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Merry Christmas to all of you!

To everyone who is having to isolate and not able to spend Christmas as you planned, hope you feel ok and are able to meet up with people very soon. Over the last few days I have wanted to comment to individuals but having a crawling 7 month old who loves the christmas tree means that wasn't really possible.
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Love the banner of snow at the bottom of the page and on our heads. Whoever makes these adorable additions for the holidays, thank you!

I think it’s sweet Sausage Roll Sarah’s dad came to visit (unless there is something creepy about him I don’t know). The memorabilia pieces he brought were interesting. I would enjoy seeing my grandpas stuff like that. But I care about him, I doubt lazy gives a fuck. If it’s not about her, she doesn’t care. Bitch

shame on you Lottie’s mom for bringing your daughter to the house of a predator!!! I feel bad for the Ingram kids, but that is already 5 too many children around Chris and no more kids should be subjected to the nightmare that is Chris Ingram. Is lotties mom the fan of them or is lottie? Either way, terrible parenting. No wonder they are friends.

I know their last name is Ingham not Ingram, but I loved when Kayak Paul called him Ingram. “I’m famous” “no you’re not mr ingram” is one of my favorite memories from this thread!

wAste of food for a stupid and unfunny prank.

I don’t like that the girls still believe in the elves, but I’m not a fan of kids believing in Santa/Easter bunny kind of thing. Just my opinion of course. But I guess those poor girls need some kind of magic in their lives since everything else about their lives suck.

I bet lazy laid into jace for touching the elf. But he says he didn’t do it. I wonder if he lied (he’s not a nice kid, but that’s his “parents” fault) or if lazy freaked without assessing what really happened? I bet she is sooo nasty when the kids do something she doesn’t like
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I don't know when they have Meeela tickets hip surgery booked in for, Im assuming that first week of January. But in a big unvaccinated family like that I wouldn't be going on days out and risking catching covid this close to it. Especially as in my experience after the first person testing positive it's a few days/week for the next one(s) to get catch it.
Her hip surgery would be my priority not vlog content of trips to see a fictional character with a 9, 12 and 16 year old. Because Jason at 2 years old won't know any different if they go or not!
Plenty of Christmas fun to be had at home but I suppose that requires getting up off your backside and planning in advance!
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The thing I do not get with the inghams is their idea of vlogmas.
my idea of vlogmas is get your house decorated up Christmassy in November so it’s completed by December … then vlogmas is doing Christmassy things each day like Christmas crafts with the kids, Christmas baking, going on a Santa train, going to Christmassy places with lights, etc
I mean why don’t Sarah take the kids to get their hairs cut nice and take the girls to a nail salon and get nice Christmassy nails done on them all … they would love it and it would make them feel special and nice for Christmas Day etc.
At this rate they will still be decorating gate house on New Year’s Eve!
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Family comes first-they spend every waking moment together, I'm sure they are sick of the sight of each other now.

I think Creepy should film a day in his life to explain just how he is so busy, he's claims he does behind the scenes stuff, so show it.
All we know of him is cleaning floors and glass, excessive consumption of Coca Cola, late night 'editing' and going off for a shag while going to the office/randomly collecting Jane and Hi Steve's caravan.
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She has an overbite but Sarah won't take her to the dentist. She hides her mouth sometimes
I’ve got x2 children and even throughout this shit-show pandemic … they have both been called for their twice yearly dental checkups … Parents who ignore this basic health & hygiene task fail their children !! under section 17 Children’s Act 1989 is classed as a category of Neglectful parenting , we have to question capacity !! IMO they hide from parental duties for a reason and that’s very concerning… feel so sad for the little ones 🥲
& yes I was a social worker for many years before leaving the profession
(lack of dental hygiene and oral heath for school age children is part of the SW’s core assessment)
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Blah blah

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Those Kindi dolls are designed to help transition Children who are about to start kindy/preschool!
Isla has regressed so much its painful to see
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Omg I can’t stop laughing I said the “friends” coming over will be Lottie and her mum hahaha so predictable the only 2 friends they have between 7 of them PATHETIC
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As much as I want him to be caught. I kinda hope it’s wasn’t today as it would ruin the day for the children. Isabelle is clearly being groomed so wouldn’t see what he did and does it wrong, Esme and Isla would likely be sad, confused and conflicted with it all and little Jace is too young to get what’s happened. Sarah is probably compliant to his extra curriculars so would likely throw a for and be pissy and angry all day and I can’t imagine would make a effort to revive the day for the childrens sake
I don't think he will ever get "caught". I think he could be doing it on the kitchen table without Lazy rasing an eyebrow.
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I feel bad saying this but the kids always look so grubby, esmes hair always looks like she’s dunked it into a chip pan, didn’t Sarah once say she had to remind/encourage esme to get washed? The girl would be in year 8 if she was attending school, it’s really bizarre.
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Let’s be honest they got the iPhones on contract and then got the AirPods and Apple Watch free add ons with the handsets! Wouldn’t pay them out right!!
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“I’m sure I bought them for our little friends party night in a few days”……..” for our little party thing we’re having”…...Oh yeah Sarah?
Yeah? No.

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Isla coming out of Esmes room, another sister sleepover
And she said she is having another sleepover tonight I think? You can tell that Jace touched the elves by the girls showIng reaction to it then Jace said “I didn’t do anything!” And then Isla had to look at Esme to see how to react in front of the camera, and copied her putting her hands to her mouth in shock! Esme def still believes for sure.

Also Jace allowed second large choc bar of the day 🤦‍♀️
And why did Chris get Sarah’s smear cancellation call? Weirder and weirder


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“I’m sure I bought them for our little friends party night in a few days”……..” for our little party thing we’re having”…...Oh yeah Sarah?
Hope it’s trinas feral boys
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Oh dear, did Creepy run out of period pads? A blocked pipe due to food poisoning from Lazy's cooking?

Friday 21st December
Today on the 'Inghams Waste Food Show', Lazy and Creepy have poured an entire box of shreddies down the loo and pretended it's the elves. Sorry if it's 2027 or something and you had to find out via Tattle that the elf stuff was all done by your parents, Isla, but that's what you get when they treat you like a baby for years. I don't know if we're still around but I hope you can escape from your toxic family. Lazy wakes Jace up. He crawls up the stairs to Esme and Isabelle's rooms. Isla comes downstairs first and sits on the sofa next to a less than impressed Esme who rolls her eyes. Creepy has left early to go to the Ibis post office and STI clinic tip. Lazy tells the girls and Jace that she feels like kicking the elves back to the North Pole because of what they have done. The girls walk into the bathroom. Something seems to happen off camera because Lazy sighs and then Jace screeches that he didn't do anything. Esme suddenly looks upset and Isla copies her reaction. Esme tells Isla that one of the elves moved. They have friends coming around who usually use the upstairs bathroom. Jace wants to eat the cereal. Advent calendars. The elves and advent calendars take up half the vlog, finishing after 9 minutes.

Creepy has done errands this morning, including tip runs and other things. The things they have to do are hard to vlog. Lazy reminds us that she has a smear test. Suck up the TMI because it's important. She was shocked at the figures of the number of people who miss them because she's right there. You're not right there when your baby needs to see a doctor though are you, you freak? She reminds the 12 year old ifam to book their smear tests. She forgot it was the Christmas holidays and sorted the schoolwork out last night. Esme has taken Mila upstairs to babysit her whilst Lazy wraps presents.

Meeeeeeeela is back downstairs now. She's in her chair. Creepy has gone to pick up Granny Jane and Hi Steve's caravan. They'll explain why later. Lazy's smear appointment has been cancelled, due to the GP being short staffed, and rescheduled for Tuesday 5th January. She's glad because she has so much to do. She's wrapping up clothes for Isabelle and is jealous of the jumpers. Esme has changed Mila's nappy and got her to sleep for an hour. The deadline for getting presents to Santa is tomorrow.

That was the most intense couple of hours of Lazy's whole entire life. Creepy is hoovering in the background. Jace asks Lazy if he can have a mini roll. Esme says he's already had one today. Lazy asks if he wants an apple but Jace says no because it hurts apples. The friends are about to arrive and she wants to show us some serving plates she got from Home Bargains. They didn't put up the extra lights on the bifold doors. Creepy got himself a mulled wine warmer as they had bottles left over from Switzerland. Lazy tells Esme that wine tastes better the older it is. Creepy underestimated the side of the warmer.

Lazy disturbs Isabelle, who is reading on the sofa. They've got the wine cups out. They've also got the red wine out because their friends drink it, although the Inghams don't. There is also a bottle of Disaronno. Jace runs over because his boo-boo won't go away. When Lazy asks if they should go and find Mila he says "no, let's not". Mila is in the living room with Isla, who has taken over babysitting duties, and they're listening to Christmas songs. Footage of the Christmas tree and party food.

Saturday 22nd December
The kids and Lottie come downstairs. Of course it was Lottie who came to stay, she's the only 'friend' the girls have. The poor girl probably doesn't have any say in the matter. Creepy is lurking in the kitchen. They find the elves in the kitchen, including Lottie's elves. Creepy, who is hiding in the background. says the elves have come for a sleepover. The elves are cooking Haribo eggs for breakfast. Of course Jace has to 'try' one. Lottie has brought her advent calendar with her and is sat at the table for filming. I never took my advent calendar to a sleepover. What sort of weird cult is this?

Esme and Lottie are in the kitchen making those cheese and bacon pastries Lazy used to make with the pre rolled pastry. She tells them they need to put egg wash on them. Esme asks Lazy whether it's alright that she washed her hands five times after touching the bacon. She aks if there will still be germs on her hands. Lazy reassures her there won't be.

Lazy's dad (Neil) and Isla are in the living room playing a game with Isla's poppit. She showed him how to play and now he won't let her win. Neil doesn't seem to have much hair left so we know where Lazy inherited her bald patch from. Next they look at some old childhood mementos Neil has brought to show everyone, which include his baptism certificate, an old cast from 1968 when he broke his arm (his uncle was swinging him around and broke his wrist), his first pair of glasses, his first birthday cards and a vaccination card. Apparently Neil is only 55, although he could easily pass for md 60s. The Dixons and Inghams don't age well.

That's where they stopped vlogging because they had so much work to do. The second day was only five minutes of footage in total. Come back tomorrow to find out what Turkey-Gate was about.

End of vlog
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Safe to say there's no magical Forest Holidays trip this year ... After crying into their aunt Bessie's last year, you'd think it would be the first thing they booked in. So Christmas morning in pylon palace it is. Nothing screams we're broke like their current life!
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Hopefully, this is ok to ask . Did everyone here have a nice Christmas ? .
Thank you for asking I had a good dinner. Hope you had one also.
In Norway we celebrate Christmas eve. And I was so surprised because we had a 1 month old and a 6 month old with us. and I heard noone talk to them in that creepy babyvoice that is mandatory according to the Ingrams.
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