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He really doesn’t seem to realise that other people have far more stressful and demanding jobs.

People like the surgeon that will fix poor Mila’s hip and the nurses that will look after her afterwards, whilst exhausted from having cared for those during the pandemic.

He seems to be getting quite agitated at peoples comments, I foresee next year being quite difficult in that household.
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Before you start posting pictures like this for Christmas, please Take into consideration that.....

Some parents have lost their jobs and don’t know how they’re going to feed their kids let alone buy presents for them.

Some parents are struggling to get bills paid.

Some people have lost family members and Christmas won’t be the same.

Some people are fighting for their lives !! Christmas shopping is the last thing on their minds.

For me this year, more than ever before, it's more important whose around your tree rather than what’s under it.

Just saying…….
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I’ll be curious to see this years pile of “tat” for them. In my opinion is quality over quantity.
My kids would prefer one thing they really want/need at £20 than 5 cheap plastic things that will just get lost over the day.
As my kids get older the piles get smaller but way more expensive. I hope Isabelle doesn’t just get 10 books and some stuff for her room she’s already chosen!
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Im all for keeping the magic of xmas alive for kids but not at the cost of segregating them from society, really feel for these kids in a few years time when they have to face the big wide world
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‘no one does a vlogmas like an ingham vlogmas’ too right cus most YouTubers don’t miss an upload of Xmas Eve!!
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Tattlers I need your thoughts and prayers. My life has been completely tipped upside down. Yesterday we were told DH’s company is relocating not too far from the Minghams. Last night we were looking at Rightmove and I was trying to tell DH why I simply can’t move to the village along from Plyon Palace. He wants me to go to look at house on the other side of the motorway (you can’t see the motorway from the garden) but it’s almost opposite the Mingham’s village and I’m so worried I‘m going to get a Levi letter and be chucked in a Swiss jail 😢
My thoughts are with you HuncaMunca! 😭 🙏 I hope your new home is far enough away to avoid the stench of beanie juice and cheese pasty wafting off the hot tub! 👀 On a plus size you might pick up some decor tips from Sarah Llewelyn Bowen! Make sure you have 8 sofas per room and don’t forget the plastic chives. 🤣
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I had to skip half that vlog. The screeching and hyperventilating is just not normal. That pair of fuckwits have ruined those children, I’ve never seen anything like it. I was actually disgusted at the way Isla ripped at that box to get the doll out. Anyone would think she’d never seen a toy in her life. In contrast I crochet, this year I made chocolate orange covers for the people in my family as stocking fillers (with a chocolate Orange in obvs) and one for the little boy next door. When I took it round he was so, so grateful and not at all grabby. Had I have given one to those ungrateful brats they’d have scoffed the chocolate Orange in one mouthful and binned the cover, I bet.
Isla probably ripped that box to prevent her vile mother from returning it to the shop,but you're right,it was shocking to see from a girl of almost 10.
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So the girls must not have access to their YouTube channel? Because they would be reading all those comments surely?

Also when Lazy goes shopping and buys them stuff and vlogs about it, it must mean they never watch the vlogs or it would ruin the surprise? For instance the Cat Advent Calendar she got Isabelle, or when they pulled their Secret Santa's out the hat.

I don't think Esme still believes in it, but more she is doing it for Isla and Jace. Like Isabelle has been doing for the last 6 years or so. She may know but isn't telling her parents that she doesn't believe, or lazy is just bullshitting as usual and knows full well she doesn't believe.

Let's face it, Vlogmas is their money making month. Their views will nosedive again once January comes. But no doubt they'll clickbait the fuck out of Mila's hip issues for months to come. Sick fucks.
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What’s with the 16 year old living in the same clothes almost daily? Badly ripped jeans, manky Primark coat and all three are wearing the same shoes they wore in the snow in Switzerland. Is that a sign of depression? Losing interest in one’s appearance? A far cry from the other extreme on Instagram.

For all the clothes they buy, they only seem to have one pair of shoes each.

I’ve been a teenager - multiple pairs of shoes, boots etc., if finances allow - are an essential part of life 🤣 - I haven’t changed! Just more 😁

The white ones Isla had on the other day were so grubby. My mother would never have allowed me out with such dirty shoes.
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Bloody hope they do film Lazy having a smear test.

After filming every waking moment of those poor kids, and constantly invading their privacy, I don’t see why Lazys minge should be off limits.

“TERRIFIED!!!! EMOTIONAL!! Teen girls react to cancer scare!”
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I'm just looking at my shelves now and they have christmas cards taking up most of the room but there's also candles, room diffusers, photos in frames, a couple of vases (one is an antique - family heirloom), a lightbox with a quote, ornaments, family keepsakes, plants (not fake ha), a bowl with crap in that i keep meaning to sort out, books and a pot of pens. Oh and some dust.
I’ve got lots of dust a fair whack of dogs hair…., lots of paintings and ornaments and the Christmas booze. It’s looking very cosy.
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I think it could be leahs dads partner who’s pregnant? If piles was up the duff she’d be 20 weeks in to know the sex (unless she’s had a private scan, I’m unsure how early you can find out with those), and she didn’t look 5 months pregnant when she was twatting about on the kids bike in Smyths.
I really don’t get the sister sleepover thing, they’re together all the time, I’d have thought night time would be a break for them.
Sarah was 100% trying to guilt trip Izzy and Esme as well, looking all sad saying Isla had tears in her eyes, and repeating “I’ll have to spend some time with her” like it’s a chore 😳, I betting you anything once that camera was off Isla was in there with them.
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Anyone else think something has definitely happened over the festive season?! Even the year he was outed as a p*nce, they still made an effort for Vlogmas

I think Chris hates being at home, his behaviour and actions seem to get more extreme when he's there. I think everyone walks on eggshells around him and his drinking is probably off the chart (just my opinion).

I really worry for the family when Mila has her operation and he's relied on even more because he won't step up. I rarely watch them these days but I caught some of yesterday and he really is a nasty shit.
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Does Creepy forget that he admitted to Prinny being shaved down everytime she has a trip to the groomers, that means she's neglected...arsehole.
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And now there’s no vlog tonight. Sarah put a post up on Facebook
I think all is not well behind the scenes at Motorway Mansion and they're trying to hold the shitshow together to convince us that everything is perfect. I don't buy any of this shite about them being too busy. Loads of Youtubers are busy at this time of year but they find time to upload for vlogmas. They managed to upload every day during vlogmas when Jace was a baby and last year. What's different this year?

Oh well, they're the ones who miss out on the money.
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Im genuinely wondering what it is that they have got to do, that means they can't get a vlog up?
She won't cook a proper meal tomorrow, it will be frozen everything, or Granny grim will do it for her.
The presents she's been wrapping all week and sending off to SaNtA. She doesn't clean, he does, she leaves the older 2 to babysit the younger 2 and Isla is left to float about in the middle.
She's watched every possible Christmas film at least 4 times over.
Her Christmas eve box is just all the crap from asda, home bargains and bnm dumped into boxes.
They don't have any wankets to post as they don't have any...maybe she's really busy refunding everyone and that's why they can't get a vlog up.

I don't know about anyone else but I'm really hoping for a 'I sUrPrIsEd My WiFe WiTh A nEw CaR, pOw BaM wHaCk' if those kids needs anything for Christmas it's a safe vehicle to travel in (and haircuts but Granny is in charge of gifting those).
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That's it Creepy, keep talking to your fans like shit and hopefully very soon they will wake up and never watch another of your crappy videos again.
From his Insta it looks like the usual piles of unwanted tat and the standard open mouths.
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It's just another example of how out of touch they are with the real world. Chris at least used to work, and in the jobs he had previously must have been used to doing different shifts and unsociable hours. Yet he managed to work, edit vlogs, and still did things like the food shop, school runs and after school clubs, drove Sarah everywhere. He's always been a terrible person but did know how to work and manage his time.

If they want a day off then just take it, but I've never known vloggers come up with so many excuses about why there isn't a vlog, and never planned in advance. If it's true that they did film, then that means the children didn't get any time off. They still had to put up with being filmed, probably film themselves to fill some time, do their fake expressions. Just for Chris to not edit it because he can't be arsed?

Saying family comes first is just a joke. Vlogs come first when any children are sick or injured - it's one of the only times the vlogs go up on time! Holiday came first when Mila needed her hip appointment. They spend stupid amounts of time setting up "surprises" instead of having the children take part in getting things ready - but sit wrapping their presents days before Christmas with the children wandering around. People that are going out to work and working over Christmas are earning money for their family, isn't that putting family first?
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Baby mila reborn incoming 🤣

Also what 16 year old crys over airpods and a new phone, i really dont get it
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Well well well Sarah finally addressing the isla situation, she still doesn't get it, for gods sake Sarah get isla in a school and after school clubs and some therapy, shame on you Sarah still trying to put it on esme and isabelle, your her parent sort it out !!!!!!!
She doesn't understand that one size doesn't fit all. What may suit Isabelle and Esme (homeschooling) isn't necessarily right for Isla. The poor girl has become a shadow of her former self. The past couple of years have affected us all in many ways but kids need routine, and school has been the only constant for some.

it’s very odd. No pictures, no shelves, no books, no ornaments, candles - literally nothing except sofas and fake plants and the bare minimum furniture
The old house was the same - cold and generic. Any Tom, Dick or Harry could've lived there. The only personal items they had hanging on the wall were the Youtube plaques and the magazine article Esme and Isla were in before Chris ruined it all.
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