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She’s always making such a small amount of food! That’s not enough for 9 of them even if two are toddler size portions!
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See midday they ending downstairs. 2.30 dinner being served so as we can see no homeschooling goes on at all
This should be lunch their eating but it dinner at this hour and before the sun goes down they have to go to bed. They have to stay outside all day kicking balls and exercising and nothing else. We all see master Tim at the head of the table. Halle is about to eat when she sees Tim acting like they pray at every meal. He looks up and she hurries and puts her fork down and puts her hands up to pray. That man is a lazy ass lier. And I hope he reads this.
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I agree, Ella deserves everything she gets, I have no sympathy for her, if anything she is worse than him, at least he doesn't hide who & what he is, she just wants the 'hard done by, supermom title'.....she'll end up collapsing with stress one day.
I’ve also been following them for awhile now and when they first started Ella didn’t have much to say because Tim did all the talking. She was always in the kitchen which was small and the laundry was always all over the place. Cabinets was falling off the wall and it was so junky. She couldn’t even fit food in that small refrigerator.
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So they go abroad and send the kids to work on their stupid tik toks flaunting the kids bodies. This family are mad heze and that stupid ball again in a villa. They are in Morocco and locked in a villa not seeing any sites. No beach no freedom. This isn’t a holiday looool. They are just piss takers who begged the next utuber to go with her. The kids think this is a holiday playing football. Total deluded abuse
It's not comfortable viewing seeing the girls dancing in their swimwear.
Surely the parents have the sense to know that there are dodgy people out there who get kicks from seeing pre teen kids in swimwear trying to act older.
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No way would anyone leave with no paperwork after four vlogs going on and on about it. She’s lying
She’s definitely lying about this. They wouldn’t even let you leave and the way she’s gone on about it why would you not want your instructions and follow up information. Further more how do we know she just didn’t go stand in a hospital clinic and film this.
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I doubt it, with the lack of home schooling they probably can't read or write 🤣
Sad to say, they would have to talk about it and someone else would have to transcribe their words and write it for them. Tim and Ella should be ashamed.
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The Sky advert in London video was so frustrating to watch! She could have bought them a little toy each or even 1 easy board game so all the kids could play together. I feel she only got those candy canes because the staff started talking about the offer so she felt pressured. I hope I’m wrong but I don’t think she got anyone a sandwich otherwise we’d have seen them eating. Also she should keep buggy still and watch Halo eat the candy, and kids sit/ stand to eat as it’s hard and dangerous .
She only wants to buy fruit because it was cheaper then buying Rue a sandwich. He’s a growing boy and needs to eat. Any time she takes the kids out she never travels with any snacks or drinks for them which will save money.
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So... what I learned from their 'wholesome' post is that Ella's idea of homeschooling is leaving a kid unattended with a workbook shoved in front of them. Where's the expert, adult-led input? Where's this high quality, personalised attention that a class teacher supposedly wouldn't be able to provide? If Heze is teaching Reu, who is teaching Heze?

Even when they try to do damage control, they just end up snitching on themselves! It would be comical if not for the fact that there are very real children being damaged by this. It's sad that I had the thought that Reu will know everything Heze knows in about a year and a half - that's not a criticism of Heze or a comment on his intelligence, it's just the reality of the effectiveness of their barely-existent homeschooling.
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Halle tooth has been hurting for over a month and Ella is just getting around to bringing her to the dentist. Saying something about making time to take her. What the hell is she doing that she doesn’t have the girls regular dentist appointment.
Halle is saying she hungry and you can tell Ella is annoyed telling her you just had breakfast and she said yes it’s been over a couple hours. What they have for breakfast isn’t even filling enough.
Why does she ask them to explain something and then talks over them. Why is she doing their hair outside the doctor office. She could have just put a simple ponytail.
I couldn’t agree with all this more!
Also, at end Hosanna said she has an issue with a tooth but has to make appointment. Why didn’t Ella book their appointments back to back?! And why’s Ella teasing Hosanna about wanting braces! She knows Hosanna would like braces, she needs to take that seriously. If she gets Halle braces before Hosanna that’ll be plain mean.
Yes, they had time to pack the stuff to do hair. Why not just tie hair back for day? So unhygienic, doubt she washed hands before doing hair and also using Houston’s drinking water! And Houston running around street.
It’s sad they they don’t know how it feels to have a full tummy daily.
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Sorry if anyone’s said this. I’ve seen a couple of the new ch5 program with Reu and Harper. They clearly enjoy their peers’ company and learning/ activities. Imagine how excited and happy they’d be if they went to school. Their childhood memories at the moment consist of playing football in those silly kits and acting up to cameras. No outside interaction unless they’re earning. Then either home alone or with grandparents or made up uncles/ aunts while parents hit the town/ weekends away and spend on themselves.
Harper’s always been my favourite child of theirs.
She would have excelled if she went to school. It’s sad
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Yes ella ready for the day at midday. Clearly you show us no homeschooling goes on daily. Houston should be at preschool not in a footy kit ready to head to the garden either. You should be ashamed of yourself Kids are at school way before 9am daily while your still all in bed
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What i notice is Houston is treated more like a baby then Halo.
Who the hell goes shoe shopping with 6 extra kids for their baby sister's shoes? Bunch of weirdos 🤪
Is that today’s blog
Halo should have had shoes a long time ago. All the other kids have trainers why not put her in some. I was wondering what were they going to come up with this week. Why do they refer to her as baby number seven? What’s the next one going to be called number 8 because she or he is definitely coming. 🤔😳
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Hosanna standing in an awkward way in the thumbnail like she’s bending down to make Heze look as tall as her and Heze is on his tiptoes when we all know he’s a good bit shorter than Hosanna so is Tim reading here and now telling him to do that to make himself look taller?
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You have got to be kidding me Bradpitt. What a joke!!!
I should have known they didn’t just take the kids on a road trip to some where a kid could be a kid. It was to go a game for Haze. Poor kids can’t get out unless it’s for Haze. Tim seems to be staying at a hotel to take a free vacation away from the family again. He doesn’t have to eat that one pot meal for a couple days. Lol
He’s definitely going to punk her into getting pregnant again. All this were so in love BS!!
Poor kids. I thought it be a normal day out for them but no. It has to do with football. Tim is lapping up any freebies from heze football he’s so embarrassing. Stupid Ella actually says halo is getting some fresh air out and about. No Ella she isn’t out and about is going where you want to entertain your 7 kids to be kids not pro footballers and only with heze in mind. They are a total disgrace
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Hilarious mentioning half term when we all know they don’t go to school or learn at all. These companies have no sense they choose the worst unrealistic people to represent them lol
The dances vids the girls do are so stupid. Is this all they can do. Tim and his posts on babies. What a sad life.
He reads the comments here and he’s feeling get hurt and the next thing you know here comes a post showing him holding Halo or trying to act like he’s an active father. Which we all know he isn’t. Housekeeper they hide her in the background so we can all think Ella is keeping up with the up keep of this family of 9 by herself when we all know she was going crazy just trying to keep up with the laundry, and cooking. I’m thinking she probably came in when she got pregnant with the last child. Her mother isn’t around the corner any longer so she’s not close enough to come help out.
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Day out in London and Halo has on no shoes and it’s raining not even socks on her feet. Why take kids to a toy store and buy them nothing. Then takes them for snacks and Rue wants a sandwich and not just fruit and she tells him he needs to share. Why can’t the child have a whole sandwich for himself? No Tim in sight and she has three small children.
Sky kids sponsored. Should have known she just didn’t take them for an outing on her own. Smh!!! All that shoes shopping she did for Halo and the baby is out without shoes on in the rain. At least Tim wasn’t in the background talking over Ella about nothing with he’s annoying self.
The views are definitely going down. They can’t even get over 50k on nothing they post. Isn’t that bad for a YT channel.
Their reluctance to feed their children an adequate amount is deeply concerning.
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What the hell did Ella do to Haze hair? It looks a hot mess!!!
His hair looks like one of those videos of someone who has bleached their own hair at home but it’s goes horribly wrong and the hair goes all matted , knotted and has that white/yellow/orange colour looking like it’s going to fall out cause there’s so much bleach left in it. Then the rest of his hair is blue and it all looks so strange and horrible not making fun of him I’m just saying his hair really does look a mess and I’ve no idea what he wanted to do with his hair that makes them think it looks fine cause it just looks damaged. How Ella could allow his hair to look like that I don’t understand how she thinks that’s ok. His hair already looked so damaged and now it’ll probably be even more damaged. He constantly has bleach/dye in his hair so his hair never gets a break. What he honestly needs is a nice haircut to let his curls hopefully regrow healthier and he can learn to take care of his hair. She thinks she’s a hairdresser but she’s the last person anyone should allow near their hair.
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Exactly why is that even a a topic of conversation with their children there’s no need for it and how are they ever going to meet anyone to date one day when they are rarely allowed leave the house!?
That was my next question. They can’t even focus on homeschooling and this is the topic you chose. I keep saying nothing else will shock me with these parents but then here we go.
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