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Chatty Member
I find the discussions about whether Isabelle is just ‘’timid and anxious’’ or just ‘’mean and spiteful’’ very reductionist. She’s a complex human like all of us, and is a product of her environment. That environment has isolated exploited her, deprived her of access to friends, education, privacy etc. But it also has given her her mother’s defensive gob and backed her into a corner where she has to argue online. What other choice does she have? Can we realistically expect her to post a pic of her brother online and openly accept criticism of the medical issues her parents refuse to address? Even if she agreed she’d be stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I don’t think her insecurities are an act. I think they’re very real and probably more apparent than just what we see in videos. She’ll have a lifetime of unpicking self esteem issues and building a life beyond her family.

I don’t think snapping back at hate online makes her mean or spiteful, it’s obviously a very natural emotion and this sort of behaviour has been modelled her whole life. She probably thinks it’s her duty to bite back and it probably gives her some esteem of feeling grown up enough to argue etc. The same goes for posting revealing/posed pictures of herself online. Suggesting that means she doesn’t have major insecurities is a very odd to me. More like she has no social circle or meaning in life and desperately wants validation from the only people she has any real access to (internet fans). We’ve all been 16 and I remember how unpleasant it was… Izzy must be experiencing that on steroids.

Believe it or not I’m not actually trying to defend her here, just trying to paint a more nuanced picture. Being insecure/mean or timid/gobby aren’t mutually exclusive.
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Have a look at the absolute state of this photo, poor Mila is balanced precariously on a mountain of shite next to mounds of junk food while wearing a victorian outfit and a duct tape brace.
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Lazy told Jace that they couldn’t get the twin pack of Maryland cookies he wanted (!) because it was too big, so she made a thing of picking up the single pack instead.....but that red packet there (clobbering Mila) looks suspiciously like the twin pack!

Surely you know you've gone wrong somewhere along the line when you have to lie to a load of strangers about a packet of biscuits FFS!
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Lottie has a Jamfest Europe T-shirt on which means she’s a cheerleader! I was at that same competition. Oh please don’t let the Mingham girls start cheerleading - couldn’t cope with thinking i may run in to them at random comps 😩 they are my very stressed out and noisy happy place 😂

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but parents often encourage their children to follow in their footsteps, and I can confirm, coming from his own mouth, that Christopher Malcolm Ingham was part of the cheerleading squad at school. Sorry about that. Stay safe, and if he's there with a camera, report him. (This is genuinely not made up, he claims to have been a cheerleader)

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Sarah. It wasn’t my fault I crashed the car.

Asks Isabelle if it was her fault. Isabelle doesn’t have a driving licence so wouldn’t know?

And the women had every right to change her mind, she had right of way. So totally was your fault sarah
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Neighbours, if you read here, record the noise levels and submit them to the local council, you shouldn’t have to put up with unnecessary excessive screams/screeching etc. I’d also video them being intimidating and purposely annoying, they film others so what’s the difference.
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Do you think they let her have a key to go in or she’s just allowed in the garden 🤷🏼‍♀️
No it'll just be garden and rooms above garage if they want her to send any blankets. She'll be paid to check the perimeter of the manor.

For the neighbours sake I hope that's all, imagine just getting used to the peace when the Ingham lot go on holiday then you hear "Arrison! Arvey! Get on that trampoline and have a look what next door have worth nicking"
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Anyone notice that after all the swimming etc and they got redressed to go for dinner etc lazy still had her swimming costume on under whatever clown outfit she had on…… the dirty bitch didn’t even put clean draws on - bet she never even showered
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Looks like they're heading back to Florida then. So cuuuuuuuute. I love it when couples give each other cute gifts. Happy birthday Babe, here's a one way ticket to a Florida jail.

Lazy hopes we're having a wonderful, wonderful day. She's waiting for Isabelle to finish in the shower because they're heading off to swindle more cash from Nannar. Lazy is looking forward to it but first she's putting on a slow cooker slop meal. Granny Jane and Hi Steve will be at Rosabelle Manor when they get home because they're staying over this weekend as they're going to Esme and Isla's dance shows, and it makes sense for them to stay with them. They're bringing Prinny over, although the Inghams are going away again soon.

Lazy prepares the slow cooker slop. Lazy by name, lazy by nature, she puts in pre chopped veg. She then chops some mushrooms, celery, spring onions and peppers, and pours in chopped tomatoes.

Lazy isn't sure what Nannar wants to do. She's waiting for her to put her coat on. Lazy isn't going to the White Rose today so she will see if Nannar wants to go elsewhere e.g. a farm, Lotherton Hall, Temple Newsham or a bird garden as it's somewhere Jace wants to go. Nannar moans about her hair and says she can't do ought with it as it's coming out in chunks. Lazy asks Nannar if she's alright. Nannar asks Lazy if she needs her coat and she tells her to keep it on. Nannar tells Lazy to pick somewhere she wants to go. She tells Lazy her dress is nice. Lazy tells her where they can go and gets Nannar to choose. Nannar asks what they could do at a farm as there's nowt to do at a farm.

Lazy and Nannar are at Colton Retail Park as Nannar wanted to go to Pets at Home. Lazy is happy with that because Mila and Jace can see all the live pets. Well Mila will look at them and Jace will screech at them, bang on the glass and scare the poor little things to death. After going to a few shops they're going to Temple Newsham as there is a park there. Lazy cackles at Isabelle because she wants to go to WHSmith. Jace looks adorable today. Mila, dressed in some sort of Victorian monstrosity, plays with a box of paracetamol. Jace tells Lazy to give him one minute whilst he looks at the bath toys. He wants to buy a toy boat. They're in Pound Stretcher and Lazy says it's cheap. Nannar gets a few things for her cat. We gets a glimpse of Nannar whilst Lazy and Isabelle look at the dog toys. Lazy says the toys feel like velvet sandpaper and can't understand how dogs have them in their mouth.

Jace tells Lazy she can't forget the twin pack of Maryland cookies. They'd be gone before they even got to Temple Newsham. Lazy says they don't need them and says they can see if there's smaller packs. She then shows us a bottle can of drink; a cottle. Isabelle asks what lychee is. Nannar's shopping bill goes up as Jace is throwing bags of chocolate into the trolley and on top of Mila. Isabelle has a nostalgic moment about her childhood. In the distance Jace screeches. Mila is getting fed up and Lazy tells her they've just got there.

Jace is speechless as he sees a rabbit. He wants it out of the cage but Lazy says they can't unless they buy it. Next they go over to wake the guinea pigs up. Then it's over to the hamsters. Back to the guinea pigs. Footage of the hamsters and rats. Jace says hello to a rabbit. Nannar thinks the other rabbit has gone to bed. Yeah I think I'd retreat under the covers too if you lot walked into the shop Nannar! Another glimpse of Nannar, who looks and sounds the most masculine of the entire family. Jace can't believe it and wants to get the rat out. Lazy is terrified of rat tails. Lazy thinks Mila will like the fish. Jace wonders why rabbits can't talk.

Jace says the fish are cute and screeches at them. Mila bites Isabelle. Music to footage of the fish. Jace wants to stay in the pet shop. Lazy gets him to say thank you. Lazy hands him a box of crickets. Jace says they're not to eat but Lazy tells him mice and gecko eat them. As do people like you who eventually end up on I'm a Celebrity as a last ditch attempt to save their 'career'.

Next stop is... can anyone guess? If you said B&M you would be correct. Lazy isn't buying anything today but wants to. The magazine racks are so cute. She asks what else people put in them as they don't have magazines. Then she finds a hanging chair Creepstopher wanted for the van to go on the door. Jace wants some mini cheddars but Lazy tells him they have to pay for them first. He's also holding a bag of magic stars. Lazy then finds a singing turtle sat on a toilet. Lazy is chuffed because everything she bought came to £40.05. The chair was £18. The inflatables were £5. She cannot wait to surprise Creepstopher. She is chuffed to bits.

Jace runs over to the playground. Footage of him and Mila on the play equipment. The swings are the only thing Mila goes on and today she loves them. Isabelle heads over to the chair swings and Lazy sits on top of her. Poor girl. More footage of Jace and Mila. Then it's time to take Nannar home and get back to Rosabelle Manor.

Lazy is home and Creepstopher looks camper than ever. He closes his eyes and Lazy does the countdown to him opening them. There are Amazon packages at the door. Creepstopher says the chair is perfect for all the van renovations that are going on at the minute. He closes him eyes again and Lazy shows him the £5 his and hers doughnut rings for holiday hahahaaaaaaaa. The journey wasn't the best and Lazy crashed the car, although it wasn't her fault.

Nannar bought Jace a dress up dinosaur. Lazy feels cheated because the dinosaur looks like a frog. Esme begged Lazy to film her because she wanted to show the hair clips she got yesterday. Lazy got Esme and Isla £5 pyjamas that have a hole in. Lazy says Esme can sew the hole.

Lazy is on the trampoline with Isabelle, Esme, Jace and Isla. Granny Jane bought a toy airplane. Prinny loves the new ball blaster. Anyway, Lazy crashed the car. Isabelle says it wasn't Lazy's fault as Isabelle herself can drive better than the other person. I'd love to see her try! Lazy was waiting to pull out of somewhere, traffic was coming from the left and she wanted to go right. She was waiting for a gap in the traffic from the right. Three cars indicated to go left and go up the side of Lazy. One of the drivers changed her mind at the junction and skimmed the bonnet of the former taxi. The lady didn't have time to stop according to Lazy. Lazy told her she can't change her mind at the junction. The lady told Lazy she thought she had enough time and lazy replied "well clearly not". There's now a red scuff on the car. The lady apologised but Lazy said it was fine. Lazy has never had a car accident so she was shocked when she heard the noise and thought the lady had taken the bonnet off. They will pay for the damage as it isn't worth claiming on the insurance. Lazy wonders who would be right on the insurance claim and says it would be the other driver as Lazy was pulling out. The other lady knew it was her fault. Isabelle says everyone was driving badly today, including everyone in the fast lane on the motorway. Lazy tells her there's no fast lane on the motorway. Oh dear, looks like Isabelle isn't the expert driver she thought she was. They had dinner in the garden. Prinny is barking like mad.

OMG Esme has been waiting for a Shein package to arrive since they got back. Esme got a lot of claw clips as she has an addiction. Lazy has ordered shoes from Shein, which are so cute and adorable.

Granny Jane brings the best toys. Today she bought a musical duck. They've had the heating on because Mila was in the bath. The girls' show starts tomorrow and the next day is Esme's pretend birthday, opening her presents birthday.

End of vlog
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Creepstopher pours himself a coffee. Time lapse of the kids at breakfast. The bags are loaded into an Uber by the driver. Shots of Dubai. The Inghams walk into the airport. Lazy moans that it's the worst morning of the whole holiday as they have to leave. They had a nice breakfast and travelled to the airport. They checked in online and need to collect the boarding passes. She hopes they get to go for a coffee. There isn't long to wait for the next adventure.

Lazy fans herself on the train. Creepstopher loves Dubai even more now. Men's toilets in airports are usually manky as everyone gets nervous bellies and destroys them. Creepstopher doesn't include himself in that. Liar. In the airport toilets there is an attendant with music playing, an aftershave smell and the attendant clean the toilet before you go in. Creepstopher went in to change his t-shirt but the man still sanitised the cubicle. Dubai have customer service down to a t. Emirates give you strollers so you just grab them from anywhere and can take them to the gate. They didn't get one coming out to Dubai but have today because Jace is full of energy and refusing to walk.

The girls have rinsed Creepstopher good and proper in the duty free by grabbing lots of things to buy. They're now sat in Shake Shack. Lazy reminds us about her ear. If she sounds weird that's why. Creepy lost his voice one day on the trip. Lazy says it would've been better the other way around. They have an hour 15 minutes until they board. They were going to just have milkshakes but changed their minds. They didn't eat breakfast this morning, although they did go down to the buffet because the girls wanted to, but they didn't eat anything. Lazy isn't a morning person. She has ordered an avocado burger, topped fries and a sweet tea. Lots of calories to keep her going on the 8 hour flight. Lazy shows us the food and eyes up the milkshake float.

The Inghams should've taken off 30 minutes ago but they're still at the airport as they have a delay. Half the flight had boarded but the plane was unloaded/de-boarded cackle/offloaded. As everyone got off they were given meal vouchers. It's currently a 3 1/2 hour delay so they've walked to the new gate. There's no A380 outside so Lazy is unsure if the gat will change again. They have reclining seats. Jace is asleep, Isabelle looks like she wants to fall asleep, as do Creepstopher and Mila, Isla is chilling with her Oreos and Esme will not get out of Lazy's face because she wants Lazy to buy her a bottle of Fiji water. She wants Fiji water because the bottle will look nice on her shelf. The kenji bottles are rare and cute. Esme will be 13 in 3 weeks and her list this year was yarn, Maui shampoo and Fiji water.

The Inghams board the plane. Shots of the kids and the wings of the plane. They finish dinner and are halfway. It's been a nice flight and Mila hasn't cried once. Esme had crocheted a sock but run out of yarn so only has one.

Random shot from the back of the plane. Footage of the flight progress screens. Shaky footage a they land. The Inghams get of the plane. Jace has a double ponytail. Two minutes of footage from the holiday.

End of vlog


Didn't have any breakfast? Yeah sure looks like it!! Either stop lying or tell your husband to not include the clip.
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The way Isabelle is going on she is turning into a younger version of the foghorn fishwife who gave birth to her
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I cannot be the only one laughing my ass off at the downfall of these absolute pair of mugs, Sarah really thinks she is mother of the year doesn't she?! Her kids look awful and in dire need of a good hair cut, wash and a proper EDUCATION!! it's actually beyond me how they're stil being supported by Ifam!!! She should of done the right thing and left Chris, god knows she would of had a better life without him
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Will 'Arrison be there with his brothers just to keep the volume up when the Minghams are travelling...?

There have been rumours of a youngster driving a sit-on mower through the streets of Beltoft at speeds of up to 7mph today. Allegedly.
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What the actual bloody hell is going on with this child’s hair
Jaces hair is a disgrace. Sarah puts it up to annoy people because I think she thrives on the attention and ranting when people call him a girl. He's 3 and has never had a hair cut or by the looks of it it's never been brushed properly either. It looks dreadful. It's receding because she puts it up so tightly, I'm actually surprised he doesn't get a headache. She keeps on saying she's going to cut it off, but she never does. Sarah can't be arsed to take him to the hairdressers, that's the bottom line of it really.
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Youtube needs to add a category to their reporting list, “infringes a childs privacy”
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Esme is jealous because the Abby Lee Dance company are there auditioning and she wants to forget the last day and audition. They're picking up breakfast and heading to the pool. Lazy eyes up the cakes. They're heading home tomorrow. She still can't hear anything so she'll have to go to the doctors. She asks newly qualified doctor Isabelle if she could've burst her eardrum or something. She can't hear anything, even when she moves her head. Creepy comes over to poke her ear and tell her she needs her ears syringing. Isabelle says she's old but Lazy foghorns that she's only 36. They're off to the Legoland waterpark.

Isabelle and Esme walk into the pool. Shots of the pool. The Inghams have rented a cabana for the day because it's a freebie it has air conditioning. They've decided to accept the freebie treat themselves as it's only £70. They got towels and a locker included. They have it until 7pm. Isabelle is holding Mila and standing in front of the fan. Creepstopher is nowhere to be seen. They've bought reusable cups. Lazy unpacks the breakfast. Jace got a free water toy. Isla shows us her outfit. Esme cannot deal with puffy sleeves all day; she refers shorts and a t-shirt, hair in a ponytail and a sunhat. Jace screeches for Esme. Isabelle gives Mila some water. Lazy is planning on staying sat in front of the van.

They have a few trips planned this summer. Lazy thought she'd bought enough sun cream for the entire summer but they've almost run out. They're been using factor 30 but Lazy has no idea how she has a bright red face. Comment below a really good sun cream because Nivea factor 50 doesn't work on Lazy. Jace and the girls have used it and not burnt. Lazy has reapplied it 4-5 times a day and burnt. Esme and Jace argue about who is going to play the doctor in whichever game they're about to play. Mila sits on a towel playing with her toys. She's learnt how to say bye. That'll be useful for when there's no ifam left in a few months and the shitshow is over. Creepy just did that water bottle coin prank on Jace and Isla. It's didn't work and Isla instead squeezed the bottle in his face, Isabelle poured a bottle of water on Creepy and Creepy poured it on Lazy and Isla.

Pool footage. Lazy, Esme and Isla head to a ride. Isla didn't want to do the ride but was pressured into doing it and loved it. Afterwards Lazy says it was so fun. She hates water rides but goes on for the girls. She feels like she's done a workout climbing the steps so they're off to the wave pool. Lazy got Mila to sleep before she left.

Creepy says they were in the pool waiting for the waves to turn on but they didn't. The second they got out they were turned on. They've decided they're doing their last ride of the day. Isabelle is watching Jace and Mila whilst everyone else goes to do the ride.

The cabana session is over. The Inghams are off to get lunch and then they're off to Motiongate.. It's 4pm. Shots of them walking to Motiongate as the sun sets. The food has arrived and everyone is arguing over whether jalapenos are spicy or not. Lazy and Esme are having cheesy hot dogs. Isabelle, Isla and Creepstopher went for chicken quesadillas. Jace and Mila are haring a chuldren's box. They got mojito mocktails to share.

Dinner was nice. The restaurant is next to the World Lego Showcase of Dubai. They had a light show on in there and Creepy filmed it. There's no footage of it in the vlog. Creepy told Isla to imagine she was a hamster and that the building was her domain. Last stop of the last night is Bollywood because it opens until 10pm. It's currently 7pm. It's not humid but nice and warm. The place is incredibly beautiful to film - a "filmer's" dream. Everywhere in Dubai is insanely pretty. Lazy is never going home. She's glad they've been able to come back to the stoooooonin country and she's had such a good time. Her only other favourite holiday was the Maldives.

Lazy kept forgetting to say she thought Dubai was massively expensive but it's actually no more expensive than England. It was £68 in Legoland for them all to eat and for drinks. It's cheaper than the UK in some places. A can of Pepsi has exploded in Isabelle's bag so they're waiting for her. Shots of the park.

Isla really wants to go on a swing ride. Lazy doesn't like normal swings but this is high up. Isla reminds Lazy she always tells her to face her fears. She isn't about saying no when her chuldren want to do something. Creepy says Lazy might come off the ride buzzing and telling him to go on it. She goes on it with bare feet. Creepy tells Isabelle he might do it. Isabelle says Isla might want to do it again.

Creepy says Lazy doesn't look happy. He asks Lazy why she hated it. Lazy says she saw England. She had her big eye little eyes closed the whole time. She got cramp in her hand from holding the handle so hard.

Isabelle tells us they've convinced Creepy to go on the ride. He doesn't mind heights but hates spinny rides. It turns out that Esme has to go on her own. Creepy has to do the walk of shame. Lazy tells Isabelle to film him and Lazy foghorns "walk of shame". He has no words. Lazy cackles and Isabelle says Creepy is embarrassed. He said it was just too much and his heart was going. They love winding Creepy up. So many ifam would never go on the ride. If Isla hadn't wanted to go on Lazy never would've done it. Jace is upset because he wants to go on the ride. He stands watching the ride.

Esme and Isla dance under a tree. Lazy took Jace on a boat ride, he put his arms up, said "weeee" and then told Lazy he nearly died. It was hilarious. The girls are taking him on a frog jumper ride. They're the only people on the ride.

End of vlog



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