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Chatty Member
I have to agree with everyone who says Esme is nasty. We don’t see half of what those other two girls put up with from her, or even 10%. Bits occasionally slip out and she sounds a nightmare, a nasty little girl. Sarah actually let slip once that Esme caused Isla’s ‘OCD’ and being too scared to be in her own room by winding her up about monsters etc.

If anyone’s seen Issy’s bedroom video on her own channel, Esme was a totally pain in it. Because Issy probably edited it we saw a bit more of what she’s like. She knew Issy was filming but carried on being a pain, she even turned the light off in the middle of her filming and cackled like her Mum and Issy looked really fed up and said that Esme is always turning the light off on her if she wants it on or turns it on if she wants it off! Very immature behaviour and she seems to think she’s hilarious 🙄
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Sexpest has big Lazy up the duff again. If so, I bet they knew before Meela's diagnosis.
Boy wonder is very chipper and Lazy looks defeated, green around the gills and more tired than usual.
If she is I just hope it wasn’t conceived in that DPD van with them poor sods underneath. Pair of wrong uns they are
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Fat bitch on a gobby rant today isn’t she. Zip your onesie up more over them mountain flab tits and shut your cake hole piggy 🐷
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Wow that many yawning emojis is rude! no wonder their views decline daily. DVG are always polite and professional in their replies
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Chatty Member
im sorry but sarah thinks were jealous....... yes sarah were jealous of your creepy husband who hits on 16 year old girls, yes where jealous of your children who you cant even take care of there basic needs...... were jealous of your crappy built house that doesnt even resemble any amount of home just looks like a doctors office...... were jealous that you cram your children into a van and cant afford to even enter or pay for tourist activites but yes were all jelous of you....... id like to know if they do go travelling from now on it wont be to france because there not letting in the unvaxxinated.,..... seriously get out of dreamland.
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Chatty Member
Chris seems very angry at the moment. I feel like he's been in the dog house very recently and not taking out his anger on commenter.
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Chatty Member
Personally I think ALL clogging families are vile. Don’t get me wrong, some have a few more ‘better’ more acceptable moments than others but ultimately these children work all year round, have their privacy taken away and don’t get any sort of day in the direction of their lives. They are brainwashed, spoilt to within an inch of their lives just so the channel can have content…majority of them kept at home, isolated. And don’t get me started on click bait babies born for the £
Weiss, fizz, Ace, Condors, grimwade ect they are all heading the same way.
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Fellow home ed mum and dad with actor son spends a lot of money investing in their son's future. His earnings are not touched. There are very strict laws protecting child actors, it should absolutely be the same for Youtubers.
This gormless pair seems to think that they are providing a better future for their children so the money is 'reinvested' in a better house, holidays, gadgets, presents, shit clothes etc. If you choose to bring these souls into the world, you take responsibility for them financially. You don't pimp them out online, invade their privacy, share their medical issues etc for public consumption.

Family channels are an abomination. It is nothing but modern day child labour, exploitation and abuse.
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Lazy cooks a fry up. Isla plays with Mila on the kitchen floor. She jokes that the caterers have been back and shows us the food in the warmers. They didn't get caterers in on Christmas Day or this morning. It's all Lazy's good cooking. She takes a plate of burnt toast to the table. Esme and Isla get their breakfast and Lazy says her food looks delicious. Isabelle is holding Mila.

It's now the evening. Today has been the most chilled day they've had all Christmas. They've been too busy to watch Christmas movies so Creepy and Lazy made a pact that they would get up, have the "laziest, most disgusting breakfast" and have been watching movies. I can believe breakfast was disgusting. They've watched Miracle on 34th Street and Creepy feels so sad that he didn't watch it this year before now. It's "one of the most magical films of all Christmas" and he's watched it numerous times. Yesterday they realised they haven't been to Forest Holidays this year. They love being in the cabin in the "gorgeous beautiful cabin" with no phone signal and a hot tub, but they wanted to try Christmas in the new house before making plans elsewhere. One thing they did do was get the hot tub to remind them of Forest Holidays. Creepy goes in it most night to help with his Restless Leg Syndrome, Lazy has been in it once and the girls have been in it a handful of times. Isabelle is staying in with Mila and Jace but everyone else is going in it. Christine says the lights on the tub look amazing.

Lazy, Creepy and Isla are in the hot tub. It's windy and they have the umbrella above them. Lazy is sure to tell us Isabelle is on her period so has offered to watch Jace and Mila so she could go in the tub. Isla tells Lazy she looks like Megamind. She and Creepy are excited to do some bits on the garden this year. She wants to get the patio set with the fire pit. Lazy can imagine Tat and Me blankets around there. Best get the fire brigade on standby first. She's looking forward to completing the empty 2 rooms. They've shown Granny Jane and Hi Steve but no one else. Lazy can't wait to get the 2 "absolutely humungous" rooms finished. The priority for her is the front garden. She wants to make the wall higher so there's no chance of the kids escaping the compound. She asks Lazy if there's a special name for the fancy fence with different shapes that she wants. There are a few other bits and bats. Creepy wants a water fountain in the front garden. Lazy tells the foooo that it can't just be plonked on the stones. You can fit four cars in the front of the house. They only finished decorating the house last week. Lazy wants to do the chuldren's area of the garden with soft padded baaaaaaaaark. Esme wants a zipwire.

Jace always asks to go in the hot tub, but Lazy persuades him not to get in by telling him she'll make him a hot tub bath with lots of bubbles and new bath toys from Santa. When they're finished, Isabelle needs help putting pictures on her walls and they have washing to do. Lazy doesn't know how because they've lived in pyjamas the pat few days, apart from Isla who changes six times a day. Is this the same Isla who has worn the same pyjamas for weeks or does she have an invisible identical twin?

Lazy is irritated because she's realised she got two of the same painting for Isabelle. Isabelle noticed it at Christmas but didn't mind. Creepy of course has to show off his expert DIY skills by drilling a screw into the wall to hang the painting on. Lazy wants to paint underneath the frames to break up the white wall. Isabelle has asked if she can put aesthetic pictures on the wall. "Aesthetic" means beige. Lazy didn't realise how many were in the pack. She sorts them into piles for Isabelle and tells her which ones are her favourites.

Next they're trying to hang some of those cream macramé wall hangings. Lazy wants to move the gold table along for Isabelle to put her coffee on. They're planning on eventually getting a rug and coffee table for the sofa because the room is giant. The sofa took up the whole room in the other room. They need to make it look more cosy and homely. Lazy thinks the corner where the sofa is looks so cute. Mila is getting fussy; Creepy took her downstairs but brought her back up two minutes later. Lazy thinks they're putting some of the beige pictures above the bed but they have no blu tack. Isabelle is doing her photo frame whilst Lazy take Mila down.

Footage of Isabelle's room. She's happy about it and lives it. She's spent 20 minutes doing new nails.

Dinner is leftover Christmas snacks. Esme's hair curler didn't work a few nights ago so they're trying again tonight. She's wearing a rag dress she made. They watch London Has Fallen, although Jace wanted to watch The Snowman. Lazy reads to Jace, Mila and a bored looking Isla.

End of vlog

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I was thinking yesterday that this bit in between Xmas and new year must be what it's like in the inghams all year round. Where everyone forgets what day it is, because of constant snacking there's less real meals and no structure. The weather has been rubbish so we've not really been outside much and I can really tell we need to do something.

We had another Christmas at my mother in law's on Monday so she sent us back with even more food. It's nice to have lots of food around for a few days but I don't know how they eat like that every day, I can't take it anymore!

And this is with far more routine than they have, we've still mostly stuck to bedtimes, my husband only had 3 proper days off. It's lovely to spend time with family and the kids enjoy doing all their new stuff but I am really looking forward to getting back to normal.
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I am still baffled by the Apple Watch for Isla.. it just seems like such a pointless present for her. There would have been much better off getting her an iPad and Apple Pencil. It will be useful when she is stuck in the van for hours on end and would be good for school work. They can link to data on iPhones, so she could even use the internet if she links it to one of her sisters phones.

I think the presents in general were a bit meh if I am honest. Don’t get me wrong, they got plenty but nothing seemed that well thought out or useful. What about a kindle? Easy to transport books and they are often a lot cheaper… decent art supplies for Esme? Something educational for Isla? Jigsaws, games? A few more expensive well thought out items of clothing? It just seemed to be more dolls and cheap clothes for the most part! All that money they spend and it just seems like a pointless exercise in over consumption of tat!!

I think I said this last year as well - Jane and Steve’s presents seem much more well thought out!
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Haven't watched them since the text drama. Watched 2 vlogs there to see how the kids are. Wow 2 more kids.

Have tears in my eyes over isla. I'd love to adopt her. The poor pet is going to end up very ill mentally. Wish social services looked after these kids being exploited.
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Granny Jane, Hi Steve and the dogs have gone home. The Inghams have been deep cleaning today, like they do every day. Creepy was itching to do it. He was probably itching elsewhere as well with all the activities he gets up to. Mila is laying on the living room floor. Lazy is kept awake at night if she forgets to show us something and that happened last night because she forgot to show us the doll Granny Jane and Hi Steve got for Mila. The doll looks like Creepy. Lazy got a Dozy Dinkum as a gift for Mila when she was born. Aw that's cute, I mean you could've put all the profits from her birth vlog into a savings account for her but I know you're a greedy cow so that's never going to happen. Mila plays with the doll if you show it to her face and Lazy hopes she will pass the doll onto her chuldren. Footage of "pooooooodin" playing on the living room floor.

Creepy tells babe to not tell him he doesn't look like a gangsta in his Home Bargains hoodie. Fooooo, if you went to the skate park wearing that. you'd be laughed out of there. Lazy says it's the best he's looked all year. He says the jumper is "muscle fit" and Lazy starts cackling. Mila is sat in the chair she got from Granny Jane and Hi Steve watching Prinny. Isla says she counted her eyeshadow palette and Lazy asks if she feels fresh as a daisy after her shower. Creepy tells "foooo" Prinny to come over to him. He's got a new appreciation of her after having many dogs at the house, even though she likes to eat nappies. It was chaotic and having three running around was a lot.

Lazy can't stop laughing. Creepy nipped to the local One Stop small supermarket thingymabobbydos and the bread he got is from Tesco. Lazy says it can't be a thing that the shop buys their bread from Tesco. She thinks One Stop is like Co-Op so not affiliated with Tesco. Isabelle googles it and finds out One Shop can sell Tesco food because they're a subsidiary of it. Lazy is sure Tesco bread isn't £1.10. Jace tells her Mila has been sick a bit but she just tells him thats OK. Creepy has got the mulled wine out. They got some from Tesco for the season. Creepy is preparing turkey and dog shit stuffing sandwiches.

Jace has got his eyes closed and is waiting to find out what he and Lazy are going to do. It's time to build his wooden fire station. Mila is still on the carpet playing with her toys. Footage of Lazy and Creepy building it.

Esme has been trying on outfits she got for Christmas. She might go and put her pyjamas on but first she wants to show us her outfit. Ironically the jacket says 'Kindness is key'. Lazy is ordering her a belt.

Esme and Isla are playing with play dough. Lazy was recommended the game Rapidough by the Ifam cult in the Everything Ingham Facebook group. Lazy thought it was 'rapidoor'. Isabelle. Lazy and Isla are on one team and Esme and Creepy are on the other. Esme sends some negative energy to Lazy's team. Creepy has to guess what Esme is making whilst Lazy and Isabelle have to guess what Isla is making. Whoever wins get the other team's play dough. With a little bit of cheating Esme wins as Creepy guesses she's making a yacht. The next round is Creepy and Isabelle. Lazy's team eventually wins and Creepy then mocks Esme's impression of an airplane. Jace tells everyone to be quiet because he's trying to sleep on Isabelle.

Isabelle shows us some necklaces she got for Christmas. She can't say "ying and yang". Everyone else is downstairs watching a movie but she decided to come and sort her room out because of all her new presents. Footage of her sorting the room out. Esme came up and asked if she can show her how to use her printer. Isabelle has done something and needs to go and show everyone. She's worried about how Creepy will react about one of the photos. Esme is in the bathroom doing a facemask.

Esme is now in her room and points out her "disgusting hair". She's been watching 3 Youtube videos of how to use her sewing machine, which he has decided is her favourite present. She has decided to make her own doll clothes and cushions. She asked Lazy for sewing stuff because she learnt how to sew in school. She bought cheap cushions with her own money and cut them up to get the stuffing out. Esme has a box with all her sewing stuff in it. She likes customising clothes and is going to use an old vest to test the machine. Before she starts she tells us she's scared and begins screeching. Isla shouts her down for dinner.

Lazy and Creepy are making dinner whilst Jace is playing on the floor. They're using the tefal to make a chicken dish. She told Creepy they should film it because if not they might've got caterers in. She can't cope with some of the "rubbish" we come up with. Lazy replied to four comments saying it was a compliment. She did Christmas dinner for the first time ever. I think I just saw your nose grow a little longer Lazy. They bought the servers for £24.99 from Home Bargains and the box is outside waiting to go to the tip. Caterers let you keep the servers. Isabelle wants them to film them seeing her phone case. Lazy starts cackling and says they should show the real photo because you can't see the sweat in Isabelle's black and white one. There have been a couple of questions asking where the printer is from.

Mila is having her first food. Lazy was going to give her a Yorkshire pudding on Christmas day but she chickened out. Creepy says she'd choke on it. Jace asks Lazy to give Mila the one he's holding so she does, even though Mila has still got the first one. She's having an Ella's Kitchen strawberry and banana melt puffs; Jace had them in carrot version. Mila has been trying to grab food for ages and is now sitting up on her own. She bit a chunk of the puff off and Lazy was worried. Isabelle tells her the tag is on her onesie and Creepy says it's being taken back in a few days. Isla lays on the floor trying one of the Ella's kitchen puffs.

Isabelle asks why it's so hard running up the stairs. It terrifies her when Esme chases her up the stairs. She feels like she's done so much work tidying her room but she's looking at it and there's so much left to do. She had a shower this morning but is debating whether to have a bath to try her bath products. She shows us her shelves but holds her hand over the photo of her half brother. She loves her wooden cat thing. He shelves have been reorganised. Footage of Jace asleep on Mila's chair. He starts squealing when Lazy asks if it's bedtime.

End of vlog

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What sort of parent doesn't find it weird that people want a doll version of their children? Whether it looks like them or not, it is fucking weird and creepy.

How can she sit there and act proud of that? The way they think just baffles me to be honest.
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I know the whole Christmas Day dinner is very controversial and a lot of people think they got caterers in but I honestly don’t think they did.

Firstly it’s a bit too classy for them and secondly they are too tight fisted!

I don’t believe Sarah cooked it though I think Jane did.

I have actually seen them buffet servers in home bargains Cos I did consider buying one myself (why I didn’t I have no idea Cos they are ideal).

They’ve also been buying a lot of kitchen gadgets lately to make them look posh and impress the extremely rare guests they’ve recently had.

We didn’t see anyone make any dinner in the kitchen however we also saw sarah in all of the present opening part Cos the girls kept thanking Sarah (much to Chris’ annoyance). Jane however wasn’t in every single bit! Maybe Jane washes up as she cooks.

Anyway like everyone says it don’t matter even if they did get caterers in but why lie about things? Why lie and say Sarah cooked it all on her own this year? That is a lie Cos it wasn’t her first time cooking Christmas dinner on her own at all Cos she cooked it last year and we were in lockdown so they didn’t even see Jane and Steve last year!

Honestly they can’t lie straight in bed!

Also I have to say their attitudes just lately have been disgusting
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Morning Tattle - how is everyone this morning? Still jealous of Sarah and her grime filled family? 🤣
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Who wants to hear all that pointless chat about if corner shops sell Tesco bread? Even Isabelle joins in, must be so interesting living in Pylon Palace.
Lazy moaning about the small shop charging more than Tesco, that's because it's a convenience store and you are paying for the convenience of not having to drive to Tesco.
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