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sorry but THEY ACTUALLY ARE MOCKING IT NOW the attention “state” schools give to each child. what attention do you give to them yourselves please?! your kids only went swimming in 2021!!! and one of them is 11!!!
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wow the girls can’t even be with other children their age and learn dance, never allowed to be with other kids what is this all really about
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To be fair she is kinda annoying. She shoves her face in the camera at every given opportunity
That's literally the only time she gets attention from her parents, why wouldn't she? They can't encourage certain behaviours and then be pissed off at her for doing it.
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That baby will be put in Hosanna’s room, remember she was the one getting up with Houston at night because the parents put her in the girl’s room.
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I can imagine Tim telling Ella what to write or he even writes back to those comments in her name..if it is indeed Ella then she is so immature and stupid for a mom of 6/7 that I have no words. Will she one day wake up and realise, man those few followers were right...
She can't even answer properly..being head and leader of family from ancient times also came with the responsibility of feeding the family =earning money.
She doesn't want her husband cook for her on an average day as it's her job, fair enough..but then why did Hosanna do it when Ella was poorly? Surely that counts as an exception/emergency and he could've cooked. If it's exclusively your job Ella then do it alone and stop enslaving your children!!
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Cherry B

Oof I see Tim has started making digs about people in the comments 'telling him off' about letting Ella do everything. The vibes in this video were off. Tim was making way less effort to come across as the cheeky chappy dad of the year like he usually does. Seems like the mask is beginning to slip and all the recent criticism is starting to touch a nerve 🤨
Well you know how the saying goes... a hit dog will holler. If he does more show it. Prove people wrong. If there's nothing to show accept the critism. It's as simple as that. They say we only see a small part of their day, but they have full creative control of what we see. They've been on YouTube for over 4 years now and posted 3 times a week for most of it. I think it's fair to say we've seen enough footage to know Tim isn't doing much.
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Chatty Member
Thread suggestion:

Tim & Ella you think your so clever, your children are robots, you give us no pleasure.
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People are starting to go after them on the comments. About time people woke up & saw through these attention seekers.

I see some of my tattle fam in the comments....heyyyyy 😂😂👋👋👋👋

Tim the useless, lazy slob watching a pregnant woman unpacking the shopping. How are they not embarrassed to put that on the Internet.

Your right Tim, you ARE setting a great example to your daughters...... you are showing them what type of man to AVOID
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Notice how Tim mentions the big fancy house and says how they aren't sure it is quite for them... My thought is they still can't afford over a million dollar home and are going to present whatever house they get as being more in long with their "style" if it is not super fancy and expensive. Like they want people to think if they get a "cheaper" home, it is because they just chose to be "modest". Lol

And yeah, I don't see how they can even have the gall to sell the current house and not give some profits to his parents who bought it for them. Ella says this is from hard work?? A gifted home plus Heze's Nike money does not equal hard work. It is so sickening. And her nasty, creepy attitude comes out more and more all the time. Tim is a lazy, pompous douche but she is awful.
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It's also clear that Heze, as awesome as he is, has been placed in the role of a man (even though he's only 10) and they are so focused on HIS success that it makes anything the girls are doing seem trite. They go HARD for him in a way they simply don't for the girls.

I found this ^ on another gossip forum of them and oh boy amen to this!!!
So true, and it's not fair on any of them - Heze included. None of them should have the responsibility of brand deals or not having brand deals on their shoulders. When are they actually allowed to be kids? Even the 'fun' things they do are micromanaged by their parents to be as YouTube-friendly as possible. They're overcorrected so much when they speak to make sure what they're saying couldn't possibly be interpreted in a negative way. If Heze ever does put the football down for 2 minutes I doubt Tim doesn't make a comment about it. They're rarely just allowed to just be.

The fact that Hosanna and Heze aren't even teenagers yet makes me genuinely sad. They don't act "mature for their age", they act like they've been forced out of childhood years before their time. I know people on here criticise Hosanna, but I can't bring myself to moan about a 9 year old who has spent the last however many years essentially raising her siblings.
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Remember the video they made breakfast in bed for Ellas birthday. Tim woke all the kids up at 6.30 in the morning to do it. He woke the girls first and Heze last. The girls went downstairs first and started making breakfast, Heze comes in a few minutes later kicking the ball..... at 6.30 am. Its a really unhealthy obsession & the parents are sick in the head to allow it. Like, what age is he going to stop walking around with a ball. Is he going to be 15 walking around with a ball??? Is he going to 25 walking around with a ball??? Is he going to be 40 walking around with a ball??? If he gets married is he going to walk up the aisle with a ball??? To be fair its the ball he may end up marrying.

I get serious vibes of Chuck & Wilson the ball from Castaway movie with Heze
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Their not "dog" people. So they shouldn't get another dog. This nonsense story about the dog might poop in somebody's garden and spread covid.... Ella you genius, how about you keep the dog on a leash, stop it roaming into peopkes property and invest in poop bags or a pooper scooper and pick up your dogs poop like the law states you must do and put it in the many designated poop bins around the street.

Why say you didn't realise the dog would be such hard work. You had dogs before and got rid of them. Then saying it was too much work while you had covid. Are you forgetting you filmed your family multiple times when you had covid and kept saying everybody was fine just really bored with nothing to do. You have a large garden and could easily let the dog in the garden to poop. Also feeding the doh, you could have opened a tin of dogs food when doing your own food

Then saying you got rid of the dog because you pregnant. As somebody here found out, you already knew you were pregnant beforehand. The lies, sneakiness & smug attitude are too much
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Chatty Member
I actually thought Heze did well. He is being told that he ‘earned’ those goods from his parents who are making him believe he was signed due to his commitment to football, so from his point of view he has every reason to feel proud of himself. He kept the whole vlog running consistently and in some sort of order, including keeping a toddler engaged. One thing I was disappointed in is the buying his sisters identical stuff, they are individuals, surely he would know their personal likes and dislikes. The shoes at least were different sizes, but the backpacks are completely identical…to me that seems like a total nuisance as they’ll have to do something to them so the girls can spot their own backpacks (especially seeing as they all share a bedroom).

The amount that the young girls seemed to know about different types of trainers, and especially the strong opinions of creases and cleanliness was odd. I can see Heze having a strong interest being useful as a brand ambassador, but the younger children shouldn’t be getting concerned with their trainers, they should just be comfortable shoes to play in. This is another example of what is going wrong in this family, their kids are more concerned with how their trainers look, than actually using them for any play or sports (except Heze, but then he practices on the driveway, not the back lawn, so maybe that is also a vanity issue of not wanting any mud on his shoes when unavailable).

Ella and Tim are cultivating very vain children, who if they aren’t able to earn good salaries later on, are going to end up in debt due to an inability to let go of having to have expensive labelled clothes and shoes. It’s not a healthy thing to instil, they aren’t millionaires who are giving their children assets upon adulthood…they are a family whose universal credit/child benefit will dry up and leave them scrapping by. Their future with YouTube is also unclear, as the kids grow they may not want to be on camera or may rebel in teenage years making it impossible for them to continue to promote their close-knit-Christian image. Viewers may also lose interest, Rue seems to be the child who attracts the most viewers, there will come a point where they won’t have a cute toddler in the house, Ella can’t keep producing babies until she is able to draw her state pension to replace the YouTube income.

They’ve been on dangerous ground recently,first with the dog and then with criticising the NHS so their own stupidity and refusing to apologise for it. If every video is now going to be product promotion for Nike, they may lose even more followers who just find that kind of thing boring….their bulk of followers are there for the large family, Christianity, homeschooling - 2 out of 3 they barely show anyway.

ps - I watched an old video where Heze had banged his nose. Hosanna and Halle were very upset (of course Tim filmed them crying). By the time Tim went to look at Heze, the bleeding had stopped, it was just a bit swollen and it clearly didn’t seem to be broken and was starting to recover already. Ella was on the phone to 111/999, following their advice, and they suggested he go to minor injuries/a&e just to check it wasn’t broken. They suggested they make their own way there….but Tim and Ella, who both drive, didn’t like that idea and wanted an ambulance. This was during 2020 when NHS were massively stretched, I’m surprised they even sent anyone out. The result of the ambulance visit was to advise them to make a doctor’s appointment (presumably if the swelling didn’t quickly disappear). These people are so entitled, who asks for an AMBULANCE for a bang on the nose that has stopped bleeding, Heze was whimpering, but not in agony and the nose wasn’t visibly mishappen. Lazy entitled morons just didn’t want to have to inconvenience themselves by having to sit in a hospital waiting room, and wanted the NHS to come to them.
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VIP Member
Lol at that title 😂 What you were too busy to share it before or...?
And lol at the kids talking about how normal school isn't good enough as if they have any idea of what they'd be doing in a state school 😅
Any parent can know what their kid is doing in school if they take an interest. Ever heard of parent's evenings?

Obviously Hosanna has no time to homeschool at all as she's too busy being a mini mum to the baby and she's gonna have even less time now with a new baby on the way. Oh well she's 9, what more education does a girl need at that age? :rolleyes:
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I find the lack of toys and games we see in that house of 6 kids really odd. Watched Heze’s 10th birthday video and he had a decent sized pile of gifts, but every single thing was clothes/shoes. Not one toy or game, but they aren’t buying him clothes as presents because they can’t afford to buy non-essentials as all the clothes were Nike etc so expensive stuff. The only ‘fun’ thing they bought him was hair dye, again though that’s just encouraging this excessive vanity they have over their hairstyles. Even the gifts from relatives were clothing, the only one gift he got that would lead to a play activity was a bag of water balloons. If it was left to his parents he would have had nothing that wasn’t vanity/clothing related. There is also a moment where, I think it was Rue, moved the football away from Heze’s side, and Heze looked genuinely panicked in getting it back again.

Skimming through some of the other birthday videos, it looks to be similar that most of what they buy the kids is just encouraging vanity. Halle’s birthday they were in new pyjamas sat in tepees looking at themselves in mirrors, for Hosannas it was a trip to a nail bar for the girls.

Heze’s 11th birthday was the best, a quad biking experience, but only Hosanna was tall enough to join in. At the start of the video, in the background Ella and Heze can be heard having a conversation about his football, as Heze can’t bear to be parted with it, so he had to wear a backpack during the quad biking purely so his football was still attached to him, that was bizarre…why not just tell him to leave it at home as it’s not a place he can play football. Does he sleep holding a football as well? It’s like a comfort blanket and very unhealthy.

For Houston’s birthday there were some toys, but then aged 1 maybe she is allowed to play more then the others. The secret Santa was a mixed bag, Heze and Rue got toys (chosen by siblings not parents), and Houston got a toy ‘Walker’ which was probably something she was going to need anyway. The 3 girls all got toiletries. Another interesting thing, when they shopped for the secret Santa (not in a toy shop, it looked like it was somewhere such as b&m), a random family approached them and said they watched their channel. Ella and Tim were very happy about that and happy for all the kids to pose for a photo, the kids waved etc, but were quite quiet and at moments looked frightened. Tim even said to Hosanna ‘don’t be scared’ when he asked her to move to stand in place for a photo with this other family’s kids. I think the grown up, confident nature of their children, is only when they are with their own family…they aren’t used to socialising with other children and can’t cope with meeting strangers.

It seems to me that Tim and Ella don’t want their children to play games like children usually do. I haven’t yet seen any videos of them playing board games, building lego, doing jigsaws, art toys or games for the sake of experimenting, no chemistry sets, they don’t seem to even have cuddly toys, no video games or pokemon cards. Nothing that most children ask for. They clearly spend a small fortune on clothes and their appearance, so it’s not a cost issue. I think they so it intentionally, in order to keep the boys focussed on football and the girls focussed on being mini housewives. I think this could be why Hosanna, for example, is so helpful around the home and even cooks roast dinners willingly…because she doesn’t have any toys or hobbies to occupy her time so otherwise she would be extremely bored, there is only so much time she can spend looking in the mirror and dancing for tiktoc, and the homseschooling as we know is is just some basic workbooks, which for a bright child as most of them seem to be, is not going to fill up much of their time.

it’s does show lovely attitudes of the kids when they get gifted things that aren’t any fun, such as as when Hosanna and Halle squealed with delight at being gifted lynx body wash, but I do question why those kids aren’t feeling that they are missing out on normal childhood pleasures. They do seem to have bikes, so at least that’s one way they can get out and have some proper fun. Tim and Ella, on the path they are taking those kids, will end up with extremely vain adults incapable of seeing past their own reflection in the mirror.
You hit the nail on the HEAD with this. Wow!!! I hadn’t even thought of it this way, but you are so right. They aren’t given toys because if they had fun with other things, they would not want to be Mummy and Dad’s servants. This is the most keen observation I have seen yet! They literally deprive their children of the normal things kids enjoy growing up because they want them all to themselves to cook and clean and bring in the money through football and modeling and acting.

And you are right that they don’t seem to have any social skills with other people. They are only seemingly polite and interactive with one another. And the parents are keeping them from other kids so they don’t start seeing what NORMAL kids do and have, and then begin questioning their parents.

This is a version of child abuse in my opinion. They are not allowing the kids to be kids so that they can profit off all of it.
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Does anyone remember the video where they were walking through the park, it was a couple of years ago, and Tim and Ella played a mean prank on at the time a three year old Harper? They scared her with a dead worm or something? Anyway, Hosanna had to comfort her and tell them that scaring her wasn't funny. They just shrugged and kept laughing. It was years ago but I still think about that for some reason. It was just really eye brow raising to me even back then, how Tim and Ella acted. Like the way Hosanna was comforting harper was like she had to do it all the time.
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Yeah at timestamp 10:57, he looked well pissed off Hosanna came to join him, but as someone said, she's always trying to get in on the action.
He was definitely annoyed at her. The thing that breaks my heart is you can tell she's so needy for approval, I'm sure that would have hurt her, the way he stood up to get away from her.
In the other video when he was commenting on how much Halle loves Heze she seemed a bit taken aback as well. I think they praise her only when she's helping them or playing up to the Little Mummy character they've made her, I.e the sewing, cooking, etc.
If they find it annoying that she always wants the spotlight it's because that's how they're creating the kids to be.
Reu gets laughs whatever he says, so he's constantly butting in. They're a whole mess and I think their time is up soon.
They'll probably cream the new house for content.
Packing video, goodbye old house video, new house tour, help us decorate *gifted paints and the lot, baby #7 nursery video.
There you go Tim and Ella, just planned out a whole lot of new content for you.
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