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No way would anyone leave with no paperwork after four vlogs going on and on about it. She’s lying
Of course she’s lying, but they started it so they have to finish it. This was a huge money maker for these two losers. How much does your children’s happiness cost? These kids will be traumatized for years to come. Her husband was probably the mastermind of this stunt, all this so he doesn’t have to work. They both need psychological help.
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She was on IG story as soon as she claims to have said procedure saying all these things. Make up on, eye lashes, lip stick etc. said she was going to walk downstairs to get picked up and her paperwork wasn’t ready and she was just leaving because she hates waiting. What doctors office gives you a procedure and lets you just walk out with no instructions? And if you’ve been put under some type of medication they certainly don’t let you walk out alone.
I see Tim has gone Mia. No post on IG and the only one saying anything is Ella well much of nothing. Thanking everyone for the messages and how she loves everyone. He didn’t accompany her to the doctors, hospital where he should have been and it’s not like him to Post nothing. Trouble in paradise. What’s the problem he’s not getting all the attention? 🤔
No way would anyone leave with no paperwork after four vlogs going on and on about it. She’s lying
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While they were at the gym late night Houzanna and Halle were watching Halo. Tim, stupid ass posted a picture of them downstairs and Halo was sleeping sitting up and Houzanna looked so tired and Halle was still awake. It can’t be that serious to leave your kids home alone to follow your husband to a gym.
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I’m totally convinced Ella can’t cook. She’s made some type of one pot meal and Tim couldn’t keep a straight face to say it looks good. He said she tried and he’s had it before but it didn’t look like that. Lol
I agree I’m convinced she can’t cook! His face said it all he didn’t like it so he quickly put the attention onto Heze getting him to talk about the food. Looking at the meal it didn’t look like she really tried it looked like a microwave ready meal dumped on the plate. Not saying she needs to be a chef but it’s not like she has a busy life with a job , she has time to make meals but she puts no effort in and just does one pot meals all the time which look rushed and undercooked sometimes. Tim also should learn to cook instead of expecting to be waited on hand and food getting someone else to always make his meals for him. I’d understand if he was out at working hard all day long in a real job or doing night shifts then yeah it would be fair for her to be doing the cooking most of the time but he has no excuse he’s just such a lazy person.
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I saw on the news that Trent Alexander- Arnold is launching a campaign to offer more help to the many many footballers that don’t make it and the impact. Dim and Ella should be listening!!
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Poor kids. I thought it be a normal day out for them but no. It has to do with football. Tim is lapping up any freebies from heze football he’s so embarrassing. Stupid Ella actually says halo is getting some fresh air out and about. No Ella she isn’t out and about is going where you want to entertain your 7 kids to be kids not pro footballers and only with heze in mind. They are a total disgrace
The only kid in that family who has half a life is Haze. Who in the hell wants to stand outside in the rain watching a football tournament. Halo I’m sure never got out of that buggy to run around and then she brings no food, snacks nothing for them. Road trip my ass and again she gets to travel with six kids while Tim gets away without helping.
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They say “Our kids are so humble and grateful for whatever they get” yet their son looks down his nose on shoes that aren’t designer.
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Latest vlog is in poor taste, clearly desperate for views!

Continue on…
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Obv Houston has never seen any birds. Why tell her to chase them stupid woman
Did you hear her long rant about not going to the gym. Lol Tim knew just what he was doing dragging her to the gym after she’s had a long day cooking, cleaning etc he knew she would give up and now he’s back to solo trips.
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Tim and Ella clearly read the comments here. Lately Tim keeps posting him trying or attempting to do things with the kids solo. Pushing Halo and Houston in the shopping cart and at the park. I don’t believe for a minute he’s any where by himself with any of the kids.
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Massive red flag again from last vid I can’t even bring myself to watch a few two mins. Parents are both abusers. We don’t want our kids to be kids. Social services save this children please
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Remember it was a time when Tim wasn’t around wasn’t doing any of the filming and then all of a sudden he’s back behind the camera. I also believe this is his way of controlling what everyone has to say and stay on script.
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Saw this post on their latest Villa Blog,
View attachment 2267934
🤣 yes please do. We can’t wait.
How the way Ella and Tim persuade the kids to think the only thing to go on holiday is to swim😡😡. They could have made so many views if they actually went out. I know it’s expensive but they could have went on a walk to the market, landscape or somewhere historic or the museum, another is a picnic just buy your own food and enjoy somewhere different than just your own space, I’m sure parks would be there. It’s just really sad honestly.
I saw the comment on their Villa Blog,

Imagine if they actually did things like this. They might actually have entertaining content and their kids might actually be doing something educational. Sigh…
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Lol, this is so predictable. Every week same thing. Why are they even dressing alike and Ella has the nerve to say she picked this stuff out.
So Ella said they have their own style. 😳 where at? Haze, throwing a kicking that damn ball all over the house my goodness. At the age they are now why are they dressing alike and it’s not like they go anywhere to put these clothes on and the fact all they keep them in is kits now. When the channel first started they would wear dresses and Ella would take time with them.
Yes! Just what they need, more clothes maybe they can wear them in the garden. These kids don’t have lives outside the house and garden so why must they continue to accumulate all these clothes. And dressing them alike screams a cult. It’s also a waste because they do not have social lives and wear football kits all day everyday. Also I noticed that little man Heze is already starting to exert his control over his sisters bodies, guess he learned from his chauvinist father. Check out the looks on the girls faces when he said he doesn’t like the outfit because of the opening in the back and front. These poor girls growing up in a household where they’ll have no autonomy over their own bodies, it’s truly sad to see. And why must this teenager continue to kick a football inside the house but she’s telling the baby that she’s not allowed to wear shoes inside the house like how stupid is this woman. And side note Rue is already showing signs that’ll he be exactly like his dad and brother.
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Yes it was. He kept saying to Houzanna your not really sleep your faking it. That girl was sleep you could see it.
Yeah she was asleep or at least falling asleep struggling to keep her eyes open she looked worn out and sounded so tired. He kept telling her she was faking it when she clearly wasn’t. What is his problem honestly!? that child is 11 she does more hard work than he ever has and she’s looking after and raising her siblings when they’re his kids he should be the one doing the looking after. She’s changed nappies for years and he has never changed one nappy. He should be ashamed of himself that his daughters can look after a baby while he doesn’t know how to do anything and doesn’t even try. Ella annoys me too because she does that over the top giggle and praising him letting him get away with being so controlling.

I worry for these kids cause even when the grow up and if they are able to escape , theres a high chance they’ll carry life long problems with them from how they’ve been raised even if they try really hard to live a life with freedom and being better people than their parents , they sadly will have certain things stuck in their mind that can be hard to let go of when that’s the only way you know how to live is following weird strict rules , being isolated , no education , no social life and being part of a cult playing football to please your dad and being scared of him everyday. I won’t be surprised if these poor kids end up in therapy one day.
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Did you notice at the Villa Halo was kicked out the room and Houston was put across to another room when her and Halo should have been close to the parents room and Rue should have been where Houston was. Who spreads the younger kids out like this. I bet they close the door so who’s listening for the kids if they wake up?
I wouldn’t be surprised if the kids the oldest 3 girls are responsible during the night for Houston and Halo. I can imagine Hosanna especially is the main one left responsible if they wake up or cry and probably gets in trouble if she doesn’t look after them.

Back home when they moved into the new house and Harper was put in a bedroom with Houston I remember Ella or Tim making a comment like you have to look after her now cause you share a room. I found it very sad cause all those kids deserve to be getting a good nights sleep they should not have to be responsible for the younger siblings cause that’s the parents responsibility they are ones who wanted 7 kids bringing one baby after the other into the world so it’s their responsibility to look after their own kids.

They take advantage of their daughters and it’s wrong cause yeah older siblings naturally at times will help out with their siblings but there’s a difference between helping out here and there while still getting to be a kid yourself with no big responsibilities compared to the Grimwade kids being expected to look after babies during the day and night because their parents are too lazy. Like I said in a previous post Hosanna when she was 9 being left to look after her younger siblings which included a toddler and baby at the time , a puppy and made dinner for all her siblings with no adult around to supervise her using a pot of hot water is crazy.

Hosanna at times looks very worn out and tired like she hasn’t had a good nights sleep and Ella had the nerve to hand Halo to her in a video cause she couldn’t be bothered trying to soothe her own baby and Hosanna looked so fed up I felt bad for her.
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Mmm erm no thanks, I would not hold Ella Grimwade as a standard of woman to aspire to be
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Ella only met Tim due to him being at a family party
I wonder had she even met anyone else to determine who she wanted to date. She was sneaking around with Tim and slept with him. She did everything she keeps telling her kids not to do.
They’re upstairs doing chores and she goes and get them and everyone comes downstairs with Nike gear on. Staged!! And Haze with the ball in hand. Lol talking to our 7 children oh so that’s funny the baby can’t even talk, and what would Houston and Rue add to this topic and Harper.
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I agree and this is why I feel,he always at the gym, and here recently Ellas been following him there. He even changed up,and started going late night and I bet the kids are put to bed and are home alone while she follows him.
I was being nosy as to why he followed her I wanted to see if any suspicions I had of him could be true and then I wasn’t even surprised with what I was told. I just find it embarrassing he’s a married man and it’s weird. Worst part is Ella doesn’t have respect for herself she doesn’t put him in his place or stand up for herself she lets him make all the rules but she should be embarrassed thats the father of her children.She makes excuses for his laziness and feeds his ego hyping him up when he isn’t a good person and he knows he can get away with treating her like his servant and being disrespectful. I don’t like her either cause she lets him run his cult and watches her kids miss out on a childhood.

I really think he thought he could sneak off to the gym alone and avoid being at home having to help with the kids or be around her but obviously she has to follow him there either she’s insecure about not being able to keep an eye on him or she was irritated by the fact he could go out and go wherever while she was left at home so decided she wants to be able to do what he does avoid responsibilities. His face in some of the gym stories he doesn’t look or sound too happy she’s tagging along. Also another thing that’s a red flag is she said something like Tim told me I need to go gym or something like that and I’m thinking does he have expectations yet again for how he wants her to look cause remember after she had Houston in a video he said Ella has a responsibility to look fit and good for me all the time or else we are letting each other down. Regardless if she just had a baby or not it’s a lot of pressure to put on someone you claim to love.

I’m sure those kids are left home alone and Hosanna is probably told to wake up and watch the little ones if they wake up which is so unfair on Hosanna and also she’s only 11 she should not be left at home with that responsibility she is a child. I hope that isn’t the case I hope there is an adult in that house when Ella and Tim aren’t there but I have my doubts.
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