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These kids are not team players they all are developing or have already developed the same ego Tim has and it’s so sad to see these innocent kids become just like him. Harper basically saying she scored all the goals for her team and they did nothing , said she did all the work and she didn’t come across nice when she spoke about the other girls on her team cause she wanted all the attention and praise on her. The other girls probably just wanted a turn to have the ball but Harper probably wasn’t letting them from the sound of it. I’m not hating on Harper for being like that cause this is completely Ella and Tim’s fault that their kids don’t know how to play and interact with other children. They don’t know how to just have fun and not take everything so seriously. Harper sounded like Heze with the way she was speaking about football very full of herself. From the clips I’ve seen of the kids playing football Harper , Hosanna and Halle sometimes look like they’ve no idea what they’re doing and are just trying so hard to copy Heze cause they’ve been told to do that so they don’t seem genuinely interested in what they’re doing they’re just doing what they’re told to do as they’ve no choice and football is all these kids know now so to them it’s normal to be in this football cult. They can’t even be genuinely happy for their siblings they’re so competitive with each other and will happily put one of their siblings down to make themselves look better.
This is what happens when you raise your children to measure their value extrinsically (how many goals they scored, how 'nice' - i.e. close to Eurocentric beauty ideals - their hair is, how many likes they get on their inappropriate dancing videos, etc) rather than their intrinsic qualities. Harper knows that scoring all the goals for her team and her teammates doing 'nothing' is more likely to gain attention and praise from her parents than her being a co-operative, compassionate teammate. She, like all of her siblings, is desperate for approval from her cold parents.

On top of that, this is what happens when you don't send your children to school. Even if they still were brought up with this style of parenting, teachers and, more importantly, other children would soon let them know that this kind of attitude is off-putting and that having friends is important. They are being raised to look down on other children (and have probably secretly become quite fearful of other children due to being so isolated, I would imagine) and it is disgusting. I feel very sad for them.
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Did anyone see Ella morning IG story? She’s at eh doc office saying now she doesn’t know if she has to have to dnc procedure done they need to do scan. Omg, she lies so much it’s unbelievable.
She’s milky this story for over 3 weeks now and I had the same type of spontaneous abortion and I didn’t go through all of this as I was probably 8 weeks and I felt pregnant, tested positive but when I went to the doctor and had a scan there was nothing there. I didn’t go through and major problems or have to have a procedure. It’s like your period just starts. She’s clearly full of shit.
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Just what I thought. He does nothing at all but edit their pathetic boring vlogs and thinks he’s this top producer. I wonder who his real parents are and what they think of will think of him and who he’s become as he’s delusional
His biological parents have featured in past videos , his biological dad has appeared in more videos though I think his mum was only in one or two. I think Tim probably convinced them the Grimwades family are so famous lol so god knows what he says to win people over. I remember him interviewing his bio parents about his adoption but it felt like he was more eager to get a sob story for views like something you would see on xfactor rather than a genuine interesting discussion. Honestly I would be embarrassed to have a son like Tim and to know he uses his kids to make money I wouldn’t be proud of him. I think Tim is used to everyone in his life making him the centre of attention and infantilising him all his life so he’s never had to grow up and be a hard working man.
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She Ella is a piece of work. She knows damn well she isn’t doing any homeschooling less alone pre term schooling.

Free tablets for doing an ad for Amazon
Hilarious mentioning half term when we all know they don’t go to school or learn at all. These companies have no sense they choose the worst unrealistic people to represent them lol
The dances vids the girls do are so stupid. Is this all they can do. Tim and his posts on babies. What a sad life.
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The way Tim is showing off he in Morocco again. No mention of being the same country and that looks odd and he has no shame that’s he’s out and about and his kids weren’t. He thinks he so better then other people I can’t stand him
Cocky entitled ignorant smarmy and smug. Those words describe tim
Thank you lord. What bullshit. So the lord say lock your kids in a villa for a week and not see another country but you go back and live it up yourself. Yeah rite!!
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His biological parents have featured in past videos , his biological dad has appeared in more videos though I think his mum was only in one or two. I think Tim probably convinced them the Grimwades family are so famous lol so god knows what he says to win people over. I remember him interviewing his bio parents about his adoption but it felt like he was more eager to get a sob story for views like something you would see on xfactor rather than a genuine interesting discussion. Honestly I would be embarrassed to have a son like Tim and to know he uses his kids to make money I wouldn’t be proud of him. I think Tim is used to everyone in his life making him the centre of attention and infantilising him all his life so he’s never had to grow up and be a hard working man.

And thanks to a wife like Ella, he will never grow up. Remember when Ella was ill from a pregnancy and he had to step up..he looked stressed and thanked Hosanna for helping (because Hosanna already does more than him anyway). I bet he can count on one hand the number of nappies he's changed..if any.
I also doubt very much they read bedtime stories to the kids either, because most parents leave the room when the kid falls asleep to the story and on Ella's insta, she was complaining about still hearing the kids awake when they were supposed to be in bed.
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Off to his free gym while Ella unpacks the cases washes clothes baths babies etc. he’s the worst
Ella tags Tim thank you for taking us away looool. Is she having a laugh. Sounds like he’s in control of all the money cohersive control with her thinking this is a prize with her doing everything still. Then they say going back to work loooool. They are delusional. Is Ella reallt this stupid. Tim thinks he’s a big man supporting his family. What a wotless waste man living off his kids. He don’t do jack shit and he knows it. If heze were to leave there family tmor they wou be in a 3 bed semi overnight again
Omg I knew it. Ellas tagged primark again. It’s primark that have took them away and this is why they are by the pool all the time wirh all these costumes they are advertising primark. Omfg the liars. It was a free holiday I knew it. Can’t they see we can see this we not stupid like them.
Primark say can they use the pics in their marketing. Funny so much enthusiasm on one company. Either desperate for work from them or they did pay for it all as we n so tbey don’t pay for things for their kids not even a hair cut
Ella either took her friend with her the utuber to take pics of her as Tim wouldn’t want to and the lady got this free. To get work for primark This was not a hol as they live their kids this was further exploitation of their kids without them even knowing it
“back to work” lol. No mention of back to school work at all. They can’t even hide their lies
Tim, hurried up and got out of that house as fast as he could. Probably got a little chick at the gym. The luggage wasn’t in the drive way good and he’s gone. Lol what a joke!!!
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The more I see of how Tim is with his family the more I see what an unhappy family they are yet they don’t realise. The kids are brainwashed thin their life is brilliant and normal. Ella surely must be depressed she can’t be so stupid and weak she allows this man walk all over her
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They lie. The shoes were def free from Nike that’s why she travelled so far to get them. All they bought themselves that they can afford were the jelly ones. The shoes would be under 300 pounds for them we know they can’t afford. They aren’t honest with their viewers one bit
If heze thinks he’s such a cool big man why does he take his ball to the shop. 13 year olds don’t do that lol. Locked up in the bloody kitchen friends no freedom
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And another thing if Tim picked her up they would have been blogging in the car and he would have given one if he’s good boy speeches. Or lecture. Or how god had brought them through this. If there was any time a husband should be with his wife this would have been it. She also mentioned the miscarriage started on a Sunday. So why is this over a week blog?
Where are you seeing this as I haven’t?
she’s loving this smiling for the attention she’s really grating on me. People have a miscarriage and that’s tilt at this stage. What the hell is she talking about a procedure for what. She was a few weeks. She’s a nutter
Also next chapter is a very very strange thing to say after you had a miscarriage. Very strange. All for attention she is the worst person I’ve ever done across. She will struggle with whatever comes her way as she has no sense at all
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Ella putting the kids on the train to grandmas house. So they can go to grandmas by themselves on the train. Haze, Halle, Houzanna and Harper. Imagine that but they can’t go anywhere else. Oh and master Tim couldn’t get dressed until Ella got him a shirt ironed. Lazy ass man.
That’s what I ran here to comment on. She said it more than once that the 4 older ones are going on a train to grandmas? They have two cars, Tim could drop them.

Ella running around trying to get the kids to the train station on time but she has to stop to iron Tim’s shirt 🤬

Are his fingers broke?? Has he even helped this morning with anything to make Ella’s life easier? What a joke!
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Now all they’re doing is drinking and confesses their love to each other. Why does that concern us on a daily. Now Tim making a post saying they make soccer players but all of them have the same trophies.
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7 kids and the woman can’t make or never has a lasagne it looks like.also that’s all they eating no salad or anything else with it. Also the amount in kids plate was tiny. The edges were burnt she def can’t cook
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The Kabs family takes their kids on a real vacation and they spend time with them. The mother looks after her daughters and they are not on tic tok doing inappropriate dancing. They’re son is in soccer but he’s dad is there to encourage him and not pushing him. When it’s their birthday it’s a family affair and the mother puts time and effort into putting it together. The father helps with he’s children, feeds them, drops and picks them up from school and social outing. Tim could never measure up to this dad. They probably invited them to the showing to get the kids out of the house.
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Why is hosanna proud she’s training in her birthday when she has told us numerous times she doesn’t like football. Have this deluded family forgotten this. She clearly is just doing what her abusive father has told her to do and wear. These kids do not go to school and spend each and every day all day playing football. This father needs to be reported
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How the way Ella and Tim persuade the kids to think the only thing to go on holiday is to swim😡😡. They could have made so many views if they actually went out. I know it’s expensive but they could have went on a walk to the market, landscape or somewhere historic or the museum, another is a picnic just buy your own food and enjoy somewhere different than just your own space, I’m sure parks would be there. It’s just really sad honestly.
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She confused me as ther is no procedure for being preg for a few weeks. As you said you just loose blood then start your period. She made me doubt myself. She’s a total idiot there are so many lies they say. Homeschooling for one
Did she say she was having a general anaesthetic as well?
Never heard of someone having one and than up and out immediately after, looking refreshed and not needing an adult to accompany them.
She has certainly not just had a procedure, whatever it is .
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So we have 100k views for the MC video, 50k views for throwing Rue in the middle, and 18k views for the next procedure video. What’s next Ella getting wheel in the hospital for the procedure. When this story line runs out she’ll be pregnant again.
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Chatty Member
Yes! Just like greedy Tim Grimwade, he exploits his kids and use the money to buy designer stuff for himself. I predict his kids will be writing their own books some day.
I doubt it, with the lack of home schooling they probably can't read or write 🤣
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