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Does Lazy realise just how demented this whole voice note sharing thing is?
Does she not realise that in the actual real world, if Isabelle actually had to do normal teenage things EG work in a job, go to college, see friends - that this kind of nonsense would be mortifying and she’d never live it down 🫣

STOP manipulating, exploiting and gaslighting your children into publicly making a fool of themselves at YOUR behest, you utter specimen 😑
I would hope that Isabelle see’s through Lazy’s act, and moves out to get some independence and a taste of real life - before it’s too late and she’s stuck with these creatures she has for “parents”, forever 😶
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Old Banger Bett

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What does swear down mean please.
Here in the North East we would say "I swear down" usually after an event took place. Like if you feel wronged at the time but said nowt about it....then later on go on to tell someone about it, like "I swear down next time I'll smash his head in"

Classic example of 'I swear down' Chicken shit De-wank after being confronted by a real man.

Screenshot 2023-06-11 104421.png

ETA I'm in no way associated with this cunt but it maybe just a Northern saying. If this cunt came to Newcastle like I said before all that would be left of him would be his beanie floating in the River Tyne.
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Imagine how Chris and Sarah would have reacted if a creepy man in his 40s started texting 16 year old Isabelle and asking her to go swim naked with him!
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"they know everything about them like we do" ok Esme sure :rolleyes:
ah so Zelda and hi Steve have been invited into Rosabelle academy to teach a module in 'everything about guinea pigs', they have tutored the girls in holding them upside down, how to shoe horn 3 piggies into a cage not big enough for 1, guinea pigs thrive in chaos and noise (especially screeching and squealing) etc ect. All 3 girls are now experts in the field of guinea pigs and will shortly filming personalised messages to individual ifam answering their guinea pig related questions (for a large fee, payment plans available).
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Izzy is SO embarrassing. Nearly 18, no job, no life, no personality and her only friends are her mum and siblings. Grow up love.
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Isla needs to be referred to CAMHS, for some serious support, as it’s clear she is struggling mentally and could do with an external support system to help her -
I also definitely feel she would thrive being back at school. She needs the stability, routine and social aspect that they are neglecting to provide for her through their (lacking) home education.
I’m saying this as a home educator, just to let that sink in.
It’s extremely saddening and worrying that they’re letting what is clearly generalised anxiety, go unchecked.
I feel really sad for Isla, as with the right support, help and home life she would thrive and I’m pretty sure her anxiety would lessen a lot 😣
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Thread title

The Ingham Family #298 Jace is going bald and it's ALL his "mother's" fault.

Sorry if the title offends anyone but she needs to be reminded every time she reads here.
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Cockleshell Bay

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Surely Isabelle would want to spend time with her boyfriend not going shopping with her 14 year old sister who she has been with for the last 2 months in a van. She is nearly 18, she could be driving and have her own car not missing train stops, seriously the older they get the harder they are to watch. It’s like they are stuck in 2017, it is really embarrassing.
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Lazy films Creepstopher tying her shoelaces. She “fanks” Babe and he kisses her. She’s not woken up in the best of moods as Creepstopher has edited the wrong vlog. He’s done it a couple of times before. A whole daily vlog has gone to waste. She showed us the nursery plans so that will go up yesterday if they can recover it. Granny Groomer and Hi Steve are going home tomorrow.

The Inghams are off out for breakfast. A couple of their friends who live a couple of doors up have a plane at the local airport, and they’ve been waiting for a break in the weather to be able to use the aircraft. Isla was supposed to be having a play date a couple of days ago, and they told the Inghams they’d let them know because they were hoping to go away. Those imaginary playdates...

Planes. Jace and Mila in one of those stationary Spiderman rides. Creepstopher pours a beer. Shots of the kids and below average food. Esmé acts like it’s the best food ever. The maple syrup for the waffles smells like Mexico. Isla still needs to learn how to use cutlery properly. The girls all have a nice healthy can of coke each. After breakfast we get footage in the playground outside. No sign of the imaginary friends. Lazy doesn’t look pregnant, just fat with her pot belly and stumpy legs.

The Inghams are home. Screeching Esmé runs upstairs to see the babies whilst saying she doesn’t want to scare them. She’s shocked that they’ve eaten all the hay they were given. PowNameRevealComingSoon has been given the name Shadow. They’ve drank loads of water from the leaking bottle. They’re about to go downstairs and set up their pen on the carpet with a Tat and Me blanket underneath. Then they’ll “grab” the Guinea Pigs out of the cage and take them downstairs. Esmé mocks Isla when she says “walk downstairs”. Esmé never thought in a million dreams they’d get a Guinea Pig.

Mila hugs Lazy and she tells “my darling girl” she loves her. Brunch was delicious. The girls are so excited to get the Guinea Pigs out. They didn’t want to handle them yesterday as they were stressed. It’s stressful and nerve-wracking for small animals so they wanted them to settle in overnight. Esmé and Isla had a sleepover and the Guinea Pigs kept them up from 5am as they were so noisy. Isla used white noise. One kicked kicked sawdust into Esmé’s face. Couldn't have happened to a nicer girl. They’ve eaten so much and Lazy needs to research feeding Guinea Pigs to see if you can over feed them. You can’t, can you? They’re coming out of their shell and playing. Esmé’s seems to be shyer. They’ve learnt they shouldn’t move the cage with them in it as it could potentially no longer be their safe place. They’ll carry them downstairs and then carry the cage separately. They’re setting up the pen because they want to play with them but can’t in the cage.

Guinea Pigs are brought downstairs to their exercise yard. The pen is nowhere near big enough for three imo. Close shots of the Piggies and Creepstopher’s chins. The vlog seem to be a bit glitchy and the screen keeps going black for a second. I don’t think it’s my laptop either as I’ve taken it off full screen and it’s only the vlog going black. Lazy cackles at Treacle as she feeds him/her hay. Wheeking. Creepstopher “goooood giiiiiiiiiil, it’s ok shhhhhhhh”. It wants feeding you twat, not your effeminate voice in its ear.

Playpen footage. Tiny pile of hay in the middle. I hope they chew Lazy’s tat blankets to shreds.

The Inghams are having a nice relaxing day. Jace and Mila are running riot on Hi Steve whilst he’s trying to catch up on Tattle. Hi Steve 👋. Guinea Pig expert Sarah ‘Lazy’ Louise Ingham MRCVS says they’re so happy. They’ve given them some of Jace and Mila’s Melissa and Doug toys to hide in. It’s so cute because they’ve been going in and coming out. Treacle fell asleep. Lazy isn’t sure how long they can stay in the pen, but the pet shop lady told her people put them in the pen in the garden for a whole day. Isla says they’re not outdoor Guinea Pigs. Lazy says they can be but they’re keeping them indoors. She wouldn’t trust foxes. She is cooking a Christmas dinner today and has been craving one for so long.

Water is poured into the packet stuffing. Veg boils. Shots of the pigs in blankets and meats. Isabelle and Esmé cuddle the Guinea Pigs. Esmé says Treacle’s face looks like a squirrel. Creepstopher says he’s besotted with them because they’re beautiful whilst focussing the camera on Isabelle and Shadow.

Creepstopher reminds us that his beautiful wife is slaving away making a gorgeous Christmas dinner. Lazy is sat at the dinning table. She has made Christmas dinner every Christmas at Rosabelle Manor. Creepstopher asks Lazy to put her belly away. She says it's his and that he sucks all his weight in before he films but he denies this. The pigs in blankets, parsnips, cauliflower cheese and more than one meat make this a Christmas dinner rather than a bog standard Sunday roast. Dessert options are chocolate gateau, jam roly poly or sticky toffee pudding. Creepstopher says it’s been the worst day because he’s had a massive breakfast too but Lazy says that’s the best. They watched Taken as it’s the girls’ favourite movie and ate a massive bowl of popcorn.

Shots of food. The meat is drier than the Atacama and most of the other food over cooked. The veggies are boiled from frozen. Isla puts her food on a toddler tray.

The girls are in Esmé bedroom. The chocolate ganache was so good. Isabelle is wearing a Britney t-shirt. The irony... Esmé had treacle sponge. Isla has got used to holding Squeaky Nibbles. That Guinea Pig has had about a thousand names already and it’s only been there 24 hours. She always digs her nose into Isla’s arm and nibbles. They will be getting a bigger cage. The person at the pet shop said it would be fine for 2-3 weeks. This was the best thing they had in the shops. Esmé thinks the Guinea Pigs love the home because they walk around. Tomorrow they’re getting more stuff for them including new toys and water bottles. Prinny is very interested in them but has been such a good girl. They’re giving her extra love and aren’t pushing her away when they hold them because she’d get jealous and won’t love them. Esmé will always love Prinny the best. She and Isla are having another sleepover tonight.

End of vlog

Great idea to keep these out around young chuldren and animals.

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She’s just “fuming” over the comment made about the boys hair. She says she wants to find them and re post the story and embarrass her. She also finds it a big LOL that someone thinks her mother neglects them. Lol and that her mum isn’t a slag causes she married. She clearly knows everything about Chris 100%
Speaking of embarrassing. Just wait till Jason is a teenager and realises there's photos of him on the Internet with Elsa hair
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Isabelle is 18 in a couple of weeks. She’s pathetic. She’s got no chance at all in the real world. None. She’ll be eaten alive and that she’s a product of her upbringing won’t make a blind bit of difference, no ones going to care. The real world doesn’t work like that. She won’t be able to hide behind a screen or her parents. She won’t be bringing in the weirdo views anymore for her freak of a stepfather and will be dropped like a stone.

She reminds me of students I had who thought they were the big thing in college, showing off to everyone, only to fall apart and end up dropping out after discovering they are no different to anyone else. Could spot them a mile off and, often they’re the ones that disappear into addiction.
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I think Granny Jane feels sorry for Isla, can see how lonely and left out she is. It’s only going to get worse when Islas replacement is born and the new family of 3 is established and life will revolve around the youngest 3.

Isla’s tears was more to do with the fact she’s terrified of the piggies.
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Nevermind buying Isla a guinea pig, granny should have brought Isla a suitcase told her to pack it and said to her selfish son and daughter-in-law, since you can't be bothered with her, I'll take her enroll her in school, some clubs, counseling whatever she needs, so she feels safe, loved and a normal pre teen, and if you carry on openly neglecting Mila, we'll be doing the same for her too.

The way any of the react to things isn't normal, either sitting there eyes close hands out, crying, or mumbling "I'm scared" isn't normal, Isla wanted one, yes, she probably wanted one because she knew she was never going to get one, I think her reaction of how scared she is to hold one gives that away. How many times have we seen Isla get something she's asked for? She asked for a pink bike, never got one, Esme got that. She doesn't know how to regulate her emotions because normally she's told how to react, you can tell by how she looks to her sisters to make sure she's getting it correct. Tears are the go to emotion, because that's the one that got them views, they looked genuine, but probably because it's more shock that she was getting something she'd asked for. She probably half expected to walk out with either a cat for Izzy or a dog for Esme.
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I am sorry but innocent pets is where I draw the line.
at the beginning of the vlog isla saying she NEEDS a Guinea pig, they buy them, get home and isla is too scared of it to even wanna hold it. Pisses me right off.
no thought or preparation went into this, or else they would’ve found out pretty quickly that isla is shitting herself about them. (She can say she’s scared of hurting or dropping it but she looks terrified and I call bullshit)
I do have a good feeling about Izzy and Esme, I think they’ll look after them and will probably like the responsibility, seeing they have nothing else going on.
I sure hope jace isn’t allowed to get his hands on them, those poor babies won’t survive him and Mila will be blamed.
Wow what have those cunts done to isla 😓😓
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Watching the Inghams is like Groundhog Day. It’s the same cycle of absolute shit.

The cycle starts in New Year where it’s a bit of a lull then they will announce they are going on holiday. Cue many vlogs of them doing absolutely nothing, experiencing nothing in whichever country it is they have chosen to inflict pain on.

Either just before or on return from many pointless weeks away, Sarah will announce Chris made her get pregnant again. Cue many pregnancy vlogs.

Easter will arrive and they will go on caravan jaunts to wherever for no reason just as long as they aren’t at B&M HQ also known as Rosabelle Manor.

They will return again to some sort of haul vlog and then announce they are going away again for a million weeks. More pointless vlogs because when they are away they do absolutely fuck all.

After weeks away, they will return and will announce a HOUSE MAKEOVER! During these vlogs they will makeover the same rooms they have made over multiple times - especially the playroom which must have several layers of paint by now and is probably helping hold the house together.

Isabelle and Esme will go on a “GIRLS FIRST SHOPPING TRIP” down the road but it isn’t really the first as they have been on a “first” shopping trip together loads of times. It’s almost like they can’t remember what they have vlogged before.

More pregnancy clickbait videos and then the awaited birth and chai latte vlog and how superduper Sarah is.

New baby meeting siblings vlog, new baby name announcement (if Tattle hasn’t beaten them to it first), new baby hospital dash clickbait to fill up a couple of weeks.

Then they will go away again because they can’t stay home for more than five minutes with a newborn in tow. Then it will be the Christmas build up, a forest holiday somewhere, Vlogmas, secret santa and then the day itself which will be a shit fest of tat and reused gifts from the garage and how Sarah cooked a Christmas meal all by herself plus an announcement of another trip.

And then it’s new year again to start it all again! In between all these vlogs there will be the usual birthday vlogs, clickbait illness vlogs, fake exam vlogs and hospital clickbait vlogs.

GROUNDHOG DAY. Absolute crap. Please give it up already.
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What on earth are those voice notes all about. Usually in our house if we have anything to speak to each other about, we conversate like any normal family. Not send voice messages. All Lazy is achieving is showing her daughter up for the nasty piece of work she is. And uneducated, as neglect is a lot more than just going off to B and Ms for an hour which seems to be Isabelles understanding of neglect
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I know it’s early, but
#298 The Ingham pigs smell bad & squeak alot… and so do the guinea pigs!
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Christ by Ingham standards I've endured a grueling voyage for urgent medical care today. Pow! I walked thirty minutes to the chemist for a prescription. And I had to do it without an inspirational candle 🙏🙏🙏🕯🕯
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