week
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I’m sorry this was awful to watch the two of them looked so scared and anxious to be on their own what the hell
I think carrying a camera round with them doesn't help. They shouldn't have to film days out like that, I'd be scared of getting mugged for the camera.
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Watching lazy give Jace that gift with mila watching made my blood boil saying he’s such a good boy why he slept in his bed ? Then said he may let her play with one well Mila had no choice on her birthday she had only just opened a gift and Jace had it away and was playing with it 😡😡😡
Why when she was showing Jace’s wardrobe did she open all the drawers then say the bottom one is pjs and underwear so I’m not showing that how weird considering they show all the children in all states of undress yet can’t show pjs and underwear 🤷‍♀️
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Has Sarah even mentioned that Isla would / should be starting highschool? A cute vlog idea would have been them doing an end of the school year party for her and Esme
I doubt she wants to highlight that Isla should be progressing into year 7 as it shows just how badly they have failed that little girl. It’s startling when you look back to how happy Isla was when she was at school, just because Izzy and Esme didn’t do well in main stream it doesn’t mean Isla had to go to homeschooling. I think it was clear that they just didn’t want to show their faces dropping her off and picking her up each day.
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It’s three voice notes

“I’ve just seen your story of this woman called Kimmie (she said her name in a mocking way) saying about Jace’s hair like it affects her if Jaces hair is long, can you imagine that? And also her saying you neglect us LOL, you neglect us? Where do you go?”

“Then she called you a slag which, what in the teenage terminology, teenage high school lingo is that, also how are you a slag when you’re married to one person? Does she understand what a slag is? I can’t mum, I’m actually raging, I want to repost it, I want to embarrass her, I want to find her.. disrespecting my mum like that, swear down you little..”

“Anyway I just wanted to let that out because.. yeah, and also slay moment when you reposted it on your story, I was gonna like repost it on my story but I don’t wanna get involved and everyone be like oh you’re a teenager you don’t know nothing”

said in her usual bitchy tone
(I’m bored waiting to pick someone up 🤣)
Izzy clearly doesn’t realise neglect can be done in multiple forms - how embarrassing to have sent voice notes like that & then have your mother share on the internet for all to hear. Her true colours shown there though - well done Sarah. Only last week your husband says you don’t see or react to the negativity 🤣🤣🤡
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They will lie about the money for her 18th, either say she’s been given it or reinvested it until she’s 21 when she’s still scared of everything, having a year out and talking nonsense
What is she even going to spend it on…Shein shopping haul.

The girl has done nothing for a whole year, there’s absolutely no excuse why she hasn’t started learning to drive and passed her test by now. You would think after moving to Belfoft from where they were in Bradford close to a train station learning to drive as soon as she turned 17 would have been her first priority.

Lazy and Creepy are both happy that Izzy has no drive to do anything with her life. Lazy always has a friend and a babysitter to pass off the cash cows to go shopping. Creepy has a young girl to go out drives with😳 listen to music.

It’s been over 3 years since she’s been pulled out of school and the only thing she has to show for it is 1 GCSE.

The girl needs to wake up as she’s wasting the best years of her life where she’s young with no responsibilities to sit in the back of a van being a sister wife to her mother. Life will pass her by and in a blink of an eye it will be 10 years later and she’ll still be in the same place she is now but with 3+ feral little siblings to look after.

Maybe one day so will see how much creepy & lazy have stolen from her to chase what they once had when they first made it big on YouTube.
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Jane only gets to see the grandkids when she's useful. Wasn't that long ago that Chris was threatening to disown her, I guess she's only as good as her credit card holds. Odd that set-for-life-Chris is happy for his parents to shell out so much.
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Did anyone hear Sarah say something about Izzy staying at home to get on with some work? Something a long those lines? Wonder what work that is?
Rearranging her candles, taking beige pictures of them and picking out a heavy metal song to accompany it on her Instagram story. Hard work that.
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I see the home education from Sarah and Chris is top notch 👌🏻 better than private education some would say ... On the reel named "meat treacle"
Esme and her followers are little bullies. Reading some of those comments and they were nothing but nasty to some people all because they hadn't paid full attention to Sarah yapping on in the vlog.
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For this week's Memory Monday, I have four random memories for you.

The first is where Creepy called an 11 year old girl a 'tool' for asking why he left baby Jace alone on a beach. He also wished that she would 'wind her neck in and get a life'. The girl's mother then stepped in and told Creepy exactly what she thought of him....

The second is when someone (it had to be a tattler 😂) asked Sarah to show more of the agriculture of the countries that she visited. Sarah took the comment seriously and replied that they were on a sponsored trip to Dubai and had a schedule to follow (and therefore couldn't showcase the agriculture of Dubai as much as they wanted to) 😂.

The third memory is when Sarah tells everyone that Isabelle got a 9 in her English GCSE. She says that Isabelle would never have got a 9 if she had stayed in school and that choosing to home school was the best decision they had ever made....

In the 4th memory, tattler Oaktree spotted that Creepy had written 'to my sexy af, hot wife' on the front of her birthday card. It was December 2019 and Creepy had 'allegedly' just started his year long affair with the Leeds University student.
'You pervy, greasy, ginger prick'. 🤣
LOVE it!
What do you teach your children when you blatantly lie all the time, especially about something as important as results?
That will do Isabelle no favors in future.
Truly awful parents.
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Jace saying „IWA, you don’t need to CWY!“ made me cackle though, not gonna lie. That was funny. 🤣
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Sarah's getting wound up on insta with the comments about Jaces hair, yet she was happy to use chopping it off for click bate the other week.
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If you took a shot 🥃 every time they screeched ‘cute’ you’d be an an alcoholic coma 🤦‍♀️
Their ability to use just this one adjective highlights their total lack of education.
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For this week's Memory Monday, I have four random memories for you.

The first is where Creepy called an 11 year old girl a 'tool' for asking why he left baby Jace alone on a beach. He also wished that she would 'wind her neck in and get a life'. The girl's mother then stepped in and told Creepy exactly what she thought of him....

The second is when someone (it had to be a tattler 😂) asked Sarah to show more of the agriculture of the countries that she visited. Sarah took the comment seriously and replied that they were on a sponsored trip to Dubai and had a schedule to follow (and therefore couldn't showcase the agriculture of Dubai as much as they wanted to) 😂.

The third memory is when Sarah tells everyone that Isabelle got a 9 in her English GCSE. She says that Isabelle would never have got a 9 if she had stayed in school and that choosing to home school was the best decision they had ever made....

In the 4th memory, tattler Oaktree spotted that Creepy had written 'to my sexy af, hot wife' on the front of her birthday card. It was December 2019 and Creepy had 'allegedly' just started his year long affair with the Leeds University student.
I love Chris and his "we would never leave him alone on a beach, he was right in front of us" but they were all in the water, Jace was on the beach. So yes creepy he was alone!
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