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Tim’s rhetoric of traditional schoookng not being worth while is so ridiculous. Why did he draw for the periodic table and algebra when they have their place but schools don’t just teach that. He clearly is just projecting just because you decided not to pursue a academic job doesn’t mean your children don’t…they can’t all be models and footballers plus let’s see if YouTube is even a job in like 20 years time. It’s a fairly new concept and it could change over time. It’s actually annoying how dumb Tim and Ella are. The way they think they’re above qualified teachers and Heze openly says he enjoys working with a tutor says a lot.
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People mentioning The Kabs family, looks from their IG they have well & truly cracked the American market by appearing via satellite link on the Steve Harvey show, & why?
Cos they are natural, they interact with their kids, they put out funny videos, their children don't appear as spolit brats.....Team Kabs all the way, 'yes Grimwade Gang', watch & learn, your vlogs are dry, you have nothing going for you except 'mixed race kids', if that's the best you got to offer, your You Tube career is well & truly over.
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They should have a word with her about how attention seeking she comes across on camera
They want attention-seeking kids though, don't they? They can hardly expect to engage with the camera, but not too much. How do you quantify that, especially for a child? And to be fair to Hosanna, she is treated like an adult whenever they want someone to look after the toddlers or do the housework, so in her head of course she can be around for all the grown-up conversations with the Grimwade Gang.

The dances are entirely inappropriate for the girls' ages, but again I'm reluctant to criticise them or their abilities. It's the only time Hosanna isn't rushing about like a little mum with the weight of the world on her shoulders.

I have a lot of empathy for Hosanna - I think she's quite an unhappy little girl deep down. She's getting the rawest deal out of anyone in this mess.
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Ok, I'm not much of a poster but these people are seriously out of control.

Heze is 11 and has a book teaching him how to hold a pencil? Ella crawling all over the floor pregnant, sitting on top of Harper & Reus school work. Harper asks for help, Ella says no as she is busy talking to the Grimwade gang. Surely her child's education is mor important that speaking to a camera. She brings the baby in to walk all over the floor on Harpers school work. The whole family is walking all over the room talking while Harper & Reu are doing school work, completely distracting them. Ella says she doesn't want them taught about sex ed... but constantly speaks about it in front of them ALL the time. Hosanna can't read but yet she's playing babysitter instead of learning. Why the hell are they all on the floor instead sitting a table. Why has Ella all of a sudden decided to do school work.

Seems like she has been reading comments here. Something gets mentioned here and next thing it's in a video.

Still haven't answered the many questions about Astro. Soembody said on a comment that Tim there was an accident but they wont be adressing it. Also many comments on Youtube & Insta from followers saying videos of Astro have been deleted.

Also Ella might want to stop lying and brainwashing her kids. There are thousands of faith based schools in UK. There is rarely 30 pupils in a class. It's all controlling and cult like behaviour. The fact the kids are telling people what schools are like when they never step foot in one is just an example of how these kids just spurt out their parents rehearsed preaching
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Tim and Ella are successfully getting around this issue by never taking the girls anywhere :)
What do they even need a backpack for? They don't go anywhere. I suppose it will come in handy to bring the piles of toiletries Ella makes them carry upstairs. Or maybe it's so they can carry Hezes spare footballs. It's so weird that if he can't hold or kick the ball he puts it in backpack and carries it that way. He literally had it on his back on a quad bike, horse riding and when signing his Nike deal. The parents have a lot to answer for with this odd behaviour. But i really think Tim & Ella don't have a braincell between them and they don't have the sense, education or manners to realise it's really rude
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They are deleting comments on insta when people ask wheres Astro. It makes them look stupid because everyone can see their dodging the question

At this point their being damn ignorant & sneaky by ignoring the question, when the people who provide their income & living are genuinely concerned about the dog, given their track record with animals.

Also, they need to stop calling Ella Super-Mom. She doesn't work, has her husband in the house all day, has her parents, in-laws, kids & cleaner doing housework, cooking, cleaning & babysitting. The bigger kids do the smaller kids schoolwork with them. She gets her groceries delivered most of the time.

Trust me I know a lot of Super-Moms that work hard jobs, take great effort in their kids, make breakfasts, lunches, dinners daily, do the shopping, do homework with the kids, take them all to activities, do the school run. Clean the house. Find time for cuddles with their lil ones. Take their kids on outings. Those mothers go without getting hair & nails done or luxury bags & shoes. Their the real super-moms. Not lazy ass Ella.

I called it ages ago. These people are sneaky, sly, arrogant, lazy, fake, think their above everybody, think their famous, think their too good for their viewers. Ella has a serious chip on her shoulder & extremely smug. I have grown to dislike her more than Tim. As annoying and wannabe as he is, at least he tries to give the kids compliments & when Ella has been rude, nasty & said ignorant things to the hospital staff & about the viewers, Tim has tried to step in ease the situation & speak a bit kinder & respectfully. I know he has no manners either when it comes to allowing Hez bring a ball everywhere but he has more manners than Ella. He actually tries sometimes
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Ohhhh myyyy dayzzzz! what a train wreck YT video. Tim is defo on drugs or been drinking. So cringe the way all over E! You can tell she has the ICK

He did not like the way she butted in when talking about an annexe. He has a very short temper and does not like to be talked over which you can see the kids are scared off.

I'm white and married to a black man. If i started talking Jamaican on a daily basis he would be like....WTF hun you ok?

Ella - tell your man to talk like a grown adult. please
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Just compare them to the Kabs family (whom I absolutely love) their down to earth, real true love right there. Have become really famous due to Mali’s singing in the car. He edits properly, they love a normal life, kids go to school. They have become famous due to keeping it real. This lot are a waste of space, live off their kids and sick of their fakeness!!
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I too really feel for Heze and Hosanna in particular.

For Heze, he seems to be enjoying his life as an uneducated football prodigy, but it’s really not clear whether he’s going to make a career out of it. How many kids from these junior academies actually go pro? It’s possibly not being explained to him that the reason for the Nike deal is because of the YouTube channel and it’s just pure brand promotion. He might genuinely be being told that this huge sports brand are following his football career, and think it is marking him out as a star to watch for the future, when it may have nothing to do with his skills on the pitch.

For Hosanna, I think it’s easy to forget that this girl is only 9 years old. She is styled by her mother to wear jewellery and styles of clothes that make her look like a mini adult. She is constantly having to follow instructions and look after siblings as she wants praise from her mother who often just seems to snap at this child who is doing her best to please. The video where Rue’s hair is being styled (an example of Grimwade vanity at its finest, a 20min video climaxing with putting an elastic band around the hair of a toddler), Ella shouts from the bathroom for the girls to find a ‘tangle teaser’, Hosanna immediately looks, can’t find it and comes to say this to Ella, clearly hoping for some direction…Ella is quite snippy with her, in a harsh tone tells her she has not looked hard enough, and then as Hosanna leaves to look in the places Ella suggests, Ella then has a moan to the camera about how Hosanna didn’t look properly. There’s no thank you for immediately dropping whatever she was doing to attend to the task of looking. In the recent video where the shopping is being unpacked, Hosanna looks bored but still comes in for her instructions, is given stuff to take upstairs and in a firm tone is told that when she’s done that she is to come back down for the rest of it. Yet, there are plenty of other children who could help, including Heze who volunteers himself, but when he is given items to take upstairs, he is then given the instruction to give it to the ‘girls’ and make sure they open the packets and fill the items into a drawer (nappies). So there is an older brother who seems willing and able to take on basic tasks, yet he has to go instruct his younger sister, who by the way she is spoken to by Ella, will likely be held accountable is something is not done to her satisfaction whether the instruction from her brother is passed on correctly or not. I do think that Tim praises Hosanna more and speaks appreciatively when she is helpful, but that doesn’t cancel out the fact that he is bone idle meaning she ends up having to help with a lot of the childcare and chores, neither of them seem to want to allow her to act her age, they want her acting as grown up as soon as possible because it conveniences them to dump on her anything they are too lazy to do themselves.

i think Heze could continue to be football obsessed into his teenage years, and continue as he is, until such a point where if he doesn’t succeed, then he will feel very lost as football is his entire identity and the confident boy could end up mentally crushed by not having a rounded set of other interests to pursue.

Hosanna will be the interesting one to watch,
she has her own mind and they like to treat her like an adult by putting responsibility on her, but what Ella in particular likes to do is to talk down to her and have her follow instructions. When Hosanna gets into her teenage years I think she will start to question why she is running around after her parents, and why she is being made responsible for her siblings. She will start to answer back and demand privileges and freedoms in exchange, they may then be faced with the choice of either pulling back on putting those expectations on her, making everything a battle, or giving her freedoms such as ways to make friends outside of her own family. She is 9 now, so developmentally she will still be happy with the company of younger sisters playing dance routines etc, but once she is into her teens the need for friends her own age could become a major issue for her.

At the Nike office, I think the reason Rue was there (with his own football) was in hope that he would also get noticed as opportunistic Tim will be hoping to make both sons walking advertising space if he can. Poor Heze was being manipulated to believe that his brother was there because Heze’s behaviour and ‘achievement’ was setting a great example and that Rue was learning from him. The reason the girls, who they miraculously found childcare for a business meeting, but couldn’t find any childcare for a medical appointment, weren’t there was also calculated. Having 4 additional kids in the room would have made it too busy and distracting for the PR people at Nike to get a proper look and some interaction with Rue.

A miracle seems to be happening over at YouTube today, Tim and Ella have been deleting comments, but as they don’t read any of them, it’s quite spectacular that they are managing to only delete those that are negative, their fingers skipping over the positive ones which are being spared. Maybe we’ll get a sermon from Tim soon on how God is guiding him to perform this miracle.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOL OMDS THIS POST WAS EVERYTHINGGGG I used to watched them but I feel like these are being trained in very strict way it’s normal it’s almost cult
Like ie TIM especially will tell them elbows of the table , stop chewing with your mouth fulll … when tim does ALLL OF these things wtf ?????? I feel
Like these kids have been conditioned to be fake happy , fake loving and just all around just fake . I really wonder if they are happy to have another baby in the house or their parents have conditioned them to only feel fake happy . These kids need proper education I hardly doubt home Schooling gets done every day these kids are messing out om
Soo much friends , education , toys and just basic life outside their family it’s not normal .. these kids must be soo bored out of their minds and do they even watch tv or do anything fun ?

In this video starting at 4:00 Ella's talking about how the 2 oldest girls are going to a sleepover at their cousin's house for a birthday celebration. I was a little surprised they let them stay away from home for that long, and they had done this before. The sleepover was for Rochelle and Marvin Humes' daughter. I guess they made an exception. Their lifestyle seems quite different from the Grimwades. The kids go to a regular school, they don't mind if the girls dress up like Spiderman or play soccer, they celebrate Halloween, Marvin cooks dinner sometimes, and the parents leave the house to work. Isn't this a "bad example" for the Grimwade kids?

At one point I thought it might be interesting to see a "Heze Goes a Day Without a Ball" challenge. But at this point I think it would cause him too much anxiety. It's really unfortunate he is so dependent on it.
how are they related to Rochelle and Marvin? I’m guessing it’s Elle related to Rochelle?
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Its clear as day that Tim does nothing to help the household go round. All he does is to sloppily edit videos and speak Patois all day long. Ella is being manipulated.

And whats up with them not posting regularly anymore. Seems like something is up… Antons with guesses?
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I couldn't watch more than five minutes of the recent video. This eating at the table garbage is just so painfully boring. Heze smashes food into his mouth like he's starving and you can always see a giant wad of food in there. Tim barking at the children to keep eating... He seems abusive to me plain and simple. I have gotten vibes from him that he could be abusive for a while. The way the cistern look at him sometimes with a look of fear tells me everything.
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Tim and Ella…Heze was clearly scripted and uncomfortable with having to lie in order to backtrack his honest comment about wanting his own bedroom.

Here’s an idea. If you are concerned that something your kids say isn’t what you want to put across to viewers, don’t post it. Tim, that’s called EDITING. You should try it, I hear it’s very popular with YouTubers.

What you shouldn’t be doing is making your kids do scripted backtracking of their comments. This is not good for them, they will get to a point where they are afraid to speak their own minds, for fear of having to deal with your disappointment and instructions on rectifying it later on. It’s not for Heze to think before he speaks about how viewers will interpret his comments, that’s for you to do, when reviewing the footage. You either allow him to speak his own thoughts on camera, or you don’t.

A combination of shoving anything on YouTube, with no thought to how it’s portraying yourselves, and then dealing (badly) with the aftermath seems to be a current pattern (Astro gone to a ‘farm’, the hospital diva tantrum).

Might also want to correct the kids…God isn’t providing the new house…it’s mostly a raise in value from a house that their grandparents provided, with a little additional funding from the children being exploited on camera and Heze in particular being exploited with the Nike deal. The poor boy genuinely thinks his football is what attracted Nike to him.

I watched ‘go green with the Grimwades’.
What a shower of shite that is, I guess it’s aimed at toddlers so the standard doesn’t need to be high. Ella really can’t sing, some of the kids can and have potential if they had lessons. Tim, bizarrely, proved he can talk like a white man for Channel 5, yet turns his voice Black for YouTube. Very odd. It’s not as if he’s got the patois as a transferred accent from spending vast amounts of time with Ella, she does it much less than him. A lot of what Ella and the kids use ‘sick’, ‘isn’t it’ etc are more ‘london’ that ‘black’ to my ear. It’s mainly Tim that seems to have an issue with his colour, you should be proud to be a white British man Tim, there is nothing wrong with that, it’s actually insulting to speak patois when it’s not your cultural background, people feel protective of their culture and most importantly it’s ‘theirs’ not yours. Ethnic background is what you are born into, or at least where you have spent formative years…you can’t just wake up one morning and decide you are Jamaican.
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That shopping video, 5 things:
1 - Ella you can’t seriously have us believe you do much practical work with those fake braids hanging down all over yourself. The kids normally do all the packing away, stop pretending you don’t use them to do all the works in order to protect your hair, nails, eyelashes from any risk of damage. You admit in the video you employ a cleaner (or is that just your mother), so clearly aren’t used to physical work.
2 - something positive - at least you shop online and do click and collect. I can’t imagine the distruption to other shoppers and the staff all 8 of you, with undisciplined kids and a football would cause in a supermarket….but maybe you have been banned from taking the kids and the football to your local store?
3 - why when you run out of milk etc mid-week, is it you, Ella, that goes and gets anything that is needed for the top up shop? Do you not realise you are in a partnership, and have the option of splitting this task between the two of you?
4 - Ella at certain points seems to be gasping for air, trying to talk continually and unpack, possibly due to the pregnancy or being unfit. It was uncomfortable to watch as it looked like you were about to be in medical distress. There’s no reason why you can’t film a video such as this in more than one scene/take. Just because it is easiest for Tim to stand behind the camera and get it all done within 20mins in one take, so he can have the rest of the day on his backside does not mean that is the in ly way of filming. Take breaks, shoot from different angles, spread items out on a table or worktop and show the viewers properly, talking through it calming and not while gasping for air. There’s no reason why Tim can’t help lay out the shopping, then you could sit down and calmly present the video after he has done that. Where was the bill? People don’t just want to know how many toilet rolls you use, they want to know how you go about budgeting for a family of 8, what do you spend in an average week, and do you need to keep costs down or are you flush for money?
5 - When you mentioned that subscribers, if they have time, could write what they buy in the comments. Two things, firstly why were you laughing at the idea that you had suggested, you were basically taking the piss out of anyone who then followed your instructions as you saw yourself it was so ridiculous a thing to do so were laughing. And secondly, in the previous video, you made clear that not only can you (and Tim) not be bothered to reply to any comments, but you also cannot be bothered to read them either. So you do not care what is written, and have no interest in the opinions of the subscribers. I suspect one or both of you do have a quick 30 second scroll through, simply so if it’s nearly all negative you can then as you did in the last video, insult the subscribers by saying they ‘disappoint’ you. So which is it, do you read comments, or not? If you don’t read them, stop encouraging subscribers to waste their time (which yes, is as precious as yours), by writing comments to you which they do so on the hope that you read or reply.
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I’m not surprised the birth mother and also the sister are not in any direct contact. She gave up her child in difficult circumstances, and maybe her daughter, friends, work colleagues etc did not know that she either gave up a child or that she was facing jail time. It was over 35 years ago, so she will have built a new life since, and although it sounded like she was happy to have found Tim… she maybe didn’t initially appreciate that he was broadcasting his life to the world. There may have been family secrets that she then had to discuss with her daughter or current partner. To top it all off, Tim had made videos about the situation intentionally, and within 3 weeks of finding his birth family, has his younger sister appear on the vlog, who his mother may have felt was still adjusting and it was too soon for her to be exposed to so many public viewers. You also have the fact that the birth mother got into the frame and then ran away, maybe she thought they were FaceTiming Tim’s kids or other relatives and introducing his new found family, maybe she did not realise that it was a video, not a video-call, until she was already in frame.

It may not have bothered Tim to be so publicly open about his adoption, but it may not be so easy for his brith mother. If he hadn’t talked about any of it on camera, he may have been able to form a better relationship with her.

just another example of Grimwade screwy logic, staring at apx 16:30, they start to discipline 2 year old Rue for not walking sensibly, with Tim giving him a lecture on needing to be MATURE. Then within the next minute or so, 11 year old Heze is kicking a ball down the isles, running in the shop, ignoring the 2m rule, ignoring the 1 way system….both parents saw him do it, yet no discipline happens.

So according to them, toddlers need to act mature and walk ‘sensibly’, but an 11 year olds can treat a supermarket as a playground.
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These two are absolutely idiotic. Does anyone even believe they were at a house to look at it? Reu gets out of the car and with the bad acting of a 3 year old says “Oh My GODDDDD That house is BIG!” Lmao as if a 3 year old would make that comment. They clearly make these kids act on command and they aren’t even good at it.

Heze should have his own room and not have to share with a 3 year old. Reu can go in a room with two of the girls. Ella’s response to him was so rude “The brother you Prayed for??” Really Ella? Did she not pray for another boy? Why not take Reu until HER room? What a nasty bitch. And isn’t Heze footing the bill for this house anyway?!? He should get the master bedroom!

Check out about 14:10 on the video. Ella repeats something that Tim just said and he was like “Yeah that’s what I am saying” and kind of glared at her. You can tell he gets mean really quick. Both of them seem like absolute nightmarish, abusive people. So glad to see them getting reamed in the comments.

Looks like their house just sold.


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Chatty Member
Are you for f*cking real.. Heze has a football in the David Lloyd changing room

Not Ella In the ig stories bigging up hosanna and how lovely her curls are 🤔 after a few years ago saying how she preferred the other girls hair.. defo read here
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