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Shazza D

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That's their inability to split up and do separate things again. Why couldn't he take the younger kids and whoever else didn't want to be there to do something else, and leave Sarah to sit with Nana for a bit with any of the older ones who were happy to do bingo? Instead he lurked in the background complaining and playing on the mobility scooter like an idiot.
He’s like a spoiled kid, no wonder nannar gives him filthy looks lol
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Ingham Grammar School fails again!

The first thing the Inghams need to do is de-Halloween as it’s Bonfire Night. Lazy adds a few bits of Christmas decor. She needs to get twinkle lights.

Lazy, Isabelle and Mila have come to Asda. Lazy screeches at little woman. They need groceries, cleaning products, bleach, “baca wipes”. She wants to get toffee apples.

Mila is standing up in the trolley as there is only one strap. They’re thinking of doing a roast tomorrow. Moan about food prices. It will be £12 for pigs in blankets and stuffing balls so they leave the pigs. Mila climbs out of the trolley and into Lazy’s arms so Isabelle is left pushing the trolley. They expected to film things in Asda but Mila didn’t give them two seconds. Lazy is now back in the car. They couldn’t get parsnips for the roast. £3 is expensive for pigs in blankets and they needed 3 boxes. Lazy found other pigs in blankets for £2.40. Her homemade stuffing isn’t as nice as Asda’s.

Lazy is home. Time for a shopping haul. She bought fairy lights, Christmas decoration tat, a toadstool, cheesy Christmas sign and a light up house. Esme and Isla are the happiest they’ve ever been as they recently discovered cream sodas. On Fridays as a treat they go to the One Stop for a cream soda. They didn’t go yesterday as they were in Blackpool. Lazy found a pack of 7 for £24 and it will save the girls £5 with an extra 10 cans. They always stopped at the One Stop after a van trip. Esme would always tell Isla she was disgusting for liking cream soda. She tried it again in London and liked it. The girls argue about who’s bedroom the drinks will go in.

Lazy has put the fairy lights on the island tree. It looks messy. Jace screeches for Lazy as he needs help carrying his learning tower to the island. Once there he eyes up the minstrels and squares crisps. He asks what the big ginger is but Creepstopher doesn’t answer. Big Ginger stands behind Lazy and pulls one of his weird faces that will one day be permanently stuck on his ugly mug when the wind changes. The Inghams are about to get wrapped up to go to the local bonfire night. They were travelling last year. They have to pay £5 each. Lazy hopes they have pie and peas. Asda didn’t have toffee apples.

Creepstopher moans about the traffic and films himself withdrawing £60 so we know how rich he is. They’re on a country road a mile from the venue and there is a lot oftraffic. They’re meeting neighbourly friends who might have to come and rescue them. He films the fire from afar. There are a lot of people and Lazy says she loves an atmosphere. Mila is holding a toy from Blackpool. Isla shows us her gloves and hat. Isla asks Creepstopher if he can remember the Coca Cola truck.

Bonfire night is dope this year because they have a beer tent, pie and peas, hot dogs, burgers, you name it. There is even fairground rides, a noodle bar and toffee apples. Lazy puts on her creepy baby voice and asks Mila if it’s a fire. Creepstopher is chatting the neighbour’s ear off about the van trip as they’re thinking about becoming van lifers. She screeches at Mila to get off the camera. Footage of the fire. Fireworks.

It’s the best fireworks Lazy has ever seen, apart from Disney but you can’t compare as Disney is a show and this is a fireworks display. The neighbours who invited them said it was a really good display. Mila was unimpressed. Lazy remembers Isla being terrified but Jace and Mila didn’t care.

Lazy wonders why it’s bonfire night but nowhere is selling toffee apples or pie and peas. They’ve joined the ginormous queue to get brandy snaps. Lazy forgets what merry go rounds are called. Isabelle doesn’t know what brandy snaps are. The girls try them but aren’t sure because of the aftertaste.

The Inghams are home. They just had dinner. They didn’t have pie and peas because nowhere sold it. Lazy is about to run a bath but first has a Boden order to show us. It was nice to see so many ifam say they like shopping at Boden because the clothes wash better. They told Lazy you can get second hand a Boden on Vinted, which she has never been on there. She thought it was another EBay. She’s addicted to Vinted and types in ‘Boden 6-9 months’. She shows us a 6-9 months outfit she bought. She also got a Johjo Mama Bebe dungaree outfit. She shows us all the labels are 12 months and under. Lazy likes that the money is going to a family rather than a big corporation. She loves buying second hand. Funny that because you never do buy clothes second hand you lying turd. Feeling the pinch are we? She got wooden lolly pops and sweets for Jace’s new kitchen. This video is not sponsored. They’re having a cosy day off tomorrow watching movies.

End of vlog.
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It’s called cost of living sarah!! If you spent more time at home then you’d know that. She’s deranged. She could make her own blummin pigs in blankets cheaper (if she wore one of her blankets does that make her a pig in blanket!!) 🤦🏻
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Sarah is talking about how Meaalticket was inmobile... from 6 to 12 months.
Don't forget that she also was inmobilised for 3 months after sitting in a stupid car set Lazyy.
Narnar should known better than suggesting that she could come to stay at their house for a few days. This family hate their home and only reason they wanted to get together with her was to get away again.
No way is Jace sharing his toys with his best friend (according to Instagram). He has actually taken the newest roling toy up in the sofa so Mila could not use it.
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I’m sorry Sarah but no young girl would ever be fine with their parents telling the whole world they have started their period. You probably made her feel guilty so she agreed because *content* and *money*. Issy has no private life because she’s on camera every vlog (bar a couple) like a performing monkey. So stop trying to pretend she has a social life away from the camera. And going out with your one internet friend every other month is not a social life.

Also those piles of presents lets be real are now mostly filled with b&m cheap tat to make it look like they have loads. I’m so glad my daughter isn’t as materialistic as these clowns. She’d rather wake up to 5 or 6 gifts of things she really wanted than 50 extra gifts of crap she’ll never use. Even my cats get better gifts at Christmas than what she buys her kids 😂
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Joris Bobson

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“Every dickhead” = Non-n*nce person
“Chatted shit” = Told the truth about Chris Ingham being a n*nce

You deluded cunt!
The only 🤡🤡 are you and that thing that stands by you!

If it was just 🤡 “chatting shit” about you Creepy, why do you never do anything on your own anymore?
Because you’re scared of being on your own in public in case anyone calls you out on your p*do like behaviour!!
He seems to be getting a bit too big for his boots again doesn’t he. Cocky. And probably dipping his cocky someplace else. Disgusting little man
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What is with them and warm fizzy drinks? 🤢

The sweet stall said it sold toffee apples and ‘nuggets’ according to head of English Sarah.
You sure it didn’t sell nougat? 😜
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I work in a hospital and see children leave to go to surgery crying and parents balling there eyes out screaming for there children and then there smug lazy seeing dollar signs and her fake tears
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Was looking for next week's Memory Monday and came across this. What an absolute tosser. He posted this in an Ingham Family support Facebook group in 2019. Manipulative, nasty dickhead.
He's such a manipulative twat. This is no different to his Hell No video, where he blamed everyone else for causing hurt to his family without once taking any accountability for anything.

What's this legal route he's talking about? Why were the BBC, The Sun, The Daily Mail, Perez Hilton, The Metro and every other news outlet who reported the fact he's a massive creep, not sued for defamation? Why are those stories still there 4 years later? You only have 1 year to bring a defamation case in the UK and if this was all people 'chatting shit', those stories would have had to be removed and retractions written. Perhaps, more to the point, why is someone who grooms 16 year old kids still allowed a platform on Youtube four years later?! :mad:
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First five minutes is set for life sarah banging on about the price of stuffing balls and pigs in blankets. She does know you can make stuff yourself?
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Today is the last day in Blackpool. They haven’t done much but have spent time with Nannar. Lazy was gutted this morning because she wanted to do the circus but there were no tickets left until next weekend when she looked online. They will come back next year. They’re taking Prinny onto the beach and Nannar wants to play bingo so everyone is going.

Isabelle has found a book shop. She thanks everyone for finding the book she was asking about, which she can’t remember the name of. Hi Isabelle. She finds the part two of the book she’s currently reading, Maybe Now by Colleen Hoover.

It’s started raining so hard. Creepstopher wants to go home. Lazy went into Primark because the heel came away from the ones she bought the other day. The ones she’s exchanged them for are knee length. They’re now at the arcades. Arcade footage. Creepstopher tells us about the time he won €250 in a bingo game in Feuterventura. He goes for a spin in Nannar’s scooter. He tells Lazy they’re done and he’s off in his van if she utters the word “bingo”. She does and he pretends to walk out. He refuses to be a bingo husband. He’s not a fan of bingo.

Jace plays whack a mole with a bit of cheating as Isla is helping him. He was stressed out because he couldn’t do it before. He wins tokens. Prinny is relaxing in the pram basket. Creepstopher tells her she’s a pampered pooch. His definition of that is very different to mine. Isla has a go on the whack a mole. Jace starts screeching and wants another go. Creepstopher tells Isla she should combine her tokens with Jace’s. Next Isla plays the basketball game and Lazy tells Jace to wait because it’s Isla’s turn.

Isla has a pound left and is going on the slot machine. Jace kisses Lazy and she says he’s such a loveable boy. Lazy says she can get a lollipop with her tokens. She needs seven more tickets to get a slinky so it’s back on the slot machine.

Creepstopher moans about his nose and how savage it is outside. The wind is mega. Nannar rolls her eyes as she passes him. They’re off for lunch before making the mammoth journey back across the country. There is a storm coming in and Creepstopher loves the blue tower. They pack up the boot. Lazy goes on Nannar’s scooter and Creepstopher says they might have to buy one. Lazy freaked out when she was paying because the electric door was closing so she pushed it open. She says they’re immature idiots. Creepstopher asks Lazy to film him having a go. She doesn’t and instead he shows us how to shut the scooter down and fold it up. Riveting content. The boot is jam packed. Driving time lapse.

The Inghams are back at the manor. Isabelle is buzzing because the zip on Lazy’s boot got stuck. She told her to straighten her leg and sit down. Isabelle managed to get the boot unzipped. Nannar got Mila a doll from the market. Jace wants Lazy to film his super speed. He runs off towards the sofas. Primark leggings are thick and fleecy. Isla hurt herself getting out of the car. Jace takes Mila’s doll from Lazy and says it’s massive. He later runs into the kitchen screeching that the Halloween decorations need to come down.

Jace is on his bike whilst Mila walks with the help of her ride on. Lazy hopes her walking will get better now they’re home. The handlebar on Jace’s bike need straightening.

Lazy isn’t exaggerating when she says they’ve been home 10 minutes and the hoover is running. It’s Isla as she spilled weetabix. It makes Lazy feel proud and emotional seeing Mila walking after the hip issues. It’s been an awesome few days making memories with Nannar. Tomorrow is bonfire night. They love wrapping up outside with pie and peas to watch the fireworks.

End of vlog.
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Nanaar isn’t a fan of Creepstofire is she 😂
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Backtracking a little, but why does Creepy need to find a piercer to change his nose piercing, can't he do it himself. Loads of places sell nose studs now, I have a whole collection of them and change mine every few days. It's really not complicated.
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So that was it, the entire Blackpool trip was Primark everyday and a bit of time in the arcades, taking Nana on a big wheel and sat in the house? Why did they even bother staying there when they could have just gone for the afternoon. They said they were doing the illuminations but since the only bit they mentioned was in the car at the end of one of the days and then hardly showed anything, I think it's safe to say they didn't do it all and definitely didn't walk past any of the bigger bits. Like everything they do, what a waste of time.
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So staged! 😏😏
So staged! I have worked with babies and toddlers my whole adult life, and kids this young don't set up scenes like this. They do sit and "read" books by themselves, but the ability to gather up toys, place them in a perfect circle, all facing the reader, and then sit down in a photogenic spot to read them all a story? Yeah, no 🤣 cute picture, but, as with everything in their lives, all done for the likes.

Also, she doesn't look tiny. She looks like an average chubby toddler. But maybe it's a wide angle lens. I know how they can confuse us plebs.
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I would hope she doesnt change her name, at least using her real name gives her a chance to seperate herself from all this when shes an adult
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I see grabby esme is back. I know she's a kid but she never does a fair trade. For all people call out isla esme is worse. She didn't even trade those roblox uses just took from them cos she is super duper famous. I have to turn her off. She is not a likeable child at all
'I'm reallllly sad that I can't afford the new thing 🥺' Super subtle beg for somebody to give it to her.

It reminds me of when they used to open mail on camera and other kids would send them their toys.

Super happy to take things from kids who almost certainly have less than the set for life, surprise present several times a week Inghams. Some of whom will have spent their pocket/birthday money on Robux to get some of this stuff.

Of course, that's the best case. Worst case is that grown adults/older teenagers are sending her free stuff to gain favour with her. None of them ever seem to entertain the possibility that the 'nice girls' (always assumed that they're other girls...) she keeps talking about aren't nice or girls.
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As parents you should both be very upset that he can’t see from one eye, Creepstofire. I expect you’re more concerned about having to keep him occupied for 2 hours a day.
Don’t dare put the surgery off so you can continue travelling.
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