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Agreed. If he gets comfort from stroking pinching ears then he can do it to his own bloody ears. His need for comfort (cough bullshit) shouldn't be more important than Mila's dislike of being poked and pinched. If she doesn't like it (and it's clear from the videos that she doesn't, as she flinches and pulls away) then he should be told to stop.
They have zero concept of personal boundaries what is her logic ? What message is she sending her daughter? That if a male touches you and it makes you uncomfortable then you need to suck it up that’s what ! They are supposedly homeschoolers it’s a learning opportunity to talk about personal boundaries that’s what they would do at nursery school if a he was touching a child and they didn’t like it it wouldn’t be tolerated and for good reason your comfort doesn’t trump another persons right to body autonomy.
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We've all seen the videos. He's pinching and pulling that poor babies ears, and you're doing nothing to stop it. 😡
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No Sarah the comments that hurt the most are the ones that are the truth. You can't stand that we know the truth and won't let it go. We see through you.

Also are you listening to yourself love, you're tripping over your lies, "no being on youtube doesn't affect my children's mental health" two seconds later "we had to take control of Isabelles social media because for TWO years she was getting horrible comments and messages"
"Isabelle is always out with friends" 5 minutes later "shes such a home girl is our Isabelle, always in her room"
Also your scared to let Jace go to school because they will confirm his behaviour is unacceptable. There you go another comment to annoy you because its the truth, not that you come on here and read this anyway 😉😉
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What I find disturbing is Sarah trying her utmost to brush bruises under the carpet and blaming Mila for being a 'renegade'.

Mila is a toddler who is just starting to navigate life and learning right from wrong. Jace is older, should have a very good idea of consequences of certain actions, yet he isn't held accountable for anything. I've worked with a lot of children and I truly don't think Jace is evil. He is off his head on sugar, isolated, over indulged and there is a severe lack of discipline and accountability.

Mila was restricted for much of her little life due to her hip dysplasia. Did it ever occur to her that Mila is catching up on milestones and doing incredibly well reaching them in such a short time? (Also considering that she was restricted on van-life road trips). She is a nuisance to Sarah because she needs constant supervision.

Teach Jace to respect Mila's boundaries, she doesn't like her ears touched or her cheeks constantly pinched, no matter how you try and convince yourself otherwise.

Sarah, you won't address the real problem, because the real problem is you! You need to get into therapy, because you have some deep-rooted issues with enabling men.

Chris, you are just a fucking tosspot. Stop pawing your wife on camera and try and salvage what little balls you have left to become a better human. Accountability for your actions is a good start. No wonder your family is such a mess!
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Two examples of how shit of a mother and person she is

‘Are you a happy girl?’ Asked to a child with the saddest little face.

‘Jace, you’re so kind’
…yeah and your little sister has the bruises to show for it.

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For this week's Memory Monday, we look back at a selection of memories from the delightful Sarah Ingham.

Included below is the time when Lazy told a commenter that all women were beautiful and should never be criticised for how they look. She forgot about the time when she called Louise Pentland something utterly vile...

Also found below are Lazy's views on tattlers; the times when she was being racist; her views on private schools; her reaction when her husband was caught out once again for cheating on her (she decided that it was people making things up - something that she believed haterrrs always did when things were going well for her and her family 🙄); her reaction to people who questioned whether the tutor was real or not and my personal favourite, the time when she described her Baby and Me comforters as "sick" 😂.


'Fat cunt she is'. 🤨 This is the real Sarah Ingham. Not the fake, supposedly body positive ray of sunshine she portays to be at all folks.

If my husband messaged a teenager to persuade her to go skinny dipping with him I definitely wouldn't call it 'bs'. Same with all the other inappropriate behaviour and the fact that he actually did sleep with a fan Sarah. She might have been a consenting adult, but the power dynamic is so off and your husband thrives on that.

Lastly. 'Obsessive behaviour with a family they don't even know' that is the strangest thing you've seen in your life? That's exactly what your Ifam does. I've never made fudge and broke my employer's rules of conduct by persuading a colleague to deliver it to a family I only know from YouTube.
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Why We Didn't Film Jace Getting His New Bedroom..

Lazy has decided she needs a Christmas sort out day. It’s cold, rainy and wet. It’s rained non stop and it looks like it will be a home day. She hopes it will clear up at the weekend as what she booked for Isla is outdoors. You know when you’re buying everything for the Christmas season and they all go in a cupboard, room or closet and pile up; well Lazy needs to see what she has bought. Everything is a big mess. She needs to look visually at what she has for each child. She needs to sort out 1st December things. It’s December in a few days. Prinny still has an ear infection and she’s been to the vets twice in the past week and a half. She’s off to the groomers on Saturday. The ear infections are caused by the way the fur grows in her breed’s ears. She is still on ear drops.

Lazy shows us the kitchen tree and puts the lights on. Creepstopher got Mila ready and Lazy loves the dress. Babe has put her hair in a ponytail. Lazy loves old fashioned clothes. Jace goes over to touch her ears. It goes wrong now when Jace is doing nothing wrong but she gets mad. Doing nothing wrong? He is touching her when she clearly doesn’t want to be touched. Teach him personal space you thick cow and do some real home schooling for once. Back to the tree. Rain. Jace and Mila watch the rain whilst he holds her ear.

Esme is taking a break from maths to single-handedly attempt to save the channel by watching old vlogs. Squealing about how cute Esme was. She says she wanted to cry whilst having her ears pierced but was too embarrassed. Isabelle cried when she had her ears pierced but Lazy says she was 11.

Creepstopher is teaching Esme algebra so good luck to her because she’s next to fail her GCSEs. Lazy is opening a Gigi Rara package. Something happened and the package took ages to arrive so she’s been sent a free sign with the replaced toadstool. There is another big box to open. Lazy loves little things you can put on the wall. Mila is eating some apple. Lazy loves cosy vibes. Jace and Mila play.

This is not a sponsored video but Lazy cannot recommended Love Every enough. Mila is being fussy and wants to snuggle today. There have been lots of comments on last night’s vlog asking why they didn’t vlog turning Jace’s bed into a toddler bed. Lazy regrets not vlogging because his reaction was amazing. The reason they didn’t vlog is because Jace went through a stage of hating his bedroom and being scared. It started the day after they got back from Ireland and after watching Monsters Inc. He used to sleep on the mattress under Isla’s bed and she loved it as she didn’t like sleeping alone. Lazy wanted him back in his own room. Deep down Isla wanted her bedroom back because she likes sleeping with her blinds open. She likes to get up and get ready quickly but she had to be mindful of Jace. Lazy also didn’t want to put a camera in Jace’s face. What like you did every day he was in hospital? Like you did ever day Mila was in her cast? He was sad to not sleep in Isla’s room. He liked to say “Iya are you till there?”. Jace wants an apple and Lazy says he’s a growing boy. Esme said he could have another apple. Mila has never sat on Lazy’s lap to snuggle and clearly isn’t feeling great. She moves away when Isla strokes her bruised cheek. She usually loves it when Isla meows at her and crawls on the floor.

Creepstopher is less than impressed as he films Lazy with all the shopping she’s bought. Mila fell asleep in the car so she went in alone. Creepstopher is going in The Range as he has been naughty. They couldn’t find the lights that go on the stairs. He found them but they didn’t work as the wire had snapped. He needs to pick up more lights so is on a secret mission. It was 3000 lights. There are a lot of people looking at him. He also needs a big bow for the outdoor tree. He chooses a white holly one.

Lazy cannot cope with Creepstopher. He had to go to The Range for silicone. They argue about how to say it but she is right for once. He reaches over to stroke her hair. She asks her dad to let her know how he would say it. She drones on. Hopefully they have enough baubles now because Creepstopher has lost them from last year. They’re at M&S to look for 80s advent calendars with chocolate that is unbranded but has a snowy Christmas scene as that is what Esme wants, what the girls want.

Lazy is getting sidetracked. She doesn’t want Percy Pig ones. Jace would love the plane bauble. The ones in M&S are close and might be a winner. It’s not exactly what she was looking for but will buy herself one. It’s more traditional than Paw Patrol. She’s still in the hunt for some for Esme and the girls. So clearly it’s just Esme who wants one? Why not just get one for her and not the other two instead of forcing them to have the same all the time. Most girls Isabelle’s age are thinking about moving out for uni, not having the same advent calendar as her 10 year old sister.

Pizza is for dinner. Lazy bought the bases and they’re putting their own toppings on. She destroys the vegetables in her veg chopper. Mila looks better and has a dummy. She climbs into her learning tower. Lazy shows us the topping options. There is hot pepperoni for Creepstopher, who is having a ridge monkey. Lazy tells Isla how to open the tomato purée. Esme and Isla are having half a pizza each. Mila is feeding Prinny and Jace is eating toppings of his half of pizza. He has eaten a bit of pepperoni and put it back on Isla’s pizza. Lazy tells her to just swap it for a full piece that is on his pizza.

Jace and Isla wanted to show their tricks. Isla flinches as he goes to squeeze her cheeks. It’s not to early to implement the naughty step Lazy. They show the handshake they’ve probably been forced to learn to make everyone think they’re best friends. They say “I love you“ to each other, Isla says “best friends?”, he responds “forever”, she offers her fist for him to bump and says *something* “superheroes” before they elbow bump. Lazy cackles at Isla and says it’s so cute.

Mila is holding a calculator at likes to pretend it’s a phone. Jace counts baubles - 6 in total. He and Jace are about to decorate the kitchen Christmas tree. It takes so long because baubles don’t come with strings on and half don’t have holes the whole way through. Lazy has lost two nutcrackers and Jace is adamant he hasn’t taken them. Probably his weapon of choice to whack Mila with tonight. Footage of the stair lights. The candle holders at the bottom of the stairs look ridiculous with one candle missing.

End of Vlog




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Here let me answer, so you don't need to watch the vlog

Am I pregnant?
No just fat

Am I having another baby?
Err see the previous question

Are my girls going back to school?
Nope, got to keep them at home so we have something to film.

That took 2 minutes, so fuck knows how she's making this last an hour.
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And even if you believe the bullshit, Mila clearly doesn't like it. Why does him wanting to 'stroke' her ears for comfort trump her not wanting him to do it?
Agreed. If he gets comfort from stroking pinching ears then he can do it to his own bloody ears. His need for comfort (cough bullshit) shouldn't be more important than Mila's dislike of being poked and pinched. If she doesn't like it (and it's clear from the videos that she doesn't, as she flinches and pulls away) then he should be told to stop.
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Why We Didn't Film Jace Getting His New Bedroom..

Lazy has decided she needs a Christmas sort out day. It’s cold, rainy and wet. It’s rained non stop and it looks like it will be a home day. She hopes it will clear up at the weekend as what she booked for Isla is outdoors. You know when you’re buying everything for the Christmas season and they all go in a cupboard, room or closet and pile up; well Lazy needs to see what she has bought. Everything is a big mess. She needs to look visually at what she has for each child. She needs to sort out 1st December things. It’s December in a few days. Prinny still has an ear infection and she’s been to the vets twice in the past week and a half. She’s off to the groomers on Saturday. The ear infections are caused by the way the fur grows in her breed’s ears. She is still on ear drops.

Lazy shows us the kitchen tree and puts the lights on. Creepstopher got Mila ready and Lazy loves the dress. Babe has put her hair in a ponytail. Lazy loves old fashioned clothes. Jace goes over to touch her ears. It goes wrong now when Jace is doing nothing wrong but she gets mad. Doing nothing wrong? He is touching her when she clearly doesn’t want to be touched. Teach him personal space you thick cow and do some real home schooling for once. Back to the tree. Rain. Jace and Mila watch the rain whilst he holds her ear.

Esme is taking a break from maths to single-handedly attempt to save the channel by watching old vlogs. Squealing about how cute Esme was. She says she wanted to cry whilst having her ears pierced but was too embarrassed. Isabelle cried when she had her ears pierced but Lazy says she was 11.

Creepstopher is teaching Esme algebra so good luck to her because she’s next to fail her GCSEs. Lazy is opening a Gigi Rara package. Something happened and the package took ages to arrive so she’s been sent a free sign with the replaced toadstool. There is another big box to open. Lazy loves little things you can put on the wall. Mila is eating some apple. Lazy loves cosy vibes. Jace and Mila play.

This is not a sponsored video but Lazy cannot recommended Love Every enough. Mila is being fussy and wants to snuggle today. There have been lots of comments on last night’s vlog asking why they didn’t vlog turning Jace’s bed into a toddler bed. Lazy regrets not vlogging because his reaction was amazing. The reason they didn’t vlog is because Jace went through a stage of hating his bedroom and being scared. It started the day after they got back from Ireland and after watching Monsters Inc. He used to sleep on the mattress under Isla’s bed and she loved it as she didn’t like sleeping alone. Lazy wanted him back in his own room. Deep down Isla wanted her bedroom back because she likes sleeping with her blinds open. She likes to get up and get ready quickly but she had to be mindful of Jace. Lazy also didn’t want to put a camera in Jace’s face. What like you did every day he was in hospital? Like you did ever day Mila was in her cast? He was sad to not sleep in Isla’s room. He liked to say “Iya are you till there?”. Jace wants an apple and Lazy says he’s a growing boy. Esme said he could have another apple. Mila has never sat on Lazy’s lap to snuggle and clearly isn’t feeling great. She moves away when Isla strokes her bruised cheek. She usually loves it when Isla meows at her and crawls on the floor.

Creepstopher is less than impressed as he films Lazy with all the shopping she’s bought. Mila fell asleep in the car so she went in alone. Creepstopher is going in The Range as he has been naughty. They couldn’t find the lights that go on the stairs. He found them but they didn’t work as the wire had snapped. He needs to pick up more lights so is on a secret mission. It was 3000 lights. There are a lot of people looking at him. He also needs a big bow for the outdoor tree. He chooses a white holly one.

Lazy cannot cope with Creepstopher. He had to go to The Range for silicone. They argue about how to say it but she is right for once. He reaches over to stroke her hair. She asks her dad to let her know how he would say it. She drones on. Hopefully they have enough baubles now because Creepstopher has lost them from last year. They’re at M&S to look for 80s advent calendars with chocolate that is unbranded but has a snowy Christmas scene as that is what Esme wants, what the girls want.

Lazy is getting sidetracked. She doesn’t want Percy Pig ones. Jace would love the plane bauble. The ones in M&S are close and might be a winner. It’s not exactly what she was looking for but will buy herself one. It’s more traditional than Paw Patrol. She’s still in the hunt for some for Esme and the girls. So clearly it’s just Esme who wants one? Why not just get one for her and not the other two instead of forcing them to have the same all the time. Most girls Isabelle’s age are thinking about moving out for uni, not having the same advent calendar as her 10 year old sister.

Pizza is for dinner. Lazy bought the bases and they’re putting their own toppings on. She destroys the vegetables in her veg chopper. Mila looks better and has a dummy. She climbs into her learning tower. Lazy shows us the topping options. There is hot pepperoni for Creepstopher, who is having a ridge monkey. Lazy tells Isla how to open the tomato purée. Esme and Isla are having half a pizza each. Mila is feeding Prinny and Jace is eating toppings of his half of pizza. He has eaten a bit of pepperoni and put it back on Isla’s pizza. Lazy tells her to just swap it for a full piece that is on his pizza.

Jace and Isla wanted to show their tricks. Isla flinches as he goes to squeeze her cheeks. It’s not to early to implement the naughty step Lazy. They show the handshake they’ve probably been forced to learn to make everyone think they’re best friends. They say “I love you“ to each other, Isla says “best friends?”, he responds “forever”, she offers her fist for him to bump and says *something* “superheroes” before they elbow bump. Lazy cackles at Isla and says it’s so cute.

Mila is holding a calculator at likes to pretend it’s a phone. Jace counts baubles - 6 in total. He and Jace are about to decorate the kitchen Christmas tree. It takes so long because baubles don’t come with strings on and half don’t have holes the whole way through. Lazy has lost two nutcrackers and Jace is adamant he hasn’t taken them. Probably his weapon of choice to whack Mila with tonight. Footage of the stair lights. The candle holders at the bottom of the stairs look ridiculous with one candle missing.

End of Vlog
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Poor Mila that bruised face and cowering
Sarah Ingham you are an absolute disgrace of a human being
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Long time lurker, so this will be a very long post...

There needs to be some form of intervention from the correct services. For the sake of all the children. There are so many signs of abuse and neglect.

Starting off with the home education. They are clearly failing with this. Pretending that Isabelle got any GCSE's, let alone a 9, is pathetic. The fact she chose not to go to college is very telling. She's missing out on one of the best times to socialise. Esme and Isla don't seem to have any structure to their education. No, BBC Bitesize once every few months doesn't count. Again, no socialisation happening either. The home education world can be such a great place. There are so many groups and opportunities. Unfortunately the Ingham girls are trapped in solitude with zero future prospects and zero friends.

Speaking of friends, let's talk about Sarah's recent "I respect Isabelle's privacy" claim. Total bullshit. Sarah and Chris have made a huge clickbait deal every single time Isabelle has been allowed an ounce of freedom. Whether that be going shopping with a friend or going for a sleepover. Everything she has done has been vlogged. Isabelle doesn't have friends. She doesn't have a social life at all. Adding to what someone commented previously, you only need to look at the likes of Kaci from DVG to see the vast difference. Kaci is your typical 16/17 year old girl (taking away the whole social media thing). Isabelle couldn't be anymore different from her. It's sad. We've all seen how Mia Fizz has now began to explore her freedom with social media acquaintances, but her isolation from the real world for quite some time is very obvious in the videos she posts. Isabelle will continue to struggle as she gets older. No job, no prospects, no social life. Nothing. With regards to her weight, there's clearly issues there. Sarah blames everyone else other than herself. However, Sarah is the one who continuously brings up her children's sizes whilst lying about her own. She is to blame.

Moving on to Esme and Isla. I'm going to group them together because I find it shocking how it feels like both have remained the same age (maturity-wise) for years. It's shocking that Esme is actually a teenager when she still acts about 10, and Isla should be heading into secondary school next year when her speech and behaviour sounds like she's just starting Primary school. The lack of socialisation has ruined these girls and stunted their ability to mature and grow. Sarah mentioned them going to dance again to prepare for a show. Their dance studio shared a photo on Facebook which included the girls (faces blurred out - I won't be sharing the photo on here, but know many of you know the name of the dance studio after their controversial comments on their vlog from the last show). You only have to look at the photo to see how isolated they are. So many of the children seem really close, arms around each other and the typical body language you'd expect from children who are part of a team. Even with their faces blurred, you can see Esme and Isla just don't fit in. Why? Because they're never there and haven't had the opportunity to form the close bonds. Really sad.

Now onto the youngest two. I honestly can't believe what they've been showing lately. That boy needs sorting out. His behaviour is disgusting. If he was in nursery/pre-school, he'd probably have been kicked out by now with his aggressive behaviour. It's astonishing to think that he should be starting school next year. What a thug. Beautiful Mila is despised by her mother, all because she wasn't the cash cow she was supposed to be. Those bruises are not from a toddler toppling over. The ones on her cheeks are from Jace grabbing her face. The one on her forehead is from Jace smashing stuff into her face. All the evidence has been in the vlogs. When they went to the role play place, they both spent the entire time with Jace whilst Mila was left wondering around on her own with no supervision. That boy is a spoilt brat and a thug who is going to end up causing serious harm to his little sister sooner or later. They wonder why they get reported to authorities. Both children have also had their medical issues neglected.

Don't really need to go into huge detail regarding Chris and Sarah. Both disgusting human beings. I know people caught Chris following an Only Fans girl not long ago. When I looked, he was also following another... They looked VERY young, dressed very young and had red hair. Huge red flags. I genuinely believe he's still up to his old tricks, and his recent Instagram stories relating to music have deeper meanings. It would explain his overly affectionate mannerisms towards Sarah lately too. A leopard never changes its spots. I still worry for Isabelle around him.

Final thing I want to talk about is the money. Their views have dropped dramatically. They're having to try and claw some back by adding affiliate links, bringing back Sarah Talks Shit Says and now exploiting Esme. Even with these (and the dreaded wankets), I believe they are living mainly off credit. I think Chris has kept Sarah in the dark about their financial position because Sarah wouldn't cope without all the manic shopping trips for pointless tat that eventually ends up in the garage of doom. They vlog absolutely everything (vagina tables included) so they can claim it as expenses to tax dodge. One day it'll all catch up with them and they'll go bankrupt.

Anyway, that's my very long viewpoint. I'm just going to leave this here from the NSPCC website. How authorities can continue to avoid taking action against these horrific parents.
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Sarah has no clue it’s not hard to stop Jace touching inappropriately you just retaliate with like, if he fiddles with Mila’s ear you do the same to him if he squeezes cheeks you do the same if he squeezes hard you squeeze hard(ish). It’s been mentioned here that kids learn from example and he won’t like it when it’s him it’s the same with his issues with personal space do the same to him talk to him nose to nose and when he inevitably complains you say see that’s what your doing to Mila it isn’t nice is it ? Please stop doing it and I will also stop doing it to you, I guarantee it would stop in a day or two he is still young he probably doesn’t realise how intimidating it is to have someone bigger invading your personal space and boundaries.
I’m sorry but I disagree with this completely
If a child hits you don’t hit back, if a child bites you you don’t bite them
You tell them in an age appropriate way that we do not hurt others and we move them away
Every single time
And they’ll stop
How can you teach a child that their behaviour is wrong by doing exactly the same thing back to them?!
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Isabelle is always out she has a great social life

I can’t wait for Isabelle to drive and get out of her room

Isabelle isn’t ready for the world yet

Confused, which one is it? Full of shit the pair of them.
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Straight for her ears again

View attachment 1741241
You DO NOT have a bump on your cheek from failing and that’s from my dad an ACTUAL doctor Sarah cut the shit, firstly toddlers put their hands down when they fall so doctors see a lot of hand and wrist injuries for the most part and if they don’t it’s the forehead that hits the ground. Nobody falls on their cheek it’s time for social services to step in because if that injury was checked any doctor would agree with the above, it’s clear at this point that the mother cannot control the older boy or safeguard that baby which is a duty of care on her part. To injure yourself to that extent you would at the very least have a graze on the palms of hands before the bump it’s a natural instinct this was clearly seen when Mila fell outside the shopping Center as in hands down I don’t know what’s worse the bruising or her covering for the bully that caused them.
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Old Banger Bett

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Their display of wealth (showing off) is absolutely disgusting. Some children will not even get one tree this year or even presents. And here we have these two pair of utter soulless cunts who only think of themselves .

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that house bursts into flames with the 900000 lights they have on.
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