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If Ella was a nice person , nice to her kids , wasn’t a child exploiter and wasn’t so selfish then I would have it in me to feel a bit sorry for her that her husband is a terrible father , lazy , immature , doesn’t like to spend much time with her and looks at her like he doesn’t like her sometimes but because she has so many bad qualities and is unlikeable I don’t feel sorry for her. Plus she’s known all these years what he’s like but continued to have kids with him to exploit.
Plus I feel like it's easy to pin everything on Tim, but so much of their toxic upbringing is because of Ella. Wasn't she the one who decided to pull Heze out of school? She's deeply insecure and cannot stand the thought of her children having an attachment to or looking up to other women. She even saw bloody Rapunzel as a threat. I don't think Tim would have cared much about them staying in school (more time to himself!), and their lack of schooling is a major reason why their futures look so bleak.

She is entirely dissatisfied with her life and the choices that have led her up to this point, and takes it out on the children instead of her useless husband. Long story short, they both suck.
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Imagine looking back on your childhood when you’re an adult and the only memories you have are of a camera recording you , being stuck in a cold empty house everyday with no toys no fun , forced to stay outside for hours in the garden playing football wearing football kits everyday when you’ve no interest in football but pretending you do to stay on your dads good side and just so your dad can use you and your siblings to get social media content for attention cause he’s that desperate to make money.

Imagine having no memories of watching tv shows and movies chilling out , going to the playground, hanging out with friends away from your siblings sometimes so you can be your own person, no family trips to the zoo/petting zoo, going on a drive out for the day for a picnic or to the beach , cinema trips that aren’t filmed and haven’t been gifted cause your parents actually work hard to pay to take you to the cinema as a treat because they want to spend time with you , receiving an education and getting the opportunity to do exams so you have options later in life in whatever career path you might want to go down and building healthy relationships with your siblings where you’re not compared constantly and in competition with each other.

I would never like to wish infertility on someone but we’re talking about Ella and Tim here so it’s different as they are terrible parents and the sooner Ella is unable to get pregnant anymore it’ll be a good thing to be honest because I’m sorry they should not bring anymore children into this world.
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Can you imagine being a child and ur home all day evry day wirh all your siblings. No other kids no school atmosphere no lessons no trips. It must be awful but they think this is normal. No it isn’t. Just all dressed like footballers they are crazy
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I wouldn’t be surprised if the kids the oldest 3 girls are responsible during the night for Houston and Halo. I can imagine Hosanna especially is the main one left responsible if they wake up or cry and probably gets in trouble if she doesn’t look after them.

Back home when they moved into the new house and Harper was put in a bedroom with Houston I remember Ella or Tim making a comment like you have to look after her now cause you share a room. I found it very sad cause all those kids deserve to be getting a good nights sleep they should not have to be responsible for the younger siblings cause that’s the parents responsibility they are ones who wanted 7 kids bringing one baby after the other into the world so it’s their responsibility to look after their own kids.

They take advantage of their daughters and it’s wrong cause yeah older siblings naturally at times will help out with their siblings but there’s a difference between helping out here and there while still getting to be a kid yourself with no big responsibilities compared to the Grimwade kids being expected to look after babies during the day and night because their parents are too lazy. Like I said in a previous post Hosanna when she was 9 being left to look after her younger siblings which included a toddler and baby at the time , a puppy and made dinner for all her siblings with no adult around to supervise her using a pot of hot water is crazy.

Hosanna at times looks very worn out and tired like she hasn’t had a good nights sleep and Ella had the nerve to hand Halo to her in a video cause she couldn’t be bothered trying to soothe her own baby and Hosanna looked so fed up I felt bad for her.
Did you see when they were on the plane and Ella couldn’t get Halo to sleep or comfort her she handed her to the seat behind her with Halle and Houzanna, and Tim happed to point the camera on them and she said oh we’re just giving mom a break because she’s tired but he couldn’t be bothered to get her hisself. He sat as far away from the kids. Tim, is no help at home on a vacation trip. He post pictures with the kids like he’s a hands on father and we all see he isn’t.
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Drove four hours to celebrate Tim birthday, but can’t take the kids on a vacation, park, no where. Lazy ass man gets it all.
It’s disgusting made me so angry
Hosanna doesn’t like football yet is now playing as they all are. Anyone notice how no one put their hand up when Tim wasn’t there and no one had any lines. They were all talking over each other and there was so much noise. There was no script so shows how fake it is normally. Dad does so much for us allowing us to be our best self looool. No he doesn’t you have to all be footballers and have no friends
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Why does Tim have an office at home and is always at the DL gym saying he’s working? He’s taken over a whole room that could be one of the kids rooms.
That’s where he plays his video games, even had some guy sleeping in there on a pull out couch, the guy disappeared after a while or at least they’ve stopped showing him. Meanwhile the kids are packed in like sardines. Selfish prick!
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So we have 100k views for the MC video, 50k views for throwing Rue in the middle, and 18k views for the next procedure video. What’s next Ella getting wheel in the hospital for the procedure. When this story line runs out she’ll be pregnant again.
They’re disgusting, it’s Easter put on the kids Easter clothes and take them to church you fake Christians, stop rambling on and on about this, once was too much, the both of you stop milking this for views. These two have no shame especially the lazy father with his weak pull out game, he’s even to lazy to do that. Stop having all these kids without any intention of getting a job to support them. The kids look like cult members who are being used for any and everything. Now it’s the whole lot of them with the football kit, what’s that about? Trying to convince Nike to sign them all. Take them out the house for the holidays for fucks sake. Even the 3 year old has been brainwashed into saying I’m sad the baby died, these people are insufferable. Get a life, enroll your kids in school let the loser lazy piece of shit find employment somewhere to support the army he’s trying to build, but for the love of everything please shut up about this. Everyone sees what you two losers are doing, it’s all about money.
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The vlog about the hair and tbh all their vlogs are about the same thing the whole post. I mean other bloggers would show the hair for a couple mins then move onto something else. They are too lazy so each vlog is about the same thing for the whole duration in that bloody kitchen. My god
And again Il say the whole academic year not one single vlog about the home schooling. No trips so projects no nothing. Only sane people know they don’t do a damm thing
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The more I see of how Tim is with his family the more I see what an unhappy family they are yet they don’t realise. The kids are brainwashed thin their life is brilliant and normal. Ella surely must be depressed she can’t be so stupid and weak she allows this man walk all over her
So sorry this is is long!

She’s 100% not happy in that marriage no matter how much she tries to convince herself and everyone else that she is. You can see she takes out her unhappiness and frustration in insta stories or on the kids like she blames them for the situation she is in and acts like if it weren’t for them her life would be better. Those poor kids didn’t ask to be born and be exploited.

She has to use her time to look after her kids , look after the house etc which is what every parent has to do be responsible for their kids but you can tell she hates having to look after the kids while Tim can go out and do whatever he wants. When he comes home from wherever he’s been all day hiding from his wife and kids , she gets jealous when the kids want his attention cause she wants the kids out of the way in bed so he can give her all his attention and time like the kids don’t exist and to reassure her insecurities she needs his attention on her.

I’m sure he’s also given her reasons to be insecure which yet again shows he’s a terrible person but she won’t ever admit that. She doesn’t want to hear the truth she’s too besotted with him cause she fell for his fairytale promises aka lies when she was a teenager and to this day is still trying to paint this perfect couple goals relationship for some weird reason when he’s not a good person , he’s not attractive and he is a terrible husband and father so she is just stupid cause there’s nothing about him that is worth putting up with his bs.

I think he’s sly he knows how to manipulate and control her so she lets him be in charge and is his servant cause he tells her she’s a good wife for doing what she’s told so he’s made her think that’s normal therefore she’s made herself think it’s normal and because he’s her husband and she’s a woman she acts like he is allowed boss her around which is crazy to me how they see men as above women. All those kids lives they’ve been made to think that a woman only purpose is to have her makeup/nails done, be wives and have children. Of course now they this football cult so those kids are going to mentally be messed up with no education.

I can’t feel sorry for her when she moans about having to do everything when she allows it. She happily brought lots of innocent children into the wrod just to please him then exploited these kids happily when she should of been looking out for her kids so in her own way she’s just as bad. She’s gone on about how much she loves her parents yet takes advantage of them, allowed her mother to get on the bathroom floor cleaning the toilet while Tim stood there filming her not helping. Her dad looking out for her told her he didn’t want her to date and marry Tim but she didn’t care to listen .

She sees Tims control as love which shows how toxic their relationship is. He doesn’t care about her health he’s tried guilt trip her to have another baby cause he wants one. He saw how sick she looked during her pregnancies especially with Halo her back was very bad it effected her walking and breathing and blood pressure but he acted like it was no big deal that she should just deal with it and he looked like he wanted to throw a tantrum when they found out Halo was a girl.

When she had bad morning sickness he couldn’t even look after the kids by himself he purposely would leave the house earlier then usual for hours when the boys didn’t need to be at football at that time. He left Hosanna who was 9 in charge of babies and a puppy for hours. She made dinner for everyone unsupervised using hot water. He got back so late in the evening he went to get a haircut and disappeared for hours he had to ask her what they did all day but got annoyed at them for the dog being wet from outside. Ella settled with the worst man possible to be with!
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We need to do a recap from when Halol was born. Did she forget how she did that baby
The min Halo came into this world that baby was kicked to the curb. She stopped breastfeeding her way before a year old. She got kicked out the parents room into the room with the older girls I believe because the master needed he’s sleep. Went out of the state and left her with the grandparents. This baby was full term and this is what you did to her and this one was only 6 weeks and you’re going on 4 vlogs about it. Give me a break
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Ella didn’t want Haze to have Locs from the beginning of him sitting in the barbershop. She all but said straight out it’s not something she would choose for him because it’s not a neat hairstyle. All she did was get Tim and together they made the choice for him speaking about managing your time wisely and all the nonsense they were attempting to say but speaking over each other as they do so often. Haze busted them both out when they tried to get him to say it was he’s choice. Ella’s not a hairdresser and she doesn’t know what to do with those kids hair and all she’s doing is messing it up for the long run. A lot of people have been commenting on this and just ignoring the comments. The product she buys are all wrong for their hair. I see she’s cut her hair all the way off again. I’m assuming it’s damaged again due to all the coloring she does to it. Straight shit show.
The father thinks the hairstyle is too black, the wife has identity issues anyway which is why she’s obsessed with the kids hair that are straight. They bullied that kid to change his mind because in their eyes it will make him look too black. They both sounded like illiterate fools talking about time management. None of them work and if she had help in the husband with things around the house I don’t see the problem. They’re both pathological liars. At 13 he should get to decide whether he likes a hairstyle or not he shouldn’t have to change it because of what they think, oh but let’s not forget the kids are growing up in a cult ran by the cult master himself Tim Grimwade.
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Nah Tim makes me sick! Ella had to go Costco her own when their shopping is always two trolleys and she doesn’t have the older kids to push the second one 🤦🏾‍♀️

Tim really is a wasteman
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Another vlog about it looooool. They are totally delusional
Also what surgery I’m so confused. A few weeks preg so don’t have surgery if she was what’s she on about
Oh fuck off. Two mins and j can’t take her. Desperate for views she is mentioning religious bible quotes whatever. Doesn’t mention who’s staying at home with the kids and still I don’t know what surgery she means at all. She I don’t know anyone who glorifies a miscarriage. She needs a mental health ward
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Why doesn’t she make them lunch at home to take with her and then buy them something in the toy shop. This woman is so lazy and has no sense at all
I’m surprised she brought them anything to eat. She has small kids all moms travel with change so of clothes and snacks juice water
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Ella treating herself to a manicure & pedicure what a vain bitch she is. No hard working mother would have the time to treat herself to such a luxury non necessity.
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£100 definitely seems very cheap for a family of their size but like @Miss.Chanandler.Bong said it’s probably cause they underfeed their kids I think that’s the main reason to be honest cause we have seen the tiny portions they are given and how they are refused food when they’re still hungry but also I’m sure they’re sent their to grandparents quite a bit too so they would also eat there which means Ella and Tim don’t have spend money on the kids or take care of them cause they know they can take full advantage of Ella’s mum. I can’t even feel sorry for Ella’s mum cause she’s allowed herself to be taken advantage of.
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