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Ms Shenanigans

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I'm curious! There was somebody on Tattle originally who knew this family personally. Are you still here? I'm sooo curious as to when Tim got his claws into Ella and she allowed him to treat and her children like second class citizens! Remember she allows this to Happen!

She often talks about feeling or being a failure when things don't always work out or she didn't do something quite right!! Where did this idea come from? Tim is living his best life controlling his entire family including grand parents it seems and Lording it over them yet pretending they are all happy to serve him. Ella has actually said in the past about serving her husband. Why? Where did this come From?

Why does she believe she is not a good wife if she doesn't serve him? She is completely brainwashed and it's often hard to watch. I sometimes feel for her then I change my mind because she is so smug!! I still have so many unanswered questions.

This "GOOD WIFE GOOD MOTHER" lark doesn't wash with me. I know better wives and mothers that dont serve their husbands and allow thier children to do the same!
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Lol, even Kristen Carter is seeing through them in this latest video about not letting Heze have his own room.
I was SHOCKED, SHOCKED I say, to see her say something negative about them. She even noticed Ella's rotten attitude through the smoke and mirrors for once. Guys, maybe not all hope is lost with these people! Lol.

Anyway, Ella will probably come and scold them next video for not understanding her 'true character' or some shit, and they'll all be back at square one again gushing about how great parents they are. They might even ask an amazing question like, 'guys, what color do you think the baby's eyes are going to be?' as a distraction like they did last time with the scan mess.
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I actually know people in their 40s who call their parents mummy and daddy, I think it’s partly a class thing. When speaking about their parents they refer to them as their mum and dad but when speaking to them it’s mummy and daddy. Look at Jack Whitehall’s travels with my father, he does exactly as I’ve said above - it’s an upper/middle class thing. Particularly if the people in question went to private schools so were mixing with people of their own social class who also use mummy and daddy.

I also have a friend whose child started off using mummy and daddy as this is what they were taught, but as soon as school started at age 4, the child switched to mum and dad, without any prompt from the parents. It seems to have happened because of what other kids say or how teachers refer to parents. I think if the Grimwade kids had gone to a state school, they would have lost the habit and called them mum and dad by now.

I actually hadn’t noticed it, but now it’s been pointed out, I don’t find it terribly odd in a home setting, particularly as Heze is short for 11, so he still looks like a little boy. Would be interesting to see how Heze speaks to his football team when he refers to his parents, he may have already figured out that mum and dad are the norm, kids will often alter what they say to suit the situation. If he’s raised it with his parents he may have been asked to still use mummy and daddy when with the family so that it doesn’t confuse younger siblings. When there is a wide range of ages, it could be difficult to accommodate having kids calling the parents by different names.

It’s an interesting contradiction, the way that Tim and Ella baby their kids by having them use names that make them sound young and not letting them have any independence such as play dates with other families without their own parent present. But at the same time they are pushing onto viewers how mature acting their eldest kids are, and try to give them adult responsibilities at home.

By age 11, during daylight, most kids would walk to school on their own, or walk to a nearby friend’s house, or be sent out to a local shop for a pint of milk, or even catch a bus. It’s not clear that Heze has ever had any of these little independent moments, he’s possibly been left in charge of watching his siblings riding bikes in the cul de sac, but that’s still not doing something on his own. Not even aware that Ella/Tim have stood outside a shop and given him cash to let him go in alone and buy something simple such as a can of pop. Tim accompanies him to football training, Ella accompanies the girls to any acting jobs, it’s only family members (adults) who they claim childmind.

Hosanna can cook a roast dinner, but she nearly had a nervous breakdown when her father and sister got off at a different train station, she knew he younger sister had an adult with her and it wasn’t a dangerous situation, yet it clearly terrified her. Seems like the children, growing up in that claustrophobic environment, have real issues with separation anxiety and independence.

it will be interesting to see at what age any of the kids actually do anything properly independently, even when they went to buy shin pads for Rue (which apparently counted as their Maths and English lesson for the day), when Hosanna was tasked with paying at the till, she had all her siblings and mother crammed up against her, yet she still looked nervous and in need of reassurance.

(Ps, I watched the video where Harper had learned to ride a bike, they were just in the street outside their house…yet Heze still had to have a football inside a boot-bag on his back even when riding his bike. It’s like he cant trust that if he puts the ball in his bedroom that it will still be there when he gets back
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There’s absolutely nothing wrong with homeschooling but you’d have to be blind to not see what these two are doing, they want to isolate the children so other children cannot influence them, and keep them from learning the truth about all the lies they continue to tell them about the outside world. They can’t keep them isolated forever though, eventually the kids will start thinking for themselves and asking questions. This whole thing gives me a cultist vibe.
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There’s a Q and A Ella did her dad ages ago where they discuss maturity. He said maturity was always the aim for his kids and Ella says they took this on board when having their own children.
They seem to have taken this to extremes and think teaching your kids to be mature means no proper childhood at all
Google shows that an antonym for 'maturity' is 'childhood'. Says it all. If being childlike is an issue, why have so many bloody kids?!
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Something I could be reading too much into, but Ella kept referring to what Heze likes to eat, and then what the ‘girls’ eat. It seemed to me like Heze’s preferences were taken into account, whereas their daughters were lumped together and get what they’re given. Unless of course it’s just co-incidence that their daughters all have the same food preferences.
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All You Tube families are different but one family I feel have got it right is The Kabs family, they seem to have so much fun, singing, mucking around, the mum & dad actually interact with their kids, the two kids are in school the little boy has just started nursery, they've got exposure in America hence why their You Tube channel has over 1 million subscribers, something Grimwades crave for, well why not act like a 'natural family', everything is fake & staged, they even tried to hook up with Mazelee's to try & break the American market...not a chance with a butch mum, preachy '100 % ' dad & Stepford kids.
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Cherry B

Don't people usually face the camera, and put the food in front of them so the audience can see it better during a mukbang? The food is usually set up in a visually pleasing way. They didn't even say what they were eating. These are their laziest videos yet. They are just eating their lunch with a camera in front of them. Very minimal effort. Should've just titled it "Watch us Eat Lunch".
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Poor Rue he looks so unhappy and sad. He needs to have fun doing what he wants eg playing with toy cars and mixing with other children.
I'll be very surprised if the children don't leave home early... They need to break away as soon as they're old enough to have any chance of a future for themselves.
Leave home early and go where? With what CV? What funds? They can barely read,they will struggle getting jobs, they ain’t going anywhere. That’s their plan to keep them limited and under one roof. Also the way heze speaks with his hands is just copy cat of the way his dad talks. Tim thinks it’s adds some sort of extra value to what he’s saying. Heze thinking that too and copying is just sooo cringe!
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i can’t take hearing everyone chewing and smacking there lips ewww please film something different
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To me Tim n Ella continuing with the whole home school route because they have decided what careers they will have. Tim said they dont need algebra or periodic tables unless you will become a scientist. So by denying them of learning these things, subjects etc they are narrowing dramatically what their futures could be. Sadly in the UK homeschooled children do not have to sit any exams be it Sats, Gcse etc but without them university will not be an option.
The kids will be forced to be anything that earns their parents an income.
Its very tragic that they she traditional schooling as such a bad thing as i truly feel these kids would flourish in that environment. I personally feel their arguments of tjey want to be the ones who influence them as incredibly damaging as the kids are being taught such terrible values that the woman must keep home and produce children and men can be waited on. The kids will have no sense of reality or how the world functions. I also think they will struggle to form relationships as they dont know how.
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Yeah I think most of the creeps are from here in the states. I am from the states, l and I admit I was one of the earliest fans and they used to shout my out and referred to be an one of the "aunties". I remember thinking that was really strange. But really, up until about two years ago, I was totally fooled by them and thought they were wonderful parents. I mean, either fooled or they just totally did a 180 and started showing true colors. I would politely question things when something upset me, and that is when they stopped responding to me on the comments out in Instagram messages. I think the turnaround was when they played the prank on Hosanna... I was gobsmacked.

Anyway, not all us people in the states are forever blinded lol!
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I felt bad for Hosanna. I know she loves attention but she didn’t even say anything. She literally just sat down and he stood up
I can't even be bothered to watch the latest load of crap from this couple but I did watch a video (2 year old has a meltdown...) recently where everybody was dragged off shopping to get Reu some pants and a potty. They came back home with nothing of course because nothing was planned. Just the children being dragged fron Isle to Isle.

What I found most confusing was that Ella said that Rue wil be doing his potty training in the Garden?!! What kind of foolishness is This? IN THE GARDEN????!!!! I know they are lazy parents but to stick a child in the garden to do his potty training so she doesn't have to clean up after him is shocking and disgusting and completely Wrong!! She treats her children appallingly. No emotional content no hugs and kisses unless it's for instagram. I'm shocked and saddened.

And when Tim told Rue off I saw the other children's faces. They looked really sad especially Harper. This is the nonsense that goes on the their house for sure. These children may be kind of well behaved but that's probably because they are scared.
Potty train in the garden wtffff 🤣🤣🤣🤣 but couldn’t be asked to take the dog in the garden to poo, makes so much sense 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Self employed parents. Mum loves taking care of her family by herself while husband likes to sit down and watch his pregnant wife do all the hard work. Ella must really enjoy that haaah. This woman is nuts and needs to be saved.


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Jesus Christ I can’t stand the way these parents bring up these kids so brainwashed robots. Having to put their hands up to speak.
Heze wants and deserves his own space. No doubt his paying for this new house from his earnings!
Stop making money from these kids. Send them to school for a normal life for god sake.
Lazy ass parents. Get a real job and stop having more kids that you can’t afford without making them perform.
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Vixki hatherley

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Couldn't see Ella dad there and Ella mum didn't look very happy/impressed at the party.well the boys are going ro be well looked after with another girl servant in the house (soon)
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If these kids went to a party amd wernt included we would be told they they had been treated badly or bullied, they would never see that these kids have no idea how to socially behave.
They think its normal to go out with a football into a supermarket n fair enough Heze has control most of the time but accidents do and can happen but Reu now takes a ball, and he doesnt have control but its all practice and learning in their opinion. X
The oldest two, if you let them interact with kids their own age they would be miles behind. They would have nothing in common. Grimwade wouldn't be able to take part in "banter"or the latest "kids humour/slang/phases/crazes" etc as they have never been exposed to it or mingled.

When the kids cousins went Quad biking with them for Hezes birthday. Grimwade kids were on one side, the cousins were on the other side. And none of them were speaking or interacting. It's weird if they cant even mingle with family

These clowns are doing a huge dis-service to their kids

Kids need to socialise. It helps them develop. It helps their mind brain grow & stimulate. It teaches them different things. It clues them up for adulthood. It opens their mind.
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ahh they go swimming (the kids go the first time in their life’s which is shocking) at david lloyd! oh yea it’s gotta be gifted - aren’t these basic life skills swimming!
not only are they home schooled but they haven’t even been swimming. naaaaaw they’re awful
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Shes cleaner than Ella 🤣🤣🤣🤣

And her home is clutter free and tidy 🤣🤣
Both frauds😂 and both exploit their kids for content. only difference is ones tidy and the other is filthy . Hinch doesn’t work either. She posts ads and She gets paid up to 20K per ad😂
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