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Just watched their new video and it's funny how they managed to find childcare when it's all about their golden child🙄

As much as what they're doing is a great opportunity that not many people get, these brand deals and sponsorships aren't going to last forever. Those kids need to be in school

Awks one of mines middle name is Hosana🙈
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Cherry B

I wouldn't trust this family with a pet rock. How are people in the comments already suggesting they could try again with a dog or cat later? They don't need anymore animals. So Astro's living on a farm now huh? Who'd they give him to JB Gill? Poor kids miss the dog. It was cruel to get yet another dog and rip him away from the kids no matter how you slice it. I hope he is as happy as they are saying. I also hope they do move to a bigger house because those children deserve more space. They can finally start reaping the benefits of their work. However, the thought of the kids living in some far flung rural area is a bit unsettling given how isolated they already seem living in London. If they aren't near a support system even more of the burden is going to fall on Hosanna to look after her siblings especially as she gets older.
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This family are so cringe, see they've brainwashed Heze in saying he has no problem sharing a room with a toddler....vlog is a borefest as usual, they are super busy.....cos of course no other family has busy lifestyles...🤮
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Just watched their new video and it's funny how they managed to find childcare when it's all about their golden child🙄

As much as what they're doing is a great opportunity that not many people get, these brand deals and sponsorships aren't going to last forever. Those kids need to be in school

Awks one of mines middle name is Hosana🙈
These parents need help. They clearly allow Heze to kick his football so that these companies notice him and people notice how much he is obsessed and supposedly very good at football. Now they are making Reu do the same bullshit in that office so that Rue is noticed and also gets to sign a contract in the near future. These people are wicked. I feel like slapping the sense out of them.
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Yeah it's been mentioned multiple times, but their crazy ass subscribers say it's okay because he got a nike deal. It's insane that they think it's okay. He treats that ball like an idol. Like football is his God. What does the Bible say about false idols?? Also, do they carry Bibles around like that?? I mean, they said they don't go to church because Heze has football practice. Sounds like God is only important to them when they can use him to shame other people or get praises on Youtube.
I dont think I have ever seen them go to church, sing hymns, do charity etc. The only thing I've seen them do is a big clap before a meal then letting the kids ramble a random sentence and call it a prayer before meal. Sorry but who in the right mind wants to be praying or thanking for those tiny, watery, disgusting, boil in a pot meals Ella makes. The woman needs cookery lessons. The meals are so basic and they dont look nutritious at all. Not enough vegetables in the meals for growing kids to be honest. Hf the time the meals don't include veggies. Mostly its a lump of chicken boiled in random pots of spices, or else a plate of cards, pasta with more spices thrown on top. As for breakfast, its all fruit which is full of sugar and processed pastries with chocolate etc in them. I really can't understand how these people call her a good mother to be completely honest

Carbs. Not cards.. Typo lol
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I think as people have mentioned comments get turned off by You Tube if it is entirely kid related, however, they can't have Nike/kids vlogs for the foreseeable, if they think Tattle family are going to go into hiding to protect 'their Nike brand' they are very much mistaken, don't want to jeopardize Heze's good fortune, but Nike have a right to know the background of their 'ambassador' & the kinda exploitative family he comes from, Grimwades you can run but can't hide, Tattle fam are coming to expose you 😂
Surely that promotion lends itself more to a platform such as Instagram rather than vlogs on YouTube? Tim was totally unlikeable in the last 2 particularly. The Nike store one when he was all oh no, no, I don't want anything....then he clearly in the next vlog, had the most expensive pair of.trainers of the lot. Then the recent one where he got to 'appear' in whatever Heze was doing. Just embarrassing. I rate Heze and think he will go far, but hope he gets a contract with a team away from home and has to live life with a host family and gets out of the cult.
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The energy for the new video is so off, something is definitely off. They didn't show the house for all we know they could have been at a funeral home. They have taught the kids how to be compulsive liars. Ella was being very fake the whole video as usual. Once again they are grown as hell but continue to put their kids off on Ellas parents. Also one more thing, it bothers me Tim all of sudden is working out everyday, Ella better be careful when a man changes his pattern and going through a mid life crisis!!!
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where are y’all my lovely grimwade gang ☺☺ Your favourite family has posted a new video and turned off the comments 🤣🤣🤣 they’re going crazy because of those comments but they still need the views to feed their family. Cheap stakes!!!

Guess what? They’ve definitely been reading on here and contemplating about the hate they get. They finally decided to get the girls to join dance class with their “Nike gear”. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m glad we’re able to push them to do something good for the girls for once.



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The energy for the new video is so off, something is definitely off. They didn't show the house for all we know they could have been at a funeral home. They have taught the kids how to be compulsive liars. Ella was being very fake the whole video as usual. Once again they are grown as hell but continue to put their kids off on Ellas parents. Also one more thing, it bothers me Tim all of sudden is working out everyday, Ella better be careful when a man changes his pattern and going through a mid life crisis!!!
I found that quite suspicious as well. In most house hunting videos one is able to film the houses since they are up to sale anyway. I don’t really think they went house hunting. The reactions of the kids seem really fake. Especially when they told them to say what they think about the new house supposedly after being inside. But one never knows it could be they weren’t allowed to film. But right now I am not buying it.

Yeah he did he wants his own room, Ella said she would prefer for the kids to share still. She mentioned something on the lines of that it’s good them sharing so that they aren’t in their own and can be seen what they’re doing…
Ella is a control freak. See wants to ensure that her children don’t have their own mind. She needs to always keep an eye on them hence why she didn’t let the kids go to school. I don’t even think the girls have any friends that are not their cousins
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What a pointless video 🥱
For real. There was no footage and was utterly uninteresting. They just did this to silence the people that urged them to move to a bigger house before the baby arrives. Definitely a staged video. The children’s pretentious reactions speaks for itself
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Hallie was competitive and rude to Hosanna in this video and they just laugh it off. I can't handle them anymore
Was going to comment on this in my previous post but I'd gone on enough of a rant :LOL:

It's not Halle's fault - 'good' hair rules the roost in that house and it's clearly something she's been taught to be proud of. Having said that, I wouldn't let a child in my class get away with the glee with which she brought Hosanna down. Tim and Ella don't want other adults involved in lecturing their children, but the things they choose to let slide versus the things they pull their kids up on are so off-base and odd, priority-wise. I'd much rather a child who doesn't always raise their hand to speak than a child who can't let someone else feel special or proud about something. Again, I don't think Halle is the problem here - kids will do that kind of thing unless they're taught empathy. Must be locked away in the irrelevant box with algebra this week.
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🤔 she really didn’t have much to say in Rochelle’s documentary.
View attachment 765797
Both miscarriages she lost one twin. She needs to be thankful that she still managed to keep the other twin each time. And the other pregnancies. Shes has 6 healthy kids. She's obsessed with being pregnant. Can't keep her legs closed even though the large family is a burden to the kids. She doesn't care because it gets her attention which she clearly craves
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He was definitely annoyed at her. The thing that breaks my heart is you can tell she's so needy for approval, I'm sure that would have hurt her, the way he stood up to get away from her.
In the other video when he was commenting on how much Halle loves Heze she seemed a bit taken aback as well. I think they praise her only when she's helping them or playing up to the Little Mummy character they've made her, I.e the sewing, cooking, etc.
If they find it annoying that she always wants the spotlight it's because that's how they're creating the kids to be.
Reu gets laughs whatever he says, so he's constantly butting in. They're a whole mess and I think their time is up soon.
They'll probably cream the new house for content.
Packing video, goodbye old house video, new house tour, help us decorate *gifted paints and the lot, baby #7 nursery video.
There you go Tim and Ella, just planned out a whole lot of new content for you.
I think it a mixture of being annoyed and also irritated because a lot of the time when he’s trying to talk to the camera she will come along and like others have said try get in on the action but also it’s rare that she’ll just sit there. There’s times she tries climb on top of his lap or wrap her arms around him and distract him but she loves the camera she likes being infront of it any chance she gets.
I do agree I’m sure it might of hurt her with how quickly he got up he made it so obvious he didn’t want her there at that moment. You’re so right her need of approval and wanting attention is sad cause she always looking for praise and the times she gets praise is when she’s doing housework or looking after the babies. It sounds crazy even saying that is what a nine year old spends her time doing literally being a mother to her baby sister when she should be getting to enjoy being a kid.
She looked so taken aback when Tim made that comment about how Halle and Heze have a special bond. It’s normal when there’s a lot of siblings that some can be closer than others but he shouldn’t of pointed that out cause it will just cause even more jealousy amongst the kids.
I find it annoying how all these kids want the spotlight and are huge attention seekers but it’s not even their fault it’s their parents fault for making them this way.
I understand than when you have siblings you’re going to want to do what the other is doing or copy them but how do all the girls and both the boys have the exact same interests. It shows how they’ve all been forced into a hobby and praised for it cause it brings their channel attention rather than letting each child be their own person , have their own style and find a hobby they’re drawn to. They all have the same hobby and compete against eachother to be the best at it so it’s no surprise they get jealous easily.
it’s normal to have kids try out different hobbies to see what they like but Rue was literally thrown a football his way and that was it. His love for cars and superheroes seems to be pushed aside as they try turn him into a copy of his big brother. They’re always comparing his football skills to Heze too and it’s wrong. They’re going to make these kids have a toxic relationships with eachother the older they get.
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Yeah not even his child choking! Heze had them parent reflexes the way he ran over and calmly detached the tray table. I don’t know how any parent doesn’t have that “oh fuck” moment when they realise their child is choking.

I don’t believe Tim is this doting parent. The way he was acting in the latest vlog seems fake. Like he usually shouts at them but he was making sure he spoke softly as they were recording.
100% I get the vibe he shouts at them and the kids and Ella try so hard to please him. Just ewww🤢 and can we mention when they were sitting at the table eating (not sure if it was the one before) he gave Houston a bowl w of food without checking the temp and it looked piping hot ( the steam was coming off )
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Cherry B

they’re basically being tortured.
cousins with marvin humes children who actually go school and after school activities and all they’ve got is to do a sports day between mummy and daddy and the younger kids.
Right. Connections can be used for more than just landing an agent and trying to make money off the kids. I know the Humes must have a pool. Ask if the kids can come over sometimes for a swim.
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I think as people have mentioned comments get turned off by You Tube if it is entirely kid related, however, they can't have Nike/kids vlogs for the foreseeable, if they think Tattle family are going to go into hiding to protect 'their Nike brand' they are very much mistaken, don't want to jeopardize Heze's good fortune, but Nike have a right to know the background of their 'ambassador' & the kinda exploitative family he comes from, Grimwades you can run but can't hide, Tattle fam are coming to expose you 😂
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That way Tim is all over Ella in the recent video is cringey, I’d legit tell him to get off lol and anyone else thinks he looks high sometimes?😂
I have thought this so many times. He looks drunk to me a lot. Lol
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When you actually think about it...what does Tim &Ella do all day long? Seriously? Kids aren't homeschooled. Microwave meals and snacks make up the shopping. Kids lookin after kids (including doing hair of Heze who is 11 🤪) kids cooking sometimes or fixing their brekkie/sandwiches. Kids showering themselves/ toddlers.
A cleaner is employed. Regular help from family is received.
Seriously Grimwade parents apart from Tim taking Heze to practice what the heck are you doing all day? Yaheeeeaaardmeeh???
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That’s the worse gender reveal I have ever witnessed on Instagram! I feel sorry for the businesses who may have gifted their products as they won’t be getting no paid business from that shit show
It was so anticlimactic like when they saw the balloons the energy was very off. Plus the way they came out the box just looked so wack.
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Iv just caught up on these bellends. I used to like them. Very very confused why she thought she'd be allowed to take her tribe of kids to the scan. I'm in Scotland and been before Covid only a couple of people were allowed. Surely they are going to need to move soon they don't even have enough room for their groceries 🤦🏻‍♀️
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