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Chatty Member
Wait for the 'Hey Grimwade Gang we're back, we've been so busy but we can't say to much about it'.🤮
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Ella, mention today sometime they’re so busy she doesn’t get to homeschool them. I think this happens more then we see. When she does it useless school book assignments and nothing more. They need to be placed into school and get a real education.
On her IG talking of half term & some home school parents are you working thru 'which is wot we do sometimes cos our schedule is so full we can't always fit it in' YOU CAN'T FIT IN EDUCATING YOUR KIDS, so basically you've admitted you don't dedicate 5/6 hours of the day to educate your kids as going to auditions or letting your kids run around shops is more important.....this is unbelievable, they obviously don't place much emphasis on educating their children, so if or when Hosanna goes for any acting auditions how is she suppose to read a script, this is truly unbelievable- can't they see they are doing such a dis-service to their children, money & fame has truly got a grip on this family....such a shame for the kids 🙁
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Vixki hatherley

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I hope the word gets put to any dog breeders not to let this family have any dog of them ever again and are on some sort of watch list (like shops do with known thieves) so this carnt happen again to an innocent animal.i have a labrador n a 5 kids n would never dream of getting rid of him he is family and rhe kids gor attached to him as soon ad we got him.ots awful thinking about whst could have happened to him,is he resllg on a farm somewhere or pts (unfortunately I think the 2nd one) but hope if isnf true.carnt believe anything rhey say and sometimes soon they will trip themselves up that everyone even the super fans will aee what they are like
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Y'all can come and hate me for this 🤣, but I actually enjoyed this video more than any other I saw before (I haven't followed them for long and could not always watch their videos as they are usually boring). Ella wasn't moaning, Houston got to do something she enjoyed (yay!) and Tim mostly was shut up apart from the end. Also I love food shopping hauls.
I didn't see any meat or chicken, only hams. I wonder what they'll eat the microwave mash and rice with? Or maybe they do meat shopping at a butcher monthly? She could've mentioned.
A cleaner???Omg.. 2 stay at home parents shouldn't need one.
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Are you for f*cking real.. Heze has a football in the David Lloyd changing room

Not Ella In the ig stories bigging up hosanna and how lovely her curls are 🤔 after a few years ago saying how she preferred the other girls hair.. defo read here
Ooh dont hurt him he's just a tiny kid at least he is not on aggressive video games- joking. These are words I got from their asslicker on YT. The fans think 11 years old is a toddler who cant part with his toy, but Houston should be disciplined.. and of course Hosanna cooks and babysits as thats the way to an independent life..Cant they see the huge controversy here???
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I bet if Hosanna bragged about something to Hallie like that they wouldn't let her get away with it because it wouldn't suit her caring, mothering image but Hallie is being encouraged to be a little diva.
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I also have a feeling they’ll be asking for donations,that’s why they’ve been ‘sucking’ up to the Americans, they’re very manipulative!
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I've just watched the gender reveal and I did NOT expect Tim's parents to be like that. I'd never seen them before! That's hilarious that Tim was raised by them oh my god 😂 😅😂

I feel sorry for them actually they were totally sidelined and seemed bemused by the whole thing. Imagine actually choosing a child to raise and love unconditionally and it turns out like Tim 😭
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The parents just need to get a job or do SOMETHING and stop living off their kids. Ella and Tim are loving life now they think Heze will take care of them financially lol. Starting to believe it’s the reason Ella is comfortable just having more kids and they’re not worried?
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If the American fans are saying the Grimwonks can't get a house due to racism then they need to get a reality check and stop with that bullcrap. England is completely different to America when it comes to racism & police etc. I know because I have lived in both places.
Omg they’re doing the absolute most! They need to get a grip and just move further outside of London where they’d be able to get a huge property for the money they have. The fact they just want to buy a house and not have to do anything decor wise is sooo dumb plenty of people buy houses and renovate in stages or wait till they have the money to decorate it more to their liking. It annoys me how they claim to work so hard but are actually so lazy.
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Chatty Member
Tim & Ella never stated it was an advert. They just basically said his football talent got him a deal to become a Nike Athlete. They didn't make it clear that his football has nothing to do with it, that infact he's just going to be recieving free Nike items to advertise for them
Yeah, by the way some of their commenters were speaking I think they believe Heze will be in nike commercials, getting training from nike coaches, and have his face printed on nike water bottles. Lol. Oh and on billboards. So gullible.
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It’s the way Tim, Heze and Rue and doing the sill hand gesture hand poses and everybody else is posed normally. Are they not embarrassed it so clear they’ve trained the boys to do the poses.🥴
I'd be mortified if my kids were throwing gang sangs. I'd slap the shit out their hands they wouldn't be able to lift them for a week..🤣🤣🤣. I prefer my kids present themselves as decent, educated and respectable. None of this twerking, gang signs, trying to be ghetto, making fun of hair texture, sexist comments, acting the fool kicking a ball and screaming in public and other dumb shit. My kids know better, they have genuine manners and, not the fake stuff were seeing from the Grimwonks. But I can assure you, I'd be even more mortified if my grown ass hubby was throwinh gang signs. Nahhh can't be dealing with these fake foolish people thinking their kids have manners. Its ridiculous at this point
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Yes I am sure a loft conversion could be done to give Hosanna a room with Hallie maybe ?
My neighbors are currently doing theirs and they are just average people, dad is a taxi driver..
No toys at all, except in the intro. I always think when people criticize Houston that she whines all the time, of course she does she gets no attention from her parents, has no toys around activities for her age, not even some garden toys absolutely nothing. Her sister picks her up and does who knows what obviously a 9 year old is not a mum/nursery teacher.. she just wants to play and is really bored bless her.
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A video I hadn't seen before, dedicated to congratulating themselves on their amazing home-schooling. Throughout the video, Ella overcorrects them on minor details, doesn't ask them any further questions to challenge them or extend their thinking, and provides minimal encouragement. Meanwhile, the most significant comment in the whole video is Heze saying he loves doing work with his tutor, a qualified teacher, because she makes everything make sense. It's almost as though teaching, much like being a lawyer or a dentist, is a profession that requires training and skill.

Despite that, I'm still not totally against home-schooling. I've seen parents who use the freedom home-schooling gives them to follow their kids' specific interests whilst applying it to the national curriculum for their age, enrolling them in weekly extra-curricular classes to ensure they're building interpersonal skills by working with other children their age, and doing plenty of practical, hands-on learning. That shows a genuine passion for educating their children. Occasionally sitting your kids around a table whilst they work on wildly contrasting material in workbooks (meaning learning is a very solitary experience) and spending the rest of the time talking to them about mortgages, not so much.
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Maybe they couldn’t get a big enough mortgage to buy a bigger house in the area and neither family would give them the money. It wouldn’t surprise me if they expected either set of partners to help them buy a bigger place, they do seem to have such an entitled attitude!
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Well-known member
Oh my goodness what an annoying video, first it was the kicking of the ball against the wall while the rest of the family was trying to speak, then it was the constant interruptions from the father, like ffs let someone finish what they’re saying without you interrupting them. Kids can go to school and learn other things while learning stuff from their parents at home especially since the parents are not the brightest crayons in the box.
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Hi #TattleGang from Texas!!!💖💖

How heartbreaking your value in the house is based on income!!! I wonder what type of mental and emotional issues they will face as adults. Also will Tim face any backlash from the kids for being so lazy. I think as they get bigger, they will question their situation more. We need to continue to advocate for the kids. I can't wait till the comments are turned back on.
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Chatty Member
If the content over the next few weeks is going to be very football and Nike focussed in order to comply with their product deal…I can see them losing a lot of viewers. They may have misjudged their audience on this. Majority of the comments are from religious American types, and Nike probably won’t want a specific faith associated with their brand. Too much materialistic or sports content is going to be a turn off.
I agree with this. Most of their viewers are obsessed with the kids but not enough to sit through entire nike ads vlog after vlog. And trust, those religious American types can turn on you real fast on the internet.
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Lol. I really hope that's just how they pronounce it in the UK because if not, that's terribly embarrassing. lol. But the brand and company themselves for sure call it Ny - kee.
In Uk it has always been pronounced Nike to rhyme with Mike. But i'm just shocked Tim didn't pronounce iit the American way as he's obsessed with Americanisms. Wouldn't have batted an eyelid at this stage if he went in pronouncing it in a Jamaican accent either
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