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Chatty Member
Sarah wet herself laughing at Isabelle as soon as she came back from the maths exam because she 'messed up' by wearing her top inside out. What a kind and supportive mom she is :rolleyes: It's no wonder Isabelle is so anxious and nervy, every 'mistake' is faced with a cackle and public shaming.

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It wasn’t that long ago that Sarah had a top on inside out when vlogging, no one laughed at her in the vlog. Urgh she does my head in with her cackling.
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Why does it say @its Stacey lacey on the Instagram post? Did they donate the cake? I googled but Google says Stacey lacey is a porn star🤔
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Betty Bujo

Chatty Member
That vlog mad me so angry TWICE!!!
1. The way Sarah took the piss out of Isabelle was vile. You could tell she was pissed off but she is so isolated with in the Mingham cult, that she can't express it.
2. If they knew anyone that suffered from fecal impartation, chronic constipation or any other serious bowel issues they would not find the Bristol Stool Chart so funny.
3. (Yes I know I said twice) Esme says if she was in school she'd be able to nick blu tack off the wall and Sarah didn't pick her up on it, mainly because she is a scumbag with no morals too.
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The whole family are just fucking gross and the little ones have them as examples, already Jace is following them, he’s rude, no manners, and it won’t be long and we’ll be saying the same about Mila.
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I'm a few vlogs behind.

Cackle all you want Sarah on Izzy wearing her top inside out


Biggest cackle is on you:

You're her MOTHER!!!!

And where were you on the morning of her exam??



There has been mothers (and fathers) GUTTED (due to work) up and down the country that they can't be there to wish their kids 'good luck' BUT


Cackle all you want to bloody egg doner
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Just flicking through YouTube and the vlog of Sarah in the garden dressed like a dick in her chub rub shorts just popped up. It reminded me of Russ Abbots madhouse and Bella Emberg who used to do a character called Blunderwoman. Sorry I'm old I know.
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Here you go, @Ruth1983
A littuhl special surprise for you on your special day, with a very lot of best wishes.

(It should've been a deeelicious, juicy watermelon but they were all sold out until next week. Soz!)
😘 🍾🥂🥳

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Why does she always sound like she resents Mila? Or is it just me. Like she’s such an inconvenience baby!

Also, don’t look in the slightest like they plastered on any sun cream as she states they had ‘just got to the pool’ if it’s so hot, wouldn’t you have put it on before walking out into that? In that heat wouldn’t you use more than the usual amount so some would be visible? Or is it just me that goes ott with the stuff 😂😂 …..

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Fucking hell you're mother in name only,you put those chuldrun in dangerous situations frequently,post personal stuff that the world does not need to know ,take them out of school, don't even keep that poor baby clean and you stay with a man who messages young girls and goes away to "skate" often
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Nobody stalks you or your kids Sarah 🙄 But really you are a family of vloggers. You moaning about stalkers is like a page 3 model moaning everyone is staring at her chest.
She's married to a weirdo who messages under age girls ,look closer to home and how that so called husband acts around young girls especially your eldest ,hidden in plain sight
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8k views in over 2 hours on a teen birthday vlog. I hope it's sinking in that the channel is done for.
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Isabelle, they are screwing you blue and you can’t see it. They’ve caused you anxiety and put you in therapy in the past. Not to mention you are a shell of the person you used to be. Also, don’t be expecting money when you turn 18 because I can guarantee you that’s long gone. They will just say “look at the house we gave you , look at the cheap clothes we gave you “. You are a mug Issy.
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Looking out from your chavavan window last year over Lock La Monde of your girls far off shore on the paddle boards with no adult with them and no life jackets... wasn't that the best view ever Lazy?

*yes, I know it's Loch Lomond.
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No one with any sense would visit Dubai in June with young children unless of course it was all free and your an influencer with a dying channel. No one us going to believe they enjoy Van life after this Sarah seemingly unable to hide her glee at having a real holiday flying to a hot country, eating to excess, pool time and theme parks that's the Ingham's idea of a real holiday.
Seeing pics of Sarah she is now very overweight unhealthy he is a creep not to be trusted confirmed by his own actions which he has denied but never took legal action just half arsed threats, if i had been accused of something so awful and was innocent I would prove it for the sake of my children. How they are still going is a mystery who on earth would see them as suitable influencers ? One day those kids will ask these questions how will they explain this ? It's very sad that all of them have been adversely affected by their dad's vile inexcusable behaviour but more so by their mother's choice to stay and to continue to be on YouTube, I don't believe these parents have the emotional intelligence to grasp the repurcussions on these children more to the point even if they did I think they would still keep on in the hope that they can get back to the earnings and lifestyle they once had. Where is the parental responsibility, the love ?
And why has YouTube not pulled the plug ? Again the answer is money they don't care about what happens to the kids being exploited why should they when the parents don't and people are watching the vlogs? I hope these kids get together and sue YouTube and their parents and this vileness of family vlogging young children with no understanding or any say ends soon.
One thing I find weird, Chris was always throwing around police, lawyers, prison, telling us our IP addresses were being tracked, that there was an open police case etc etc. That’s all totally stopped now. I mean, we all knew it was bullshit - but he clearly loved the threats and trying to look the big man with it all to the little ifam. I wonder if something was said? The police investigation stuff was especially dodgy, I’m sure I remember some tattlers asking his local force if there was an active case against us like he claimed. Just seems weird how he never talks or threatens at all anymore.
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Tilly Kister

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My thoughts exactly.
Education minister hoping to double the fine cost of taking children out of school in term time .threatening to charge parents of children who are late more than 5 times.yet these numptys are allowed to get away with non existent education for their children
I home educated my children while were were living in Australia. We had to provide documented proof that our children were participating regularly in formalised outside activities like sports and drama where they interacted with peers. We had to submit our curriculum for approval, we had to get police record checks on every instructor brought in to teach the group classes we held with other homeschooling families in our network for subjects like maths, science, computer programming and foreign languages. Even when, as in many cases, those instructors were parents of other children in the network. The network was in fact the most essential element of our homeschooling program and without it we would never have been able to provide the kids with the depth or variety required for a truly rounded educational experience. Where is theirs?

We were subject to inspections of the learning environment and the learning materials we provided the kids with. We had to provide yearly progress reports on each child for all key learning areas. Each year we had to submit a plan for their home education which showed an alignment between our child’s learning and the national curriculum. It was possible to buy a state issued homeschooling plan but we chose to develop our own, using that one as a starting block. Developing these individual plans was especially time consuming as I had one child with severe dyslexia and ASD and one child who was assessed as extremely gifted. So two completely different plans were required and two completely different approaches to learning catered for.

I cannot imagine that there are fewer or less onerous obligations on homeschooling families in the UK. It beggars belief how this pair of ignorant, illiterate lumps are getting away with this farcical pretence at education they carry on with.
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