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Reflective thinking isn’t always a good thing. However I’m touched by the blessings of others

It will be ten years on Christmas Day that ‘him upstairs’ had a survivable heart attack but was left with ongoing neurological deficit,

We have since enjoyed some fabulous carers, the support of locals and the pleasure of our animals…… This is dwarfed by a phone call tonight from a young lady who previously did our shopping. She’d heard the boss was a little better and she wanted to push him in his wheelchair to see the village Christmas tree which was lit up yesterday. That lovely girl had remembered him saying it was the last thing he saw when being blue lighted to the hospital on Christmas Day a decade ago. I’m in bits….

Apologies if I’m over-sharing but you lot keep me going and the milk of human kindness is something the Ingham’s will never sup.
That really is wonderful. There are some lovely people in this world. I think they far outweigh the likes of the Inghams, and make this world a better place for all of us.

In 2016, i had a flare up of my chronic illness, and was in and out of hospital for three months. During that time, my husband had to take a lot of time off work to help me, and care for our son who had just started school. When christmas came around, i was beginning to recover, but we were really struggling financially. My son's school counselor knew we were going through it, and added us to a list through her church to make sure my son had christmas. They brought him presents, and a massive food box for us all, and a few other items that really helped us out. They wanted nothing in return. I was so moved by it, especially since i felt so guilty for taking up resources from people who were in a much worst situation than us. I will never forget it, and i don't think I'll ever feel like I'm doing enough to "pay it forward.

All i can do is remind my son of it every year, so he remembers that there will always be people out there who need a help, and if we can do it, then we should.
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I find it really bizarre how they go out so late in the day. I believe it was ‘vlogmas day 1’ when Sarah stated they were getting ready to go out for the day, and then when they got there it was 4pm. I have two young children and by 4pm I’ve been up 10 hours and am winding things down. I start thinking about making my baby’s tea at 4pm! Granted we might go out occasionally past this time, but a day out to me means going in the day time. They’ve really messed up their body clocks and I don’t know why.
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Jace and the ears - it was clear he hurt Isla, but was he told to stop? No... Just oh he's obsessed with ears. Fgs Sarah just tell him to keep his hands to himself. If he's causing Isla pain, then it has to be hurting the baby. He's old enough to understand that you don't touch other people without their consent. You're basically bringing up a child who thinks it's okay to touch other people regardless of their feelings. How would you feel if another child kept touching Jace hurting him every time. I imagine you'd have something to say then, wouldn't you. The principal is the same, doesn't matter if it's his sister. It's Isla's body. Mila's body. We all know you read here. Teach your children to keep their hands to themselves. especially Jace.

Mila and the chocolate, why put the calendar somewhere in view and where she can reach it, surely that's just teasing her. Once you've opened the calendars, why on earth aren't they put up out of her reach, or is it because you want the narrative of she's a naughty child, who is constantly doing something she shouldn't, where as Jace doesn't bother with his?! It's cruel putting temptation in her way, then saying no, tomorrow, she has no concept of time.

And stop showing Isla up. The way she's portrayed as a 3 year old is disgraceful. She likes to match, fair enough, but why buy something so hideous, mind you most of your taste in clothes is. Those bows, there are no words. Why not buy her matching jewellery, or something a bit more grown up.
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"I'm not really doing advent calendars this year" Proceeds to spend 23 minutes of the vlog on advent calendars that filled up the living room (followed by 5 minutes at the end for the adult's advent calendars).

The only part of the advent calendars that was remotely enjoyable was Esme's advent calendar for Isla. You can tell how much thought went into it and how genuinely happy Isla was to receive it and Esme was to give her it. Very thoughtful and showed the little glimpse of the old Esme that used to be likeable.

I agree with everyone's views on Isabelle. I was really shocked with the very apparent weight loss. She looked so uncomfortable when she was handed her chocolate advent calendar. Sarah, please get her some professional help. It's worrying.

The "day out" was actually an evening out. But I guess that's the Mingham's day. Jace was very forthcoming to Santa - maybe a little too much. He came across quite rude and showed how his idea of Christmas is all materialistic. Just like his mother. Isabelle was left to be the babysitter again when Mila couldn't go ice skating.
The amount of time they were zoomed into Isabelle's stomach was to get people talking, they are making money from their daughter's pain. They are extremely sick bar stewards
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Chewing gum excessively is a big ED red flag.

In my experience, a lot of the motivation at the early stages of restrictive eating disorders is that teenage girls want to externalise their internal anguish and in some ways, get attention and care for it. The secrecy and hiding typically comes later. There is often a lot of flaunting weight loss, overt diet behaviours etc in the beginning because it feels like you’re succeeding at something and you might be getting some worry and mild concern which can feel nice if you’ve felt a lack of it. Izzy hasn’t had any care or help for her blatant depression or anxiety, so making it visible on her body acts in part like a call for help (in very simplistic terms).

What’s shit though is that her parents are awfully equipped to handle it and it doesn’t look like they’re picking up the signs. It looks like they’re facilitating it. And in those cases the behaviours will usually get more and more extreme until somebody finally steps in and then it’s too late, because the disorder has progressed and taken on a power of its own.

I really really hope something happens to intervene here or it could be the start of many years of damage.
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Just say it how it is...the Inghams are common as muck. Classless, crass, brash, loud etc. Not defending Alfie and Zoe but just look at their Vlogmas thumbnails compared to the Inghams. Pretty, consistent, warm and inviting. Chris isn't capable of creating that kind of mood with his videos (or even the thumbnails).
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When is the homeschooling done? Wake up late, open advents, get ready for the market, leave, come back, eat, go to bed
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Cockleshell Bay

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Trigger - I am calling it now that Isabelle is unwell you can see the sadness in her eyes. They seriously need to stop vlogging her and make her Instagram private. Get her some proper support. Stop having children and concentrate on the ones you have got. Also get Prinny nails clipped that poor dog has claws longer than Sarah’s hair. Last note stop bragging with multiple advent calendar’s most parents are struggling with heating their homes let alone buying huge amounts of tat.
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The more I think about it the more it annoys me. Microsoft Paint > Red arrow > OMG!! This is YouTube in 2022, how isn't Chris better at this? The vlogs never tell a story, no interesting camera shots, nothing. Literally the same as when they started. Just a load of screeching and chaos. They're fucked when people get wise to this low effort shite (which is already happening by the way and Chris is most definitely burying his head in the sand).
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Isabelle must be so over all this elf shit. I appreciate she's got younger siblings so has to help keep the magic alive but why does she have to be woken up with the others?
My kids have a £1.50 chocolate advent calendar. My 16 year old hasn't even opened his yet because he forgot it was December 🤣.
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Sadly for Isabelle she has been bought up with a false sense of security.
Chris and Sarah started YouTube and after a while got lucky. They became popular, then when they earnt decent money, Chris gave up his normal job and that's when the rot set in.
Isabelle kept being told that she didn't need to get a regular 9 to 5 job because she was a famous YouTuber. They literally drummed that in to her from about the age of 12. They got too big for their boots, thought they were unstoppable and now we are here. Chris and Sarah have lived the real world. They both went to school, had friends, went home at the end of the day for their tea. For the selfish reason of travelling, they decided to home school, now whether that was a cover up for the fact the girls were being bullied about Chris, well I think we all know. However, they aren't being homeschooled, they don't travel, they don't join in with any local homeschooling groups and are being isolated. Isolated probably to protect Chris because he knows if the wrong person sees him, he's going to get a kicking. What has been forgotten in the mean time, is Isabelle is the only one who all through this knew exactly what was going on, whether Sarah told her or not. She had her own YouTube channel and edited her own vlogs so I'm pretty confident she made it a mission to dig and find out information. She's got to the stage where she obviously doesn't want to be part of this anymore, she's virtually an adult, she wants freedom. She doesn't want to go to a shopping centre and plod around with a baby, she wants to be sat in Costa round a table either her friends messing around like kids her age do. She has little to no control over any aspect of her life. Look at the other day when she was told by her Mother it was up to Chris if she could have a hair appointment. Why? If her hair needs cutting, get it cut, what is it to do with him. Does he ask Isabelle if he can buy a van? No, so it's none of his business. I hope Isabelle doesn't have an ED, my Daughter has one and it's horrific at times, my Daughter also self harms and we have been in treatment for her for nearly a year. I hope this lot or Granny or even Katrina who I know we take the rise out of, but at least she has her head screwed on to reality more than Sarah does, makes this shower aware of what's going on. Isabelle is screaming out for a normal life, the kids all are. It's time they had it.
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Just a quick google and a rough estimate, but Isla’s advents alone cost around £90.
My kids got their December 1st box with
A new pair of summer pj’s (in Aus)
A chocolate advent calendar
A few snacks, books, small activities and then we have a few plans with our kids cousins. Movie night, baking night & decorate your own cookies, pizza & pool party night, Christmas crafts night, Christmas event with rides and fireworks and also a beach and bbq night.
We absolutely LOVE going out with our girls cousins and having fun instead sitting at the kitchen bench for 8 hours opening 30 advent calendars 🤦‍♀️


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It’s vlogmas day 2. Creepstopher and Lazy argue about which day it it. Vlogmas starts on 1st December. Isabelle is awake but Lazy is waiting for half her chuldren to wake up. They’re trying not to be too loud. She thanks Beverley for going above and beyond by sending the S stocking. She has a small business called Planet Crochet. Lazy holds the card up and still calls it “crochet planet”. Jace wakes up and Lazy has to stop him from walking into the kitchen and seeing the elves without the other girls. They’re going to use the C and S stockings that don’t match in the bedroom. Beverley has sent presents for the chuldren. Esme gets four and Isla two but the others only get one. The phone rings and Lazy says it’s been a hectic morning for her and Creepstopher. She hangs the matching stockings and thanks Granny Groomer. She has left the tags on and will cut them off later. They’ll be returned to the shops in the new year along with the rest of the presents.

Lazy opens her advent calendar. The picture makes her so happy and nostalgic. The bunny reminds her of the start of December when her mum would buy a pack of cards for school friends. She used to love sorting and handing the cards out. The girls didn’t want to do story time with Jace and Mila last night.

The kids enter the kitchen. The elves are on top of the fire. Jace has been good with the elves and knows he can’t touch them. He was able to open an extra book last night because Lazy accidentally wrapped up 25. Mila is still asleep but the others are too excited so are doing advent calendars without her. Jace wants to open the number 8 door. Lazy struggles to find the 2 even though it’s right in front of the camera. She asks if Jace needs help with his chocolate but he doesn’t. There is no chewing gum in Isabelle’s drawer so she has the one from yesterday, which she didn’t have as she thought they were all mint. Screaming from Jace about the Thomas calendar. Lazy wished she’d put a piece of chewing gum for everyone in Isabelle’s calendar. Knowing that lot they’ll probably share that one piece between them all. Another reminder about the concept of advent calendars for cleeeeeeever booooooy Jace. Isla opens her pet from the calendar Esme made. Cackling as Jace says he got a candy in his wooden advent calendar. Lazy asks him to tell her the colour of the wrapper - blue. Jace says the chocolate looks like poo.

Mila is awake. Lazy loves the wooden toy scene she got for her. At the end of Christmas she will put the toys back in the boxes and bring it back out next year. She says Mila could use it every year and then for her chuldren and grandchuldren.

There were a lot of clips yesterday. They took a few hours off today. Creepstopher is setting up the vlog and it’s 4:30pm. They’re off to Lincoln Christmas market. The chuldren are eating sprinkles that taste of jelly beans. Lazy forgot that she had other countdown to Christmas calendars that she hasn’t got out yet. She got one on Vinted, another from Critter Crayons for Jace and Isla and one the girls aren’t having right now.

Mila is excited about opening the presents. Beverley is such a big ifam that she forgot she exists and didn’t send her a present. Esme gets 8 balls of yarn. Isabelle gets a scarf. Isla gets mittens for her baby reborn and an ice cream sleeping bag for the baby. Jace gets a crocheted gingerbread man but Lazy has to open it as he’s too busy eating. Screaming. Speaking of ginge, Lazy might get ginge and Santa out tomorrow. She asks Creepstopher what he thinks. He doesn’t want to talk about it and says no. He’s put Lazy’s face cream on. He probably thinks it will stop him ageing bless him but it hasn’t helped Lazy.

Creepstopher asks what the Lincoln Cathedral malarkey is about. Lazy just wants a bratwurst and hot chocolate. You have to do a park and ride to get to the market and foghorn is less than thrilled. It’s £12 for 1 car of 7 people to get there and back. Creepstopher moans that it better be worth it and not like York. It’s open for 4 days, he reckons it will be well good and is looking forward to mulled wine and a bratwurst. They board the bus and Creepstopher says it cost them £14.

Creepstopher states the obvious and says they have to remember where the pick up point is. Can’t he just drop a pin on his map like he did when they were on the road trip? Isabelle says it will be him who gets lost. She calls him “mate” and he says he’s not her mate, he’s her dad.

Lincoln is the most beautiful old English town ever and insanely pretty with the lights and Ferris wheel. It was well worth it because of the smells. They meet someone called Mila and Lazy says they’ve never met anyone called Mila before. Esme says there might be yarn at the market. Lazy knows they’ve been to Lincoln before and are in Lincoln now but she didn’t put the two places together and realise it was the same place. Footage of the market.

This is the 40th annual market. The Inghams are queueing to get into the castle as there are stalls in there. They said over the tannoy that people are loitering at the entrance so they have to queue so people can come out. Esme remembers where that are because Isabelle helped a man to pull a bin when they came last time.

Creepstopher has a mulled wine. It looks like Lazy has some as well. He has become a mulled wine connoisseur. What he is drinking is not mulled wine. He paid £8 for 2 and tastes like hot red wine. He already sounds drunk so must like it. They’re trying to walk around because Mila is on one. They’ve seen a few stalls around at other markets that make house signs for the gate. They have a sign for their gate already but Creepstopher hates it. There js a company there that do it whilst you wait. Lazy is nervous as the sign is porcelain “pour-sir-lain”. It’s massive and they needed a big one. They’re making a collective decision on what they want to eat. Lazy moans about the overpriced drinks and food. Says the woman selling overpriced tat blankets not even worth £5. It was £12 for a Yorkshire pudding wrap and £10.50 for chips. Lincoln Castle is beautiful and mega.

Lazy can’t show us their actual sign for the gate of Rosabelle Manor but shows us some others that are on display. They have gone for a rectangle one for £60 and it’s so so cute. More market footage. Esme gives Mila a piggy back. Lazy goes to get bratwursts. Creepstopher is glad to see they’re proper German with cabbage on. Isabelle and Isla decide to get Yorkshire pudding Christmas dinner wraps. As they walk through the market Lazy looks longingly at the wrap in Isla’s hands. They board the bus back to the car.

The Inghams are home. Creepstopher is pulling his stupid faces behind Lazy. Lincoln is the best Christmas market they’ve ever been to. She wishes they’d gone at dusk rather than when it was fully dark. They were going to draw secret santa but have filmed too much. The results of the poll are in. There were just over 13,000 votes and no budget won by a majority. Esme is happy. Lazy opens her beauty calendar. Creepstopher moans about his fish pen. Lazy gets an orange soap that she doesn’t like the smell of. It smells of Granny Groomer and Hi Steve’s hand soap. Creepstopher wants to delve his hands right into his advent calendar. He gets a Lindt bear that he hates but Lazy screeches that he loves Lindt bears. He calls Lazy a nugget so she got him a chicken nugget keyring. Creepstopher prefers the fish pen. Lazy tells him off for being ungrateful. She says she doesn’t like the soap calendar as she doesn’t like soap. Creepstopher says he can tell because she stinks. Isabelle is having a hair transformation tomorrow, they will definitely be drawing the secret Santa, there is a light switch on and a massive dance show.

End of vlog

218k followers and only 30k bother to look at her stories. Says it all. You're irrelevant Lazy.

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