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Not going to stop Jace from jumping all over the seats on that bus then Sarah 😡ppl have to sit on them and clearly a lot of money is put into that bus to keep it clean for ppl to sit and have a brew 😡 my heart broke seeing Islas little face when the school choir were singing 😒 poor little lass has missed out on so many childhood memories made in school with her friends 😒
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I wouldn't have been able to resist approaching her with "OMG I love your vlogs!" Then as her pie-face lit up "Wait till I tell my kids I seen Sue Radford in person!"

Even better, you could do what my friend and i did when we saw a super arrogant A lister Hollywood actor out one night. Asked him if he would mind taking a picture, and then handed him the camera and stood there grinning as he took the picture of us. We said thanks, and walked away. It was beautiful.
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I can't imagine being fortunate enough to not work (and still have a decent income!) and then spending a good five days a week, basically the equivalent of a full-time job, trawling around the same shops, looking at the same stuff, making the same comments, on repeat. It's like a really rubbish remake of Groundhog Day.
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Having watched the most recent video. Sarah how can you Honestly sit there and say that your providing your children with their dream lives. THeir dream lives are clearly what they had before you took them out of school. Isla loved school. If you were a remotly decent parent youd put your damn foot down and get them into the local school. surley theres one close to you maybe even an acadamy that has a 6th form where izzy could also join so all 3 eldest girls would be in school, jace in a nursery and then you could even have mila at playgroups and youd have time to yourself to go shopping ect. PUT THEM FIRST. they dont want to travel in a tin van they WANT THEIR OLD LIVES BACK with routine its clear as day.... im not a troll and your not failing putting them back in school when its clearly want they desire. it would benefit you and the kids... piss chris and his van life nonsence..... also check your finances because hes clearly hiding shit from you and its going to hit you in the face...... Also SCHOOL IS FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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See if it was Jace getting his ears pulled or face squeezed im sure as he’ll he would NOT like it

hes the most unlikeable child on you tube
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I’m sorry but I’m having a very hard time watching how that baby is being treated, not just by Jace but her own mother
I just can’t wrap my head around how she treats her baby daughter, please make it make sense. Why doesn’t she ever pick her up and cuddle her, read a book to her without Jace around, anything for a loving moment between mother and daughter, It just breaks my heart.
Cleaver boy needs to learn boundaries because something bad is going to happen
What gets me ( apart from the fact she lets Jace bully Mila) is she is always using derogatory terms towards that baby like thug and always describing her as naughty - she’s 15 months old 🤷‍♀️

She clearly doesn’t like Mila… she’s constantly trying to justify Jaces behaviour towards her and it’s sad.
Fancy being a baby and knowing your mother
1. Doesn’t like you
2. Doesn’t protect you
3. Calls you names
4. Laughs when you fall over or bang yourself
5. Repeat the above
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I struggle with this thread a lot, simply because I know these kids are being abused (emotional and mental neglect is abuse) and now to see this baby being physically harmed by her 3 year old brother and her parents do NOTHING to stop it has honestly turned my stomach. She is COVERED in bruises, she is flinching from his touch. Its disgusting.

I have reported them so many times and nothing gets done. When I reported the fact Izzy was recording video messages for "fans" (adults) I was told as she was 17, it wasn't ideal but nothing could be done and that I'd needed to report it to the host site. Which was pointless because the Inghams had it on their own website.

How can children be so obviously harmed and nothing be done. Is education not valued in England anymore because at the very least these children are CLEARLY being denied that even if its harder to prove the isolation from society and peers.

The baby is covered in bruises, does that not ring alarm bells for social services!!? Why does noone who should care care!!?
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To be honest I don’t even care if it is a ‘’comfort thing’’. If my 3yo was holding parts of their baby sibling’s body for their own comfort they’d be immediately redirected. It’s not appropriate, convenient or fair for anyone involved.

Saying ‘oh no it’s just for comfort’ isn’t the get out she thinks it is.
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I really feel like karma is coming a knocking - everything and I mean everything said on these threads gets answered one way or another on the slogs
Karma has taken their beloved forest breaks (bollocks about being booked) someone on here said their either not welcome….. or my though is skint
If only Karma would now follow through and render creepy’s hands immobile because if he keeps touching up her hair/stroking it and her chin (I know it takes a while there are 5 of them) I am going to loose my shit
Finally good booooy showed his true colours again in the shop - if one of mine had shouted ‘now’ at me like that I would of told them their fortune and they would of been shoved in that trolly with the stare of death warning them not to open their gob once more!!! Luckily I never had too!
Mr and Mrs ing-her-ham please just fuck the fuck off
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How can she say Jace does nothing wrong, Mila does not tolerating him in her face? The fact he’s in her face is what's wrong you dumb bitch! Why should she tolerate that, if someone got in my face i would react.
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Well what can one say?
Why would you buy a Christmas tree for the playroom, fill it with lights and baubles then leave it on the floor where Mila could instantly pull it over. Considering Chris supposedly cleans every day all day, Milas socks were filthy when she was walking around the playroom. Isabelle asks if they are going to the shops, yet none of the older girls go yet again, and yet again Jace gets another treat. This time Jave gets a plate for his Christmas Dinner, and baubles for his tree. The bruise on Milas head to me means she either got pushed into something or hit with something, she wouldn't have got that by falling over. Jace was grabbing her the whole time they were in Nandos, so my guess is he walloped her with something. That 10ft tree looks ridiculous, slightest gust of wind and that will be over abd the lights broken so that's £300 wasted. Why don't they make their vlogs more interesting? There is a campaign on Facebook in my area, you buy an elderly person a Christmas gift, put it unwrapped into a gift bag and drop it to a local drop off point, it then gets distributed to an elderly person who has no one, so they at least receive 1 gift. Sarah and the girls could do this, they could go out and buy things to go in the bags, have a lovely time together putting the bags together, then drop them off. There are lots of toy drives too. They never think of charity or anyone else but themselves. Sarah could donate any odd blankets she has from tat and me to help the homeless, they could buy hat and glove sets and distribute them like they do with their McDonald's. They could buy a whole box of selection boxes and take them to a food bank so a child who might not receive anything at Christmas has a selection box to open, but nope, let's buy a pointless 10ft tree, shove it in the garden with £100 worth of lights and we might be seen from space. Bloody idiots.
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Not showing emotion in my experience screams abuse. Put simply you try to make yourself invisible so it stops, it’s a subconscious thing and what it looks like Mila is doing.

My cousins baby fell down two stairs (she got through the gate though no idea how) about two weeks ago and she’s now being investigated for child abuse because she didn’t go immediately to their local covid ridden hospital (who have asked people to ring 111 first) who rang 111 instead who raised a safeguarding concern and the hospital rang the police. Two carpeted steps, with an obviously crap stair gate that’s been replaced. She got a few bruises but is fine. My cousin is practically having a breakdown. As social services are coming first thing Monday as ‘something’ isn’t right.

Now I’ve not been here a lot, lot of stuff going on, but what do I find? A baby that’s clearly being abused being put online to show off to everyone and NOTHING being done. I’ve even complained about the useless services doing nothing.

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NOT EFFIN FUNNY !!!! 😡 I can’t watch today !!! I’m done !!!! That ffattttt bitch letting him do this to her !
Raging !
Shameful parents letting that boy do this. Poor girl just wants to be left alone you can see it in her eyes. 😞 He needs telling to pack it in, it’s not acceptable!
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Touching the ear of the baby again.
View attachment 1743928
Isla recoiled when he went for her face.
View attachment 1743897
Sarah is at her happiest.
View attachment 1743899
and anyone notice that Esme keeps the views coming in by watching old vlogs. I bet they all do it on a daily basis.
Why does she think 'this is where it sometimes goes wrong'?
Why does Mila need to tolerate it at all? That's her personal space.
Esme was told off for adjusting Jace’s glasses so he clearly doesn't like that. Sarah said: 'we don't touch Esme'.
Consistency Lazy, consistency.
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I think Izzy just looks lost 😔 I feel so dreadfully sorry for all the children, I really think it’s time to call it a day. Fine if they want to carry on and broadcast themselves to the world but the children should now be shielded from this. Why is there not more protection for children and young people? I have two sons (17 and 12) so similar ages to two of the Ingham children and I can’t ever imagine robbing them of their privacy and making them uncomfortable in their own home sticking a camera in their faces and broadcasting them to the world.

I think Lazy and Creepy (and the older children to a certain extent) have no idea how to live without vlogging now.
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Have they had social services involved previously?

I'll be honest and say that one side of my family is really rough and seem to regularly post on Facebook angry rants that someone has reported them to SS out of spite/jealousy and SS have clearly made contact and been involved. This family are literally filming this for all to see and yet nothing happens? I've heard the Radfords have the social involved (not surprised with how some of their kids are treated). It just baffles me that mila isn't being protected when it's so obvious 🤷🏼‍♀️
Lazy claims she’s BFF with social services, and they phone her up to laugh at the reports made against the family 😂
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To be honest I don’t even care if it is a ‘’comfort thing’’. If my 3yo was holding parts of their baby sibling’s body for their own comfort they’d be immediately redirected. It’s not appropriate, convenient or fair for anyone involved.

Saying ‘oh no it’s just for comfort’ isn’t the get out she thinks it is.
Absolutely. One child’s comfort and happiness should not be sacrificed for another’s. They have plenty of unsold fidget toys so why can’t they teach him to turn to those for comfort if he must?
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