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Dr ifam says theres nothing wrong with jace’s eye okay then anyway lazy is there to mouth off
'Shame half the adults on here aren't as compassionate as you'
It's an act you daft bitch. Remember this is the same Isabelle who called her friend a bastard just a couple of years ago. No wonder she has 0 friends.

'I learnt everything from you'
Yeah well at least we can agree on something. The 'I'm such a kind perfect person' act is just that... an act.
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Of course the other dancers will hear what was said. No one (of that age especially) would resist watching the vlog when they know that their new dance classmate is on youtube, in a vlog about the dance.

They already face difficulties with ever making friends because of Chris, because they are never at home long enough to see friends enough and now because they have this attitude of being better than everyone.
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Just skimming through vlog. Why is Isla yet again sleeping in Esmes bed? She's 10, she should be made to sleep in her own room. Why are they telling Esme what her presents are before she's opened them? Does anyone else think it odd that Isabel calls Sarah Mum, Esme and Isla call her Mummy, yet she insists Jace calls her Mumma, and she corrects him if he calls her Mummy. How confusing and stupid is that? Isla constantly " I know what this is, I chose it for you" every time a present is picked up, bloody hell, it's driving me nuts.
Doesn't Nanna Jean or Katrina bother with birthdays? You never see them visit on a birthday with gifts or cards. Lazy, telling Esme she has to share the air wrap, so in other words, Sarah bought it for herself, yet wrapped it for Esmes birthday and it will live in Sarah's room. Cutting the cake and Jace taking chocolates off of it yet they laugh and don't stop him, then when Esme cuts it, Isla saying in the background, I want the biggest piece. What!!! Is that child's life all about sleepovers and food? I cannot believe just how greedy Jace and Isla have become, grabbing peoples food all the time, its disgusting. How Lazy was that vlog? Saying we are stopping the vlog here, yet it was breakfast time. They did exactly the same on Isabels birthday, she opened her presents then they said, and we will end the vlog here. Tell me you have no content without telling me you have no content. Wish I could get away with working for 10 minutes a day like this lot does.
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Elizabeth 1964

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Our daughter was born July 1985
She had her ears pierced for her 13th birthday
and four buddy's for the sleep over
It was Manic manic we never sleapt a wink the girls were brats
That's memories
The bacon butties before mum's and dad picked them up
We went to bed next night laround 7pm yes
that's a life Sarah
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It’s I’ve Sarah not iv 🙄 better still, how about set an example and just write the formal way……

I have

after all, you do home educate 😂🤣

View attachment 1358775
Well all the van trips were a waste then, all those stunnin views and what she really likes is a road and some buildings set out in a tacky shape to remind you how artificial it all is.
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Chatty Member
No one with any sense would visit Dubai in June with young children unless of course it was all free and your an influencer with a dying channel. No one us going to believe they enjoy Van life after this Sarah seemingly unable to hide her glee at having a real holiday flying to a hot country, eating to excess, pool time and theme parks that's the Ingham's idea of a real holiday.
Seeing pics of Sarah she is now very overweight unhealthy he is a creep not to be trusted confirmed by his own actions which he has denied but never took legal action just half arsed threats, if i had been accused of something so awful and was innocent I would prove it for the sake of my children. How they are still going is a mystery who on earth would see them as suitable influencers ? One day those kids will ask these questions how will they explain this ? It's very sad that all of them have been adversely affected by their dad's vile inexcusable behaviour but more so by their mother's choice to stay and to continue to be on YouTube, I don't believe these parents have the emotional intelligence to grasp the repurcussions on these children more to the point even if they did I think they would still keep on in the hope that they can get back to the earnings and lifestyle they once had. Where is the parental responsibility, the love ?
And why has YouTube not pulled the plug ? Again the answer is money they don't care about what happens to the kids being exploited why should they when the parents don't and people are watching the vlogs? I hope these kids get together and sue YouTube and their parents and this vileness of family vlogging young children with no understanding or any say ends soon.
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Why was Mila dressed in a curtain and a cap from the 1800's?
Why was she letting Mila play with paracetamol?
Why do they let Jace winge and whine and get everything he wants?
Another discussion on poo (with the toy)
Why does Esme have to scream her words, hasn't she heard of an indoor voice?

Poor neighbours with them outside with that racket
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On one of her instagram photos someone asked was this a PR trip - Sarahs reply no it was not a PR trip dont know why people keep asking this - someone responded well there are cameras following you everywhere and it looks very rehearsed - kinda think you have been busted Sarah lolol - also watched another video by someone where it breaks down the dubai holidays and you can see the same guy everywhere with them and Isla in particular getting a prompt as to when to run onto the beach lolol deffo an advert for something
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Why does a 13 year old not wash her hair surely by that age you take a bit of pride in your appearance and personal hygiene,her hair was so greasy in that vlog you could almost smell it ,Lazy you are a terrible mother,teach your children to wash
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A bit of useful info for you Lazy - Sun cream does actually work, but here’s the catch, you have to apply it.
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I was looking at that Abby Lee Miller dance thingy which Esme was so excited about. (had to Google...never even heard of the woman!)

Apparently they weren't proper auditions anyway...they were just dance classes with a mock audition at the end, so you could experience what it's like to audition for her....for the very modest charge of 500 to 650 dirham per class! (100 dirham to spectate).

It would've cost them hundreds of pounds, of their own money, for Esme to attend a session and for the rest of the family to sit in on the class (they only ever do things en masse and don't like to split up), so that was NEVER going to happen...and it would've been very unfair if Isla couldn't also take part, had she wanted, so that could've bumped up the cost even further.
So basically they were presented with an opportunity, purely coincidentally, where Esme (and Isla if she wanted) could have had an experience that they would never have forgotten - it really would have been a once in a lifetime opportunity for them - and the “set for life” parents didn’t let this happen?

The fact that it was a mock experience was just perfect for them (clearly would not be appropriate for their level if it was a bonafide audition). This is the type of experience that makes life long memories for children that they treasure forever, not the eleventy billionth watermark and theme park experience! If my children were into dance and this kind of opportunity landed in our laps I would turn myself inside out to give them this experience. Despite what anyone might feel about these children they really are just children, who are the products of their parents’ upbringing (I actually think they seem to be great kids considering), and I feel very sad for Esme that this experience wasn’t given to her.
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I thought yarn was the American term for wool. 🤨 It gets my goat when British people use Americanisms (petty, I know).
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Why doesn't that fat b***h ever let her children speak! Always talks over them. And....fecking NECK-LACE! Dubai and straight on to another holiday! No schooling again! Poor prinny, poor Mee-Laaa. Cut that whining little fecking spoilt brats hair! Look like a bunch of tramps! Rant over lol
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Just catching up with the minghams and threads when this ad popped up at the most perfect time...
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Screenshot (282).png

He so wishes he could film some of the show, like he so wishes he could film his daughters and other children swimming? Child protection laws too strict for you Chris?
The dance school was absolutely right by not allowing any filming. If my daughter was in that show and I was aware of his past, I would have gone ballistic. Thick skinned fucker. Just because his wife and parents enable him, why should everyone else? He's had years to prove his innocence. Can't though right?

So disappointed to hear Esme be so ungracious with the 'standing out' comment. What happened with 'BE KIND'?
Those children are in for a bloody rude awakening when they have to function outside the sect and realise that they are in fact no more special that any other child.
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Chatty Member
Apart from the Maldives, which is the only one they ever reminisce about, she clearly hasn't truly enjoyed a holiday in years.

In a couple of weeks, they'll be parked up next to a fast food restaurant's bins or in some pitch black lay-by and she'll be declaring that the greatest view ever too.
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