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Heze will become like any other teenager and want lie ins. The kids were so very clearly told what to say. Tim was was feeding the lines the kids followed with the reply. Until Tim had to curb his frustration at Houston holding a glass. Funny how he doesnt say please to her but demands she meets his requirements. "Give me the glass". Also i have a 2.5yr who is never once left unattended, she is a mad head toddler, if shes quiet she upto something. Houston was gone for a good few minutes into the other rooms, no one seemed to care. For all they know she cudda opened the front door, or coloured on walls etc. But I guess thats coz the girls were needed to answer Daddies questions so couldn't fulfill childcare duties. X
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Omg. Tim seriously sitting down watching Ella dish up all the food for all the kids?
My husband is from a quite traditional family and we have only 2 kids, I am not pregnant but for God's sake if I give food to one kid he automatically gives to the other one..then we can eat on time. Ella is pregnant and they have 6 why can't that lazy ass help out it won't be a big effort and he can't even help himself for seconds Ella has to do that too!!
If I was Ella I would be so ashamed and never show that on camera..Tim the big kid is hungry, next time spoon feed him love..him first, not Houston of course, she can soon cook for herself too.
A few people in the comments were pointing this out thankfully. Also how Tim interrupted Heze and was kind of insensitive when talking about Halle and Heze's special bond which Hosanna looked very put out by lol it's not the first time either, he could be a lot more tactful.

Also who actually cares about elbows on the table in real life? Is that even a real thing?! 😆
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Tim & Ella are too greedy to give the kids pocket money. The kids shouldn't even need pocket money because they are earning money on youtube, acting & other sources. Their money should be in trustfund & they should be allowed something small per week or month. It would be educational & teach them how to budget & save for an item etc. Or Tim & Ella should just be decent parents & buy them a small treat weekly or a slighy bigger treat monthly. Total disgrace when they buy themselves designer shoes, bags, Tiffany jewellery, penthouse stays while the kids who do all the earning never get anything. It may come out in the future, a case of kids are broke as parents spent all the kids money. I can see it happening. Tim & Ella are going to crumble when these kids get minds of their own & gain independence. It will be like losing 6 maids. Once on kid leaves & speaks up, the rest will follow. I see miss Halle being the first to break away
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It will go in the girls' room so Hosanna can get up with it in the night until it's a toddler and then it will go in the boy's room so a teenage Heze can share with a toddler and a very young child.
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That’s the worse gender reveal I have ever witnessed on Instagram! I feel sorry for the businesses who may have gifted their products as they won’t be getting no paid business from that shit show
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That's the kind of thing I'm referring to as being caused by the parents and competitive environment they're raised in though. I've taught plenty of kids with a mean streak (who often have lovely parents) and I don't see that in any of these children. Struggling to cope with losing a game or not being the focus of attention when it's no longer developmentally appropriate - as it would be with Reu or Houston - however, is largely down to parenting, hence why the older children are now showing signs of that. It's just a shame to see nice kids be brought down by their bizarre upbringing.
I agree. I have a bit of a soft spot for the kids and, although Heze gets on my nerves a bit, I can't say I've noticed Hosanna being jealous or smug but either way I think it's easy to forget how young these kids are because of how they've been trained to appear so mature and 'perfect.' Plus the older ones look mature for their age as well. I don't think they're inherently mean spirited or narcissistic, it's just their weirdo parents coming out in them.

The end of the shopping video.... and of course Tim loves reggae reggae sauce :rolleyes:😂😂
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Im just happy this child is going to be doing something by himself without his parents and siblings around him. It must be fucking tiring at some point to be constantly watched, to not hangout with friends and just go to football practice or stay home. Jeeez.

It’s just sad that they don’t allow the kids to go to school with the excuse of not wanting their kids to have outside influence or whatever bullshit and now Heze will be spending the night somewhere else around people he barely knows, obviously their values are not as strong as they make it seem to be. When money and fame talks, everything is allowed. Ridiculous parents. I really hope I don’t become such a disappointment to my child someday.
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I find it AMAZING how everyone went crazy telling them stop treating the kids as slaves and put some interest in the girls hobbies. Next thing

I agree, I think the kids are scared to misbehave. I genuinely believe that Ella goes crazy at them. We saw how tempered she got in the hospital and when she said she was disappointed in the grimwade gang. You could see she was trying to keep her venem and anger under wraps.

Even though she makes the kids do everything & she serves Tim... I think she loves that role. Shes got very old fashioned, sexist, backward thinking. She enjoys it.

Ella controls that whole house. Not Tim. I really believe she bosses Tim behind the scenes. I think she likes the idea and fantasy of having a strong, hard working man that she plays wifey to. But I'm sorry everyone, read the body language, listen to the tone of voice, listen to whats being said & how its being said, watch what actually happens and who controls the situations. Tim is literally a puppet for her. She decides everything and Tim goes along with it. Many of times when Ella has gone too far or gotten angry, Tim has tried to defuse the sitution or explain & say something nice or positive to the viewers. You can even tell by the kids, they look scared, and Tim will back up Ella not the kids. And I agree, she doesn't have a maternal, loving, affectionate bone in her body towards the kids

I find it AMAZING how everyone went crazy telling them stop treating the kids as slaves and put some interest in the girls hobbies. Next thing the girls are going to dance.

Everyone went crazy over Astro, next thing they adress it.

Everyone said they never do any days out. Next thing they go swimming

People said the kids are treated like maids, next thing Ella is serving dinner.

Their so fake and attention seeking. Its horrible
I completely agree with this. You can see how nasty Ella is… she smirks and makes snide comments and does not hide it well. I agree she is the ringmaster and just lets Tim thing he is. As much as he is a lazy sod, he does seem a bit nicer than her and is actually more maternal than Ella. She just seems nasty.

Does anyone remember the video where they were walking through the park, it was a couple of years ago, and Tim and Ella played a mean prank on at the time a three year old Harper? They scared her with a dead worm or something? Anyway, Hosanna had to comfort her and tell them that scaring her wasn't funny. They just shrugged and kept laughing. It was years ago but I still think about that for some reason. It was just really eye brow raising to me even back then, how Tim and Ella acted. Like the way Hosanna was comforting harper was like she had to do it all the time.
I don’t remember this one but I will never forget when they played the atrocious prank on Hosanna with pretending Houston was kidnapped. They found her pain and horror to be hilarious and they only apologized to save face. Ella acted smug about that, too. They are nasty, vile people.
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Cherry B

So they basically pay for nothing. The grandparents, and the kids bring in the money which they happily splurge a lot of on themselves. It's a shame they have so many people fooled. People are telling them they should write a parenting book and asking how they do it all. I bet it's quite easy when you don't have to work for anything, and get the older kids to raise the younger ones. The grandparents might be in a tough spot. They may want to cut Ella and Tim off but they don't want to see the kids go without. Meanwhile they keep having more kids. It's pretty much emotional blackmail.
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Gosh she dresses them girls so chavy sometimes 🤢

At Tim’s big age his shoe lace should not be looking like this, it’s not cool bro😩
The boys too. I hate the way they try and make Rue talk and act like a little thug.

Tim looks like such a twat I can't! So embarrassing! 😂 😂 😂
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Chatty Member
Yeah, Tim clearly you’re on here so can we mix it up with the eating vlogs, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. I can’t take the plate scrapping 😬 Also you didn’t even say what you were eating (very rude ) and so doesn’t make it a mukbang 🤷🏾‍♀️

If you can also start doing actual vlogs that are well edited (since you have the time) instead of you all just filming for 20 minutes doing one thing. Why not combine a few days?! It would also be great if you actually did more on camera, cooking cleaning, gardening, washing the car, diy something 😁
Yup, there are plenty of family channels Tim wonk wonk grimwade can take note from. It's not that hard. Some peoples vlogs even go into the next day or even the next couple of days instead of just talking about nothing for twenty minutes in the same day, instead of banking on Rue saying something cute, they should try that. A very lazy YouTube channel when you think about it. All they do is talk about the same things, preach, and brag.
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If this is true on how much they make a month from YouTube, it is very interesting. This video says their income is around £2000 a month from YouTube 🧐 I thought it would be a lot more. They are better off just getting proper jobs
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If am honest when I started watching the family I did feel envy,how perfect I thought rhey were,well behaved kids and perfectly dressed,no dirt or messy hair (my daughter looks she been dragged through hedge 5 mins doing her hair)and parents that appeared to be perfect,homeschooling with the kids involved in discussions as a family etc,I thought where have I gone wrong when she got more kids then me and keeps them spotless and no arguing and shouting but I came to realise that they arnt what they appear to be,the dad is a lazy,arrogant git and the mumjust barks iorders or talks down to the family and the viewers quite happy not to be them,my kids are well dressed,but are allowed to get mucky and messy,play with toys (carnt usually aee my living room floor with toddler toys)but my house is clean and the kids are happy and argue like normal children do but do love each other not like the robots these parents have created,no real fun things to do,always stuck with each other no real interaction with the outside,friends and playing so il take my life over there's any day am not perfect and don't pretend to be either
That's the thing about these social media families and couples, they usually aren't what they appear. What we see is one hundred percent what they want us to see. Though sometimes things slip, even in edited content, and we see a snippet of what things are really like. It makes me kind of upset to see people feeling bad about their own lives and their own families because of some fake mess a youtube or Instagram model put out. Like the people in the grims comment section wanting to raise their kids like ella and Tim. So, when it doesn't work, because it's not real, these people are going to feel like there is something wrong with themselves or even their kids. Like one commenter made a comment about their eleven year old not being as mature or as talented as heze. I hate to think some of the parents are like, 'why can't you be more like heze grimwade! Be more mature!' I want to say : It's not real. It's edited. It's scripted. You don't really know these people. Don't compare your real children to these 'fake children' on YouTube
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Ms Shenanigans

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I would rather not read comments about the children's heritage or Ella's colour. We need to be very conscious and respectful about issues relating to colour. Even with Tim being white married to a black woman. I know Ella is obsessed with her children's hair type and skin tone and Tim may be obsessed with all things Caribbean but let's not put any devisive comments up on this site. As a black woman I have had to listen to the BS of unconscious bias and assumptions my whole life and this site should be a safe site for all of us to enjoy without feeling uncomfortable about other people's comments about colour. Making assumptions based on people's colour is not helpful l!!
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Am I the only one who sees Rue as a normal three year old?? I get so confused by the comments about him being so smart and wise and find myself wondering how many children have their viewers been around. Who calls a three year old with no life experience wise?? All three year olds repeat and regurgitate what they hear the people around them say. The things they see on tv too. I really don't get it. Are all the children I know just advanced or something?? Rue has a nice 'personality' (how much of that is real, who knows) but he is for sure not some genius or outlier as far as three year olds go. I feel mean saying that, but I really don't get it.
Yes to this! If he can read, write knows his numbers then I’d say he is very smart for his age.
Rue is a product of his environment he knows how that family runs, what to say and when to say it. So he is very aware and has caught on quick to the Grimwade way.
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Most of the creepy ones are in the states because nobody in England knows who they are 🤣🤣🤣

I find it so weird how people are commenting calling themselves aunty, family, cousin to these strangers on youtube. Tim & Ella clearly don't care about safety whatsoever
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New member
“Unless it’s very job-specific, you’re not gonna use that” – agreed. Are you comfortable eliminating a number of career options from your children’s lives without giving them the opportunity to see if they’re interested or talented in that area?
100% this ⬆
I was actually angry watching it. How dare he willingly take opportunities away from his children. What a f**ked up mindset. Doesn't every parent want their child to succeed and achieve more than themselves. Not our Timmy though, what an absolute disgrace to deny them opportunities in science and maths and probably many other subjects also. Goodness knows those poor kids won't be taught the periodic table... Never used it since school eh Tim.. O2??? H20??? And god forbid they might be able to understand the chemical symbols on a fire extinguisher. He makes me so mad.
I was surprised that the oracle that is Timothy Grimwade didn't edit out the bit about the stamp duty... What's that Tim? You didn't know it, oh my my, but I thought you knew everything 🧠???
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Chatty Member
Yes, they were telling the truth about the stables being nearby. I wouldn’t post their address, for the safety of the children, and ask that nobody else does either, but it’s fun to work it out. But my point is, Tim, that if I can find it from the comfort of my armchair, then anyone can. Vlogging in your home street and also showing places that you visit near home is not a very safe way to operate online when you have 6 kids being put in the spotlight. Some of your ‘Grimwade Gang’ are delusional in that they genuinely believe you homeschool and that you are good parents…and that you are strongly religious. Once they see through it all, and if they live relatively locally to London, then instead of being advert revenue fodder, they then become a threat to your family. Some of these ‘fans’ have nothing better in their lives and will hang off your every word, that can turn dangerous very quickly.
They have quite a few creepers. Some of the comments are borderline sus. Kristen Carter is the loudest but she's not the only one. In the video where Rue joked about having five girlfriends, a lot of the comments were especially strange. I guess they were joking too, but saying things like if a three-year-old was a few years older they would love to be one of his girlfriends turned my stomach.

I hadn't thought about it before really, but you're right, their fans are very delusional and creepy. I wouldn't put it past one of them to try to 'save' the children if they start to notice that Tim and Ella aren't really that religious at all, and start showing up at their house. Luckily, it seems most of their creepier fans are in the states, but then again those are just the ones who comment.
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Are you for f*cking real.. Heze has a football in the David Lloyd changing room

Not Ella In the ig stories bigging up hosanna and how lovely her curls are 🤔 after a few years ago saying how she preferred the other girls hair.. defo read here
And did you notice Hosanna's curls were all frizzy and dry? Like Ella does nothing to keep the kids hair healthy. For a black woman, she really knows nothing about caring for hair of people of color.
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I would respect them more if they would just own their shit and say "Heze would prefer to have his own room, but for now we'd prefer him to share with Reu because of xyz." They clearly pressure (or outright force) their kids to recant previous comments and it makes the whole vibe so unsettling. The kids are being raised to feel a lot of shame for experiencing negative emotions.
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