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Sarah never finished the story about Jace being scared of showers because of a song Chris sings to him in the bath o_0
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That's if Issy gets any qualifications to go college. At this rate she'll be going nowhere
You don’t need qualifications to go to college but she would be there a lot longer if she didn’t have any
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So they're still five days behind because Sunday was when they couldn't upload because they were up a mountain. 'And then this happened...' is presumably the bad weather. They're pants at vlogging behind and not spoiling their own clickbait.
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I'm not saying what creepy has done is right or wrong but while people keep saying it hasn't been done correctly and hasn't been checked you are just feeding into their narrative that we're all just jealous haters,
It is the difference between thinking it hasn't been done correctly and actually knowing it hasn't been done correctly (either way it looks shit)

From a van conversion company website,
So why is it hard to tell whether a conversion is safe?
If a vehicle is first registered as a commercial van, and then reclassified as a motorhome, it does not need approval. Campervan conversions therefore generally start out registered as commercial vans. This avoids the costly and inconvenient approval process – but also means regulation is virtually impossible, with the DVLA only ‘cherry picking’ a few re-classification changes to look at in more detail from the thousands they receive.
That is truly shocking. However I can’t imagine it not affecting insurance. There must be an increased in premiums due to the ‘unique’ set up the Creepy one created.

Including the adults and their teen.

Chris ingham is completely deranged.
Sarah38teen is even more stupid than him. Imbecilic springs to mind. I hope she doesn’t leave her beautiful body to medical research. She will put them back centuries.
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I know that it's been discussed a lot on here but does anyone know even approximately what kind of income viewing figures of 50 - 60k per video would mean? x
You can guestimate about £1 per 1000 views if you meet you tube requirements for payout.
If you look at the last six days they've earned about £250 from their vlogs.
Their socialblade page also gives you averages.

If I ever tune in, I watch at 2x speed with an so whilst I might add to their overall viewing figures, they don't get a "pay per view" count from me for any mid-roll ads that they may have.
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So she buys croissants, biscuits and crisps….yes, a good staple diet there 🤦‍♀️
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I agree totally with what you`ve said.Personally i think they know their time is up ,and are just clinging on for dear life because they`re now scared what`s going to happen to them.Everything "new" they`ve attempted has failed ,their views are sinking faster than the Titanic ,and ,as for the "1.3mil " subs , a good 85% are obviously inactive.If Youtube ever decide to look into this ,they`re definitely screwed.They don`t help themselves either ,and i don`t mean just by the pityful effort put into vlogging.They are both downright dislikeable ,and make no attempt to change ,prefering to act the big i am ,when we know most people watching youtube channels now ,either don`t know them ,or couldn`t give a damm if they continue or not.I`d say the original ifam have grown up ,and away ,and are probably (given all that`s happened) ,rather embarrassed by their previous obsessive behaviour.
The fact they continue to run away from everyday life is also very telling.If they were truly doing well , running their (scamming) business properly ,they`d surely be putting down stable roots ,if only for those children who`ve brought in the money they once took for granted ,and which enabled them to live such a lavish lifestyle. Yet they continue to waste money.They buy a house they can probably ill afford ,and then do everything to get away from it.This is NOT normal behaviour.Grown adults with 5 children.They should be doing whatever it takes to make a secure life for them all.Forget the constant buying of tat ,give the kids a more normal routine.God knows they`ve "earned" it! At this rate they`ll end up with literally nothing.I couldn`t give a baboons *^* about Sarah and Chris ,THEY`VE brought this on themselves.For those children`s sakes though ,they need to realise they have responsibilities ,and need to start acting like the adults they are.Social media can be a bleak place when it all starts falling apart ,and by their actions ,i`d say they know this is happening to them.Time to eat some humble pie?? Bit late imho.They say you reap what you sow.Again though ,those kids deserve so much better.:(
Yeh 100% I also think they couldn’t afford the school fees so they homeschooled and they couldn’t do it and when the work was checked they compromised and got a tutor. They couldn’t go back to public school due to their nonce parent.
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We did see it arrive new thou They have literally used it once apart from the kitchen and it's that state Probably ripped from being jammed in a roof box 🤦‍♀️ they don't look after anything she's now using it to dump all the dirty washing in 🤦‍♀️
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Sorry if I’m being really stupid here, but with Ali Baba using Sarah38’s photos to advertise the backpacks. Does Ali Baba allow ”small businesses” to sew on a label and pass stock off as their own designs? Or have they not realised???
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I had rather bad grades when i left school at 16 (16years ago) my highest 2 were c grades one english one french, i was in college for 3 years and still had to redo english and maths. Even if issy goes college she will still have to take math and english
At least it gives her a second chance if Chris and Sarah completely fail her. There’ll still be some option for her. College might be good for her if she goes.I always hated school but actually enjoyed college
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I seriously don’t get why Sarah keeps banging on about private school!! As someone who was at private school from the ages 3 to 18, and all 3 of my siblings did the same, the money she was paying for Esmé and Isabelle to go to that school was nothing!! I’ve never heard of a private school as cheap as that round here…. (Obviously that is a hell of a lot of money to most people but I just mean for senior school fees, 30 grand a year for two of them is very cheap). My parents were very encouraging of me doing normal teenage things like drinking from 14 or 15, as long as I was in a safe place with responsible people, they were happy to let me and my friends drink at my home. Because it’s NORMAL. I left school 3 years ago with 4 a levels, grades A* A* A* A. Proving that drinking and sciving has nothing to do with how well you do at school😂. It’s Sarah and Chris that are the problem for those girls!! Also did it not occur to them that that may just not be a good school? Or the right fir for their girls? Just because you’re paying for it doesn’t mean it’s a good school! They probably just chose the first/cheapest private school they found so they could show off about it. I despise that woman. The school has nothing to do with your childerens failures, academically or on general life! It’s YOU. (I know that sounds harsh, and they’re only children but we all know how those two idiots have ruined those kids).

Also as horrible as this sounds, I’m not surprised the girls had no proper friends at that school. They simply didn’t live the lifestyle of those other kids. Most of the kids there were probably well spoken, well dressed, came from middle class families. The Inghams are chavs, and we all know money can’t buy class! When the other kids saw the Ingram girls show up at that school with their inability to speak grammatically correctly, 10 year old Range Rover (and Chris, the Range Rover is not a status symbol if it’s that old! We all know you probably got it for 5 grand as it was supposed to be scrapped!!) and their shein/matalan clothes, it really doesn’t surprise me that they didn’t want to be friends with them.
You are so right. My eldest and youngest daughter attended the same private school as me and my sister. The middle girl attended a different one and always wanted to go to boarding school (I take a bow as mum of the year). We didn’t think it was best for her so we didn’t accommodate her wishes. She was fiercely independent and very competitive. The fact she moved to the island of Portugal and later Dubai and rarely returns home confirms this. The choice of school, fee paying or state needs to fulfil the individual needs of the child. However, we all know that it’s the quickest, cheapest option that the Ingham’s take.
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Your r
She will miss Milas injections also not that she knows how old she is! A few days ago she was saying how's she's 10weeks today etc then in the vlog last night she had to ask creepy how old she is and he said 9weeks 🤦‍♀️
Your right she will miss those…but the 9/10 week thing is because Insta is current and they are filming about 5 days behind…she said on tonight’s vlog it was weird as they were filming and the vlogs going up they had t left yet…

She is now doing pre orders for the Xmas blankets and the sold out backpack…such money grabbing…

She is now doing pre orders for the Xmas blankets and the sold out backpack…such money grabbing…
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I've (please note Sarah it's not Iv) given this some consideration.

Private education here in the UK can have its upsides as well as its down sides.

State education is exactly the same.

A child that is determined to do well, will do well in their setting as long as they have the full support of their family/family network.

A child that comes from an advantaged (money) background with absolutely no parental care and attention will fail if they want to.

A child that comes from a disadvantaged background will succeed if they have full support of their parental care and attention.

Sadly the Inghams thought their children would succeed if they could pay for their education.

Education settings, whether private or state funded are not a child minding service.

You HAVE to actually parent YOUR child.

New money or old money this is still a problem!

PS Sarah, your childs experience of private education is down to your HUSBAND and YOURSELF - YOU & HIM put her and her siblings life online for the ENTIRE world or 1.3 mil ifam.

Grow a set and own up to it!!!
This! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻❤
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What a wanker comment! Her kids didn’t fit in as they have a pee doh step dad/dad. Her going on about the type of kids at private school 🤣 Sarah your kids are the type of kids people talk about. The oldest is an Amanda Bines waiting to happen. Her fake personality is enough to put someone to sleep and the fake low self-esteem shite. The next one is constantly being a rude, loud bellend and sadly has the same personality as her dad, poor Isla is just pure neglect and resorted to presenting with mental health symptoms to get your attention (if you can be believed) the ‘renegade’ is just pure feral and needs a routine before it’s too late!

And I know that all sounds harsh as hell but those kids future is just so sad. And I don’t mean money or jobs, I mean mental health and relationships (friends, family, future partners etc)
Perfectly put
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