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I couldn’t sit through that whole video cause as always it was so boring but Ella speaks to Harper like shit I’ve noticed this over the years and in the new video constantly snapping at Harper giving the child a hard time over nothing like anything Harper did was not good enough when Harper was trying her best to get the things Ella asked for. As for Halo she wanted ice and she was sitting down but as usual Ella tries to pull her up repeatedly by her arms which is not a good thing to do her arm could easily be pulled out of its socket that way so she should lift her underneath but anyway Halo hit her head off something not sure what cause the camera wasn’t pointed that way but it hurt her a lot cause her started crying really loudly a genuine cry not a cry for attention but Ella was so dismissive and irritated by Halo basically pushed her away told her to go to Halle. She didn’t even comfort her she is so cold towards that baby. The video was a lot of rambling of Ella just loving the sound of her own voice acting like she’s the expert at being a mother it was cringe to listen to. She was saying how you have to train children but she sounded like an army sergeant not like a mother. She said the kids all have responsibilities in the home ( we all know she just means the girls) and as always it’s proven the kids do way more than their father does cause he takes on no responsibilities he’s lazy.
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Sorry this is long feel free to skip over!

It’s such a weird and controlling life they live they are definitely one of the most boring families on YouTube but even though they are boring there’s a lot about their behaviour and life that is concerning and bizarre that it makes you watch and wonder will these poor kids ever escape and have normal lives?
I don’t mean to sound like I’m insulting the kids by calling the family weird and boring cause I completely understand those kids act the way they do because of Ella and Tim so those kids think their lives are normal cause they don’t know a life outside of this cult they’re raised in. Their parents just use them to make money and grow on social media that’s the only purpose these kids serve.

They also use Heze to try achieve fame and fortune they desperately crave by the adding the pressure on that kid to be a footballer. I don’t doubt Heze likes football but at the same time he’s had a football forced on him since the moment he was no longer in the womb so his whole life was planned out for him that he was going to be a footballer so he never had the opportunity to try out other hobbies or go to school and see if there was any academic subjects he enjoyed. I wouldn’t necessarily call Hezes passion for football natural or something he was born with like they say because like I said he had no choice. It’s the same with Rue we saw how they would discourage him from playing with other toys that weren’t a football and he wasn’t allowed watch tv so he never got to enjoy anything it else cause the moment they knew he was a boy they decided he needs to do exactly what Heze does.

Rue loved cars, motorbikes and superheroes he loved talking about them he was fascinated with the wheels and speed which is something that’s great to see at such a young age being truly interested in toys like that cause it shows yet again that toys are amazing for development learning and playing go hand in hand but Tim said more than once in vlogs that toys and watching tv is a waste of time it’s pointless and the kids need to be doing things that are productive aka working to make money and he took all Rues toys away one day when he saw how much Rue preferred toys to football and Rue is then forced to train football like Heze. I think they see the girls are useless which is why they wanted more boys. They’ve tried get the girls into modelling then dancing then putting the videos online to see if that led somewhere but now they’re forced into football too to get the family attention and try make money it’s so weird.

Like others have said they went on holiday and stayed in the villa the whole time by looks of things that’s not a holiday. It would be different if adults just went for a break away time alone just wanting to chill by the pool and read but these are kids they need to be doing activities , going to the beach and just seeing the sights being educated. That’s what makes a holiday fun you do and see things you never usually get to do. These kids are doing the exact same thing they do at home the only difference is there’s a swimming pool. I’m sure whatever the reason they went away for will come out cause there has to be some work opportunity regarding the kids cause Ella and Tim would of rather went on holidays there by themselves to escape their responsibilities and the only way they would holiday with their kids is if money or something that can lead to money being made is involved. Ella diving into the pool was very cringe lol.
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So sorry this is is long!

She’s 100% not happy in that marriage no matter how much she tries to convince herself and everyone else that she is. You can see she takes out her unhappiness and frustration in insta stories or on the kids like she blames them for the situation she is in and acts like if it weren’t for them her life would be better. Those poor kids didn’t ask to be born and be exploited.

She has to use her time to look after her kids , look after the house etc which is what every parent has to do be responsible for their kids but you can tell she hates having to look after the kids while Tim can go out and do whatever he wants. When he comes home from wherever he’s been all day hiding from his wife and kids , she gets jealous when the kids want his attention cause she wants the kids out of the way in bed so he can give her all his attention and time like the kids don’t exist and to reassure her insecurities she needs his attention on her.

I’m sure he’s also given her reasons to be insecure which yet again shows he’s a terrible person but she won’t ever admit that. She doesn’t want to hear the truth she’s too besotted with him cause she fell for his fairytale promises aka lies when she was a teenager and to this day is still trying to paint this perfect couple goals relationship for some weird reason when he’s not a good person , he’s not attractive and he is a terrible husband and father so she is just stupid cause there’s nothing about him that is worth putting up with his bs.

I think he’s sly he knows how to manipulate and control her so she lets him be in charge and is his servant cause he tells her she’s a good wife for doing what she’s told so he’s made her think that’s normal therefore she’s made herself think it’s normal and because he’s her husband and she’s a woman she acts like he is allowed boss her around which is crazy to me how they see men as above women. All those kids lives they’ve been made to think that a woman only purpose is to have her makeup/nails done, be wives and have children. Of course now they this football cult so those kids are going to mentally be messed up with no education.

I can’t feel sorry for her when she moans about having to do everything when she allows it. She happily brought lots of innocent children into the wrod just to please him then exploited these kids happily when she should of been looking out for her kids so in her own way she’s just as bad. She’s gone on about how much she loves her parents yet takes advantage of them, allowed her mother to get on the bathroom floor cleaning the toilet while Tim stood there filming her not helping. Her dad looking out for her told her he didn’t want her to date and marry Tim but she didn’t care to listen .

She sees Tims control as love which shows how toxic their relationship is. He doesn’t care about her health he’s tried guilt trip her to have another baby cause he wants one. He saw how sick she looked during her pregnancies especially with Halo her back was very bad it effected her walking and breathing and blood pressure but he acted like it was no big deal that she should just deal with it and he looked like he wanted to throw a tantrum when they found out Halo was a girl.

When she had bad morning sickness he couldn’t even look after the kids by himself he purposely would leave the house earlier then usual for hours when the boys didn’t need to be at football at that time. He left Hosanna who was 9 in charge of babies and a puppy for hours. She made dinner for everyone unsupervised using hot water. He got back so late in the evening he went to get a haircut and disappeared for hours he had to ask her what they did all day but got annoyed at them for the dog being wet from outside. Ella settled with the worst man possible to be with!
I agree, Ella deserves everything she gets, I have no sympathy for her, if anything she is worse than him, at least he doesn't hide who & what he is, she just wants the 'hard done by, supermom title'.....she'll end up collapsing with stress one day.
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Her dad tried to warn her not to date him and not to marry him but Ella didn’t want to listen 🤷‍♀️

I said this in a previous thread but I once saw an old video of theirs when Rue was only a new baby and Tim was annoyed in the car saying he was tired cause the kids all came into the room in the morning disturbing his sleep and Ella awkwardly laughed and said but you get to sleep through the night and have a lie in while I’m always up early with the kids and he said something like yeah cause that’s your job and she did her awkward laugh again clearly not happy with what he said but afraid to tell him that and she said oh that’s just mums job is it? and he just nodded! then she said Rue had been crying throughout the night so she hadn’t slept much and Tim said something like oh I didn’t hear him cry at all. That was bs he just didn’t went to get up and help. The reason I still remember this video is cause when I watched it I thought how awful a person he is cause he really didn’t care and he’s so lazy
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Tim has a LinkedIn profile where he names his job as head coach at skills academy?!
I presume that he's talking about football and wonder if he has any coaching qualifications, because if I was paying money for my child to attend football training would like to think the coaches had some idea what they are doing.
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I bet the internet on their phones is blocked. They have no friends to see. They not allowed to watch tv. The parents don’t take them anywhere they actually have nothing to do. It’s abuse
Once something is mentioned on here then you see a post with the opposite of what we’ve seen. Kids dressed in no kits and Tim, holding Rue and Harpers hand while they’re walking and oh they’re out on an adventure of some sort. Suspect for sure!!
What’s hilarious is I thought that too and they show off they are out the house. That’s normal you deluded people apart from the fact you’re all always together. Why aren’t kids at any friends houses or mum popping out with a couple. Ella just can’t do anything without Tim
I wonder if the kids interacted at all?! The Kabs kids are full of personality and free to express themselves
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So heze takes a ball to the cinema looool what the actual fuck. Yep kids only go anywhere if it’s free
I wonder if the kids interacted at all?! The Kabs kids are full of personality and free to express themselves
View attachment 2262628
So heze takes a ball to the cinema looool what the actual fuck. Yep kids only go anywhere if it’s free
I wonder if the kids interacted at all?! The Kabs kids are full of personality and free to express themselves
View attachment 2262628
He’s 13 people must be noticing this shit ain’t normal
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So free shoes from Nike
Why was she asking Houzanna if the shoes fit Halo? Isn’t she the mom?
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It’s a daily shit show to put those kids outside to kick balls around and nothing else, but the parents go out and shop, have a nice lunch/ dinner and Tim is always finding a way to leave town. Haze turned 13 and all he got was a gold necklace. The parents get to shop at the LV store.
Silver necklace. 30 pounds. I said before the back door isn’t open it seems like the kids can’t come in and out as they please. They are actually locked out till they are told they are allowed back in. They are being abused in a very sly way but I can see it
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Each of their vlogs is becoming worser and worser. Immorally wrong fake and scripted. I actually think Ella is a very depressed woman holding onto her marriage as she thinks she won’t survive without her already third son
I’m actually confused thou. Ella said this happened when halo turned one. That was in feb and Ella still hasn’t passed any of the pregnancy. That didn’t add up
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Hinted for shoes for halo the other day now hinting for a gift of a slow cooker. They just don’t want to pay a penny for anything. She knows exactly which ones are good she just in owe they are expensive. They have no shame
With her no cooking ass, throw everything in one pan which isn’t fit for anyone to eat. Who doesn’t have a crockpot in there kitchen. I have two small and large. With that size of a family she should have been purchased one while she was at the LV store. She doesn’t plan meals for her family due to she’s lazy and wants to lay around. Throw all the kids out in that small ass backyard, and now Halo is being put outside as well. That backyard gives them nothing to do period. The baby doesn’t even have correct walk shoes on. Those little plastic saddles are for summer time.
Omg, that meal looks a hot mess. Anyone knows you don’t put broccoli in all together. Broccoli doesn’t need that much cooking. Carrots either. They’ll eat that meal so early and then be sent to bed. That one little pan of food can not be enough for 9 people.
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Ella treating herself to a manicure & pedicure what a vain bitch she is. No hard working mother would have the time to treat herself to such a luxury non necessity.
Right, but she talking about time management to Haze about getting his hair professionally done. Self centered is what she is.
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No wonder the kids were excited to go to their parents I bet they'll get fed there. Poor kids must be hungry all day whilst Wasteman Tim is eating full breakfasts etc.
The SS really need to pay them a visit.
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Omfg just fuck if I’m sick of this delusional attention seeker with no content at all
Why is she still talking about this same mess? It’s Easter Sunday and this is what they come up with. Make the kids some baskets, have a day at the park something other than this pitty party for views. Go have the damn procedure and get on with life.
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We need to do a recap from when Halol was born. Did she forget how she did that baby
The min Halo came into this world that baby was kicked to the curb. She stopped breastfeeding her way before a year old. She got kicked out the parents room into the room with the older girls I believe because the master needed he’s sleep. Went out of the state and left her with the grandparents. This baby was full term and this is what you did to her and this one was only 6 weeks and you’re going on 4 vlogs about it. Give me a break
Let’s all agree this child was better off not coming into this world into that family. It needed to be said. Yes every child is a blessing and should be love from conception but these to parents need not to bring another one into this world.
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Ella and Tim read here so Tim will see this but exploring children to pedophiles who are unfortunately out there existing in the the world waiting for content of children is not ambition Tim. Your kids can’t consent because they are kids they don’t understand what they consenting to. Neither is starting a football cult making your kids all dress the same and play football 24/7 cause you’re desperate for brand deals and for at least one of the kids to go professional or make you money if Heze doesn’t make it. Living through your 13 year old son constantly is not normal and anything Heze achieves in life is because of his own hard work not because of you Tim you are not talented you’re lazy stop taking credit for anything your kids achieve. If anything you should spend less time feeding your ego posting on Instagram and spend more time learning to be a hands on decent dad to your kids and a husband who does equal the amount of work cause you have a lot of catching up and making up to do with how absent a dad you’ve been and how you’ve not looked after your own kids.

He acts like he’s this successful rich businessman or the coach of Chelsea it’s embarrassing cause he’s living in a fantasy world when really he’s just a child exploiter that’s nothing to be proud of.
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Now Tim and Ella are at the gym late night. Where are the kids and she laughing like a schoolgirl. He knew he had to come back and pay her some attention. She didn’t want to even work out and he surly doesn’t. That gym is he hiding spot. Fake as ever.
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Chatty Member
& so the loops start again, so hair, next vlog, girls go shopping, then Costco shop, then horse nostrils & Ali G on the sofa chatting shit, then a football vlog, then kids playing tennis, then Halo's first words etc..🥱🥱
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It’s embarrassing isn’t it. They know it’s Easter Sunday they are posting this again and they are meant to be a channel with kids. They are just not all there in the head. They were waiting for a any gifted eggs before they post a fake Easter hunt in the garden the size of a shoebox
After watching it they really have nothing going on in their sad lives. Girls football training in the garden lool. For what. To sound important. Can’t they just let the kids be kids and do what they want to do not want Tim tells them they just do. They so have no idea how abnormal their lives are. Next vlog be about do we think the Phoetus as that’s what is was not a baby was a girl or boy and Ella will ramble more rubbish. Tim shou be embarrassed to look people in the face and say what he points a camera at his family for and hear them talk about nothin.
I didn’t even watch it and I’m this much closer to pulling the plug. This is the lowest they have ever gone and it’s getting out of hand. I’m pretty sure she’s had that procedure by now.
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I’m guessing it’s because Tim is the last one to get up while Ella feeds and sorts all the kids out herself. He’s no man at all don’t the kids know that
He’s a princess! Sleeps late and don’t like to be interrupted when sleeping, it’s why the baby was thrown out of the room so early. Gathering those kids to pay homage to a lazy bum who’s never held a job in their lifetime is abuse. Why is a kid who lives with their dad talking about that one time he took me out? He lives with them he should be doing more with them instead of just the son. Not one of them said I love when dad comes home from work and play with us lol, that bum is a narcissist who loves to be praised. The dumb wife worships the ground he walks on and now she has the kids doing the same. I wonder if she has a shrine In the house where they go to pray to his statue everyday. He’s nothing special just a man who hit the lotto when he found her, no woman I know would put up with a lazy bum like him who continues to have kids only to exploit them because he’s too damn lazy to hold down a real job. It’s also disturbing how now they all dress in those Nike kits….all of them! If this isn’t a cult I don’t know what is.
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